Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 24, 1912, Image 6

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    Tillamook Headlight. October 24, 1912.
Cheese Maker Wanted
Wanted. BidTfor CHeese Maker
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—To
School with at East Beaver Cheese Co. Buis all wjiom it may concerní That the
1000 u. tn.—Bible
classes for all ages
IIIU*t be in by the 26th October ad­ Common Council of Tillamook City,
11:00 Morning Worship anil Ser- dressed to Jay Baker, Beaver,
<-• Oregon, did on the 16th day of
September, 1912, duly adopt Ordin­
7:30 a.m.
A S. Jones, Prop. Lee Pharmacy, ance No. 248, providing for a contin­
uation of Sixth Street, in Tillamook
The paetor will speak on the Chico, Calif., say»: “I have been City, Oregon, from the West line of
second subject in a senes on an selling Folev A Company s medicine Second Avenue East to the East
____ mod- for years Foley's Honey and lar
swers to pertinent questions
end of said Sixth Street as it is now-
ern men are asking: “How may I ( i.in pound I consider baa no equal established in Central Addition to
is the one cough medicine I
know that the Bible is an expres- and
can recommend b> n,V friends nt» Tillamook City, and the said Com­
Bion of the Divine Mind :
containing no narcotics or other mon Council did on October 21st,
Special inuBic by the choir,
1912, appoint Henry Rogers, M.
cordial welcome will be extended to harmful properties."—At I.amars Melchoir and T. H. Goyne, three
Drug Store._________ _____
freeholders of Tillu-
D. A. M ackenzie , pastor.
inook City, to view such proposed
street and make an assessment of
the damages and F .nefits im ac­
count of the laying cut of the street
mentioned in said Ordinance, and
did appoint Monday the 25th day
of November, 1912 at the hour of 8
........ $ .45
’ 15 watte
o’clock p m., at the Council Room
25 watts
in the Commercial Club Rooms, in
40 watts
Tillumook Block, Tillamook City,
60 watts
Oregon, as the time and place for
1 00
said viewers to meet.
100 watte
You A re F urther N otified
Frosted Lampe five cents extra­
that the boundaries and terminus
Effective October lltli.
of the proposed street, being a con­
T illamook E lectric L ight AND tinuation of said Sixth street, are
described as follows: Beginning at
F uel C ompany
- the southeast corner of Block 1 of
Harter’s Addition to Tillamook City,
I and being in the West line of Second
Avenue East, and running thence
i West 300 feet to the southeast cor-
1 ner of Block 1 of Central Addition
to Tillamook City, Oregon; running
____________ L
?eet to the North­
east corner of Block 2 of Central
Addition to Tillamook City; run­
ning thence East 300 feet to the
West line of Second Avenue East and
running tnence North along the West
line of Second Avenue East 60 feet
to the place of beginning; the East­
ern terminus of said street is the
West line of Second Avenue East,
and the Western terminus of said
76 X H. V. ALLEY of Tillamook County, Independent. Street is the East end of Sixth
¡Street, in■ Tillamook City, Oregon,
; as the same is now established ly-
I ing between Blocks 1 and 2 of Cen-
¡ tral Addition to Tillamook City,
shown by the community. Many les-,
Fair Prizes Awarded.
i and the property proposed to be
sons which will be valuable for the fu-'
appropriated for such purposes is
October 19, 1912, Tillamook Comity. ture were learned. We hope to double
: described as a strip of land 52.32
Potatoes, class A. Freddie Benton, the entries next year. Steps will be
feet in width off the entire south
taken at once to get subscriptions and
by Tillamook County Bank. $5.00
¡side.of the said described street,
Potatoes, class B, Lois Wade, by Till ' publish them that the pupils may
belonging tc Ida Martiny, and a
know what, things to grow and make.
tunook County Bank. $3.00.
strip 7.68 feet in width off the entire
Cabbage, class A, Bertha Blanchard, Hie time for the advertising was too
North side of said tract formerly
I «bort for the preparation required to
by Lamar’s Drug Store. $1.00.
belonging to J. R. Harter, and not
Cabbage, class B, Mary Easom, by insure a large number of entries on
included in the platted lots of
| each article.
Lamar's Drug Store. 50c.
Harter’s Addition to Tillamook
W 8. Buel, County Sup’t.
Celery, class A. Gail Hue), by Ray
& Co. $1.00.
