Tillamook Headlight, November 14, 19UL I County Court Business. 6 I I » \\Wmade If from '/ Royal / Grape Oam^nar. Royal BakingPowder AbsoluielyPure No Alum No Urne Phosphat 'S A T.,„ P P,iul Pr>' Mic«. The Gerniiin poi^ * lug curiosity ai.„lt lt ' " •re IHdlte. but the satisfied, ami it ’ 1 piilut upon wbh-h |hf * given, suys M«. A|frwJ '11 "Home Life In Gernuny “ Before you have tw*u |„ r fortnight the po||fe «1)-..^ a'xiut you You have to ? your father's Christian * and tell them how he earIlwi and where he was born . l I mother’s Christian and nJ* and where she was born vl' declare your religion and if 1 married give yOur husband, (2 and aumame; also where he vw and what he does for a lfrin- J happen to do anything though, you need not They do not expect a wobu » anything further than married« gle. But you must say wh— where you were last In Genni» bow often you have been andiZ have come now and whatyooZ Ing and how long yon propose»( County Court convened Wednesday, the 6th day of November, 1912, with the following officers present : Homer Mason, Judge; H. V. Alley, H. M. Farmer, Commissioners; J. C. Holden, Çlerk ; H. Crenshaw, Sheriff. H. II. Tubbesinget ux, Fred Zaddach et ux. and Fred Kebbe et ux, file deed for county road ; a strip of land forty feet wide, beginning at the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of the aforesaid Sec­ tion twenty-five, running thence east to the center of the county road, run ning northerly and southerly through said section. Said Tubbesing requires an allowance to build about 120 rods of fence. Deed accepted for road from Geo. R. McKimens and wife, being strip of land 40 feet wide beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 1 Section 26 in Township 3 N. R. 10 W. of W. M. and running north and then west along the line of said lot 1. Emergency Gee Plier». out in Tillamook. D. W. Gilbert files deed for a road’ If nt any time you need a m Woman Suffrage Amendment: beginning at a point on the south side gas pliers, perhaps to take off as 300 Yes—66® The official canvas of the votes that Is not working well, and yoj of the county road 30 feet south 301 No—616 cast at the presidential, state and county elections last week was Creating Office of Lieutenant Governor: none at hand you can always» (X 35" west of the northwest corner of made on Friday by Justices E W. 302 Yes—423 pair that will do the work for th the SWJ of S Wi of Sec. 30, Township Stanley and Warren Mills, and tne 303 No—657 □lent, although they might not I m 3 south of Range 9 west of the W. M., returns were checked over on Sat­ Divorce'of Local and State Taxation: the thing for a gas fitter. Tata a I running thence south V 36”, west 22.7 urday, with the following results: 304 Yes 446 pair of scissors, and you will w feet ; thence south 88 23', east 60 feet, President. 305 No—622 where the bandies Join the blad» thence north 1° 37', east 24.4 feet to W. H. Taft, Republican. Permitting Different Tax Rates On usually open out into a sort of, to the south line of the county road ; Classes of Property : E. V. Carter...............................496 By putting a piece of undpqt M. J. MacMahon .................... 491 thence west 69.4 feet along the south 306 Yes 447 anything rough round tbe buatfi McKinley Mitchell................496 307 No—598 6.00 Cost bill, case State vs. M. Nel­ lino of the county road to the plac* of L. Lane .................................... . ... gas burner you can place thha Phil Metschan, Jr................ 493 14.10 5.00 son...................................................... L?e Lane ................................ Repeal of County Tax Option: beginning. John L. Rand....................... 485 part of the handle of the a* ........ 5.0o Cost bill, case State vs. Chas. 308 Y js -688 V. Lane In I lie matter of the petition of T. E. U. S Lane and teain 5.50 round It and then press the bld* GrifTeth............................................ Woodrow Wilson-, Democrat. ....... 5.Oo 309 No—674 Eppelett and others for countv road, W. Warren and team .......... ........ 11.00 Witnesses in case Andrew Hay­ the scissors together so as topq Majority Rule on Constitutional Hugh McLain.......................... 406 11.00 den...................................................... 11.80 hoard of viewers’ report favorable and J F. Wilson und team ..... Amendments: erage enough to twist tbe burner to WillM. Peterson.................... 