Tillamook Headlight, November 7, ioiA ; mbertermofthe ; » T. P • “ - B. " Potter Realty Company, vs. Lawrence — R. Wheeler, et al. Condemnation. CIRCUIT COURT. Oregon Fisheries Co., et_ al ve. Packing Company, et al. lDg Docket with 85 Un­ . Elmore Damages. important Cases. Isaac E. Smith vs. Daniel Hickey. Da mages. sowembei-terin of the Circuit P. Olds vs. Norman Olds et ^ convene on Monday with al. Eli Injunction. Percy K Kel,y on .‘he Vens Nellie Hughey vs. W. C. Thun. are 85 cases on the docket, Action for money are of an unimportant nature, James Hughey vs. F. P. Thun, gejly will dean up the Apr I Ou Saturday, when be will et al. Action for money. Cynthia F. Johnson vs. Andrew ,ear motions, etc. Johnson. Divorce. fi- Railway and Navigation Antone Weiss vs. Louis Getchel. a,fiKlmore Packing Co. Con- Transcript from Justice Court. B. W. Neilson vs Joseph Kutch­ udtHJo»eph vs. David Joseph- er, et al Foreclosure. X Railway and Navigation State of Oregon, by John H. Mc­ pa„y vs- J I- Vosburg, etui, Nary, Prosecuting Attorney for the Third Judicial District1 of the State leiu nation. Oregon, upon the relation of W. uted Railways Company vs. of E. Provost, Jr. vs. Bay City, W C. am B. Smith. Condemnation, Trombley, et al. Quo warranto. ie Leon vs. Mabel Leon. Di- T. E. Ca’ey vs Bill Pappas, et al. Injunction. ■ited Railways Company vs. Lester Landingham vs. Rosalind h McMillan, et al. Condemna- Landingham. Divorce. Nellie Murpliy vs. C. F. Murphy. ite of Oregon vs. J. IL Beacli. Divorce. ezzlement. Independent Western Film Ex jon’as N. Kennedy vs. Z. T. change vs Frank A. Rhodes and ;ard. Foreclosure, B. Shipman. Action for money. acdonald Potts vs. Rollie W. Bay City Land Company vs. C. L. Igon. Action for money. Fox Lumber Company, a corpora­ B. Potter Realty Co. vs. L. H. tion. Ejectment. d, et al. Coudemation. I Elmore Packing Company, a cor­ tto \V. Nelson vs. Margaret E. poration vs. Hiram Eadus. Action ,eey, et al. Confirmation. | for money. rank Exer vs. Julias Erickson, DuILiis Lumber Company, a cor­ ifirmation poration, vs. The County Hoard of lmore Packing Company vs. Equalization, for Tillamook County, Oregon, and Homer Maspn, County ry H. Elmore. To quiet title, [ lodge of said County; A. M Hare, obert Os born vs. William L. j Assessor of said County ; and J. C. fenberg, et al. Confirmation. Holden, County Clerk of said fill R. Kay vs. A. F. Garrison. ; County, constituting the Board of set aside deed, I Equalization. Appeal from the ohn Krebs vs. William G. Wil -, Board of Equalization. et al. Foreclosure. Oregon Logging and Timber Com­ '. D Stalford vs. James Walton, pany, a corporation, vs. The County Appeal et al. Temporary injunction. | Board of Equalization. i. W. Thompson and Floyd A. from Board of Equalization. an vs Allen H. Wilson, et al. Luther K. Haak vs. The County reclosure. Board of Equalization. Appeal A. L. Johnson and E. P. Johnson from the Board of Equalization. „ Tillamook County. Appeal. J. W. Cochran vs. The County Appeal Otelia Hadley vs. C. E. Hadley, Board of Equalization. from the Board of Equalization. al. Injunction. Portland Timber Company, a cor- Paul Schrader vs. Srethna S. ; poration, vs. The County Board of aelpa et al. Foreclosure Equalization. Appeal from the R. C. Magarrell vs. Edwin Hook- i Board of Equalization. et al. Foreclosure. Otelia Hadley vs. C. E. Hadley, , In the matter of the application of Antone Borba, an alien, to be­ lamage». come a citizen of the United States Harry Mitchell vs. C. W. Pike, et of America. I. Injunction. W. S. Cone vs. Dennis I. Cakl- Death of George Bertram. rell. Foreclosure of tax lien. * Louis G. Freeman vs. Lars John- George Bertram accompanied by 10. Foreclosure. his seventeen-year-old son, Noah M. W. Harrison vs. Pacific Rail- Robinson and Ed Hadaway of Day ran and Navigation Company, ton, were on a hunting trip near •uit for damages. Sand Lake, Tillamook County. Mr. Theodore Senn vs. W. G. Dwight, Bertram was taken suddenly ill t al. To quiet title. of stomach trouble and died on It is not In the matter of the petition of Tuesday in his tent. latthe Anderson Sanden, to become known whether his ailment was n citizen of the United States of ptomaine poisoning, but it is sur­ ¡America. mised that this was the cause of ! Albers Brothers Milling Comp­ death. He was a man about 40 any vs. H. C. Kunze. Action for years of age and leaves a wife and three children. The body was money. brought to this city on Thursday S B. Hill vs. Frederic Broidy, et evening, and was taken at once to si. Foreclosure. his home., where the funeral ser­ James Walton, Jr., vs. School vices will be held today at 2 p. tn District No. 9, Tillamook County, He was the son of a piooner family Oregon, a municipal corporation, of Dayton, and leaves a number of [el al. Injunction. brothers.