Jfcaöligljt ol. XXV. No. Z0 TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER 3i, 1912. Independent Western Film Ex­ change vs. Frank A. Rhodes and and Mra. F Ayers; Mr. and Mrs. B. Shipman is a suit filed in the Fred Christensen; Mr. and Mrs. circuit court to recovex (RB. 00, being C. E Pearson; Mr. and Mrs. Ed a balance due for films furnished Kinnaman aud children; Misses Ruth Pearson, Hattie Moore, Ruby the defendants. Johnson, Blanche Pearson, Roxie Tillamook Oregon, The Leaf) Year party at the Tilla­ Woods, Leona Cur), Virginia Curl mook Commercial Club on Friday Gladys Curl, Anna Rhodes, Reta Live within your means. I brought together a large attendance Kinnaman, Minnie Desmond; of members and ladies. Everything Mrs. Vida Blake. Messrs Hope OFFICERS went off smoothly and it proved to Moore, Ray Woods Jesse Woods. Limit your wants while enlarging your be a successful affair. W m . G. T ait , President. Cliff Kinnaruau. Lloyd Woods, Paul resources. The Socialists held a meeting at Pearson, Carl Curl, Harley Curl, H olden , Vice-President. the Court House on Wednesday Charley Baker, Preston Williams, Dispense with luxuries as long as you evening when C. W. Barzee, candi­ Will Godsey, Sewell Ayers, and C. L M c G hee , Cashier. date for State Dairy and Food Jesse Ayers. can pay only for necessities. Commissioner, and S. Scovell, can­ didate for county commissioner, Demonstration Farm. DIRECTORS were the speakers when there were Promote your independence by becom­ Detaila of the plan to establiah a 20 present. P aul SCHRADER. ing a money saver as well as a money It is a source of great sorrow to demonstration farm in this county were discussed at the meeting of know that George Eichenger is earner. C. W. T almage . troubled with tuber"ulosis. He has the board of directors of the County B. C. L amb . gone to California, and hie) many Development League yesterday You can buy an interest bearing Cer­ I friends hope that he will recover, I afternoon. It was decided that a W m . G. T ait . tificate of Deposit or make a deposit in for he was a young man who was tract of not less than 40 nor more than 80 acres should be rented, the highly respected. onr Savings Department every time you C. H olden . land to be approximately half bot­ Bay City Land Co. vs. C. L. Fox tom and half prairie. Secretary Lumber Co. is a suit filed in the Claussen was instructed to adver­ have a spare dollar. circuit court to recover the land tise in the newapayera in order to which was given to the mill com- secure the proper place. President panyjin the understanding that a Kunze, Joe Durrer and Wm. Mai- saw mill should be erected, and ' well are to have the final «election not having complied with condition ; of the places offered. of the contract the land company The secretary was also instructed county I TILLAMOOK CITY. ORE. IsUPÉffVÌSIOH is now suing to recover the land. | to write to Dr. Withycombe, of the The ballot this year is 31 inches Oregon Experiment Station, to the in length and 18 inches in width, Wisconsin Experiment Station and LLAMOOK JOTTINGS For the convenience of the busi­ contains 137 names and measures to to Hoard’s Dairyman to try to get ness men tne Commercial Club will te voted upon, To expedite voting in touch with the proper mar, to On the man wanted at Tillamook make arrangements to give election we would advise voters to prepare operate the farm ennies I returns posted in the club rooms. a ballot before they go to the polls more than anything else will de­ nty Bank Shelby Electric Light Globes, and then copy it into the official pend the success of the undertak­ All aboard” for the trip around national quality. They are good. ballot. Vote early and avoid the ing, is the opinian of the directors. world Friday evening. ROOMS 215-21(5, Tl LLAMOOK ZfBLOCK, rush. And above all vote tor Taft He should be thoroughly experi­ lasses fitted. Any kind, any We deliver to your house or store. and the Republican ticket and a enced and practical and must be Telephone us. King & Smith Co. • TILLAMOOK, OREGON. e Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * continuation of prosperity. able to demonstrate the value of Do not forget the Sunday Chicken ou should have seen the people Nellie Murphy vs. C. F. Murphy his methods. le Bargain Counter last Satur- Dinner at the Todd. Better than is a divorce suit filed in the circuit No further action will be taken by you can have at home for lees money, court. These parties were married the board until more definite in­ This firm is doing a general land business k for a genuine surprise at j Come and try us. Service from 5:30 in Tillamook county on the 14th formation on these points has been The senior member came to Oregon 42 years