407 Witnessee in case Grant Mar ­ 4.50 310 Yss—259 court orders road opened and known as F. Lewallen ........................... ..... John M. Watt .........................410 There are many little light johsi shall............ ....................................... 12.60 7.25 <’. Lewallen........................... .. . 311 No—686 D. M. Watson........................ 411 a oublie highway. can be done with a pair of pllerii John Embum, witness fee, case ....... 5.50 W. Peacock............................. Double Liability on Bank Stockholders: out of a pair of scissors If yg F. C. Whittier ...................... 406 In the matter of the petition of Vin­ W Thomas ............................. 3.90 State vs. Roy Dunham.............. . 5.0o 312 Yes—732 E. W. Chapin, Prohibitionist. careful to have something bad 3.50 S. A. Broadhead for 2 ballot box­ cent Jacob for refund of taxes for year .1. Thomas ............... • . ...... 313 No—267 A. E. Eaton ... 45 5.00 es ......................................................... ....... 6.00 Jo. Price and team . . Statewide Public Utilities Regulation: tbe handle and the object souk 1902, the court being fully advised, it E. J. EvanB .. 48 F. Sehersinger, team.......... .... 17.00 Geo. Wilt, for wood, labor and vent the scissors from slipping« 314 Yes—566 is ordered that said petition be rejected. Hiram Gould . 45 4.00 4.25 lumber at election...... ............. Fred Sehersinger ................... ..... New York Sun. 315 No 427 In the matter of the petition of C. M. Ole Lane E. S. Hammond................. 47 3.00 H. Crenshaw, delivering ballot .................... ......... ..... Creating Cascade County : Bruce Wolverton ............. 46 boxes......... .. .................................. 25.00 Gi'idirgs for refund of taxes for the 1!. Kellow................................... ..... 3.50 318 Ye»-a7 Th» Baby and tha Junk Scala ................. .. .. 24.30 Fairview Grange Hall rent for E. V. Debs, socialist. years J9U7 to 1911 inclusive. After G. Symes 319 No-622 When a son was born to the M 9.00 ... . 5.00 election.............................................. W. Kodad and team ......... C. W. Banta .......................... 156 due consideration, the court being fully Millage Tax for State Colleges : a certain family In an Ohio ton .. 15.00 Geo. W. Whelps, services at elec­ Nelse Haglund ..................... H. T. Butler............................. 157 advised, taxes and interest to the E. McLaughlin........................ ..... 15.00 320 Yes—387 proud father rushed out of th« k 1.80 tion..................................................... George Dabilz .......................156 321 No — 607 amount of 39.23 was returned to Mr- S. D Moon . 17.00 T. A. Porter, building election ........... .... to borrow a pair of scales. Jut a P. Lewis ........................160 F. Welch .... 1.00 Majority Rule on Initiated Laws: Gidd;n<;t. booths................................................ 4.35 dashed out of the gateway b» rail O. Henry Oteen.................... 159 .... 186.0(1 322 Yes—320 In the matter of application of N. E. Geo Souders ............................. Surveying Garibaldi-Wheeler road: a Junk dealer, who was callln«i Theodore Roosevelt, Progressive. Alva Gore ................................. ... 124.00 323 No—648 69.50 Reyr dds and others for a county road G. W. McCormick ................... A. S. Geddes............................ 365 . 118.50 Fred Zaddach.. County Bonding and Road Construction, tbe top of bis lungs: Arthur Evans. 50.37 L. H. McMahan........... ...369 "Any rags, any bottles, any"- in Tcwnship 2 south Range 9 west W. J. Amondaen ... ....................... .. 118.50 Grange Bill: 41.65 Levi W. Myers....................... 366 87.75 W. Lamb......... "Look here!” exclaimed the a' M., G. J. Poysky, Forrest J. Ayers and C. White..................................... 324 Yes—465 C. Stedman... 42.40 W. K. Newell ...................... 367 59.50 parent. "Come Into the botnel I 325 No—547 R. O. Richards were appointed as a F. Cross ............................. .... J. Suetsinger. 78.00 A. K. Ware........................ 362 T. Wilson and team................ 43.50 Creating State Highway Department. you to weigh something tor me.' 75.00 board of viewers to meet at Pleasant A. Scott ......................................... 