« lHeuiiliflbt. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, NOVEMBER 7, 1*12. How to Get Rich Live within your means. Limit your wants while enlarging your resources. Dispense with luxuries as long Ms you can pay only for necessities. Promote your independence by becom­ ing a money saver as well as a money O. A. Krebs and E. G. Krebs have been in Tillamook for over a week looking up the prospects of start­ ing a brick yard and pottery. They had procured some clay from the G II. Lamb place on South Prairie, and much to their satisfaction they ' found it made good brick and tiles. There ie a large quantity of the clay in different etratas, which, when burned, give different colors. They had quite a number of samples but to be sure that the clay was suitable they shipped large bags to Port­ land and will give it a thorough test, and should it prove satisfact­ ory they will start a brick yard and pottery in this county. They have taken an option on the place and left for Portland. They are both practical brick makers and were connected with a brick yard in Port­ land before they went to Sherwood. First National Bank, Tillamook Oregon, Wilson President with 420 Electoral Votes. W m . G. T ait , President. OREGON IN DEMO CRATIC BAND WAGON. J. c. I I olden , Vice-President. C. L. M c G hee , Cashier. Tillamook County, Safe and Sane, Still Loyal to the G.O.P. OFFICERS DIRECTORS P aul ScH RADER. C. W. T at . mage - It was a Democratic streak that On Wednesday, November 5th, R. swept the country which gave Wil B. C. L amb . You can buy an interest bearing Cer­ A Searcey and Miss Minnie Hoyt son 420 electoral votes and sent the W m . G. T ait . were marriage at the home of th, Republican and Bull Moose parties tificate of Deposit or make a deposit in ’s mother, Mrs. Alice Hoyt, of to defeat, Taft carrying only two r bride ...................................... J. C. H oi . den . onr Savings Department every time you Sandlake. Rev. |Dora Young, states and Roosevelt four, with four I pastor of the U. B. Church, at Bea­ states in doubt. Even Oregon with have a spare dollar. ver, officiating. The house was so many political freaks and freak beautifully decorated with ever­ legislation, joined the procession green, white dahlias and white and is now a full fledged Democratic chrysanthemums. “Wedding of state There is one redeeming feat­ the wind” was played on the phono­ ure, however, Tillamook County graph as the bridal procession remains safe and sound in the Re­ The City Transfer Co. are the fel­ TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS lows slowly passed down the stairway publican column. Every candidate who haul anything, anywhere, into the parlor where their plights on the national, state and county i Office on Main Street, Pennies wanted at Tillamook any time were ¡frothed in the presence of ticket had a plura’ity of votes in opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Call 311 No- 532 County Bank. twenty-two relatives. The bride this county with one exception, I Providing Method for Consolidating us by phone, Main 651. New Counties: was dressed in white nun's veiling. Bourne having a slight lead over Double Liability on Bank Stockholders : Janies Walton, Jr., came in on 348 Yes 253 312 Yes- 571 C. B. Wiley and wife left for Cali ­ After congratulations "Come nestle Selling. Wednesday ou businees. 313 No—198 349 No—898 Harry Lane was elected senator Statewide Public Utilities Regulation: Wanted,—Empty Sacks. Lamb- fornia on Wednesday, where they near me, love” and '‘Dearie” were Income Tax Amendment. will remain the winter. On their played, A bountiful dinner was with 1,100 votes to spare. 