rillamook Headlight, November 14 1912. School Notes No Difference. It was a breezy morning, and tbe cRy train was packed A crusty old geutJe- aian with his back to the engine "pre­ ferred the window down for ventila­ tion,” while a wheezy individual fac­ ing the window persisted in pulling tt up again, as be “bated these beastly east winds.” “I can’f stand this stuffy herring box!” chortled tbe crusty man, tugging tbe strap and letting tbe window drop for the fourth time. “Nor I these Siberian blasts that only convicts could stand." rejoined tbe wheezer. “Don’t you know it’s aa old adage that 'when the wind Is la tbe east 'tie neither fit for u» n«r you?’” “Ha, ha!” laughed the crusty man. appealing to the passengers to laugb also. “Here's a man who doesn’t know that old proverb. Why, sir. tbe last words are ’man nor beast.”' "Well, there's no difference In what I said,” chuckled the wheezer as tba passengers roared in chorus.—Leodea Tit-Bits. Twa Travelers, iMffsty as a matter of experiment a BMOeman determined to ascertain how tbaroughly be could familiarize him- •■d with a country by means of maps ■ad books of description. To make tea can« as difficult as possible he ebon» Madagascar, of which to that ■outeat be had no knowledge except a asoat general character. He pur- aaad thia Inquiry diligently and with ■creosiag relish. At the end of four • five years a man who bad Just re­ fereed from Madagascar came into his «•Re Tbe conversation naturally tented upon tbe Island whence this ■aa had come. Tbe traveler finally asked. “When were you last In Mada- BMcarF' “I have never been there." waa tba res poo»«. "Why," ««claimed the other, “you know mor« about It than I do.” A similar story ia told of Yen Humboldt, who never saw Jero aal«m. but produced a thoroughly re­ liable account of tbe Holy City The traveler H ub often discovered that tba persons who apparently know laaat about a place are those who have Uv- ed In It all their days.—Chrtatiaa A4- »ovate. Notice. JOHN L HENDERSON, Lu. husky Tillamook City foot N otice is H ereby G iven ,—To L^ven defeated tbe fast little all whom it may concern: That the L School Common Council of Tillamook City, ATTORNEY & COUNSEL Oregon, did on the 10th dav of ection Day, by a LOR-AT-LAW. September. 1912, duly adopt Ordin- ■football» on E L ’ — - The Tills- line» No. 248, providing for a contin­ Lre of si* 1° nothing. uation of Sixth Street, in Tillamook Tillamook Block, Tillamook,Or :l made their one and Lok team City, Oregon, from the West line of Room No. g6x. jjy gcore in i- the first quarter when Second Avenue East to the East keTuo'« Til «be amook «¿•fh ’a qu* ,er> end of said Sixth Street aa it ia now *■" ’i School’s established in Central Addition to Tillamook City, and the said Com­ TT. T. BOTTS, d Rhodes. Tilla Ly yard line and — - mon Council did on October 21st, X A A ttornky - at -L aw . Lk'» right end, fell on the ball 1912, appoint Henry Rogers, M. fad ths High School gral hue; Melchoir and T _____ H.' ______ Goyne, three Complete set of Abstract Book disinterested freeholders7 Of’ TiihO- I .he ball had been touched by 11100k City, to view such proposed nofics. r.icjj pii.I tornou- Lety quarter back, H. Ebingcr, a- street and make an assessment of over the line, h touch [was going v — the damages and benefits on ac­ Residents. count of the laying out of the street LWII was scored. From that time mentioned in said Ordinance, and _ was evenly played, Tillamook Block. [ the game did appoint Monday the 25th day 7count of wet ground the Both phone*. L on acd--------- of November, 1912 at (he hour of S Lying waa rather ■ uncertain. In o’clock p 111., at the Council Room in the Commercial Club Rooms, in L last q quarter —*— the ” High School Tillamook Block; Tillamook City. “ was Lrted a kicking rally, ‘ but ‘ it arl HABERLACH, Oregon, as (he time and place for L |ate, as the whistle blew’ as tbe said viewers to meet. the fcool boys were nearing You A re F urther N otified ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, that the boundaries and terminus Jemy'B line. Another game will of the proposed street, being a con­ E played Thanksgiving and both Fun For the Elephants. tinuation of said Sixth street, are Ems will be strengthened. This A queer elephant yarn is told by tba Tillamook Bloc* described aa follows: Beginning at Eoinises to be a more interesting captain of a trading steamboat On the southeast corner of Block 1 of Prsphstie Bail*. one occasion he bad on board a car*» At 2 a m. on Sept 27, 1MB, tba Harter’s Addition to Tillamook City, Entest than the first. of forty elephants. The vessel waa world famous clock In th« great cathe­ and being in the West line of Second ■Some one started the rumor that Avenue East, and running thence Q.EORGE WILLETT, « » « • • ■ ai . «* »•><«»?’ Eoof our High School students anchored in a perfectly smooth sea off dral at Strassburg commenced to chime West 300 feet to tbe southeast cor­ the coast of Zanzibar, but to the great without rhyme or reason. It sounded Ed united in a matrimonial bond. surprise of the passengers the steamer ner of Block 1 of Central Addition FAMILY A t fornby - at -L aw . It least she has the ring, and he began to roll. At first they supposed 1,870 peals, then stopped, and after aa to Tillamook City, Oregon; running Interval slowly began to toll aa If far thence South 00 feet to the North­ Es the stnile. Whether or not this the motion to be caused by the ground a great one dead. Tbe political atmos­ east corner of Block 2 of Central Tillamook Commercial Building. RECIPES. ■ true will be ascertained in the swell, but when the motion kept in­ phere of Europe at that time was in­ Addition to Tillamook City; run­ IË » m' c- in in it « i thence East 300 feet to the Ear future; if it is true we wish to creasing there wn? general alarm, and dicative of profound peace. Nothing ning T illamook O regon . West line of Second Avenue East and the captain instigated an Investiga ­ ■tend to the newly wedded couple of danger or disgrace could by any pus- running tnence North along the West The valued family re* ■any hearty congratulations anil tion. Then it was revealed that tba slbility be conceived of as threatening line of Second Avenue East 00 feet ci; es for cough and cob ■d wish them happiness Both elephants bad In some way found that Strassburg or Its Inhabitants. Tat Maa to the place of beginning; the East­ T. BO ALS, M.D., cure, liniments, tonic« «n'­ Irties are still in school, but pro- by swaying to and fro all together than a year afterward tbe German ar­ ern. terminus of said street is the a rocking motion waa produced that other remedies ha ve es West line of Second Avenue East, mies bad encircled tbe city with a ring Ebly that has no significance. and the Western terminus of said careful attention here as ■ School did not take up on Mon­ seemed to please them Immensely. So of steel and fire. Tbe German shells Street is the East end of Sixth PHYSICIAN & SU KG EON, the great beads and bodies rolled and were falling thickly in her streets and the most intricate prescrip­ ty morning because of the fact swung Street, in Tillamook City. Oregon. ¡ in unison until the steamer, tions. ■at the gasoline engine which cir- which had no other cargo and rod« squares and exploding even within tbe as the same is now established ly-1 TILLAMOOK. liilated the hot air was broken, and lightly, was In Imminent danger of precincts of tbe stately cathedral it­ ing between Blocks 1 and 2 of Cen-1 And precisely at 2 a ■.. Sept tral Addition to Tillamook City, I Our fresh, high grade Tillamook Block. lie rooms of the school house were rolling clean over. The attendant» self 27. 1870. General Ubricb signed tba and the property proposed to be drugs will help to make Ko chilly, The engine was reoair- hurried down into tbelr hold and. after capltulatlou which was to deliver appropriated for such purposes i» these remedies more effec­ Mand school was resumed on Tues- a great deal of shouting and thumping, Strassburg into tbe bauds of the M- described as a strip of laud 52.32 feet in width off the entire south tive than ever. managed to atop the dangerous amuse­ vaders. M. KER RON, _ lay morning. side of the said described street. 1 I If you should hear some one sav. ment belonging to Ida Martiny, and a Right prices are also Ths Curious Limpets. strip 7.68 feet in width off the entire • f Stop! Stop! I tell you to stop,” assured. When Musicians Wsrs Scare«. The limpets are a curious klati af PHYSICIAN & SURGEON North side of said tract formerly Ind you don’t know what they In these days of conservatories and shellfish. They resemble the abaisMe belonging to J R. Harter, and not lean, just ask John E. and he will Tillamook Block, music schools, when each bouse has its In their habits. The interior in made included in the platted lots of Irobably tell you that the command piano or its organ, to say nothing of of the most brilliant colors, bronae and Harter's Addition to Tillamook las first spoken on Hallowe’en, devotees to tbe cornet, violin and ban­ Tillamcok, Oregon CLOUGH, iridescent hues predominating. They City. tear the south-west corner of the jo. it seems strange to assert that there are found on the west coast of Mexico I And all persons claiming dam­ by reason of the approptiation Reliable Druggist. Ichool building. Ask him any way. ever was a time when musicians were and are so large that the people use ages of the said property for said street I On Friday the Emersonian Liter- in demand, yet such was really the them for wash basins. They are fero­ are hereby specially notified to file w mi ar i • ■ Iry Society gave their first program case. “In the fifteenth century,” says cious animals and prey with greet vo­ their claim for such damages with If the year which was given very Henry M. Brooks In. his “Olden Time racity on clams. The process seems the undersigned. City Recorder of Tillamook City, Oregon, before the Imoothly and showed ability Only Music,” “musicians, were so scarce iff slow, but the limpet always get» there. time appointed for the meeting of England that they were impressed by PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, He gets Ills cover over the unsuspect ­ Ine number being omitted, which viewers as above set out. government order, as In more recent ing clam and puts his big foot on bls said Done by order of the Common Iras a male trio; the reason for the times seamen had to suffer in like shell, generally on a weak spot. Then Emission being 'the fact that one manner. Henry VIII. also issued war­ he whips out a long, wiry tongue and Council of Tillamook City. Oregon. BAY CITY, OREGON. Dated this October 22, 1912. ■lember of the trio was absent. rants for the impressment of children proceeds to bore a hole in his captive. [ seal ] T. B. H andley I The dramatically gifted students with good voices for the choirs of the When this Is done the shell files opeu. City Recorder of Tillamook City, Oregon. Fill give a four act comedy drama cathedrals, and In Elizabeth’s time and the limpet Is free to feast on the kt the Gem Theatre on Friday and children with the proper qualification poor clam's carcass. He eats but a Citation. Saturday nights entitled, ’’Uncle for her majesty's choirs were taken part and leaves the rest for the fishes REAL ESTATE, tube ” This play is full of merri­ from their parents without any com­ of tbe sea. I In the County Court of the Stat» of ment excitement and life from star’ pensation being given to the latter.” I Oregon for Tillamook County. How Canads Was Nsmsd. F inancial A gent , Io finish. There are eleven char- Matter of the Estate ) According to an eminent authority, | In of the He Could Prove It. Harry Wingate Cottle, keters namely: “How long can a human being exist when the Portuguese under Gaspar Tillamook, Oregon. Deceased. 