TILLAMOOK, OREGON NOVEMBER 21, 1912. A marriage license was issued to wholesome smell around the cheese W. B. Staines and Miss Nellie Slater, factories often caused by whey. both of Rockaway.HIMI ME A Union Thanksgiving service Another Pioneer Passes Deposit all your income at will be held in the U. B. church on Away. Thanksgiving evening. Rev. H. Tillamook. Oregon, this bank and pay it out by check. W Kuhlman will preach the aer- We have to announce the death mon. Special music by a union Thus you will make a written choir. The choir of the Presbyter­ of Mrs. Syrah J. Perkins, or better known as Grandma Perkins, who ian church will sing an anthem. record of all your money trans­ OFFICERS passed away on Wednesday in thia z RE. Clauton, master fish warden, citv at the age of 92 years. She was actions, which may be referred shipped in 200,000 salmon eggs one of the early pioneers of Oregon W m . G. T ait , President. from the Rogue river. The reason and crossed the plains in 1853 and to months or years hence, when J. C. H olden . Vice-President. these eggs were brought here was. endured the hardships and priva information is wanted, or the if possible, to procure a spring run tions of those strenous times. The C. L. M c G hee , Cashier. of salmon. The eggs will be hatched deceased lady was highly respected amount or time of a payment is at the Wilson river hatchery and in Tillamook Couuty, everybody the young fry released as soon as questioned. having a kindly word to say of her. DIRECTORS they are large enough to take care She was a loving wife and mother, of themselves. Most of the large deposits and her relatives and friends will P aul S chrader . The Clearance Sale at Carl A always remember her with much began as small ones. Patzlaf’s store this week attracted reverence. She had been an invalid C. W. T almage - so many persons that it was found tors number of year«. A checking account at this B. C. L amb . necessary to allow only a certain Sarah J. Perkins was born in bank will be your stepping stone number of persons in the store at Jensee ¡County, New York, on the W m . G. T ait . one time. Mr. Patzlaf has the re­ 17th March, 1821). When a child she to success. putation of carrying a fine class of moved with her parent« to Indiana. J. C. H olden . goods, and selling them at actual About the age of 21 she was mar­ cos’, people have been lined up to ried to William H. Perkins, of get admission. Momence, Ill. In the summer of CAPITAL Of course the women will attend 1853 they crossed the plains and $30.000 00 and take part in the city caucus, settled in Yamhill County, Oregon, STATE ; which takes place at the Court house where they lived until October. 1862. SUPERVISION TILL-A IQOK CITY. ORE. OUNTY next Monday evening, which will They moved to Tillamook County be the first time they will have of where «he has since made her home. exercising the suffrage, and as it Het husband died in 1890 in Tilla­ LAMOOK JOTTINGS1 For Sale,-A horse 1400 pounds, will be a novelty to them to partici mook County. She leaves two ' or will consider a trade for a buggy pate in a city caucus to nominate a children, 1 Maryette Johnson, of Killed On The Railroad. School Notes. ! Prairie, and Miron Perkins , McFee is in from Dayton on horse. Apply to Guy Ford, Maple city ticket, it is expected there will South Leaf Creamery, • be a large number of women pre- of ' this city. She also leaves 14 The play given by the Boys' Ray Wilson was fatally injured on I mm > | grand children, several great grand Friday nt Hanks by a train accident. Atli'et-c Association oti Friday and Superintendent Fields and other sent. ome Made Mince Meat at the • officials of the Southern I Pacific “ and six great, great grand He was a brakesman on the 1*. R. Saturday nights, was well attended $33,000 will buy one hundred acres children ' in Market. to mourn their loss. At & N., and lost his balance and fell mid according to reports was en­ , . , catne in on Wednesday with the of land on Garibaldi beach on which children ' wanted at Tillamook J ennies the time of her death she was 92 from the train while it was in joyed immensely. The boys held a monthly pay checks. is platted the town of Moroney, inty Bank motion He struck his back on a business meeting on Monday and If you don't find what you want $5,000 down balance on easy terms. yearB, 8 months and 3 days old. orn, on the 13th, to the wife of The funeral service will be held cattle guard breaking the vertebrae. decided to pay up all bills of the at any other store in the city go to One half the town of Moroney 40 3. I.atnb, a son. the Tillamook Feed Co.’s, they have lot; 25 x 100 right on the railroad on Friday at the home, and the After the accident the unfortunate Athletic Association, Hnd with the 'anted,—girl for general house- a jjne of grocerjes • and 30 lots 50 x 100 half of them on interment will be in the Oddfellows man was placed on the passenger remaining money to buy basket Cemetery. k. Apply G. F. Chaphe. train and taken to Hillsboro, but ball material A vote of thanks was There will be a slight change in the beach and half of them right died before reaching that city. He extended to the three young ladies 'anted,—Empty Sacks. Lamb-,||]e tjme schedule on the