Tillamook Headlight, October 31, Notice. , feet ; thence south 57 a The Heavy Silent Vote. 104.4 feet to the o’,?.* successful on Tuesday. One of sect.on 7. contaS‘‘5 the strongest arguments in fa- NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN.—To The fact that the meetings of the also a strip of land «!? L eo al A dvertisements : vor of the direct primary law gpeijbinders of the different parties all whom it may concern: That the extending 2(1 feet * *• 10 Common Council of I iliamook C lty, First Insertion, per fine .. $ f<>»owing del» was that it would do away with are smaller •• • ----- “ — in some places than 5 Esch subsequent insertion, line Oregon, did on the 16th day of factional strife within a party, | they were in receut presidential September, 1912, duly adopt Ordin- northeast quarter ofT* Bjisiness and professional cards, may be attributed to quarter of section 18,“ ’ which used to be the case when , campaigns 1 month ................. ... 1 Ou other causes than to indifference. anee No. 248, providingfor a contin­ 1 b. ot range 10 we»t’o* one faction would not abide by i The people are busier than they uation of Sixth Street, in Tillamook 5 ID Homestead Notices. Meridian . . . 10 (•» the decision of the convention j were in 1904 or 1908. Crops are bet­ City, Oregon, from the West line ot rnette Timber Claims ... Beginning at a point «. Second Avenue East to the East north 5 locals |>er fine each insertion ter than they were then. Relatively and 1172.(12 fMt * system of nominating candi­ Displuvadvertisement, an inch, It is remarkable how many to population the mills are turning end of said Sixth Street as it is now 50 persons complain about the big dates. It seems that the new j more products than they were in established in Central Addition to east quarter corner’of 1 month ..................................... 18. township 1 S. R. 10aS All Resolutions of Condolence and monopolies, yet it is more re­ system is no lietter than the old ihose years, the people are buying Tillamook City, and the said Com­ Willamette Merid##.** system, for the first shuffle out more than they did then, and the mon Council did on October 21st, 57 deg. .(XI ’ eastiaj’5" Ixtdge Notices, 5c. per line. markable to find the same peo­ Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. of the box Senator B«>urne goes general trade outlook is brighter. 1912, appoint Henry Rogers. M. south 6 deg. 11/ eant '"¡ h Notices. Ixist, Strayed or Stolen, ple lined up with the Bull directly in opposition to the Here are some reasons why spell­ Melchoir and T. H. Goyne, three south 25 deg. 55-“^ binders here and there are saying, disinterested freeholders of Tilla­ etc. minimun rate, 25c. not exceed­ Moose party, as it is the big I spirit of the primary law and "the people refuse to talk or think mook City, to view such proposed thence south 54 deg. .¿J ing five lines. interests who are furnishing street and make an assessment of ieet: thence sooth 27 dsJ* throws overboard the sovereign about politic#.” 300.3 feet; thence south S, the money to boost that cam­ It is altogether probable that the damages and benefits on ac­ east 297.9 feet; thence ™ will of the people at the primary KATES OF SUBSCRIPTION paign. Moral: Don’t wear a what may be called the silent vote count of the laying out of the street 20’ east 26339 feet, conuS law, as well as to renounce what (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE.) will be larger this year than, in any mentioned in said Ordinance, and trust button. I he has been preaching about recent national canvass. New is­ did appoint Monday the 25th day acres. 1.5o One year......... This Summons in 75 Six mouths.... i the Oregon System. It is plain sues are at the front, and these of November, 1912 nt the hour of 8 you by order of the *na S 50 Three months Congressman Hawley's op­ to most of us that the Oregon have been discussed with a good o’clock p m., at the Council Room Percy k Krily, Kelly, Judge Jud^ofj of t^ in the Commercial Club Rooms, in deal of fullness in the past six ponent on the Bull Moose ticket system is not producing as named Circuit Court of thM Entered as second class mail mat­ mouths. Some of the propositions Tillamook Block, Tillamook City, ior Ti|lamook ter July, 1888, at the post office at has been in the state about two capable men in politics, and as which were put forward by the Oregon, as the time and place for dated on tte 21st day of Sr Tillamook, Ore., under the act of years, consequently he cannot to money playing an important parties which the Republicans are said viewers to meet. 1912, therein orderinc t You A re F urther N otified March 3. 1879. know much about the district factor in elections, aspirants fighting are more radical than were ■ nous be served upon yon he wants to represent. Mr. for public office who have the presented in any previous cam­ that the boundaries and terminus cation thereof in the ” paign since the civil war, unless an of the proposed street, being a con­ Headlight,” a weekly net Hawley makes it a point to go "barrel” can use money on the exception bp made of that of 1896. tinuation of said Sixth Btreet, are Tillamook deadlight, over the district once a year, Q.T. just as lavishly as hereto­ The danger of substituting mob described as follows: Beginning at general circulation fa Oregon, forat'e and in that manner he comes fore. There are two important rule for the orderly proc e lure which the southeast corner of Block 1 of County, week for six consecutive® in close touch with the people reasons why Ben Selling should has been dominant along to this Harter’s Addition to Tillamook City, the date of the first pnl constitutes a peril which is and being in the West lineof Second REPUBLICAN TICKET. and knows their needs. We be elected : First that be is the i time too large to permit anything like Avenue East, and running thence thereof, and the time f» consider Mr. Hawley- by far tlie choice of the Republican party ’ apathy among the voters. It seems West 300 feet to the southeast cor­ answer said complaint b For President : strongest and most influential in a fair and square primary ! certain that a majority of tlie 7,000,- ner of Block 1 of Central Addition run according to eaid ort the day and date of the fat WILLIAM H. TAFT. member of the Oregon delega- election : and, secoad, if Ben 1000 men who have been casting Re­ to Tillamook City, Oregon; running cation as shown in naid Si publican ballots in recent presi thence South 60 Ieet to the North­ and said Order. For Vice-President : tion at Washington. Selling is'defeated Oregon will I dential campaigns are interested east corner of Block 2 of Central JAMES S. SHERMAN. The date of the first pit be without a Republican to enough in this peril to vote against Addition to Tillamook City; run For Electors rd President iind Vice- of this Summons in the Mb ning thence East 300 feet to the it on election day, despite the represent the State in the U.S. We want to sav one word of President of the United Slates: September, 1912, and the da boasts of some of the leaders among West line of Second Avenue Eaet and praise for the county officials senate, which would prove a the E. V. CARTER, small faction of Republican running tnence North along the West last publication thereof i M. J, M ac MAHON, as it is near the close of their bad thing for Oregon. bolters. When this issue comes lineof Second Avenue East 60 feet last date upon which yoi MCKINLEY MITCHELL, seriously before them on election to the place of beginning; the East- quired to answer on orb terms. They are entitled to and will expire on the si PHIL METSCHAN, considerable credit for the man­ We have refrained from enter­ day the number of men heretofore ’ ern terminus of said street is the November, 1912. line of Second Avenue Republican who will refuse to West East, JOHN L. RAND. ner in which they have con­ ing into any discussion of the W ebster H od ® cling to their party will probab y and the Western terminus of said For Representative in Congress : ducted the county affairs, and ' county commissionership situ­ be found to be very small Attorney for Ph Street is the East end of Sixth W. C. HAWLEY. the Headlight feels proud that ation, for the reason that it has JlStraw votes, in such a campaign Street, in Tillamook City, Oregon, For United States Senator : they have served the county so 1 developed into a factional fight as this, are worse than useless. as the same ’• now established ly­ Citation BEN SELLING. faithfully and conscientiously, between Nehalem and Bay City The straw votes catch the men who ing between Blocks 1 and 2 of Cen­ do the talking and posing solely, tral Addition to Tillamook City, For Secretary of State : the general opinion amongst newspapers. As we have been and they do not represent the and the property proposed to be In the County Court of the! BEN' W. OLCOTT. Oregon for Tillamook Ci those who have business at the ' preaching a get together, pull views or leanings of even these appropriated for such purposes is In the Matter of the Estate | For Just ¡<4: of the Supreme Court : with anything like correctness The described as a strip of land 52.32 court house is that we have a together spirit for all parts of ROBERT EAKIN. of Harry Wingate Cottle. • Deceased. 