1 rnben Rodney. (Uncle Rube) Jus- without air?” Cortereal in 1590 first ascended the St I n the N ame of the S tate of lice of the Peace School Trustee, Lawrence they believed It to be the “For at least four hours.” O regon ; “S G PLu 1 - knd a master hand at “swappin’ "Quit your kidding, I'm asking a strait of which they were In quest, To Addie Cottle, Harvey N. Cottle, ’ bosses,....................... Henley Stam H. GOY NE, with the problemofjbuyinfc Hume«!, I Isabel K. Cottle, Fred B. Cottle Simon »itiailey, a smooth and cun- plain question, and I expect a serious through which a passage might be dis and Harry B. Cottle : yonjwi lllfiml it distinctly advants- bing old villian...........Verle Stanley. answer." covered Into the Indian sea. When, Mark his son, a promising young geons to come ami do yntir select­ “I’m giving It to you. I have proved however, they arrived at the point ’ You ARE HEREBY CITED and re-! A ttornhy - at - law . rascal," ................. Harvey Ebinger. I to my own satisfaction, and very re­ when they could clearly ascertain that quired to be and appear in the! ing here, You will get the best , County Court of the State of Ore ­ Gordon Grey, a popular young cently. that a human being can live this was no strait but a river, they ex­ gon, for Tillamook County, nt the Office ". Opposite Court House qualities, the most thorough and •r«’st................ Verne Bain, conscientious workmanship, and be ’ * L pson Asterbilt, an up to date New four boui-B when absolutely deprived claimed repeatedly tn tbelr disappoint­ Court House, in Tillamook City, of air.” ment “Ca nada" . ("Here nothing' !. Tillamook County, Oregon, on Mon­ charged the most reasonable prires. York dude, .................... Thos. Shea T illamook , O regon . “You’re a fool. A boy can stay un­ These words, remembered by the na day, the 18th day of November, 1912, Ike, the hired man. ‘ I want to We can supply single or double der water for two minutes If he has tlven. were repeated to the next Euro­ at tbe hour of 10 o’clock in the fore­ Lnan’:, ................... John Ebinger. Sets or any single article that you noon of said day, then and there to Bub Green, a comical young rustic, strong lungs. Even an amphibious an­ peans who visited the land. The new­ may belin nved of.] shew cause, if any there be, why; _...................... Frank Ebbeson imal can”— comers. bearing the phrase so frequent said Court should not make an R. p. J. SHARP, Bill Tappan, a county constable. “Oh, cut that I’ve proved It I rode ly, conjectured that it must be the order aa prayed for in the Petition 1 W.A, Williams&Co ............. Bruce Wade, pfilicient Lee. "the pretty school- from here to Buffalo in the upper berth name of the country, so “Canada” It of H. T. Botts, Administrator, with! • the Will annexed, of Harry Win- 1 RESIDENT DENTIST, of a sleeping car the other night And Next Ilnur to Tillamook County Bauk. leacher,” ___ ______ ~ Beals. remains. ......... Pauline ! gate Cottle, deceased, authorizing, | Pra Martha Bunn, a chaming I was taken out alive. 1 can prove it!” | licensing and directing said admin- [ Office across the street froir th» Earthquake Gowns. t°ung widow.................. Helen Beals. ' —Cleveland Plain Dealer. Baggs, a waif from New Y’ork, In 1750 there was a great earthquake I istrator to sell at private sale for! Court House. I cash, all of the following described I".................. ........... Elora Phillipa. Wv\ù\' in England, and Horace Walpole re­ real property, situate in Tillamook Grant’s Quick Wit Synopsis. Dr. Wise’s office. cords that “ several women have made Once during the civil war. when 1 Connty, State of Oregon to-wit ; Act I. The Old Homestead. Uncle Grant was tn subordinate command, 'earthquake gowns' — that Is. warm Ixrt» 9 and 10 of Block B, in the owers ish rand 1 tKube arrives. town of Bar City, belonging to the I he was reconnoitering alooe near the gowns to sit out of doors all night. a R efux S uck F-^V? I Act II. The Constable’s office, ‘ enemy's lines. Suddenly he found Walpole also tells that “Turner, a estate of said deceased, for the pur­ nie plot to ruin Uncle Rube. BA RUHET, himself confronted by one of tbe Con­ great china man at the comer of the pose of (laying the charges, ex­ ? X M V \ ''V \ V V . KYening at the old farm. federates’ pickets, who was for arrest­ □ext street had a Jar cracked by the penses and claims still unsatisfied . The Fashionable Tai'or |l ncle Rube is arrested. against the said estate. x \\\T hc C oat T hat AA „ c* The Constable’s office ing him. “Sbol Sho!” said Grant with shock. He originally asked 10 guineas I W itness the Honorable Homer ; , \ K elps O ut A¿ l \\ again. The old farmer wins. the utmost coolness. “Can’t you see 1 for the jar He now asks 20, because Mason, Jndge of the County Court . an? Renai • \\ ''\T«t R ai » A y\ Admission, general, twenty-five am reconnoitering tn the enemy’s uni­ it la the only jar in Europe that bad of the State of Oregon, for Tilla- Oa’Jing, l’rtsSing and Kep.11- 1 mook County, this 30tli day of KvJ seata thirty-five cents. form? Don’t make a noise. I shall be been cracked by an earthquake." iug a Specialty. . „’’•’■.'■body c°me- Special I September, 1912. .___ 1 num- back directly.” And he walked away bers between acts. ~ ; Remetnber the Attest : An Unnecessary Sacrifica. dates, November fifteenth and quietly until out of the picket’s sight St >re in Heins Photographic J. C. H olden , then ran as nimbly aa he could. Reginald—1 love you. Madeline. For •ixteenth. [ seal ] Clerk of the County Court, you 1 would give up family, position, Gallery. of Tillamook County, Dust In Ona’s Ey««. Oregon. wealth— °“r l?“aba".'1 cro«e ? An irri- \ $3 oo EV£»Y vhiä A Madeline—Half a minute. Reginald. To “cast dust Into one’s eyes" per­ often a !8U1* find,nar disposition is fectly explains Itself. It Is. however, Giving up family 1» all right I don t I Am.n »e.l° a l«?rdered stomach. J. CLAUSSEN, W. L. Cook, who waa Postmaster aH .va Wlt*1 ir.ood digestion ia nearly interesting to know that Epaminondas want a mother-in-law Give lip your at Neihart, Montana, writes : “I • lawyer , at the battle of Tegen defeated tbe position If you can get a better one. manvh natured A great recommend Foley’s Honey & Tar of e. been Permaræntly cured Spartans by masking his movements but please bold on to your wealth. We Compound to all tny people, and Ch °lma,ch trouble by taking with a large body of cavalry. He may need It Çcutachrr jLfrvohH. they are never disappointed with it. ÏÏïïXï"’ ’ For -.1. b? caused tbe horsemen to gallop to and He took her advice.—New York Tele- Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound for roughs and colds gives the best fro In front of the enemy In such a grsph. 213 Tillamook Block, possible results ” Sold at Lamar's str^ JhWa”e yo,,r busing way as to raise a cloud of dost and so Drug Store Born »• Lu«*. "sin"s‘rtren-n* •’lauter». Chamber I veiled tbe movements of Me lafantry O r MGON. fl|TlLLAM Table?«’’’™ fh‘m ders for me, I recommend then to Perfectly Plain. catches a crab, and It he motors hl« i ( Jregtrth ”8« yeo’re hungry. rhT’ Pmytb« said all.” Sold by f-amar's Drug Store, ear always turns turtle."—Baltimore American. to s beggar one day Ml-by»!’:.’?.? naturally For; What They WUI De ter Tw "Tea. bow.” the beggar replied "I GIVES INSTANT ACTION. oy all dealen* A Morning Reminder. ain’t bed nothing to eat for three J. S. bm»r> druggist, reports that Th« Antwar. They will curt your backbhW. ”1 tell you. society is tn Marne for days." A SINGLE DOSE of simile Itwlt You awake with a mean, IM^F etrsngtban your kidoayh. •»- “Weil.” said fimytha. “that's why thorn bark, glyuerine. etc . »»com ths criminal. Why are tbe ■ajertty of taste in the mouth, which n mmd» yoo ro hungry, maar convicts in prison?" pounded in Adler-i »>« »he German you that your stomach is in a bad rset grlbary irregularities. baD4 "I think very likely barwaea they the wwrw out tieewae. .-w4 appendicilie remedy, atop« consti­ condition. It should also rrmi >1 Cunning an« Knavery- »an't get out"— Balti tanas American pation or gaa on the stomach IN­ you that there ia nothing ao good •Hadbhta the aacBM aria but Cbwrtng leads to kwsvwrv It Is a atep from one tn tbe