. XXV. No. 22. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. WOVBMBER14, 1913. with a strong choir composed of ClTCUit COUTt Convened, persons of vocal talent, which ren- “ 1 Her solos an«! antherns, these popu-! c..I. Owing to the severe weather and How do People Acquire Property and Q lar services are doubly interesting, the —_ tie —J up on the railroad, Circuit to which are all cordially invited. * Judge Percy R. Kelly was unable Gain Independence ■ 1 he choir of the Presbyterian to reach this city on Friday to hold Tillamook Oregon. church gave a musical at the home court on Saturday He cauie in By saving in a small way to accumulate capital of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Williams on over the Wilson River road and had Friday evening, which was the a tough time doing so in the storm. for investing and re investing. second of those pleasant gatherings. He was ou hand to take up the OFFICERS The progam consisted of instru­ November term ou Mouday morn­ mental and vocal music by some of ing As district Attorney John W m . G. T ait , President. Large profits are often made from timely invest­ the moat accomplished musicians McNary could not be present and , in the city as well as elocutionists. his deputy in this county, Attorney ments. You cannot tell when an opportunity for I I olden , Vice-President. There was a good attendance, the Geo. Willett, being sick. Judge Kel­ making a profitable investment will presentitself. M c G hee , Cashier. residence being well filled. ley appointed H. T. Botts and C. $30,000 will buy one hundred acres W. Talmage to look after the grand of land on Garibaldi beach on which jury business. A growing savings account in this bank will DIRECTORS is platted the town of Moroney, The grand jury was composed of provide for such an emergency. It 'will give you $5,000 down balance on easy terms. Geo. Lamb, foremen, A. A. Iinlah, F avi . S chrader . One haff the town of Moroney 40 V. Holden, James Huut, E. M. a borrowing power equal to the capital which you lot; 25 x 100 right on the railroad Bales, C. A. Svenson and W. F. C. W. T almage . and 30 lots 50 x 100 half of them on Latimer. save. the beach and haff of them right B. C. L amb . Two indictments were returned on the railroad, price $6,000 and I against Benj. F. Via, one for as­ , We want you to conside this a personaljin- j W m . G. T ait . will put the water on the ground. sault and the other for resisting an ■ vitation to call and open an accountl here, r Moroney Town, M. Moroney, Post officer. Via pleaded guilty to as­ / Many of our large deposits began with ajdollar. ) sault and not guilty to resisting an J. C. H olden . office address, Rockaway, Ore. officer. George Brooks died at Bay City No bills were filed in the cases of on Sunday, after being sick for Grant Marshall, Roy Rhodes, An­ CAPITA L OLDEST some little time, and the funeral drew Hayden, Charles Griffith, Henry Brooten, Hiram Eadus and took place on Wednesday. De­ George bank H. Root. ceased was 85 years and 8 months co u N T y J p E R v 1 S l °* Pacific Railway and Navigation old. He was born in Pennsylvania, Co. vs. Elmore Packing Co. Con­ and came to Tillamook 16 years ago. demnation. His wife survives him, also four Maud Joseph vs. David Joseph. ILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Another telephone line was com- children, Mrs. Clarence Tilden, of Divorce. Continued for service. pleted over theYamhill route, which Pacific Railway and Navigation gives the Pacific States Telephone Tillamook; Mrs. Sarah Campbell T. A. Poster vs. F. R. Beals, et al. B. W. Neilson vs. Joseph Kutch­ ■ Home Made Mince Meat at the Company vs. J. I- Vosburg, et al. Company two lines into Tillamook, and Howard Brooks, of Camas, Condemnation. Injunction. er, et al. Foreclosure. Continued ■lain Market. • Alice J. Tone vs. George Tone. for service. Money to Loan on Improved Washington; and Mrs. Richard Vnited Railways Company vs. I Pennies wanted at Tillamook 'Teggart, of Gresham, Oregon. State of Oregon, by John 11. Me- William B. Smith. Condemnation. Divorce Decree of divorce granted Farms to the extent of about $4000 without coat, Naiv, Prosecuting Attorney for the Bounty Bank The P. R, & N. was crippled on Non suit on motion of plaintiff. about the 1st April.—Apply to John Tillamook County Bank vs. Win. Third Judicial District of the State I Wanted,—girl for general house- Leland Henderson & Son, Agents. * Friday on account of slides, and no Gue Leon vs Mabel Leon. Di­ Campbell. Action for money, Non of Oregon, upon the relation of W. vorce. Dismissed on motion of lork. Apply G. F. Chaphe. E. Provost, Jr. va. Bay City, W. C. suit on motion of plaintiff. It will pay you to get their prices. trains were able to get through and plaintiff without coat. I Wanted.