Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 14, 1912, Image 2

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    Taft’s Victory In Defeat.
all get together and work toge-
ther in the same friendly and
No defeated candidate for the
jovial spirit, to boost a»d help Presidency ever stood higher in the
L egal A dvertisements :
develop Tillamook County, and public esteem than does President
First Insertion, per line
Each aiib*e<|iieiit insertion, line
in doing so brush aside selhsli Taft at this day. Except by the
Busine*» and professional cards,
interests, sectional strife and most rabid Roosevelt man, he is
1 month ...............................
1 Í0
show a magnanimous spirit one honored a* an honest man, a gentle­
Homestead Notice»..................
5 (<l
with the other. This county is man, a patriot, an able statesman,
Timber Claim*
s blessed in many particulars, and who has stood fast for hi* principle»
J j K u I s per line each insertion
Display advertisement, an inch,
r with united effort and loyal sup­ with sure defeat »taring him in the
I month .................................
port to city and county officials face His victorious rival lias borne
AH Resolutions of Condolence and
we expect to see many more the most »incere testimony to hie
1-odge Notices, 5c. per line.
improvements in the county sterling virtue*. Only hi» former
Curds of Thanks, Sc. per line.
¡next year.
Turn over a new friend and that friend’s worshiper»
Notices, Ixtwt, Strayed or Stolen,
leaf, and instead of fault finding have traduced him as no man in
etc., miniinun rate, ¿Tc. not exceed­
Capital punishment is to re­ and knocking, get in and boost.
ing five linee.
hie position has been traduced.
main in Oregon. A'hen Gover­ , Everybody can be a booster and
Taft has regarded the election of
nor West made a political, grand should be a booster in Tilla-
and the popular indorse­
stand play and took the law in 1 mook County, and especially
ment of Roosevelt’s platform as u
1.5o his own hands, saving the lives
One year.......
Six months.....
menace to the republic. He went
50 of a number of blood thirsty are aware of the fact that most into the campaign with no illusions
Three months
murderers who had been tried every locality appear* to be im­
He knew that hie own re-election
Entered as second class mail mat­ and convicted according to law, pressed with the idea that it is
ter July,
at the poet office at he misjudged the sentiment of not receiving its share of road was hopeless, He regarded the
election of Wilson as infinetly the
Tillamook, Ore., under the act of the people. The vote is a re­
money. This is where friction
March 3. 1879.
buke to him and shows a want is liable to occur, but we hope lesser of two evils and he made a
of confidence in him as an ex­ it will not, and the way to avoid fight to prevent the greater evil—
Also consider
the it is to place confidence in the the election of Roosevelt. In gain­
^illamook íjeabligbt,
great fuss the Governor kicked County Court. The Court will ing this end te has won a virtory.
Since the primary campaign of
up in his so-called moral cru- use, no doubt, good discretion,
sade. All that it amounted to and expend the road money to detraction has ended, he has avoid­
Editorial Snap Shots
that Wests
the best of advantage and where ed personalties and confined his
bureau blew its horn too strong.
political utterances strictly to the
it will do the most good. It
issues which were being fought out.
Who is the first woman to be­
come a city dad in this city ?
fell able to comply with all the de­ Had he refrained from retorting to
the attacks made upon him by
from grace la
mands made for road improve-
Roosevelt, he would have displayed
ments. With a boosting senti-
Now will you be good, boys ? • to be that ?
more than human self-restraint.
Woman have now the right to
! leaders.
all pleasantly pulling together Since the conventions he has been
¡feature, hoivt
for road, bar and other public content to defend his title to the
ing over to the Bull Moose god improvements, we see nothing nomination and to uphold Repub­
His poise and
¡it also went against the Re­ to retard the progress Tillamook lican principles.
dignity in the face of misrepresenta­
publican administration which County is making.
tion and betrayal without parallel
came to their support in bar
have been admirable.
j improvements, and fell all over
Taft has shown himself no weak­
¡itself iu supporting the U. S. Practical Test of Progress.
ling, but he has proved himself
i'hose who are foolish enough ¡Senator who repudiated the
An official report just issued on
to be superstitious about “13" ¡direct primary and the Oregon
every inch a man. In the time of
savings batiks throughout
will surely think that some ill ¡system. This is something we
sorest trial he has laid the ’ounda
United Statesis an absolute con
omen will hangover the Demo­ I want to ask our
tion of a fame as statesmen and
firmation of the widespread pros­
cratic party when it comes into friends, if it was necessary to
single minded patriot which wi^l
perity of the masses of the Ameri­
power in 1913.
¡compliment the Senator for his
grow as the conflict becomes more
can people, and it also shows them
i services, why wasn’t it equally
remote in time and as we are able
to be more systematic in the thrift
to take a calmer, saner view of the
It used to be that the mail
that makes it a rule to spend less
carriers had their troubles pack­ government for furnishing the than is earned. On June 30 last, events of 1912 —Oregonian.
ing mail across the mountains money for bar improvements ? the end of the government fiscal
nt this season of the year. Now Really, boys, it looks a little year, there were in this country- Butter Fat Prices Paid For
the railroad
is backing up peculiar and ungrateful when over 10,000,COO depositors in savings
looked at iu this light.
against weather conditions.
Advertid ng Rates
1 i * j
1 1 r«
m SI b
L1 ‘1
banks, with $4,450,000.000 to their
credit, an average of $444 for each
In small cities, now that the of the 10,000,000 depositors.
Look out, boys. As a result
of the vote on woman suffrage, I woman have the right of suf total savings bank deposits repre
one lady in the court house is ! frage, we expect that they will sent $46 for each inhabitant in ’he
going to send her application | play an imoortant factor in the country or $10 more for each than
iu to belong to the fire company ■ moral atmosphere, and it is to the per capita of money in circula­
and may become an aspirant > be hoped that it will be for the tion. fn the last year the savings
good of those towns.
Nothing bank deposits increased $238,000,000.
for fire chief.
is gained by spasmodic moral This faintly expresses the gain as
crusades such asGovernorWest a whole since the Republican party
Little NestuccH used to he >i
started, but something along resumed control of the government
stronghold in this
that line can be accomplished if in 1897. In 1900 the savings banks
county. The election lust week
the women w’ll hold together deposits had gone up to $2,380,000,-
shows there must ben change of;
raise the moral 000. Since then they have nearly
aentiinent or the Socialists have
atmosphere of their towns.
If doubled, increasing nearly four
dispersed, there
being only
the women become organized times as fast as the population,
seven Socialist votes.
along those lines they will be in rapidly as that advances.
a position to make it tropical
Although we inaugurated the
It is natural
that people tor city officials and peace offi­
postal saving bank system in a half­
should jollv the editor over the cers. with the recall invoked
hearted way, as we are soon to
result of the election.
The against them if they fail to do
inaugurate the parcels post system
G. O. 1’. color* ¡ire still fil ing. their duty and keep down vice.
it lias now had time to prove its
buys, and the one man. Bull It is no easy job for public ofli-'
value so strikingly that Congress is
Moos* party, will soon be a ciala to satisfy the public, and
likely to widen the limitations it
thing of ancient history, with now that they have the women
The firBt two years of
the iiHsiatant Democrats be­ to contend with it is not going
operating the system ended in June
tween the devil ¡Hid the deep ! to make it earier for them.
last, audit is now possible to an­
blue sea.
the volume of the postal
- - - -
During the election it was batik business in that time. At the
The old city hall, which did
nn acknowledged fact that the close of the second fiscal year there
service 20 years ago, should be Republican party was disfran­ were more than 13,000 postal bank
replaced with a modern build chised in California by the rule depositories, holding $23,000,0001
ing anil in keeping with our up- or ruin faction. Now the State deposited by 270,000 depositors.
to date city.
l’lie lire depart of Oregon is to go through
Such a showing under the limita­
uient and the city library need somewhat of a similar experi­ tions imposed by Congress before it
better quarters nnd should have ence since the Democrats are would consent to the adoption of a
t iCiu, to siiy nothing of the considered the doininent party. system here which lias been long
ueeda of a new council chain The first shake up will lie to tried and approved in Europe,
her mid a recorder's and i disfranchise Republicans from prove* that a much wider extension
mayor’» office.
serving on election boards. As of that system would do. Under
the law reads the Democrats the existing law no person is per­
We wish to call attention to nnd their Bull Moose assistants mitted to deposit more than $100 in
the butter fat prices for Septem will compose the election boards any month in a postal savings
txir. which ranged ns high ¡is in most of the counties. Here bank, and no depositor in such a
. bank can deposit more than $500.
42c. per pound. With milk ns is the law :
high ns $1 70 per ItM) pounds,
“The county court shnll at the The law ha* now worked long
the dairymen of this county regular term in Jiinunry preceding enough to prove that the banking
have done remarkably well dur n general election, appoint three institution» have not suffered loss
judge* mid three clerks of election
iiig the Republican administia for each election precinct, to serve of deposit* for making up the $23,.
tion, and it remains to be seen for the period of two years, and 000.000 in the postal banks It has
whether the Democrats will be shall appoint one judge to be chair, been demonstrated that the great
man. Said judges and clerks »hall bulk of that sum has come out of
able to maintain these prices
each be duly qualified electors with­
in the preemet for which they ar^ap- hoards long concealed, or old stock­
We are wondering what will pointed; able to rend, write, and ings hid in chimney corners, any­
• peak the English language, not n where and everywhere that timid
be the next kind of dope the candidate for an elective office to tie
people with frugal habits and afraid
politician* will push to the voted on nt the ensuing election.
of bank failure«, have concealed
front to rattle the voters Anti No more than two judges and two
clerk* shall l>e member* of the their savings.
uaaetnbly, Statement No. 1, the same politK'nJ party, and they »hall
Those who insist that the poor are
sovereign will of the people, the be appointed from the two political
growing poorer will be slow to
Oregon Systein, iiiaiirgeiit* and parties which respecttully cast the
touch this subject.
The savings
progressives have all lieeu taken highewt nuinl>er of votes for the
presidential electors of the United habit is becoming ns universal in
up and one after the oilier cast State* nt the last preceding presi-
the United Sta'e* a* in France, a
aside, only to bring defeat after ! dentisl election.”
defeat to the Republican candi­ Thia refers, of course, to each country in which the common
people have long been able to come
date« and party. Next please. county
In Tillamook county, forward with billions according to
when* the Republicans were in the requirements of the govern­
H there were only three Tuft the lead mid the Democrats ment, or the opportunities for in­
men <'hurley Reynolds living were second. Bull Mousers ure vestment approved by it.
if tf,e
one mid the »nap shot mini the disqualified from serving on an voter* who want ” anything for a
oilier two - in the counti when election board, and in counties change succeed in dragging the
the 1 leinoc'Hitic club wns organ where the Democrat* mid the country into their recklesanes* it
»sod, it must have been |a»»r Bull Moose assistant Democrats will l.e instructive to coMp«R the
munngement oil the part of the take first and second places, no savings trank deposits four year*
Democratic lenders to allow the Republican can lie appointed on hsnee with what they are now. Bru.
Republicans to deprive them of ! the election tmard of flint conn- Ividing for rainy days, and struggi
an easy victory mid curry the
ing with them, are o|>erations de-
ciiunlv with fiving colors for
One goo.I feature about the
__ ___ from each other.
the G.O.P
Maple Leaf Creamery, 42.3 cents.
The Tillamook Creamery. 43.4c.
Fairview Dairy*As’sn. 41 2c.
South Prairie Creamery, 41.2c.
Clover Leaf Creamery, 42c.
Three Rivers Creamery, 41%c.
Mohler Creamery, 42c.
Long Prairie Creamery, 37 8c.
Elwood Creamery, 41c.
Cold Springs Cheese Factory, 41c.
Central Co-operative Creamery,
East Beaver Cheese Co., 36 4.
Central Co-operative Creamery
with 4.5 per cent butter fat and 12
1-6 lbs. cheese per 100 lbs. milk re­
ceived the highest price for milk.
Tillamook Creamery recsived $1.72
per 100 lbs.
Maple Leaf Creamery received
$1.717 per 100 lbs. and Clover Leaf
creamery, $1.70% per 100 lbs.
Build your house
from rdmber
bought here and Ut|t .
manent satisfaction and
from the many reMi|
always follow the u« cf
unseasoned lamb*. p„.., ’
our lumber .nd be done *2
than to buy poorer and UgJ
continually paying (or
The be»t is always the riu,»
A. G. Beals Lumber Compai
Tillamook Title and
Abstract Company
Law Abstracts Real Estati
Surveying; Insurance.
Special Prices fo
Family Trade.
Keg Beer................... 15 gallon)
Keg Beer............
10 gallons
Local bottle Beer, Odoz. quinil
Local bottle Beer, 10 doz. pinta 1
Domestic Beers.
Budwiser Beer, 6 doz. quartsfl
Bud wiser Beer, 10 dozen pints I
Old style Lauger Beer, lOdoz pt
White Port, Old Monk Brand,
$100 per
Port Wine..................... 100per
Sherry................................. 1.00 per
Claret .............................. 75c. per
Angelica.............................. 1.00 per
Zenfendel ................... 1.25per
Tokey.................................. .1.25 per
Monogram................... j>er gal. I
White Corn Whiskey..pergaL -
Harvester Old Style per gal.
McBrayer, 13 year» cld. per gal.
Echo Spring .............. per gal I
Chestnut Grove Rye..per gal. I
Kentuckey Dew........ per gal. I
per gal
per gal.
Cornet Dry Gin
1 le Ri 3n ÉeWi ith
i Ä d te PU itati)
*> ■»♦> *-fc>
A Perfect Baker— absolutely dependable, every dV. P*1 *
yeiuT out. Built on honor, of the beat materials.
Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges
»•ame i*!
ran^e made entirely of charcoal and
Malleable iron can’t break—charcoal iron won t rust uss
Economical In Fuel
Work of Laying Bitulithic
Paving at Albany Rush­
ed Night and Day.
The seam» of the Majestic aro riveted (not put together^
b its and stove putty)—they will always rf’marl?aifa2lti{
because neither heat nor cold affects them. 1 J®
oven is hued throughout with pure asbestee it-ii
held in place by an open iron grating —you can
it stays there always. Air tight joints and pure »
lining assure an even baking heat, saving
All doors drop to form rigid shelves. A« uld»
Malleable iron oven racks slide out automatic*“*»
ing whatever they contain.
The Great
M ajestic
Charcoal and Malleable b°n
... 1
n,pleasure to tell you that
I hninherlain a Cough Remedy is
the t>e«t cough medicine I have
ever used.” write* Mrs. Hugh
Campbell, of Lavania, Ga * I have
used it with m H my children and
the results have been highly »atia- •Adiw
300» to
factory.” For sale by all dealers.
Iwinges of riieimiatism, back­
ache. stiff joints and »booting
pains all show your kidneys are not
working right. Urinary irregu
wl'we’i ,<T* O<
weak track and sore kidneys tell
tlu need of « good reliable kulnev
medicine Foley Kidney Pin, are
Hu ’
■nd ""»ora-
tiie. They build up the kidnevs
election in this county was the*
» 72*.
jovial and pleasant manner in
will give you quick relief and con.
Four yvara ago people howled which nil partie« carried on
•>! sues of aewer pipea tain no habit forming drugs. Safe
their bende ofi about Statement tlivir campaigns. Now let us Me'Uba"
I- H.
Try them. Sold
Sherry Wine .......................... ■
Angelica Wine ............. ".¡¡¡j
Zenfendel Wine........ per quart!
Tokey........................ per quart
....................per quart;
White Grape Juice .
Local Beer, quart, 3 bottles for!
Domestic Beer, qt., 3 bottles for
'The work of laying bitulithic
paving in this city is carried fot-
ward day and night, the night force
working by the aid of big search­
lights” says a dispatch from Al­
bany, a progressive Oregon city
which has put in fl0% blocks ot pav-
ing this year, almost exsctly doub­
ling the city s entire paving area.
Fcbbleford, bottled in bond,
per bottle...................................... $1 50
Clarke’» Pure Rye, bottled in
bond, per bottle........................ 1.25
Echo Spring, bottled in bond,
per bottle.................................... 1.25
Old Crow, bottled in bond. per
bottle............................................... 1.50
Hermitage, bottled in bond,
per bottle....................................... 1 50
Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ................. 1.50
O.T.O , bottled in bond, per
bottle ............................................. 1 25
Kentucky Dew, % gal., bottled
in bond .................... .................. 2.15
Kentucky Dew. full pint, bottled
in bond...........................................
John Dewar & Sons, Old Scotch
Whiskey......... .......................... 1.5C
Black & White, Old Scotch
Whiskey ....................................... 1.50
V.O.P., Old Scotch Whiskey... 1.75
Sandy Macdonald’s Old Scotch
Whiskey....................................... 1.75
Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch
Whiskey ...........................
. 1 50
Canadian Club........... . ....
. 1.50
I. W. Harper......................
. 1.00
Harvester Old Styie.........
. 1 00
Kentuck Dew............. ...
Billie Taylor, full quart
1 25
Coronet Dry Gin........per bottle 1.00
A.V.H. Gin....................per bottle 1.75
Gordon Sloe Gin... .per bottle 1.75
Gordon Dry Gin .... per bottle 1.25
Rock and Rye.............. per bottle 1.00
El Bart Gin ................. ...
1 25
Virginia Dare Wine . per bottle 75c
Port Wine ................. per quart 35c.
The Brave Men.
Here’s to the tnen who laugh
In the face of grim despair,
Who gather the tares and chaff
But sew with a cheerful air.
Here’s to the smiling man
Who giving can take a blow,
And rise to the fight again
Where others have laid them low.
Here’s to the men who grin
When plans that they build go
And straightaway new plane begin
With courage and purpose strong,
Here’s to the glad, brave men
Wlux battling, expect a bruise,
And rise to the fight again
Undaunted by fights they lose.
Here’s to the men who smile
With faith in the morning light,
And bravely await the while
Till victory crowns their fight
Here’s to the fighting men
That always need not succeed,
To rise to the fight again —
The brave in defeat we need.
— Detroit Free Press.
Attorney at-Law an«-.
M. «4
Alex McNair Co.
It Should
Be In Your