ago. * April 1898 there being two children secured. Tillamook Feed Co’s, next Sat to 7:00 p.m. He is a Lawyer, Surveyor and Abstracter. For sale,-Cheap, 12 stands of bees of this union, aged 13 aqd 10 re­ Killkare Klub spectively. The cause of the suit in good condition to winter, in The Junior member, Sidney E. Henderson, is i entire change in the bargain ter at the Tillamook Feed Co's. patent hives. Will sell one or all. as set out in the complaint is that The Killkare Klub met at the a graduate of Oregon University, and is a Civil rday. • I Wm. Fletcher down Trask from defendant wilfully deserted and home of Mrs Prof. Baker, October Engineer and Surveyor. , abandoned the plaintiff since the 25th. All experienced the usual e chickens wanted at the Tilla- Jim Tone’s. 1st of February, 1804, and has fail ­ The Company makes a specialty of the follow k Meat Company’s Market, 13c. [ E Coulters, of Portland, will good time. ound. * i speak at the Court House Friday ed to contribute to the support of One feature which caused no ing branches of the Land Business : . Jack Olson has opened den-1 evening and Saturday afternoon his wife. The plaintiff prays that little merriment was a "straw vote the marriage contract be annulled, Law—Abstracts-—Surveying ¡and Engineering arlors over F. R. Beals’ office when his subject is 'The Grad­ taken by the ladies," following are to have care and custody of the the results : uated Tax Amendment.” phones. • — Real Estate—Eire Insurance—Farm Loans— children and that plaintiff is the I Debs ......... 1 Roosevelt Commissioner Alley and Banker Ing your chickens to the Tilla- owner of certain property. Conveyancing. Wilson......... 5 Chapin .... 1 Meat Company’s Market. We Rowe were down from Nehalem on Taft ............. As a token of esteem to Captain They offer for sale the followingchoice pro­ Monday, looking over Mr. Alley's 3c. per pound. Most of the Kill Koreites are P. Sbhrader, the crew of the prospects of being re-elected county perty in Tillamook City and Country. riff Crenshaw went to steamer Sue H. Elmore and a staunch suffragists and will march Price«. commissioner. joyfully to the polls as soon as an part of the county with number of friends on the Columbia 1— 3514 acres. All in cultivation. 6*4 miles S. E. of Tilla­ The City Transfer Co. are the fel­ opportunity is given. ts thia morning. mook......... ................................................................................... river, subscribed for a clock to be The study hour was very interest­ 2— 160 acres. The Castle Rock Ranch, miles 8.E. of have a few sample ballots on lows who haul anything, anywhere, presented to him This was brought Hebo...... •..*.••••• •••••• 7,000 and those desiring one can any time. Office on Main Street, in on the last trip of the steamer ing Mrs. Haberlach read s paper 3 — -80 acres. Raw land. 30 acres rich t>ottom. 3J4 miles opposite Clough's Drug Store. Call one by calling at the office. 4.00 by Captain Ed Anderson. The she had prepared on "The England S. E. of city .................................................................................. us by phone. Main 661. 4— 140 acres, unimproved Apple Land, near Lyle, Wash. ■ Hathaway and wife moved clock is a beautiful piece ol work­ States," which was very instructive nt $75 per acre. Will trade Prunes For Sale,—direct from the manship in gunmetal and stands with just enough space to hold the rest Grove last week where 5— Two lota and cottage. 2nd Ave. E............................ ............ attention. grove First class quality, medium ill make their home. two feet high. Inside the compass fl-One Ii with Mrs. Pennington, O will occupy office rooms thing to the best people at city set to chiming in Pleasant Valley. will and will continue to serve the public. 1 is known as the Red Front prices. • I At the home of Prof, and Mra. A Cow Conundrum. r- Owing to a slide on the railroad James Goldsworthy about seventy- AGENTS FOR NORTHERN FIRE 'INSURANCE ¡COMPANY of George Gosser had the near the 48 mile post, the train ser- five guests were assembled to wit OF LONDON. “What ia the difference between a one on Saturday to fall ness the marriage of their daughter, Democratic cow aud a Republican vice was crippled on Sunday, and playing with another boy, ’ it was early Monday morning be­ Miss Marv Bernice to Mr. Jamea cow t” oke his arm. That's easy. A Democratic row fore the passenger train reached Roy Woods. Ison, who was arrested for this ritv At twelve o’clock Mrs. Fred was worth $15, its milk brought 50c. enrolled in the'educslional depart Church of Christ. without a license, had .. a ' Christensen began the strains of per 100 Hie., and the dairyman had menl ot theclmrch. either as >i tea Married, on Saturday, at the before Justice Stanley and wedding march and the to wait four or five month« before cher or a scholar. We have n splen- 10 a Ill Bible School, If v i. do rd $25 home of the bride’s parents, Ray the party entered the parlor he received the money. A Republi did adult bible class taught by Rev. not attend any other school we tr bridal Wolfe and Maleda Belle Snider, George Willett. tend to you a cordial invit'd > tn wish rooms for the Winter can cow is worth today $75, its milk 11 nt) a in - Morning Worsh'p. attend with us. We have cl ar-tt I The ceremony was preformed by and stood under an arch of month "cheap" with hot or brings over $1 3b par ltX) lbs , and j Sermon theme “Christian Citizen- lor nil. the Rev. R. E. Jope, of the ^hrisj ivy and dahlias where Mr. C. E. •er and with bath, call at Pearson read the beautiful ring the dairyman receives a check as •hip, or the principle that ought to Morning Sermon at 11 a.in . tian Church. d Hotel. • service, and pronounced them regular «■ clock work every month. guide the man who doeahis duty at ject, "Limiting God's power.” Attorney Gale S. Hill, Republi- man and wife. Miss Cecil Kinna- There ia no difference in the cows, the polla." 3 pm. Junior Endeavor. •he Clam market for Clams, 7.37 p.m. Evening faipular ser 6:80 p.m —Christian End<-, tro; 11 Crabs. Second Avenue ; can nominee for District Attorney, man acted as bridea-maid and Mr. but the great difference ia in differ- vice. Hearty singing with special 7:30 p.nt. Preaching subiei "A , was in the city last week. He at­ ent condition« under which thecowa anthems and so'os by the choir. Contrast Judas and Paul." Ollie Woods as groomsman. ■• St, in the building back tended the leap year party at the Subject of the address, “ Can a man We extend a hearty welcome to ' office. • After congratnlations the party have to do business. For an illus­ Commercial Club on Friday even­ ■at down to a bountiful wedding tration, under prosperous condi­ be a Christian without believing you to any or all of theae service a >e of football will be played f, that Jeaua was God'a own «on < R. E. J opb , paator ing and he was impressed with the D. A. M ackenzie , paator. d*y between Tillamook fi •Ine appearance of the ladies in dinner, after which the happ^ tion«, C. B. Wiley, who live« north of town haa five cowa which will couple started to their own home, bool and Tillamook Tillie«, Tillamook, carrying with them the good wishes bring him $180 each, or a total of Park. Rev. D. A. Mackenzie will deliver and love of their many friends, also $730. There are plenty of other cowa •dies' Aid of the Christian a pre election sermon at the Presby­ ill serve Chicken Dinner terian church on Sunday morning, a large amount of rice and flowers. in the county that made the same amount thia year for their owner«. PP*r election day at the when his subject will be "Christian The groom is a highly respected young man, of Beaver. Oregon. ■ nd as dairying ia the principal in- on Main St. Citizenship, or the principle that ■ nd the bride ia well known both in duatry of Tillamook county the peo- k, of Portland, came in ought to guide the man who does Tillamook and in Prescott Wiscon­ pie ought, aurely.to be eontent tn let day on a visit at the home his duty at the polls." Voters are sin. from whence she came four well enough alone and vota for th« “d Mra. McNair and re- specially invited to hear thia.popu- ago when her father took charge of re-election of Preaident Taft and the ntil Tuesday. i lar preacher. Republican ticket the city schools at thia place. Thia ia our vemion of the differ­ The bride wore a gown of white chiffon over ivory mesaaline. They ence between a Democratic Cowand received many beautifnl presents a Republican Cow. and the dairy­ Those at the wedding were: Mr man who pulled the teata of the ■nd Mra J. H. Woods; Mr. ■nd Democratic Cow and ia now pulling Mrs. A. H. Kinnaman; Mr. ■nd the teat« of the Republican Cow ia Mm. Harley Foland; Mr. and Mr«. wide awake aa to which hia beat for Walter Kinnaman; Mr. and Mr«, hia pocket book and bank account DOCKS: WAREHOUSE. —I------- — O. Kinnaman; Mr. and Mr«. N. FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd * *d 1VEWÜE W»T. P reebyterianCbnrc h Dye; Mr. and Mm. I H Moore; Mr. and Mm. 1-oti Kinnaman; Mr. 10.00 a m.-Btble Schon! Every ■nd Mm. Clyde Kinnaman; Mr. member of the church ought to be How to Get Rich First National Bank, J. c. ; I II J. BAirTILLAMOOKCOyNTYBÂNK!~ INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS John Leland ßender^oq ^on «MAR'S VARIETY STORE, TlbhAmOOK. OREGON- Dfop in and book Around." Coal, Cement, Lime, Biiek, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint LAMBSCHKADKK COMPANY