- McMinnville Ex. S. S Johnson vs. Miami Lumber Company. Action for money. Mary L Berger and F. W Berg­ BITUMTHIC AWARD FOR er vs. F. R, Beals Action for LEBANON. money. W G. Dwight vs. M. C. Aaron. Follows Example of Other Foreclosure of tax lien, Progressive Cities of Pacific H B. Karr va. C. W. Pike, et al. Northwest. Temporary Injunction. Miles of bitulitliic paving through­ Pacific Railway and Navigation Company vs. M. W. Harrison. Con­ out the Northwest attest the popu­ demnation. larity of this economical paving. Aurie M. Draper vs. John S. The recent award made by the city • laginuie et al. Foreclosure. authorities of Lebanon, Ore., places N. J. Myers vs. H. Crenshaw, that city in the list of up to-date Sheriff. Damages. M. R. Har.enkratt vs. C S. Atkin­ cities which recognize and appre ciate the fact that "the best is son, et al. Action for money. T H Foster vs. F. B. Hastings, cheapest” and that durability and et ai. Action for money. economy in paving is a combina- I-ouis E. Morton vs. May A. nation that means satisfaction to Morton. Divorce. the taxpayers. T. A. Foster vs. F. R. Beals, et al The steady increase in area of Injunction. Alice J. Tone vs. George Tone. bitulithic paving is proof of the fact that claims of the company for Divorce. Tillamook County Bank vs. Wm. this paving have been proven true, aa it withstands the hardest test of Campbell. Action for money. 5hri® Hansen vs. J. M. Mermil- climatic and traffic conditions. yra, et al. Injunction. M. S. Copeland vs. Nehalem Coal Church Dedication. ckisureny'8 corporatioo> et al Fore- The New Methodist Episcopal T^ior^^’^ C°X- Church, at Nehalem, will be dedi cated next Sunday, November 10th, Tax Forec^ui-"*9 K’,e Rev. Dr. Fletcher Homan, Presi­ Cl,.,reople in Tillamook to be Affidavdn9en V*' J<,hn I;oe Sm,th- present at the service which will AaionVXeT* C‘ ” J°hn'°n' begin promptly at 11 a m. Those wishing to attend can do so very Vt\ai?IXkioVuÀo,,ephKüUh- conveniently as trains run at a favorable time and are met by the “^"hihePort lanuch Juneta. J. M ontcalm B rown , JIssfcLi y' " Pretended Quasi Pastor. W»rranto. corp°ration, et al. Quo ^rge A. Streee v». A. F. Gar- h *»" To set aside deed. M South vs. Cora Smith. Divorce. AcuoX;m0àernx,“cob- “ ’’e? ftyo^e**" V* >—* L Company va. r. “ y" “• To quiet title The .ciîon? T initier Company va. title. na tomP«njr. To quiet Fore.'l^u^; D’ ° Ke"“»y. et TRIP AROUND WORLD THE ful little green snakes, which evi­ JOHN L HENDERSON, | dently had stolen a march on St. Patrick, finding their way in and Was a Successful Social Fea­ out among the green which skirted ATTORNEY A COUNSEL the lake. Mulligan stew, a meal in ture in This City. itself, was served with tea and LOR-AT-LAW, Availing themselves of the var- sandwiches, and the guests were, ious means of rapid transportation, unanimous in their praise of Irish Tillamook Block, Tillamook,Or. Room No. >6i. it was possible for about two hun­ cookery. An opportunity was given dred persons to take a trip around to kiss the Blarney Stone, a 'real the world last Friday night. In stone of course from Blarney Castle. ' TT. T. BOTTS, order to avoid confusion it was ar Only a few, however, seemed to feel A * A ttornky - at -L aw . ranged that parties of fifteen or the necessity for acquiring the trait twenty should leave the Presby­ which is sure to result from kissing Complete set of Abstract Books Pat Smith terian church every twenty minutes. the aforesaid stone n 0 S'-. Tices paid for non- Ticket agent Bales saw that all with hie violin and Mrs Christen­ passengers were provided with the son piano, furnished lively music Residents. necessary passport and at seven throughout the evening, and not all Tillamook Block. o’clock the first party started on f°un_EORGE WILLETT, bm > a a K*a * Japanese lanterns, palms and assisted in receiving by Mrs. Mason. I screens, a circle of cushions in the The national colors were every - FAMILY ArroKNiiY. A T-L,AW. ..... ...................... .......