Tillamook Headlight. November 14 1912 1 23456789 0 PRADUCH I EN I y PRA DU CHIEN, Wisconsin, the name of the city we left when we came to Oregon. It also means our Wholesale Cost Mark. P means one, R means two, A means three, and so on up to ten. Have you ever seen an advertisement of this kind in Tillamook County ? THIS ADVERTISEMENT MEANS THAT WE ARE We never GOING TO Sell at Wholesale Prices the Entire Stock of MERCHANDISE on hand at present time. * There have been several stocks in Tillamook advertised to be sold at cost since we have been here, but they did not give you their cost mark, and you were obliged to take their word as to the cost of the different articles. THIS SALE COMMENCES ON MONDAY, NOV. 18, , •X ' ... And Continues until Entire Stock on Hand is Disposed Qi This is an honest advertisement and all Goods of the present Stock will be sold to you at Wholesale Prices. There is no hot air, Specials or Values in this Sale. The store will not be closed, the Stock will not be re-arranged and prices will not be changed. The only difference is you will Pay the Wholesale instead of the Retail Price on all purchases. We positively refuse to sell to any of our com­ petitors entire lines of any Goods in Stock. If you have any present or future needs of any Merchandise that we carry, this certainly will be your opportunity to buy Goods at Prices never before offered to you in Tillamook County to our know­ ledge. We will also Sell all fixtures counters, floor and counter show cases, skirt rack, rolling ladder, wax fixtures, fixtures too numerous to mention at on hand, consisting of shelving safe, cash register, desk, stove’ window fixtures and other small prices below cost. We might cover another page of this paper quoting prices that would astonish you, but come to the Store and See for yourself. CARL A. PATZLAF.