4 Tillamook Headlight, October 31, 1912 RlTY RULE AMEND MENT. read in another paper' that it is a bad law, frankly admit that they do "2.‘i""dew""di^ Woman Suffrage. friln ¡1™ THE EI)ITOR High School Notes JOHN L. HENDERSON, TILLAMOOK HEAD­ HARPER Football relatione with Hillsboro voting. What is the result? The ■ LIGHT.) High have been cancelled Ly the ATTORNEY & COUNSEL people who have initiated and who school, owing to the fact vevrvivornia ,sed by Initiative Peti­ are deeply interested in the meas- ' In the issue of the Headlight, of | - Hillsboro - . . .. - - , 1 their players are , lire—a small minority, about 25 or v»v"OL>ci October 17th, there was an article llr> ki ♦ LOR-AT-LAW. tion. on account'of’in- ’ a^t . C ------------------ 30 per cent of the electorate—are by the Oregon State Association I and parental objertiona,* as counted for it. as are those who did opposed to the extension of the juries { in m “ ,e’,er received from 1 Hl*mook Block, Tillamook,Or the amending of ««■<»>"" 1 not vote on it at alljand it is de­ suffrage to women. I am very w“o l,a,ed» »... Manager ».2™.... sorry there are such association-«, ». Stain, Thia IV of the Constitution of clared passed Room No a6i •■fact has caused a ‘down hearted- ate of Oregon »0 an to require for they are endeavoring to block, j That is what lias happened in the ■> ! ness ” feeling among the T. H. S. ------- ority of all electors voting at past and what will happen at the what I sincerely believe would be a ' athle'es, for they have been looking Action to adopt constitution'll coming election. That is Minority great public g-^od. ,’T. BOTTS, dmint ami pass mt.at.ve Rule, not Majority Rule. .The. writer says the majority of farwurd to the guinea with H H. S. a* an important pleasure These L amb, majority vote only A ttornry - at -L aw . The proposed amendment will women are opposed to equal suffer rtora voting thereon to reject safeguard the rights of the people age. I admit tha» there are a large games were the only ones upon ’ Complete set of Abstract Book T. H. S. ’ s schedule, soft is mani ­ „res referred to the peop le. and make the rule of the majority, number among the society women fest that Tillamook will have no i; are opposed to the extension of \ ri fi: j. woman's suffrage. They have per ­ minority rule as at present haps never thought the matter over unless further arrangements are Residents. Is it right that our state constitu­ in its true light. They are the made with some other school which ’ tion should work so that conditions wives and daughters of millionaire, is not probable, as all other schools Tillamook Block. could poseibly arise when lees than who are satisfied with prevailing of any football importance have, 1 a majority of the votes cast at an conditions, and do not wish them beyond a doubt, filled their sche I Both phone«. e Majority Rule amendment, election could amend the Constitu I cha nged. ( dules long before this time. Good Health, Fair Diges- hown above, is just as it will tion ? The main point in their opposi­ The Boys’ Athletic Association 1 ur on the ballot. This is one tion, Strong Nerves, and tion, is that they do not care for Is it not evident that thia is the met on Monday and decided to quit Z~^ ie most important measures Hearty Good Humor come equal suffrage because they do weak spot in our initiative law? interscholaatic football for this year L yARI HA UUP I inu ,oters of Oregon will be called on account of the above mentioned HABhKLACH, not wish to shoulder the responsi ­ from the moderate use of Is it not true that all are affected ! to decide at the coming elec HARPER Whiskey. by the passage of bad laws as well bilities of a political campaign. The reasons, but an inter-society game right of franchise cannot change gill probably be held ople who know that the proposed order to decide it right you should judge from their own conditions, future, and one that will make the Our fresh, high grade Tillamook Block. and do not realise they are hinder­ girls’ gym look like a “hen coop.” w is aimed at the rights of the vot“ 322 X Yes on November 5. drugs will help to make ing a great good, which sooner or »pie vote against it; but the Benley Stani was elected as Gen­ these remedies more effec- Majority Rule League. later must be. ajority who read in one paper The writer speaks of a great many eral Manager of Athletics at the et the law ie a good one and who Paid Advt. tive than ever. M. KER RON, men being indifferent. Right here same meeting and it was decided I wish to say, why not let the to correspond with outside schools Right prices are also active women take the place of the and endeavorto secure a few games Tillamook High PHYSICIAN & SURGEON assured. indifferent men ? Our country of basketball. needs more energetic workers and School has a good quanity of ma­ Tillamook Block, if they can't be found among the terial which only needs developing. men, there are women more than Some of the most enthusiastic, students are advocating the organ ­ willing to do their part. Oregou. Tillamcok, » The writer does well to speak of ization of a basket ball league in the. indifferent woman. That is a this county. If this organization is Reliable Druggist. point I wish especially to express. brought about there will probably Why are some women