And all persons claiming dam­
RiitabagHs, class II, Henry I ton a Id
ages by reason of the appropriation
Sewer Pipe for Sale.
son, by Tillamook Headlight. $1.00
of the said property for said street
Parsnips, class B, Henry Donaldson, I
For Sale all sizes of sewer pipes
I are hereby specially notified to file
by Jones & Knudson. $1.00
I and
sewer connections. See I. If.
their claim for such damages with
Carrots, class A, Earnest Ford, by
the undersigned, City Recorder of
San Francisco Examiner. dictionary. M >1 i
Tillamook City, Oregon, before the
Sweet Peas claaa B, Lenore Sarchet,
time appointed for the meeting of
Corner Stone to be Laid Sunday.
by Clough * h Drug Store, seeds, 50c.
said viewera as above set out.
Turnips, class A, Arthur Harris, by
Done by order of the Common
Tillamook Herald. $1.00.
1 10:00 n.m. Bible School,
This is
Council of Tillamook City, Oregon.
Beets, class A, Llyod Anderasn, by a good place to spend an hour We
Rollie W. Watson, $f.0O.
Dated this October 22, 1912.
i have a place and a welcome for you
Boots, class 11, Warren Poland, b.V
( seal ]
T. B. H andley
11:00 a tn. Pr.’aching
I ! C. F Swander, of Portland, will de
Rollie W Watson, 50c.
City Recorder of Tillamook City,
Tomatoes, Carrie Reddaway, by ' liver the morning sermon.
Mr. Squires, Holly Tree.
3:00 p. m. —Laying the corner stone
Pumpkin, class A, Paul Burke,
. for the new church. The Program
Pelz & Kercboff. $1.00.
will be Singing; Invocation; Script- (This Advertisement Paid For bjr People Supporting H. V. Alley.);
Pumpkin, class B, Warren Abplan- j ’ lire Lesson. Rev. Meese; Address,
■■ ■■■■■■■
alp, by Clough’s Drugstore, seeds 50c. I “Value of the church to the busi- -------------------------------------------------------------
t In the Circuit Court of the State o
Squash, class B, Warren Poland, by . | ness interest of the city," Rev. D
Oregon for Tillamook County.
Ray & Co., 50c.
II,. Shrode; “Valueof such buildings
T. B. Potter Realty
Jellv, class A. Evelyn Hoag, by W.S. ‘ to the city," Mayor Harter; “Our
: Company, a Corpo-
Buel. $1.00.
final aim," Rev. Kuhlman; Prayer,
I ration,
Jelly, class B, Clarice Snodgrass, by Rev. MacKenzie; Singing; Address,
W. S. Buel, 50c.
Rev. < I Swander; Placing Stone.
Cake, class A, Ruth Severance, by ! Mrs P. A. Latimer and Mr Smith
' Lawrence R, Wheeler,
King H Smith, aluminum tea-kettle Elliott; Remarks, Pastor; Benedic­
William M. Wheeler
Cake, clans B, Jewel Whitehouse, by tion.
and Margaret
Lamar's Variety Store, cup and saucer. 1
Wheeler, his wife,
Bread, class A, Fave Harris, by
Nelson P. Wheeler,
Tillamook feed Co.. 1 bhl. flour.
7:30 p. in —Regular preaching ser
AllieM. Wheeler, John
Bread, class A, Hugh Zimmerman,
E. Wheeler and Mar­
by San Francisco Examiner, dictionary.
garet C. Wheeler, his
Cake, hoys only. 1st, Gail Buel. by
class Rev C F Swander will speak
Mrs. E. G. Ford, $1.00.
W heeler, J. H. Cook,
Cake, laiys only, 2nd, Meric Roberts, at this service. The young ladies
extend to von a hearty welcome to
and --------------- Cook
by L. L. Baker, 50c.
his wife, aud Peter
Apron, machine made, class A, Rebah thia service.
Wheeler and----------
Powell, by (¡rant Mills. $1.50.
R. E. JoPE, pastor
Apron hand made, class A. Nev«
Wheeler, Ins wife.
Maddux, by E. T. Halton. $1.00.
Mrs. 1 (. Hastier, (¡rand Island,
Apron, machine made, class B, Ella
I To I^wrence ,R. Wheeler, William
N’ebr., had siiuiethiug she wishes to
Sheets (tie), by The Toggery. -50c.
M Wheeler and Margaret M.
about Koley’s Honey i and —
Apron, machine made, class 11, Mary say
Wheeler, his wife, Nelson P.