1 For Oregon Dairy mid Food Com­ good, efficient, obliging class of the county, we do not propose failure of the straw poll in 1904 and feet in width off the entire south 1908 ought to have taught the news ­ side of the said described street, I n the N ame of the St missioner : officials. to be drawn into the fight. We papers which are conducting them belonging to Ida Martiny, and a O regon ; JOHN D MICKLE. simply want to say this, how­ in 191^ the folly of such exhibitions. I strip 7.68 feet in width off the entire To Addie Cottle, Harvey Ji For Commissioner of the Railroad The journals which are conducting North side of said tract formerly Isabel K. Cottle, FredB. Commission : Bull Moose buttons are being ever. It was the Nehalem Com­ these fake plebiscites are preparing belonging to J R. Harter, and not and Harry B. Cottle: THOMAS K. CAMPBELL, discarded. The cause of which mercial Club and a large num­ a humiliation for themselves after included in the platted lots of I You are H ereby C ited : For District Attorney : ber of residents of that section, November 5 like those which await- Harter’ _ # _________ _______________ is some of the voters find them­ Addition to Tillamook quired to be and appear i GALE S. HILL. selves in the wrong pew with feeling that they’ had not been ed them after the closing of the City. County Court of the State For Representative : fairly treated, who induced Mr. polls in the two latest presidential; And all persons claiming dam­ gon, for Tillamook County, F ’ erkins, Hanna, Flynn and T. B. HANDLEY elections. The question before the ages by reason of the appropiiation appropriation House, in Tillamod Munsey, who subscribed over Alley to make the race. But people are too serious to lie guag ! of the said property for said Btreet Court Tillamook County. Oregon,! we see no reason why Mr. Ed- half a million dollars to defeat ed by such trifling as that which is a re ' hereby specially notified to file day, the 18th day of Novetal County Clerk : ‘ claim for such damages with at the hour of 10 o’clock in I J. C. HOLDEN. President Taft because he pros­ ner or Mr. Alley should be represented by the freak poll# their which some of the newspapers are the undersigned, City Recorder of noon of said hereby required to appear and an­ can in Tillamook Cotintv to go fy the ambition of some politi- repute in his own town, is re­ made as represented, and contain swer the complaint filed against Board, and I wa# »eeC,"h, the |M>lls on Tuesday next and cans. The snap shot tnan be­ sponsible for a grefit of the fac­ no injurious substances. On the you in the above entitled court and at the Primary election»! of 94 to 29 They still » vote the Republican ticket. our experience shows us action, on or before the last day of ' lieves it is to the best interest tional feeling and the strife in contrary tl.eir choice and that the time prescribed in the Summons that the Company ’ s aim has always of the dairymen of this county the county, and Bay City is the j been to make heal’h giving and herein, which said order was made race« . A .„a I 2nd. I have triedI *na ’ i We are beginning to feel that Taft should be re-elected, storm center. We are glad to health maintaining remedies ” — and dated on the 21st day of have been fair in *he September. 1912, and if you fail so to sorry for the Bull Moosers, for which will be an assurance of say that Tillamook City is pull- 1 Lamar’s Drug Store. of the road funds arnoM anewer for want thereof the plain- ing together for the entire coun ­ the continued prosperity of the they ure in a bad predicament . tiff will have judgment against you ferent districts a» “ ns the political spellbinders of entire country. That is one ty and is anxious to work in and each of you, for the appropria­ County Court, as •how, and I will chai.