indifferent ? be five or six teams to join the ijB « « « * « • C. HAWK, 1 That is a question which is easily league. The Freshman Class are contem-l answered. The majority of states of the union bar women from public plating the giving of a Hallowe’en functions, and she grows up with Party It seems as though the girls PHYSICIAN & SURGEON only a vague idea of politics. Our are to take charge. Of course hoys are early taught to study every one will have a good time, politics, so as to be able to vote, for who ever went to a Freshman BAY CITY, OREGON. intelligently, in the right way, party without having a good time. when the proper time come. While Mr. Moore has decided that the the girl, no matter how keen a per ception she is gifted with, no mat­ Freshman Algebra Class wan too R. BEALS, ter how great an intellect, what large, therefore he has divided it in­ good does it do if she has an to two sections; the A class snd the opinion on politicals affairs ; she B class. There are sixteen members hasn’t a voice in the making of the in the A class and seventeen in the REAL ESTATE, B class, making a total of thirty- laws she must obey. Is it any three Freshman, the largest class wonder she is indifferent ? Let her F inancial A gent once have a voice in the affairs of ever enrolled in the first year of > the nation, and she is indifferent Tillamook High School. Tillamook, Oregon. no longer. She is then one of the The dramatically gifted students people of the nation ; and while are praticing faithfully on “Uncle she is still a woman at heart in her Rube” and will be ready to appear domestic affairs, she will then have before the public with this four act H. GOY NE, with the problem of buying Harness, the right to use her intellect, and drama-comedy in a short time. » you will find it distinctly advnnta help her brothers, in bettering the Professor Baker announced on geons to come and do your select­ conditions of the nation Monday that all High School boys A ttorn ey - at -L aw . It appears to tre unjust, that we seen ing here, You will get the best smoking, or using tobacco in should have to ask for what should any form would be subject to sus­ qualities, the most thorough and be our right—nay, not only ask, pension from school for an indefinite Office : Opposite Court House. conscientious workmanship, and be but beseach it. The American men period. It has been discovered that charged the moat reasonable prices. are noted for their chivalry to High School boys smoking has in­ T illamook , O rrgon . We can supply single or dogblB women, why not grant us this fluenced the boys of the lower privilege. Sets or any single article that you grades to use tobacco also Thia In conclusion, I wish to say to is the main reason given for the may be in need of.! the voters of this county, and the measure which has been taken ken As An T-'\R. P. J. SHARP, State of Oregon in general, that yet no boys have been sus| ^pended, I 1 ■ W.A, Williams&Co while the fashionable women of the and it to be hoped that they «ui will be be A-r state are opposed to equal suffrage sensible and atop the filthy habit. Next Poor to Tillamook County Bank. I RESIDENT DENTIST, for the reason that they have noth­ IIBlllUiC 11UH _ , Teachers’ Annnal Institute start V ­ ing more to wish for in this respect, E. F. Carlton. Office across the street from th* the working woman, the business ed on October 30th E woman,- the thinking woman, are Assistant State Superintendent of Court House. working zealously for what should Education, will take charge of the TOWER’S FISH BRAND (This Advertisement Paid For by People Supporting H. V. Alley.) be generously given her. Please institute,and much good work ia ex- , Dr. Wise’s office. give this matter your earnest con pected. Mr. Carlton was here laat REFLEX SLICKER sideration, and vote yes for commencement and delivered the KEEPS OUT AIL THE RAIN address to the graduating class of women’s suffrage. Civic Duties vs. The Political 1912 He proved to be a very intel­ Yours truly, PATfNTEU A Y oung W oman of V oting ligent and logical apeaker. There r-p SARCHET, Game. I . The Fashionable Tail»» will be three extra holidaya thia A ge week for the students, owing to the Ida M. Tarbell says one of her Institute. This will give them a chief objections to woman suffrage t good chance to make up any work, C.eauing, Pressing and Repai.- is that “it will take the attention of November Jury List. in which possibly they have fallen woman from what I believe to be iug a Specialty. behind. their real civic duties by interest­ The jury list for the November The Ciceronian Literary Society ing them in the political game, W ater when they should be concentrating term of the Circuit Court, which will gave their first program which is 8» »re in Hein« Photographic C annot T hese *' their attention on specific civic convene on the llth, was drawn the first program of the year, on R ijn I n At Gallery. Tuesday, October 29th. The mam R eflex E dges work.’’ last week, as follows: T he F ront feature was the initiation of new P rotect Y ou u All right minded women want this work done, but they differ as to the W. F. Latimer, Tillamook, farmer. members. After they were lined WATEBFPOOr- - D usablk A. 3. Tilden, Nehalem, farmer. up on the front of the stage they method The suffragist thinks the SATISrACTION GUARANTEED J. CLAUSSEN, were each instructed to repeat a ballot the panacea for all its ills of C L. Alley, Nehalem, farmer. $3.00 Everywhere Robert J. Watt, Tillamook, farmer. nursery rhyme which was done society. The anti-suffragist be­ lawyer A. J. TOWER CO. without much hesitancy. lieves that the constant and effect- Wm. Hosley, Tillamook, farmer, --------------- BOSTON ! ive influence now exerted by women li. L. Kinnaman, Beaver, farmer fnUföl* Tower < Canadian limited, Çcutachrr C. A. Svenson Tillamook, farmer. L nonio ■’» i on legislation and public affairs is Bid* Wanted for Concrete Work. G. H. Poland, Tillamook, farmer. | due to the character and intelligence aij Tillamook Block, of the woman who advocates good Jidgar Munson, Tillamook, farmer. I causes A woman now interested Dee Tomilson, Tillamook, farmer. I The Clover I-eaf Creamery Com­ Alex Watt, Tillamook farmer in a matter of public welfare is pany wishes to receive bids on T illamook • . O rkoon - known to be unselfish and with I. J. Hollett, Blaine, farmer/ making a concrete floor in its mak­ ! only the interest of her cause at F. S. Foster, Cloverdale, niillman. ing room, thirty by thirty, filling heart. The same woman under I H. Moore. Tillamook, tarnier. floor to level of present floor, and Let us show you our i woman suffrage is only one of Wesley Rush, Tillamook farmer. making concrete whey tank. Also E. REEDY, D.V.M., I_ C. Miller, Cloverdale, farmer. 1 many political units, with ignorant for putting new silts under factory. *peciai display of attrac­ and indifferent woman voters add­ N. McMillan. Garibaldi, farmer. [.eave bids at office of Carl Haber tive new styles. We are ¡VETERINARY_____ , ed Io the other elements arrayed M J Edwards, Tillamook, farmer. lach. Secretary Clover Maf Cream Thus Kellow. Hebo, farmer. perfectly equipped for 1 against her success, ery Co, on or before November 1st, '^I lBoth Phones». * making group pictures A few women today are idealiz Geo. Baxter, Dolph, farmer. 1912. The company reserves the I ing the ballot, while what will E. M. Bales, Tillamook, car|>enter. right to reject any or all bids. and will please *yoti with James Hunt, Fairview, farmer. < Iregon, > really solve juvenile deliquency, CLOVER L eaf CkEAMERY COMPANY Tillamook the quality offuur work. I intemperance, the white slave traf- Wm Tinneratet. Tillamook, farmer, E H. Lane, Nehhlem, farmer. i fic, and the social evil is education, What They Will Da •» 1 education and more education in A. A. Imlah, Cloverdale, farmer. ! the home« and from the earliest V. Holden. Tillamook, farmer. They will cure your bactacba. | hour of childhood, and therein lies A. M. Commons, Oretown , farmer. Thoa. R. Monk, Tillamook, photog ­ * You awake with a mean, strengthen your kidney®» aaa- ; the civic duty of woman, bigger rapher, „ . , taste in the mouth, which rermncb ' than the casting of any ballot, and , absorbing enough to occupy all the Claude Lewallen, Hebo, farmer. you that your stomach w in a bad „■».««* -• Tf G. B. Lamb, Tillamook, millman. women of Oregon for ail time. condition- It should also remind J It ia to keep the women of thia C. Deamond, Carnahan, farmer. 15 watte ................................. • •• •lbniaata the esceea ana aa*a you that there is nothing so good out of the “political game’’ w?n^E 12” ha" a bad «*• you ! State 25 watte............................................. ** for a disordered stomach as that cauaea rheumstiaw F»a- and leave them free for this great If you have young children you **"’ medicine obtainable eat of all their duties that are aak 40 watte............................................. ™ Chamberlain’s Stomach and laver vsnt »right • Di.eaaa « ¿¿AT* “.wi,h a* »««• d''«y - you to vote against the woman have perhaps noticed that disorder­ 00 .................................................. •* Tablets. ‘ "Pim^n bq g HeTC “ “ dru*K’’»> 1 suffrage amendment at the coming ed of the stomach are their «jp**. 100 watte..................................... *• common ailment. To correct thia They bu'U up ths •y.U ’ i ’ . assM gtreagtb. Rai use subsUlBto* election. lain'» Chamber Frosted I^m pa five cent« extra. '¿re • . ,cr re »tor» natural coadit.«.. .nd srs .f The Oregon State Association you will find Chamberlain s Stomach , --He m their «ctor" ih.t one herdly re»! k .’•y* bnoa Lolfar of Sarato Effective October llth. Opposed to the Extension of and Liver Tablets excellent They « Uamar** D»ufl Store. taken. Chamb«»!«"» are easy and pleasant to take snd , E lectwic L ight AND ,e* a .nmiujee ob th- ’ ro""'d«r it the bent the Suffrage to women 1 J v . l «.«»»*»> IfealerL “y all I v V — tfa taU •»•vywhwn. F»wn dba M rs . F rancis J ames B ailey , Paid Advt. Presideut whiskycs n I ■ i’ FAMILY RECIPES. • I j ca ! à 11 t> 1....................... VOTE FOR WAY OU NT Y COMMISSIONER I i N « I k s I FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER (Vote for One). 76 X H. V. ALLEY of Tillamook County, Independent. H. V. ALLEY Independent Candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER Resident of Tillamook County 30 Years Efficient County Commissioner for 6 Years . , Now is the time to have that group picture made. Foleys Kidney Pills J Monk’s Studio. Latest Prices on Tungsten ( Mazda LAMPS. A Morning Reminder.