P. R. & on the railroad, price $6,000 and I had been working on the railroad who assisted so ably in the drama, rader Co. Elmore Dock. will put the water on the ground Birthday Parties. • N. from now on by reducing the for over a year. He was conscious and it was also decided to extend Moroney Town, M. Moroney, PoBt lasses fitted. Any kind, any running time thirty minutes, to Mr. Moore a little present for his office address, Rockaway, Ore. e Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * W. D. Stillwell reached the age of up to the time of his death, but had It will pay you to get their prices. services as athletic director. very little to Bay, with the exception The young people of the M. E. 88 years on Saturday, and to cele­ li P. Olds is quite seriously ill Still in the lead *' Dement’s Best ” The Ciceronian Literary Society of making a request that some one brate this event on Sunday a num ­ church are to give a reception on I net expected to recover. hard wheat flour in the city, to be will give their second program of tell his mother good bye for him. xel Nelson is at Fairfield, Iowa, had only of the Tillamook Feed Co." Friday evening at the Free Reading ber ofjrelativesand friends gathered The unfortune young man was the the year Friday. A very interest­ at the Stillwell residence, when a tre he will remain this winter. The Do not iorget the Sunday Chicken Room, to the young people of this son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee V. Wilson, ing program ia expected. pleasant time was participated and city and those in the rural districts. Emersonian program was put out on should see the stock ot feed Dfnntr at the Todd. Better than of Sandlake, who recently moved to The Epworth Leaguers are' partic- Congratulations extended to the Tillamook Feed Co. has on yon nan have at home for less money. the city, and was well known and on Monday, leaving about three | ulariy anxious to have young men venerable gentleman. There were id. » 1 Como and try us. Service from 5:30 respected in Tillamook County. He weeks for those on the program to and women attend who are not af­ four generations of the Stillwell ive chickens wanted at the Tilla-! TitX) p.m. * was born at Prineville, Ore , Jan prepare their parts, milking no ex­ filiated with the church that all may family at the gathering, viz., W. D. ok Meat Company’s Market, 13c. It is reported that the Wheeler I become better acquainted. An in- Stillwell, M. V. Stillwell, Robert 1, 1890, and lived there most of the cuse justifiable for not being pre­ pound. • »aw mill is having trouble with its ■ teresting program is being pre- Stillwell and daughter, Marcia time until lie came to Sandhike with pared. A C. L. S. meet I ng was called on r. Jack Olson has opened den- foundation, which is pushing out ; pared and the social side will not Louise. Mr. Stillwell is qne of thr his parents two years ago. Tuesday to elect a pianoist, as The body was brought to Tilla into the bay, caused by the rail ­ early pioneers of Tillamook County parlors over F. R. Beals’ office, i be overlooked. Helen Stem was both piunoist and road cut at that point. ii phones. * I Train and mail service was re- and lias always been much re­ mook on Tuesday, and the next secretary. morning the funeral services t >ok spected. He was born in Ohio, and The City Transfer Co. are the fel­ ' sinned on Tuesday after being sus­ anted,—a six roomed Furnished place in the Presbyterian Church, and Freda lae for the winter. Apply at the lows who haul anything, anywhere, pended for five days. The two at the age of 20 crossed the plain« conducted by the pastor, Rev. D. her place. i idlight office. • ■ any time. Office on Main Street, trains which had been tied up at with hie parent« in 1844. reaching A. Mackenzie, and Rev. 1). L. A debate inerting was held ou ; opposite Clough ’ s Drug Store. Call | Garibaldi were able to reach this Oregon in 1845. He took part in the Shrode, and the interment was in Tuesday for the purpose ol detri- uperintendent W. S. Buel left on niining the nunil-er of ianoat office staff future on the second and fourth dnesday evening. L, L. Stillwell and family, R. R. of the ptople.’’ The Tillamook Thursdays in each month, instead quit for the day, most of the mail The taxpayer*, the men whose Stillwell and family, W. S. Hays, ou ought to see the special chop of once a month. The next meeting had been sorted. High will take ti e nflirmutive of the Floyd money pays for civic improvements, question There will l><- three de­ hog feed at the Tillamook Feed Mi«« Florence Eberman. will be on Thanksgiving Day. are the men who are interested in , made especially for them. • Eberman and Ida Reynolds bitors on each (Mill, The first try­ getting their money's worth When — a v-ii The lot owners at Bayocean, and CRUDE SUGAR FACTORY «st,- -A out was held on Wednesday, No­ Yellow Buck Skin PowefT llv especially those who are intending I ASSURED. A very pleMant surprise party was a paving projiosition is under con­ vember 2). Tillamook was ouile h money in it. Finder please to build in the near future, are given Saturday evening in honor of sideration, the) are doing some in­ successful in debating last year, re same at Patzlaf’s Store. • about to make a move so as to pro­ Dairymen Have Signed Up Frank Severance, the occassion being vestigating, as well as the city and we all hope she will win the lr. Thomas Ross, of Astoria, has cure a wagon road to Bayocean. | In Sufficient Numbers to his 67th birthday. The members of authorities. As a rule, whenever District and even the State Cham­ m in the county for several days The Allen House Grille serves a the Morning Star Rebekah Lodge of bitulithic award» are made, it is pionship, and that is not impro­ Furnish the Whey. 'king hands with old friends. merchant’s lunch every day at which Mr. Severance is a charter after a thorough investigation of bable uh T. 11 S. Ims some very 5 Per Cent Discount on every noon, 25c. Spring chicken always-'''Tillamook County is to have a member met, some 60 or more strong the merits of the various pavings good material. mg found on the Bargain Counter on hand. We aim to serve the best crude sugar factory and later a at Ed’s Garage at 7:45 and went in a under consideration, and upon the The High School foot ball team ’he Tillamook Feed Co. next thing to the best people at city sugar refinery, as almost enough body to the home of Mr. and Mrs. urgent request of the tax payers, will try to gain revenge from the tnrday. » prices. • whey have been contracted to Arthur Ruger, where Mr. Severenee who, if they must pay for city im- Tillies on Thanksgiving. From re L G. Freeman, of Corvallis, has prevents desire the kind that will ports both team» will lx strength­ By a mistake in the figures from justify putting $30,000 into a factory is making his home at present, and withstand heavy traffic, ami keep ened. *n in on a visit and was detained to extract sugar from whey. Mr. surprised him genuinely, The evening Baker County, where 500 additional i account of the tie up on the A. H. Hill, the Pacific Coast Agent was spent enjoying music and amid the re pars bill down to the mini­ Clarence Stanley, a member of votes were credit to the income tax ilroad. mum. the class *10, T H. S., entered the measure, it did not pass, making 11 for the National Milk Sugar Com­ games and other amusements and at Such was the case at Buckley, If you w'»h rooms for the Winter Holmes Business College of Port- measures to be approved, a list of pany, of New York, is in the city 10:30 all partook of a bounteous sup­ ' the month ‘ cheap. ” with hot or which will be found on another confering with Bert Severance, who per, after which Mr. Severance was Wn., where the recent award met land last week. W water and with bath, call at page. has been getting things in shape and presented with a pair of beautiful cuff with the hearty and practically For Sal«. * Todd Hotel. • contracts signed for whey. In links consisting of three engraved links unanimous approval of those most Attorneys Snow and McCamant, G« ‘o »he Clam market for Clams, making a start on the Pacific Coast from the lodge. Several other beauti­ interested._________ _____ and J. B. Eddy and Ellsworth Ben­ A fine driving horse six years to extract sugar from whey, Tilla ful gifts wars also tendered, all of «h and Crabs. Second Avenue, Sewer Pipe for Sale. old, buggy and harness, near!) ham, attorneys and officials for the 'J St, in the building back Southern Pacific, are in the city in mook City had a great advantage which went to show the high esteem For Sale all sizes of sewer pipes new, for fl.Vi rash. Inquire of Beai» office. over other points in the northwest, In which Mr. Severance is held by his and sewer conn ex tions. See I- II. Win. Phillipa, Tillamook, Oregon. connection with a suit brought by for more whey can be obtained in many friends. In return Mr. Severance McMahan. Box 368. Money to Ixian on Improved M. W. Harrison, which is being a smaller area in the neighborhood greatly appreciates the many tokens of ,r"n to the extent of about $41IX) tried today before Judge Kelly. of Tillamook City than any place in love and friendship extended towards APriL-Applvto John . The steamer Sue H. Elmore left the United States. It is proposed him and will ever remember witk nd Henderson 4 Son. Agents. on Sunday morning with a large at first to erect and operate a crude pleasure the celebration of his late The Ladies' Guild of the Presby- passenger list, the largest since the sugar factory and ship the crude •n Church will give their annual railroad has been running. This sugar East to be refined, but as birthday. Those present at the party besides "on December 7th, ami m was on account of the tie up on the toon as other .sugar factories are the members of the lodge were Misass "nectmn with the sale of f.ncy railroad, but owing to a rough bar erected, also to erect a refinery in Lillian and Ruth Severenee. Mr. Cloyd rv“**'ul ■rUc,e*- ,he ladies will the steamer was not able to cross this county. It is probable that Dawson, Walter Severance and Mr. Dsn e • dinner on that day. out and is sttll bar bound. Cloverdale will have a sugarfactory. Oliver. ___________ _ as that is another point in Tilla Card of Thank« mook County where a large amount of whey can be obtained in a small area.- The whey will be hauled We wish to thank nur many - . zx « x • from the cheese factories in auto friend« for their kindness and sym­ trucks every day, nn