Tillamook He ad light. N on embei 7^ . Notice. committeeman. Charley Rey­ nolds thinks his feelings are in­ L egal A dvertisements : jured to the extent of for to the libelous statement, but he First Insertion, jier line $ 5 Each subaeqiient insertion, line can’t find any attorney who Business and professional cards, wants to monkey with a libel 1 CO 1 month ............................... F f govern­ that Mr. Edner be given Wheeler, J. H. Cook, and --------------- Cook ment when the country is in a opportunity to make good. hie wife, aud l’eter most flourishing and prosper-' Wheeler and--------- ouajeondition. It remains to be ' A great many of our citizens Wheeler, hie wife. seen how long they will be able have become comparatively well Defendants. to keep it nt high water mark. I To Lawrence R. Wheeler, William fixed the past few’ years under M- Wheeler and Margaret M. a Republican administration, Wheeler, his wife, Nelson P. Wheeler. Allie M. Wheeler, John Tin- snap shot num is Iieing in fact, every cent they have E. Wheeler and Margaret C. thanked by quite n number of made has been during prosper- Wheeler his wife. Eleanor R. A Perfect Baker — absolutely dependable, every day, year in, the lending citizens for the ex­ ous conditions, yet, in looking Wheeler, J. H. Cook and-------- year out. Built on honor, of the best materials. cellent light be put up for the over the election returns it is Cook, hie wife, Peter Wheeler Outwears Three Ordinary Ranges and--------Wheeler hie wife : Republican party Thanks is plain to see that a large number 7^e on/y ran/?« made entirely of charcoal and malleable iron, I n the N ame of the S tate of not necessary, gentlemen, but of Tillatnookers were not con­ hiaucabia iron can t break—charcoal iron won’t ru»t like »teeL O regon , You and each of you are thank thus«- who stayed with tent to let well enough alone, hereby required to appear and an­ Economical In Fuel and voted for the G. 0.1’. The and have listened to the politi­ swer the complaint filed against Tho »»am« of the Maittllc am rio.tad (not put tocether with cians and not properly consid- you in the above entitled court and toiU and rto- e putty) — they wilt nlway. remain air tigli. party will soon surmount the becaUM) neither heat nor cold nttecU them. The Maiertie action, on or before the last day of factional strife uud the wave of their own interests. It remains lined throughout with pure a»be»to» board, the time prescribed in the Summons Kid in place by an open iron grefng -you can see it —and discontent which swept over to I m - seen whether they will do I. there always. A5r tight joints and pure asbestos herein, which said order was made better anil grow more wealthy the country and will come out limng assure an even linking heat, saving one-half the fuel. and dated on the 21et day of All door» drop to form rigid »helve». »prior», with the change. Republican victorious again. September. 1912. and if you fail so to fl.alleable iron oven rack» slide out automatically. hold- ing whatever they contain answer for want thereof the plain­ newspapers all over the country tiff will have judgment against you will keep a close tab on the It is to tie hoped that the clay business barometer, so that the and each of you, for the appropria­ tion and condemnation and assess­ found at South Prairie is suit­ ‘ people will I k - kept posted on ment of your damages in the above able for brick and pottery pur­ I business conditions. entitled court and action, on the poses. This is an industry that following described real proi>erty, is greatly needed in this coun­ of which vou are the owners of an undivided interest therein, to-wit : ty, for as soon as tileing can be For n number of years the Beginning at a point 2371.31 feet tsiught at a reasonable tig un­ north and 1010:84 feet west of the Republican party have been in til- e will be considerable pipe east quarter corner of section 18, the throes of factional strife l”i I in draining land. And us towuship 1 S., range 10 W. of the over a number of trivial ques­ Willamette Meridian in Tillamook to brick, a large quantity will tions and greedy, factional poli­ County, Oregon, thence south 6deg. lie used in building, especially ticians in the State of Oregon. 