20.00 R. Johnson ..... Congressman. Tbe man did as requested. The Grange Bill: Valley cheese factory on Wednesday, Geo. Souders ............................... 18.00 Campbell, Prog............. Salaries 153 326 Yes-215 mite was tied up In a towel uil Alva Gore ............................... 8.00 C. A. Johnson................ Hawley, Rep .................. 75.00 646 the 13th day of November. 327 No—796 ed on to tbe scales. 7.00 H. Crenshaw...................... Richards. Soc ............. 133.33 158 In the matter of the approval of G. W. McCormick ..................... Dhanging Date State Printer Bill: “Six pounds!" cried tbe aom. J. Amondsen ............................. Smith, Dem.... ... . 7.00 Vida Rogers ...................... 219 50.00 deed of dedication of Bar View Heights Grant Dawson.......... ................. 328 Yes—298 Stillman, Prohi............. "Six [rounds!" repeated the I 15.00 K. Mills ........................... 75.00 75 No — 654 829 by I.loyd C. Smith, same is approved. Geo. Souders, meals for men 17.33 J. C. Holden .................... Senator. 133.33 pointed father. l E. E. Cross, gravel and labor. .. 113.50 W. S. Buel........................... Bourne, Ind..................... Creating office of Hotel Inspector: 83.33 429 The Junkman smiled. "Doa'tkt Road District No. 1. Clark, Prog....................... E. B. Barthrop, lumber and nails 192.64 B. L. Beals................. ..... 330 Yes—176 83.33 77 worry you. my friend,” said he. 1 ('. V. Stokes, team............. .. .» 27.50 Cloverdale Lumber Co.................... Lane, Dem ......................... 7.33 A. M. Hare ..................... 100.00 283 331 No—871 Is the scales I buys by. I P® A. C. Juris, team.............. . 28.75 . Paget, Prohi..................... Eight hour day on public works : J. H. Johnson.................. 75.00 02 kid weighs ten pounds, maybell 1). W. Carlson...................... 14.75 Total Ramp, Soc......................... 1354.40 Homer Mason............... 7... 100.00 129 332 Yes—621 Joe Harrison, team............ . . 31.00, over that”—Detroit Free i’rwa Selling, Rep..................... H. M. Farmer................... 48.00 336 333 No—468 General Fund. C. F. Struby, team............. 37.25 H. V. Alley........................ 52.00 Blue Sky law: Secretary of State. Ben Johnson ......................... 4.45 Wm. Bodyfelt.................... .... 18.00 King & Smith, merchandise .. 45.00 334 Yes—429 Kennedy, Prog............... His Plea. 153 Sum Johnson ................... . . 6.75 A. G. Beals Lumber Co................ 20.17 W. H. Hoskins................. 36.00 335 No—662 Olcott, Rep..................... 749 “ 'Bleeged to yo’, sah,” said l Joon Johnson ......................... .... 3.00 J. C. Holden, freight .................. 68.06 Fred Zaddach................... 18.00 Reddaway, Soc............. Prohibiting Private employment 176 gruntled looking negro who hid s Wm. Derby .................. . 4.60 W. B. Aiderman ............. 4 00 H. L. Provost, merchandise....... 80.00 Ryan, Dem ..................... 252 or convicts: his way Into the office of a pnei Geo. R. McK immens .......... 1.25 Tohl & Anderson, merchandise .. 17.15 H. M. Farmer ................ 40.00 White, Prohi..................... .... 66 336 Yes-684 for men.... G. W Zaddach and team ... Arkansas attorney, "and I .... 20.50 Marie Mitzke, . meals ____________ ____ 92.33 F. J. Ayer............................ ..58.80 Justice of the Supreme Court. 337 No—406 Felix Kebbe ........................ 4.75 Gray Eagel miil, lumber ............. 16.17 git a dlvo’ce fum mub wifi • Bright, Prohi..’............., 99 Relating to employment of county A. Easutn and team ........... F. E. Gross and others, work on grounds dut she has done been#* Eakin, Rep......................... 722 The Killkare Klub. Blaine bridge ................................ 99.50 J R. Hicks ........................... and city prisoners: Slater, Dem............ *.... 322 things at me fo' de last sevee [• 338 Yes—661 ______ Lamb-Schrader Co., cement tile 402.86 E A. Worthington ............ Weaver, Soc....................... 194 "Ah! And have any of tbe «4 Killkure Klub met last Thursday J. J. Spencer .......................... Bay City Livery................................ 