—Empty’ Sacks, Lamb- Still in the lead 11 Dement’s Best ’’ on Saturday as another bad slide Chris Hansen vs. J. M. Mermil- Trombley, et al. Quo warranto. United Railways Company vs. T. E. Casey vs Bill Pappas, et occurred between Hobsonville and Sarah McMillan, et al. Condemna­ yea, et al. Injunction. schrader Co. Elmore Dock. hard wheat flour in the city, to be al. Injunction. Settled and dis­ Bay City, which carried the track in­ tion. Nonsuit on motion of plain­ M. S. Copeland vs. Nehalem Coal I Glasses fitted. Any kind, , any had only of the Tillamook Feed Co.” Company, a corporation, et al. Fore missed to the bay. No trains were able to tiff. Ityle Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * Lester Landingham vs. Rosalind The plate glass window on the get through either Saturday or State of Oregon vs. J. H Beach. closure. Landingham. Divorce. Default I Yon should see the stock of feed west side of the store occupied by Sunday, but Monday passengers Embezzlement. Continued. C. M. Giddings va. James C. Cox. granted Decree of divorce granted Thomas N. Kennedy vs. Z. T. Tax foreclosure. llie Tillamook Feed Co. has on the Ray Feed Co. blew out on without cost. and mail were brought as far as C. M. Giddings vs. Kate Cox. land. * Monday morning during one of the Garibaldi, where they were trans­ Bogard. Foreclosure Nellie Murphy vs. C. F. Murphy. Tax Foreclosure. Macdonald Potts vs. Rollie W. I Live chickens wanted at the Tilla- gusts of wind. Divorce. Default of defendant en­ ferred on the launch Henrietta and Watson . Action for money. Henry Fleckenstein and CO. VH. tered and divorce granted with Look Meat Company’s Market, 13c. Tki not forget the Sunday Chicken brought to this city. T. B. Potter Realty Co. vs. L. H Clarence Hanenkratt and Morri» custody of (minor children. Hanenkratt. Action for money. Dinner at the Todd. Better than per pound. The Shakespeare Club had an­ Field, et al. Condemation. Independent Western Film Ki- Otto W. Nelson vs. Margaret E. Settle«! and dismissed. change vs Frank A. Rhodes «0(1 | The government dredge has been ypn can have at home for less money, other of its delightful monthly State of Oregon at the relation of B. Shipman. Action for money. put out of commission and laid up Crmo and try us. Service from 5:30 meetings on Friday afternoon of V.eH ■ - I P ■ S B. Hill vs. Frederic Broidy, et npe< ial musi, by the< hoir. followed If you don't find what you want propriate remarks. et al. Action lor money. al. Foreclosure. l.y a piai In al talk on "Soul Silici«! Cynthia F Johnson vs. Andrew at a anj other go to Owing to the trouble on the P. ”^n0 '*ier store in the city goto Farewell Party or "The Unpardonable Sin.’ Many James Walton. Jr., vs. Sch«>ol Johnson. Divon e. ’ . e Tillamook ------ Feed — Co. ’s, ’s, they they have have R. R. A 4 N. N. Tuesday*« mail did not District No. 9, Tillamook County, t£ood people are tr ubled over thia I Antone Weiss vs. I-ouis Geti hel. exceptional sin, and wonder if they • uJl line of groceries. • Last Tuesday afternoon was the Oregon, a municipal corporation, reach this city until three o’clock Transcript from Justice ‘ ' ’ "T* have < ominitted it t ome and hear el al. Injunction. Fhe Allen House Grille serves a next morning. There was no mail scene of a pretty little gathering at Verdict in favor of plaintiff lor th • .pii stion faithfully answered. S. S Johnson vs Miami Lumber $6.00. the home of Mrs Carl Haberlach, Judgment <»n verdict in treble either way on Wednesday, but to ­ merchant s lunch every day at I>. A M m K mmzib , pastor. Company. Action for money Mo noon 25c. Spring chicken always day (Thursday) it is expected that a the event being a farewell afternooi tionto strike part of reply overruled damages being $15 00. Mary L Berger and F. W Berg­ hand. We aim to serve the beet transfer will be made, and the mail and handkerchief shower for Mrs er vs. F. R. Beals .Action for mg to the t>est people at city brought from Garibaldi on the Claude Campbell. The hostess. Mrs. Haberlach and money. Prices , Henrietta, on account of the slide W G. Dwight vs. M. C. Aaron. Mrs. E. Bales,had prepared unique this side of Hobsonville. Foreclosure of tax lien r Boale, who has been in The practical sermons which are games, and special selections were H. B. Karr va. C. W Pike, et al ■ w lork for several months taking being preached by Rev. D. A. Mac­ rendered by Mesdames Campbell, Temporary Injunction Demurrer iVT gra<,'”te course at one of MacKenzie and L. L. Baker, kenzie on Sunday evenings at the overrled. big hospitals, returned on Wed- Mrs Campbell was the recipient Presbyterian church are drawing Padfic Railway and Navigation in o dy resume his practice large congregations. Mr. Macken­ of many beautiful handkerchiefs Company M W Harrison. Con- this city. zie ih an interesting speaker, and and the beet wiehes of her friends, demnation Aurie M Draper vs John S who regret her departure, as she has been very active in both church M agin me et al. Foreclosure. 1» fault and decree. and eocial circles H. Crenahaw, N. I. Myers vs Demurrer to The invited guests were Mee- fl. -------- Ds mages Shen;- - dames Claude Campbell. F. C. Bak­ complaint overruled M R Hanenkratt va. C S. Atkin­ er, George Willett. B. C. Lamb. A. Action for money. McNair, W B. Alderman, H Mason, son, et al. Q I. Clough, D. Martiuy, B. Sever Settled and diamiased T H Foater vs. F. B. ■ nee, D. MacKenzte. Brooks. J. et al. Action for money Settled Groat, W. Hoskins, Wm. Tait, J. and dismissed. Lamar. F. 9. Whitehouse, F. W. I-nuia E Morton vs. Msy A. Christensen, Barrett. J Harter Morion Divorce. Decree of divorre L. L. Baker. W A. Williame, D L. without cost, Shrode Plank an«! T Sarchet. I First National Bank, TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK ~ UflMAR’S VARIETY STORE. TiuunmooK, O regon Drop in and book Around ” INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS.