Tillamook Headlight, October 31, 1O1B R c / al / B aking P owder Aids Healthful Dualiíiestothefüod Prof Prescott, of the University of Michigan, testified before the Pure Food Committee of Congress, that the acid of grapes held highest rank as an article of food and he regarded the re­ sults from baking with cream of tartar baking powder as favorable to health. I Royal is the only Baking Powder made from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar. The Ticket for Next Tuesdays i El.E< IOR" "H PÄ8IMMTAND VI< I 1 '1 '11 ™ve FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT Von W. S. BUK1-, of Tillamook County UNITED STATES. *------------- 100 “For President, WM H TAFT Vice-President, JAS. S. SHERMAN. Bort of Nehalem—Frank A. Rowe, Henry lohl, FreiizZa^f^M Republican F V CARTER, of Jackson County Bort of,Day City—John O. Hozorth, Theodore "" Jacobv~77~~^J - -———---- —-------- — ■ - id. J“iuby, John ¿J Republican W. C-Trombley, Walter D Wood M J M ac MAHON, of Multnomah County 13 Ml KINLEY MITCHELL, of Multnomah County Republican Stock Running at Large —Beaver, Blaine, Foley, I.TuiTx^—S 14 PHII. METSCHAN, J r ., of Multnomah County vTaft-bhermaii Justice and Constable Districts—First, Joseph l5fenb»,7,— 15 Spencer, constable. Second, E. W. Stanley ¡untie )u,'ict i Taft-Sherman Taylor, justice. Fourth. J. J. Longcore, cokitabk JOHN L. RAND, of Baker County 1« For President. W. WIUSON For Vice-Preaipent, T. X MARSHALL. Democratic HUGH McLAIN, of Coos County 17 Democratic Trip ‘ Around the World GERMANY TO ENGUj WILL M PETERSON, of Umatilla County 18 Democratic ' EXCURSION TICKET. Via the great German' ¡j K1H.N M WAI.L, of Washington County 19 Steamer, DutclffJ Democratic D M. WATSON, of Multnomah County 20 ‘ Merrily, merrily Onthf Democratic Good I for first class passage F C. WHITTEN, of Multnomah County Before the waves ¿het? 21 when officially stamped and For President, E W. CHAFIN. For Vice-President, A. S. WATKINS. presented with checks attached. Prohibition ' A. E EATON of Union County — * 22 This ticket is not transferable. ENGLAND TO SCOTL a ; Prohibition E. J. EVANS, of Klamath County 23 No stop overs. Prohibition Must carry all baggage on your Via the great London and HIRAM GOULD, ef Washington County 24 latnook Railroad No baggage checked. Prohibition back. E. S. HAMMOND, of Marion County The land of heather a-d 25 Prohibition cakes. URL < E WOLVERTON, of Multnomah County 26 For President, E. V. DEBS. Fur Vice-President, EMIL SEIDEL. SCOTLAND TO 1RELASI C. W. BANTA, of Jackson County Via Tube under the Irish k H. T. BUTLER, of Multnomah County Socialist Trains every 20 minutes. Breath must be held Socialist GEORGE DABRITZ, of Polk County First Train leaves Pres­ byterian Station Friday, Nov. 1, at 7 p.m. 32 33 » »ML V oq for 31 ri. * FOR CORONER P. LEWIS, of Linn County Socialist O. HENRY OLEEN, of Columbia County Socialist For President, T ROOSEVELT. For Vice-President, H. W. JOHNSON Progressive A. S. GEDDES, of Union County Progressive L. H. MCMAHAN, of Marion County 34 LEVI VV. MYERS, of Multnomah County Progressive 35 W. K. NEWELL, of Washington County Progressive 3rt A. K. WARE of Jackson County Progressive State. i FOR REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS, FIRST CONGRESSIONAL ¡ DISTRICT, Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Lane. Lincoln, Linn, Marion, Polk. Tillu- \ ote for One mook, Washington and Yamhill Counties. 37 JOHN W. CAMPBELL, of Douglas County Progressive 38 W, C. HAWI.EY, of Marion County Republican Socialist W. S. RICHARDS, of Linn County 39 led by Rev. D. A. MucKenzie, past­ 40 R. G. SMITH, of Josephine County Benrocratic CORNER STONE OF CHRIS or of the Presbyterian church, and Prohibition 41 O. A. STILLMAN, of Marion County TIAN CHURCH LAID. . a gospel song by the choir, the next speaker introduced was Rev. FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR IN CONGRESS Vote for One In Delightful Weather and a C. L. Swander, Field Missionary of 42 JONATHAN BOURNE, JR., of Multnomah County Large Gathering Present. theChristian Church. Mr. Swander’s Popular Government Candidate address was replete with good 43 A. E. CLARK, of Multnomah County Progressive The program for the laying of I thoughts, and was delivered in a the correr-stone of the new Chris­ . happy and effective manner. A 44 HARRY LANE, of Multnomah County Democratic tian Church of this city was i verbatim , report of his address 45 Prohibition B. LEE PAGET, of Clackamas County carried out as previously an­ j would make excellent reading, | but space forbids more than 46 B. F. RAMP, of Marion County Socialist nounced, with one exception, last Sunday afternoon. At this time of la commendatory notice. 47 BEN SELLING, of Multnomah County Republican Then followed the laying of the year when the inclemency of the Vote for One weather so frequently interrupts the . corner-stone, and the placing in a FOR SECRETARY OF STATE. best laid plains for “out of doors’ (cavlty in the stone a copper box 48 B. ELMER KENNEDY, of Multnomah County Progressive services, we are especially grateful , containing the usual documents of 49 Republican BEN W. OLCOTT, of Marion County interest. M.. to the great head of the church for ( historical ^interest. Mr. Smith El- the beautiful sunshine which cun | | Hott and Mrs. P. A. Latimer, chart­ 50 F. P. REDDAWAY, of Marion County Socialist er members of the church, assisted tributed so much to the pleasure* in this important puri of the ser- 51 JOHN B RYAN, of Multnomah County Democratic nn improvements, and my ouly regret interested, only u church erection is that I was unable to do more service, or some enterprise in sym­ [owing to the lack of funds Should the people decide to retain FOR COUNTY CLERK. Vote for One pathy with the ideals and work of me m their service, the same fair MYRON BLANCHARD, of Tillamook County the church could possibly succeed treatment will continue, and with 60 Socialist in drawing tu a service of this km I the County out ot debt, there is no 67 J. C. HOLDEN of Tillamook County Republican so large a numtier of the leading good reason why our roads can not citizens of thia community It is be extended and improved much FOR SHERIFF. Vote for One more rapidly than heretofore. un unquestioned proof that the FRANK ALLKNDER, of Tillamook County In conclusion, I will say, it haa 68 Socialist church is an inminable asse* in been my expressed intention not t» HENRY CRENSHAW, of Tillamook County noy* community, and is so re <• become a candidate at this elec­ Republican tion. It was onlv at the urgent re- FOR COUNTY TREASURER garded by all morally educated Vate for One quest ot people from various parts jieople. of the County anil particularly those TV H. I- BEALA of Tillamook ( oun«\ Republican Owing to the fact th t the Mayor, ot the Nehalem \ alley that I have Tl J~E.^2j^j ON. of Tillamook County Mr J. R Hurter, wsa suffering from consented to enter the race. Socialist I bear no ill will to either of my a severe cold, he wan unable to l>e opponents, Mr. Kdner or Mr. Sco- FOR COUNTY ASSESSOR. Vote for One present to S|>eiik on the subject ectfully your», •poh* «ii<| rntrriatmnirl) I H. V. A lley the Bubjet t. ’ihir Finid Aim I I*hl* ib plainly the preacher* a ! • ptcialty Church butklinir», how ever twnutiful un acticallv N othing m* liRAT’ Mo"8 ^LATE" Q ltcker zvo H ottkk , and G ives B stt Z« G eneral S atisfaction T han Asnr (Hto. R ance M ade — ** m “'' e b ?.? vbi G'L as ” and we can prove it! Alex McNair Co $ iíjíhk [ 'ft \ 1