2.50 339 No — 378 ~ Food Commissioner. seriously injured you?” W. F. Baker, stationery.............. 10.56 nt the home of Mrs. A. A. Penning­ State Road Bonding Act Harmony Barzee, Soc......................... 186 "Sah? No. sah! She didn't I Total ........................................... 209.25 Tillamook Electric Light Co... . 36.45 ton. Roll call was responded to by Dunbar, Prohi ................. 118 Bill: nti unusually choice number of City Transfer Co ......................... ., uoue o' dem sawt-uh ar-tickleed 4.75 Road District No. 2. 340 Ye: 235 l.ea, Dem.............................. 362 quotations. Mrs. Claude Campliell King& Smith Co., merchandise 9.75 she dess tiling dishes, and store II Mickle, 341 No-762 . . Rep . .......... ............ ........... 632 Geo. Williams, hauling and lay­ I). M. Oliver, labor ........................ 3.55 handed in her resignation, as she and skillets, and a ’casional cel< Railroad Commissioner. ing two pipe culverts................. 9ute Road Indebtedness : 2 50 Mutual Telephone Co. ................. is leaving the city, which was ac ­ 4.60 Campbell, Rep ........... »93 145 yds. gravel at 85c yd. . 342 Yas—605 I or suppiu' dut-uh way. And 6ffl 123.25 Pacific Telephone Co....................... 22.60 cepted with much regret, ns she has District Attorney. uone of 'em hit me—dat is. t«m A. Holden, team ............................ 343 No—462 9.60 Win. Body felt, labor ......... ......... 15.00 been one of the most helpful mem Hill, Rep ................... II. James, team ............................... 719 But wid uil dis yuh practisil * 1.50 H. Crenshaw, board piisoners .. 8.50 hers, having had a voice in its County Bonding Act : Holmes, Dem ............... G. Parrish ..................................... 432 2.50 Glass & Prudhomme, stationery 235.00 organisation and proving an able dese days she's gwiue to • 344 Yes -398 State Senator. Z. lleasee, team ....... ................ 5.00 Dr. Wendt, services insane......... what they call a’ expert andhekl 5.00 worker along all lines to promote 345 No — 599 Hollis, Rep ....................... J. Perry, team................................. 922 2.50 C. I. Clough, Mdse, county poor 129.71 , its welfare. .... All unite ... in wishing head!”—Woman’s Home CeOJ®® Representative. A. Myers .......................................... 7.50 E.T. Haltom, Mdse, county poor 13.68 her much happiness and prosperity Handley, Rep ................. *.'. It. Lumk . .................. 1086 2.17 1 in her new home Mrs Campbell 25.00 W.D. Gladwill, milk county poor , i" who was Postmaster N \l. Nelson, tenni .... Power of » Sow* 25.50 Jones-Knudson, county poor ...... 33.30 chose Mrs. Fred Christenson as her County Clerk, A pleasant incident happesrfa W ,ii Maxwell, team ..... at Neihart, Montana, writes : “ I Mrs. Blanchard, Soc............. 28.76 Nehalem Livery .............................. 54.55 successor to membership. 284 E Knight, team............ recommend Foley’s Honey A Tar Crystal palace In London 2.00 U.G. Jackson and others, Wheel­ Holden, Rep ................... 1060 Small read an entertaining and help- John Nelson .............. Compound to all my people, nnd Albani was once singing tbt'vt 17.37 Sheriff. er road survey................................ 172.00 ful paper she had prepared 1 on the N. M. Nelson .............. they are never disappointed with it. Partridge." As soon as tbe >.*k®* city of Boston. She was able to 4 50 U. G. Jackson, Bayocean road Allender, Soc................. 228 Foley « Honey and Tar Compound J. Horriss, team ............. make thia especially interesting, as Crenshaw, Rep............ 8.00 report. Nestucca pi eject, Gari­ 1112 A. Kaye* ....................... . for coughs and colds gives the best over one of the audience, • I*® 3.00 Treasurer. baldi-Wheeler road survey ... 194.10 she has been a visitor in the city A. Blume........................... possible result«.” Sold at Lamar’s well known as a good shot Beals, Rep......................... 1038 many times Mrs Sarchet con- 36.30 Ross Shreeve, Garibaldi-Wheeler Drug Store F. Blume, team ........... sportsman, called upon Mm* 56.25 Morton, Soc......................... road survey...................................... 40.40 eluded the reading on the Marmoth 323 J. Blume............................ nnd said, "Madam. I am w*n • 29.40 Geo. W. Poysky, surveyor and j Cave. Mrs. Pennington certainly Assessor. J. Proctor, tesm . ................ . 5.00 proved herself well versed in the Berger, Soc....................... that I bave shot many a little * 66.25 viewer Epplett road .................. 235 J’.1,Bal*ey,> 8 p- R- Engineer C. E Pearson, team ........... 4.00 acts of entertaining, nnd all voted 39.25 W. B. Aiderman, viewer............ .. Johnson, Rep ............... 1110 In my time, but after beartogf* e ’ Ark - 88 Y® • ’ “ I suffered E. Pearson .............. ............... 4.00 that this was one of the best of the 23 00 M. V. Stillwell, viewer................ Surveyor. with kidney and bladder trouble so that song I will never kill IL Simmonds............................. 10.00 T. H. Goyne, attorneys services 14.00 ! many delightful afternoons the Kill- Cross, Soc......................... 360 bad I was unable to work. I had delicate compliment to a greet®! 11 Moore ............ .................. karites have spent together. Jackson. Rep.......... / 1012 27.50 Dolan Ä Hanenkratt for building Mrs •UC!1J ?evere P«ins in my back I !.. Burke 1 50 cement walk at court house.... 721.28 Bert Severence will entertain next Commissioner. could hardly ¿et up. I tried several and to a song. B. Turner Thursday at the home of Mr» 11.75 A. E. Doerge, inspector on ce Alley, Ind....................... 520 phvaician« with no result, but W. B. Turner ............................ Emmet Bales. EdnerJRep ................... ' ’ 5 60 ment walk ........................... . Foley Kidn.y Pills have done won- Two War* 713 C Daaniond .......................... 23.00 C. W. Goeres, labor ........... Scovell, Soc..................... A pompous physician wk» 1 177 ii” a I,rc“mmend then to I . J. White............................... .50 Will Goeres, labor................... School Superintendent all. Sold by Lamar’s Drug Store, dined to criticise others <**_* Stock Running at Large R Wyant ............................... 19 00 Wm. Bodyfelt, labor.............. Buel, Rep ..................... 1043 a stonemason build a F. Reynolds ........................... 21.60 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Coroner. neighbor, and thought tbe A. L. Blackburn, team 11.75 Geo. Willett office rent ............... Iu a lengthy communication, a Randall ..................... 40 11. Schlspp*. “ ’ ’ te«m ....................... . 31.50 Tillamook Herald, printing.......... Hawk .... ......... •eCou«h Remedy t* using too much mortar Hess* correspondent is wanting to know 46 Boat«....................... ’ L. Hi'ugan, team ..................... 13.28 W. S. Buel, express ................... the beat cough medicine I have mortar covers up a good ■* 36 how many precincts there are where Henkle ......... ......... ’ ’' ’ M. Darby............................................ 2.25 Tillamook Meat Co., county poor •ver used,”; writes Mrs. Hugh 32 does It notT' stock is not allowed to run at large Campbell of Lavania, Ga "I have takes, 2.25 Tillamook Feed Co . county poor A. Vnughan. team ......................... Kerron ................. "Yes. doctor.” replied tks 10 and what action should be taken I Clem Hurlman ........ ............... 3.00 Alex McNair, merchandise ......... used it with all i By children and _ Port of Nehalem. "and so does the spad* 43.50 Tillamook Iron Works................... Ray Williams, team . I to prevent it. This is the gist of i Rowe........ 184 H. Williams, team ................... . 15.00 E. P.Jamison,orange peel bucket Home Journal. factory. For sale by ail dealers. ' the communication, leaving out all ' Tohl ......... 187 10.00 Cloverdale Mercantile Co.,Mdse. A. Mance, team .............................. Zaddach . personalties. 167 2.644 American Hoist and Derrick J. Wilk«.............................................. Too Costly- , Twinge« of rheumatism, back- Port of Bay City, Co., merchandise ....................... 247.52 Dav« Blaser, team ............. .... 10.60 Previous to the election. Tilla- "According to this psp<- Boxorth . ......................... 214 ■che. stiff joints and shooting 127.26 •noook. Hoqusrton. Fsirview, South Gustav Bug non ............................... 20.40 Tillamook Iron Works Jacoby .. ........................... 197 P*>oe «11 show your kidneys are not Naggs. "widows make the bS" j Prairie, and Carnahan were in ' Fi eland Ricker............................... 