10" east 65.2 feet; thence south n’**rT?jr Kite a tm kettle, through a tine quality of face brick. wt «tarnped from on« p<«c« of ccpp«r. setting against 25 deg. 55’ east 157.8 feet; thence The result of which is the Dem­ ♦ box' Ilt bo‘U water in • vary west 223.29 feet; thence north 207.05 tup n< • ev”r the frame and rewrvoir mov«e ocrats have made political capi­ romfire. An exclosi«« patented Mtpestic feature, Oeee end feet ; thence east 150 feet to the r***—yt? w,th »hoYvling ash««- w M sn ? «¿ ft The Bull Moosera disfran­ tal on account of the strife and prevents fw*‘r front cat b,ng fir-* cup catches «shea. point of beginning, containing .84 chised Republicans in Cnlifor captured some of the most im­ acres more or less, situated in the if - — nia. It only acted ns a boom­ portant offices. The Republican northeast quarter of the north to to* a Ht» ■ f • • > L MAJ U T 1C li •vototoSto 1 MUÍ STIC east quarter of section 18, in erang. however What was nt i party went into the prvsidental ** the firee« a feature« «<- township 1 S of range 10 W. of the onetime the strongest state for fight I mndicapped bv internal W^rrir ia MH «tm^r Willamette Meridian. And a strip most ran*vs ar« wsekeet, " ? ”"*■!**■ ■**! Roosevelt went to Wilson on strife amongst the politicians. •d.aiA °* * 18. township 1 S. R in «■ ’ect* Willamette Meridnn • th ' “f *" 57 deg. .03’ east harl • south 6 deg. 10’ east mis’ , south 25 deg. 55’ fl’et'^th0"“' 34 • of S*PtJ 1912, therein ordering tha- nions be served upon you hVt„ cation thereof in the ‘■Tiij?l Headlight” a weekly'«.(J general circulation i„ t .,.' Countv, Oregon, for at 'east orn week for six consecutive weeiih the date of the first publi thereof, and the time for ¿7 answer said complaint beirim run according to said order fm the day and date of the first cation as shown in said Sum3 and said Order. The date of the first publics of this Summons is the 26th dar September, 1912, and the dateoil last publication thereof and | last date upon which vou lffl quired to answer on or before; and will expire on the 8 h dap November, 1912. W ebster H olmes , Attorney for PlainSt ¡2 Citation. In the County Court of the Stam Oregon for Tillamook Couth. In the Matter of the Estate; of Harry Wingate Cottle, Deceased. I I n the N ame of the Sun O regon ; To Addie Cottle, Harvey X. Co Isabel K. Cottle, FredB.C< and Harry B. Cottle : You are H ereby C ited and quired to be and appear in County Court of the State oil gon, for Tillamook County, at Court House, in Tillamook ( Tillamook County. Oregon, on! day, the 18th day of November, at the hour of 10 o’clock in the! noon of said day, then and the show cause, if any there be. said Court should not make order as prayed for in the Peti of H. T Botts, Administrator, the Will annexed, of Harry 1 gate Cottle, deceased, authorii licensing and directing saidadi istrator to sell at private sale cash, all of the following (leacr real property, situate in Tillai Connty, Sta’te of Oregon to-t Lots 9 and 10 of Block 8, in town of Bay City, belonging» estate of said deceased, for the pose of paying the chargee, penses and claims still upiati against the said estate. W itness the Honorable Hi Mason, Judge of theCountyC of the State of Oregon, for I ■nook County, this 3Uth day September, 1912. Attest : j. c. H olms . [ seal ] Clerk of the County C< of Tillamook CcM Oregon. If Prof. Wilson were diept* insist upon an enforcement « rules he could have Co! * Moose Roosevelt put outof the on s charge of butting. DONT’T YOU THEY HAVE APPENDIX Many Tillamook people vho chronic appendiciti», «luiha very painful, have [doctor* years for gas on the stoni** stomach or constipation. Lamar states that if these will try simple buckthorn glycfrine, etc., as compen* Adler i-ka, the German appe’ remedy, they will he iurP the QUICK benefit. A DOSE relieves these trout» STANTLY. The Great M ajestic R ange Charcoal and Malleable Iron J Alex McNair Co. It Should Be In Your Kitchen Now is theri^ to have that group picture Let us J- special displnJ — f tive new style* ’ perfectly making gr*,uP P", and will I''™*-’", the quality oflo«r Monk’s S