«* the big trust companies, (lee, . reason why* the Headlight is so harmony- with all other sections. tion and condemnation and assess- ,ne"’ your damages in the above all to show any act o they must know that they have ' energetic in advocating that enutled court and action, on the would reflect on »1 D boon imposed ti|M>n by the false­ the present administration be as an officer. following described real property. integrity The silent vote is much talked kept in power. It is to the in ­ 3d I believe that <>» hood* circulated by t*»e big in­ °‘ T*hich 7OU are *he owners of an about As it is several millions terest of every driryman and strong prophets are right to view it terests. undivided interest therein, to-wit ■ perience I have uainW* business man in this county. with interest. Beginning at a point 2371.31 feet the people better sen*» It previde# aix-teath# ef a Bill tax for north and 1010.84 feet west of the future than I have in Suppose, however that Wilson The snap shut man is prepar­ The public debt decreased last Bpp-irt of Agricultural College and Uai. If elected it will be m. quarter corner of section 18, ed to receive whatever happens is eiected, as there is some pos­ month. Compare that item with roraity of Oregon, giving the« perms- east to advance the wm ” * h, P 1 S" r an Ten>** of prosperity ami take another 1W.W 347,000. Only New York 11 d®e* lacraaaa the «lose of Democratic hard times, valuation of cheese from this Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio and feet; thence eaet 150 feet to the specally advocates ot a0“" rate ef taxatlau. Sincerely. y j that is their privilege We hope * county there will be a decrease Indiana beat it. This year the Re- point of beginning, containing .84 publicans at Missouri should be at It repeal, the Saee.OOe Valves acres more or less, situated in the our advice to least they will take their rucdiciue of $200,. 365.000 strong. •lty approprtatien MU. northeast quarter of the north Tillamookers is to stand pat for without complaing. price# for would thia look in a history aection 18, in The Rin Is endorsed hy -"T-Majr east quarter of good prices, a continuation of of Bow Missouri Republicanism. Won West: ••Thio Hilf f« ¡n *?*nalnP • S of range 10 W. of the Un to 225 lbs.. Hk • prosperity and let well enough the state iu lfaM. 1(«B ntul pqp Jn W ! lsmette Merid.an. And a strip ¿A <«•«1 hnsmess and should pus" lbs. to 275 lbs ** The only way to vote intelli­ alone. of land 40 (eel wide, extending 2» 1M2 quarreled about nothing and gently on Home ot the measure* t** *• Alderwuuu Ktat« Rmuriw. Ieet on cither side of the following 275 pounds acdv surrendered everything, bag ant| teodent public Instruction: "Etp«™nX Tillamook to be voted upon next week is described line in the southwest The Oregon Sv»*em is getting baggage to the Democrats. lo »ther «tales shows millags bill pria- quarter of the southeast quarter first to obtain the advice of an n terrible trouncing at the hand* What are Prof Wilson s views on ripie ta be evrrvi t • P"» an” Bie southeast quarter of the BENEFITS LOCAL F attorney. See what a lot of of its staunchest advocates, who currency » On Mexico and Nica­ southeast quarter of said section 7. Tillamook peop'eh,rt , money the gentlemen of the arc now ready to throw it over­ ragua f On the hostility of a Demo­ 8l.l. federal,« .7 „J* J* Uj’ynship I s. range lo W. of the that A SINGLE DOS** House lo army and navy * lvg.il profession have lost by not board in their endeavor to re­ cratic And on many other questions of lue it sen «ueeseetullj cotaimt the hose*# Willamette Meridian in Tillamook buckthorn bark. IWj offering their services at so elect Senator Bourne, who, in national importance ? ft is better to the stata that will fell«, the adoota« t ountv. Oregon, to-wit: **?*"”'"K •* » point 1814 feet west, as comj>oiinded in much an hour to explain the a fair race with three others in to investigate snags than to run of Ibo aullago tai plan." and 133) feet south of the east quur German appeniu»t# will vote their straight we do not cousiiler that it is tn het* on Tuvsditv ; moat of binding on tlie State legislature the Democrats, with the exccp- to re-elect Bourne should he be k Lal lions ires has been draw» in Detroit to do several days' service st $3 iwr dsy If millionaires ever monsv «•y- ii ever get money without earning it. nothing i. more . ' *•» *»rk at a day will known he ia underbid. ” ! -A Bo"4» •< Kegeata. sad a.lmia>o*rattve oOcers at th. tw. Utatitatmae. W. K. NEWTLL caaiaas* o# aeToaoea’# Coaaiaatea Meridian; thence south 57«deg. 08’ east 292.2 feet; thence south 4 deg. 08" west 277.72 feet; thence south 24 deg. ’* ,hence •ou»’ 5l,eK ,2Z west 128.41 feet; thence aouth 7 deg. 2T east 247.» feet; tbeace south 48 *-g, 38' east 145.03 feet hence south 70deg. 46’ east M.S5 conatipation •'* Lamar, druggi«* Sewer Pip* For Sale ail •»«♦‘¿J' and aewer cvnne'-t**" McMahan-