314 Yes 438 350 Yes 387 Schrader Co. Elmore Dock. 315 No- 323 351 No 393 way there they will visit with friends served, It is reported that woman suffrage Nice presents were re Glasses fitted. Any kind, any ; in Portland and The Dalles. Creating Cascade County: Tax Exemption on IlnUHehold Effects: ceived. Friends gave them a ser- carried in the state with about 3000 style Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * 318 Yes 201 352 Yes 296 Prunes For Sale,—direct from the nade. Mr. Searcey responded with majority By a large majority the 319 No 482 358 No 400 You should have seen the people grove First class quality, medium some choice candy and nuts. people have decided to retain capital Millage Tax for State Colleges: Tax Exemption on Moneys and Credits. at the Bargain Counter last Satur­ size 5c. per pound in 100 pound lots. punishment. Single tax was snow­ 320 Yes 310 354 Yes 296 day. No 448 321 Prices for Hogs, ed under, and it seems that most of 355 No-860 The freight is 80 to 65c. per 100. Majority Rule on Initiated Laws: I Look for a genuine surprise at Alex Marolf, St. Helena, Cal. the road bills have met the same Revising Inheritance Tax Laws: Up to 225 lbs., 10c., dressed. 322 Yes - 264 356 Yea 246 I the Tillamook Feed Co’s, next Sat fate. The Allen House Grille serves a 225 lbs. to 275 lbs., 8Vic, dressed. 323 No 551 357 No 460 urday. ' and ‘ over, “ 7c. We give below the vote in Tilla­ County Bonding and Road Construction, merchant’s lunch every day at 275 pounds To Regulate Freight Rates: Tillamook Meat Company. mook county, which ie incomplete: An entire change in the bargain noon, 25c. Spring chicken always Grange Bill: 358 Yes 494 I 324 Yes 356 ¡counter at the Tillamook Feed Co’s. on hand, We aim to serve the best 359 No —288 President. I County 325 No -406 Sewer Pipe for Sale. Saturday. * Road Bonding Act So Called Taft, Rep.............. ............ 470 thing to the best people at city Creating State Highway Department. Medford Bill: Wilson, Detn ................ 375 a Live chickens wanted at the Tilla­ prices. For Sale all sizes of sewer pipes Grange Bill: 38 360 Yes 268 Chafin, Prohi ............. and sewer connections. See I. H. mook Meat Company’s Market, 13c. 326 Yea—163 361 No 467 133 Frank Hanenkratt recently- sold McMahan. Debs, Soc 327 No 617 per pound. * Roosevelt, Prog ......... 285 Aliolishing Senate; proxy voting his interest in the Star Theatre to Dhanging Date State Printer Bill: Congressman. 362 Yes 231 i Dr. Jack Olson has opened den­ C. Ji. Reynolds, and is now run­ The Independent Church. 328 Yes 229 129 Campbell, Prog........... ~ 363 No 464 tal parlors over F. R Beals’ office ning the Gem, having bought the ,129 No 497 Hawley, Rep ............... 544 State wide Single tax: Both phones. The Independent Church is found­ Richards, Soc .... ... 120 same from E Jenkins and A. H Creating office of Hotel Inspector: 364 Yea 251 193 ed on the doctrine of total depravity Smith, Dem.................. 330 Yes 125 366 No 596 Bring your chickens to the Tilla­ Harris in opposition to the popular idea of M Stillman, Pmhi . 331 No 676 mook Meat Company’s Market We Aholiahing Capital punishment: W. B. Alderman and Geo. W. holiness. It is the difference be­ Senator. Eight hour day on public works: ,166 Yea 323 pav 13c per pound * 347 Bourne, Ind.................. 332 Yes 438 Bodyfelt having been summoned i tween reward and gift. A reward .367 No -616 «5 a consideration for some­ Clark, Prog.................. 333 No 390 Lost,—A Yellow Buck Skin Pouch on the Federal jury, left for Port­ is 262 thing rendered, either good or bad. Lane, Dem...................... Prohibiting boycotting: Blue Sky law: with ttoney in it. Finder please land on Tuesday, which will keep, pither by commission or ommis- 53 Paget, Prohi.................. 368 Yea 316 334 Yes 312 84 leave Baine at Patzlaf’s Store. * about thetn in Portland until C —..7 sion, while a gift is a token of love. Ramp, Soc...................... 369 No 448 335 No 440 300 Because I choose to worship God Selling, Rep ............... Giving Mayor authority to control Irvie Keldson is carrying liiag Chrirtmas. Prohibiting private employment I to the proposition of total depravity Secretary of State. alreete: of convicts: arm in a sling as a result of having There will be services as usual at trusting his love to me, is no ex­ 117 Kennedy, Prog ......... 370 Yes 826 | 336 Yes 525 620 his shoulder thrown out of place. the Presbyterian Church on Sunday, cuse for my natural competitor re Olcott, Rep ................ 371 No 480 337 No 297 118 hie effort to gain the bright Reddaway, Soc......... Elmore Packing Co. vs Hiram when the pulpit will be occupied taxing Appropriation for University: Relating to employment of county 218 reward. Is not the reward as grea t Ryan, Dem .................... iadus is a suit filed in the circuit by the pastor, Rev. D. A. Macken- to the just as though I receive my 374 Yes -184 and city prisoners: 57 White, Prohi................ 376 No M6 338 Yea 506 ourt to recover $120.36 from the de­ qie. Good singing is one feature I dues ? Justice of the Supreme Court. 83 Bright, Prohi................ 389 No 289 endant at the church. All are invited. Romans. 4chapter, 4 and5 verses. 601 Eakin, Rep............... No Trains on Friday. State Road Bonding Act Harmony E. E. Koch and W. J. Hill have Now to him that worketh is the re­ If you wish rooms for the Winter Slater, Dem.................... 281 ward not reckoned of grace, but of Bill: 13« >y the month “cheap ” with hot or bought out C. W. Campbell’s drug debt. But to him that worketh not, Weaver, Soc.................... No trains today, Friday, owing to 340 Yes-159 Food Commissioner. old water and with bath, call at store, They are from Portland and but believeth on him that justifieth 341 No-595 two slides on the P. R. * N. 126 Barzee, Soc........ ; .......... Limiting State Road Indebtedness : he Todd Hotel. • have taken charge of the store. Mr. the ungodly, his faith is counted Dunbar, Prohi ............... 110 342 Yes -39f for righteousness.—J. C. G ove . .307 “Il is a pleasure to tell you that Go to the Clam market for Clams, Campbell and wife will leave for I.ea, Dem.......................... 343 No—342 Montana next week. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is 527 Mickle, Rep .................... ish and Crabs. Second Avenue, County Bonding Act: Is your husband cross ? An irri­ the beet cough medicina 1 have Railroad Commissioner, Geo. W Kiger returned to the ear First St., in the building back 344 Yes 297 table, fault finding disposition is ever used,”; writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell, Rep .... ... 748 city last week from Ohio. He was often due to a disordered stomach. 1 345 No 460 f Beale’ office. Campbell, of Lavatila, Ga ‘There District Attorney. Limiting County Road Indebtedness: used it with all my children «nd Attorney T. B. Handley and accompanied by Mrs, Kiger, who is A man with good digestion is nearly Hill, Rep .................... 646 346 Yes 365 the results have l>een highly satis­ good natursd A great Holmes, Dem................ 357 amily, who went to California on a now visiting in Portland. She is always 347 No- 373 factory.” For sale by all desierà. many ha”e been permanently cured State Senator. fait to Mr. Handley’s mother, re- much better from the serious fall of stomach trouble by taking 751 Hollis, Rep ...................... she had while back East, which Chamberlain’s Tablets. For sale by urned to the city on Friday, Representative. I t all dealers. Handley, Rep .......... 901 Money to Loan on Improved injured her skull. County Clerk, JOHN LELAND HENDERSON, On Friday about thirty ladies of arms to the extent of about $4000 ! SIDNEY E. HENDERSON, Don’t waste your money buying Secrets ry-Tr«.*s. Blanchard. Soc............ 219 President. bout the 1st April—Apply to John the Christian Church gave Mrs. C. strengthening plasters. Chamber «01 Holden, Rep . ......... Attorney at-I.aw anil Notar-» B. Wiley a surprise party and spent Iain's Liniment is cheaper and Sheriff. ■eland Henderson & Son, Agents. * Public. better Dampen a piece of flannel Allender, Soc............... 164 Owing to a rush of job work and the afternoon with her previous with it and bind it over the affected 92« Crenshaw, Rep ............... to her leaving for California. As on piling election returns, it was parts and it will relieve the pain Treasurer. Beale. Rep....................... 844) •te 'n the week before the Mrs. Wiley had been an active and soreness. For sale by ail dealers. Morton Soc....................... '236 dilor found time to devote to the worker in that church the ladies The boy’s appetite is often the Assessor. presented her with a gold brooch. •cw«na|>er, 1«< source of amazement- If you would Berger, Soc.................... Oregon Logging Co, Du IJois have such an appetite take Cham­ Be not lorget the Sunday Chicken Johnson, Rep ............ «18 Surveyor. h!F -rr at the Todd. Better than Lumber Co., J. W. Cochran, Luther berlain's Tablets. They not only 222 create a healthy appetite, but Cross, Soc.................. ” e«n have at home for less money. K. Haak and the Portland Timber strengthen the stomach and enable *12 Jacksun. Rep......... • (INCORPORATED) and ,ry us. Service from 5:30 t Co. nre five suits filed in the circuit it to do its work naturally For Commissioner. > ’'»p.m. • - . court appealing from the action of sale by all dealers Alley, Ind...................... Edna. Rep....................... F®* "ale.-Cheap, 12 stands of bees the Board of Equalization and its Scovell, Soc...................... 'A* W. L. Cook, who was Postmaster 1 order dismissing, over ruling and * •-od condition to winter, i- School Superintendent. at Neihart, Montana, writes : “ 1 in disallowing the appellants ’ peti ­ hives. Will sell one or all. Buel, Rep ........... ™ recommend Foley’s Honey 4 Tar Stock Running at I-arge. Compound to ail my people, and " Fletcher down Trask from ' tions. Beaver Precinct — For, 8 ; against, •■v Tone'g $39,000 will buy one hundred acres they are never disappointed with it. TILLAMOOK. ORKOON both phones Foley’s Honey and Tar Conqiound 42. of land on Garibaldi beach on which against. Blaine Precinct — For, 13; ch°‘r °* ,he Presbyterian for coughs and colds give« the best is platted the town of Moroney. rM K'Ve '*9 ,econ’ a,’er visiting on the railroad, price $6.000 and I such severe pains in mv back I 2nd district , Frank Taylor, 3rd hardly get up I tried several district. —. • tn Wisconsin, and were will put the water on the ground could physicians with no result, but Woman Suffrage Amendment. r ’”ck ,o thi’ «»vored Moroney Town, M. Moroney, Poat Foley Kidney Pills have done won­ 300 Yse ifc of the country ders for me. I recommend then to office address. Rockaway, Ore 301 Ne469 all.” Sold by Lamar's Drug Store, Creating Office of Lieutenant Governor 302 Yea-« Twinges of rheumatism, back­ 303 No 41« ache, stiff joints and shooting pains all show your kidneys are not Divorce of Local and State Taxation : 304 Yea $4$ working right. Urinary irregu- 206 No 474 _ , laritiea. loas of sleep, nervousness, weak back and sore kidneya tell Permitting Different Taa Rato« On Claaaeeof Proparty: the need of a good reliable kidney medieine Foley Kidney Pills are $06 Yes-» tonic, strengthening and restore Repeal of^Qmnty Tea Option : i tire. They build up the kidneys and regulate their action. They <« will give you quick relief and con­ Majority Rule oo Const! tat inns I tain no habit forming drugs. Safe Amendments and always sure. Try them. Sold at LamaFa Drug Stnae. «■ $10 Yes—$61 earner. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Tillamook Title and Abstract Company Law: Abstracts: Real Estate Surveying ; Insurance DAMAR’S VARIETY STORE, TIUUAmOOK, OREGON. Dp°P in and book Around” 1