12.06 Williamsport Wire Rope Co. Nelson .. ........................... 288 "1 don't doubt It uiy ***' »orkmg right Urinary «rregu- merchandise .......... ...................... 28.60 the prohibitive precincts, and at Geo. K ehm........................................ 22.50 Trombtey ....................... 158 2°w* oi nervou«neae, Nagga. “but nevertheless I • ...................... 7.20 the election lust week Beaver. Foley I I Wm. Ryan....... ................................... 42.00 Barthold Barg Co Wood . .............................. 234 9.75 Gem Theatre, rent for teachers’ ihe ,nd i0" ki*> L. Blaser for watching gales lain no nabit forming Trythefn sSld ed In th* human twri ** Taylor and 7.00 A. II. Chamberlain, services and building bridges allowed to run at large anywhere in Fl Try them Sold Ed Worthington, tie, 22 each. teachers inatitute. Hacar Little, gravel Put on ’oad 92.80 •* Lamar a Drug btoae. 45.13 the county. soo against It ba* wes^1 4tn Dietrict—Juetice, Miles War H. C. Osteen, service* teachers timer Hall, building road above Kot the information of our cor- ren ; constable, J. J. l.ongcor. among th* mo*t dim ate« institute.. ............................ 75.00 Yellow Fir ................................... 19.85 respondent and others, we will give 3.K Todd Hotel..teachers institute ex ■torra. __ Mrs. Wheeler, gravel County Indebtelneir* the I»« so thH, they ,,|JV 2 pense ... 34b Yes 472 J. II. Moore, hauling lumber 12 90 tly informed how «nd in what H. Crenshaw, extra help in 347 No—479 Andrew Zuerehcr, gravel ........... o. McGEE, M.D. sheriff ’a office............................ . 30.00 manner they can inforve it if they Providing Method for ConeolWattaw w lillamook Hotel Co .gravel used -a'* «fievance against those 140 00 Cloverdale Mercantile Co. mer- on Xetarta road who will not comply with it. The chandi**............................................ 28. B Dirt used on road north of l»w IS SS follows: Tillamook City ................. . 93 00 J il Baker, labor i4»No-547 43.60 *> of the votes cast 1 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON F. D Snodgrass. M Ise...... 4 5« Incom* Tax Amendment • ‘ »«»W b* against atoefc running st Tillamook Headlight, printing. 1406.52 Total---------------- ------------ 242.60 Urge, the county clerk «hall give SM Yes 429 C*sl bill, case Sts’.* v- \ > Ml No—619 office : One Block East of I drew Hayden 15.30 notice bv publication in some new». Tax Exemption on Houeebeld pa(ier of general circulation in the Cost bill, case State v< Grâ- t 362 Y*e—6M »»•¡•¡S’mV’.L*?’* ‘"I16* '••S*00 PWibct ' Marthall. Post Office. 363 No -519 |it the elevliou for «tuck running at fliiC only 1 Baking Powder f Urge affects any one precinct only, Tax Exemption on Moneys and Credit«. «54 Yes-«77 tor three <3) consecutive weeka, that 356 No—612 in aixty (60) day» from the date of ,aid notice it shall be unlawful for Rc":sing Inheritance Tax Law«: 356 Ye« 322 stock to run at large, under penalty 357 No-602 >f ten (10) dollars for the first offense, ind twerty (20) dollars for each and To Regulate Freight Rate«: every subsequent offense, to be re 358 Ye« -662 covered from tbe owner of the stock 359 No -343 m a civil action in the name of the County Road Bonding Act So Called State of Oregon before a justice Medford Bill: of the peace in the district in which 360 Yea—368 such owner or keeper or either of 3t»l No-585 them may reside, and if there be no justice of the peace in such district, Abolishing Senate; proxy voting then before any justice of the peace 362 Yea-ttt in the county, and it shall be the 363 No—677 duty of each constable in any justice State wide Single tax: of the peace dietrict, and of each 364 Yea-358 road supervisor in any road dietrict 365 No—760 to enforce the provieione of this Abolishing Capital punishment: section; and such penalty ehall be 366 Yes-488 for the benefit of, and when collect ed. paid into the common school 367 No -681 fund of the county in which such Prohibiting boycotting: action is brought, within sixty 368 Yes-411 (60) days after such animal is prov­ 8O0 No—614 ed to be at large. Giving Mayor authority to control street«: 370 Yes— 417 OFFICIAL COUNT. 371 No-636 Appropriation for University: Woman Suffrage Carried in 374 Yes—287 County—Republians Win 876No—767 „.11 I? *° tel1 xou that