______ middle of the floor allowing how where in evidence and a small « quickly people can conform to the ' American flag was given each guest RECIPES. Tillamook Commercial Building. cus'oms of a country. The guests ““ a souvenir, Cake and frappe B ni is. a a. a n m a very easily adjusted themselves to were served by the Misses Lelia T illamook O regon . the conditions and all sat down, Drew, Allegra Mason and Areta The valued family re­ Japanese fashion, and partook of Everson. A fitting close for the cipes fui cough and cold the rice, waters, tea and other 1 evening entertainment was the cure, liniments, tonics and dainties served by the hostess. A singing of The Star Spangled Ban- R. T. BOALH, M.D., other remedies have aa Japanese merchant, One Lung, had ner, beautifully pantomimed by careful attention here as asked permission to exhibit some Miss Edith Allger. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, of his wares and a tastefully decor-! Tothe conductors, Messrs. Claus (4 the most intricate prcscrip- ated booth contained many novel­ sen, Hoskins, Harrison, McGee, N tious. TILLAMOOK. ties in ivory, basketry, etc., and Watt, Ginn and Honey, is due the N Out fresh, high grade Tillamook Block. One Lung did a thriving business credit of piloting such a large party « drugs will help to make on so important a journey. among the American tourists. these remedies more effec­ The ladies of the Guild are to be Leaving Japan in one of Wright I tive than ever. Bros, flying machines, the journey congratulated on the manner in M. KERRON, to Germany was quickly made The which the costumes, decorations Right prices are also home of Herr and Madam Haber- and refreshments were arranged, assured. lach was opened to the visitors and being true in each instance to the PHYSICIAN & SURGEON a most cordial welcome extended. country represented. It is their Tillamook Block, T ■ a « a a a a. .aia -*.» » Refreshments were served by intention to make the "Trip Around Mesdames Shrode, Haberlach, and the World” an annual event and Tillamook, Oregon. CLOUGH Fraulein Tinnerstet and Burge; and other serious < i_, schedule, the party took a fast ex- ¡was ” ------ conscious when picked up and , press of the London and Tillamook ■ ^Bc ________ )ajnleall dealers. The only fear manifested at any time during the trip was shown on VETERINARY the way to Ireland, inasmuch as a (Both l'h-inrs) journey by the Tube under the Irish Sea was a new experience and not Oregon. Tillatnixrk without the attendant dangers. i What Thoy Will Ds W M However, aa per advice of the con­ I ductor that the breath must be held They will core your hachaah«. during transit, no fatalities re­ sulted and the party landed safely You awake with a mean, nastv •treafftben yw»r ki«a«ya> •»- taste in the mouth, which reminds r«ct criaary Irregular!tie:. »slid at the home of Mrs. Bales, whose you that your stomach is in a bad •* th« husband was in America. I-ong out ti «•< 15 watts .................................. S .45 condition. It should also reini'd before reaching the house the 25 watts............................................ 45 you that there is nothing so good •liaiiaat« th« strains of music could be heard and i 40 watts............................................50 for a disordered stomach as thatcaas«» rhtunutb* hearty Irish welcome greeted the 00 watts........................................... OB Chamberlain’»Stomach and Liver vent Bright’s Disea«« aa« Bto> visitors. As at the former places 100 watts.................................... L00 of entertainment refreshments were Tablets. ‘ bates, an« restore ksalth an« Frosted Lampe five cents extra. They baild up tk. aytl'in, bm I«1 natur« ttranf served at once. The guest took B«iuss eubilifctaa to rWm' sa»vr.l roodiiion». »nJ *r« •• Effective October 11th. their places around a table which