Easom. (tie), by C.I. Clough,seeds, 50.- '
Wheeler, Allie M. Wheeler, John
I whoop,
Apron, liHiui made, c I has II. Grace
E. Wheeler and Margaret C.
W«<le (tie,) by B. D. Lamar's Variety ing
Wheeier his wife, Eleanor R.
A friend
recommended Foley* a
Store, doll.
Wheeler, J.- H. Cook and--------
anil it
Apro», I ihiii I made, class H. I-enure Honey and far Compound,
Cook, his wife, Peter Wheeler
1 than
< .
.'... I anything
Snrchct (tie), B. I*. Lamar's Variety did them more goo
and----- -- Wheeler his wife :
I gave them. I am glad to recom­
Store, doll.
lx the N ame of the S tate of
Canned Fruit, class A, Elizabeth mend it ’ -At Lamar*a Drug Store.
O regon , You and eacji of you are
CoatM, by First National Bank $3 (XI.
hereby required to appear and an­
Canned Fruit, class R, Melvin Dick,
swer the complaint filed against
I \V. Copeland, <»( Dayton. Ohio,
b.V first National Rank $2.0<>.
you in the above entitled court and
pur< h
a bottle <»♦ < hiimberlain* a
Dvuglinut.i, class I), Lolita Johnson, < oiitfh Remedy for his boy wliohuil
action, on or before the laBt day of
by lloni'V A Son, $.5(1.
the time prescribed in the Summons
a cold and before the bottle was all
Cookies, class A. Gladys Edner, by uwed the box h cold wan gone. I h
herein, which said order was made
Son, $ all.
and dated on the -21st day of
lhet not better than to pay a five
Dnss, class A. Ella Glad, by Eugene dollar doctor’* bill ? For aale by
September. 1912, and if you fail so to
Jenkins, trade $2.(10.
nil dealer*
answer for want thereof the plain­
Dress, class B, Elsie Dick, by E. T.
tiff will have judgment against you
II al tom 50c.
and each of you. for the appropria­
Needle Work, class A. Irma Doerge,
tion and condemnation anil assess­
Bennington & Stillwell 50c.
ment of your damages in the above
Needle Wurk, class B, Ruby Milla,
entitled court and action, on the
Bennington A Stillwell 60c
following described real property,
Furniture, class A. Jay Michaud, by
'of which vou are the owners of an
A. McNair A Co. $1.50.
undivided interest therein, to-wit :
Furniture, class It, l,ec Doty, by Ths
> Beginning at a point 2371.31 feet
Toggery $1.00.
' north and 1010.84 feet west of the
Barred Rocks, claaa A, Ila Higgen-
east quarter corner of section 18,
liothetn. by W. S. Buel $1.00,
township 1 S., range 10 W. of the
Barred Ria-ks, class 11. Clare Small,
.Willamette Meridian in Tillamook
byW S. Buell $1.00.
Oregon, tbence south 6deg.
White Rocks, class B, Warren Po­
10’ east 65.2 feet; thence south
land. by M. F. (.each $1.50.
. vl.h«e a^’ve
of Pank Holmes, candidate on the Democratic 25 deg. 56’ east 157.8 feet; thence
White Wyandotts, claaa B, Mary Ea-
•y‘orn,P'.’utheT‘"rd District, including the counties west 223.29 feet; thence north 207.05
•om, by M. F. Leach $1.50.
of Tillamook Yamhill 1 oik, Manon and Linn, is one of the leading ind feet ; thence east 150 feet to the
Rhode Island Reda, claaa A. Earl
successful attorneys of the State
point j>f beginning, containing .84
White, by M. F. l«ach $1.50.
He is « years of age, and was admitted to the bar in October. 1897
acres more or * less, ' situated
‘ * in the
Rhode Island Rails, class B. Ikinald
He received a thorough and Practical legal training before admin northeast quarter of the north
Dick, by A. McNair 4 Co., pocket
e’°< JUdKe ” F B-"”"'" «nd He unX. W H. east quarter of
18, in
township 1 S of range 10 W. of the
Ducks, Peking, claaa A, Elsie Glatki.
H» »hen formed a partnership with hie brother.
— ---------------------- --
Willamette Meridian. And a strip
bv A McNair A Cxi . 76c.
now of rillHitiook ( it\. with otlices i**
~1— Oregon, where he has o< »"nrt «’ feet wide, extending 20
in u?
thick«. Indian Runner, claaa A. Lloyd
practiced law ever Riner.
feet on either side of the following
Jones, by A. McNair A Co., 75e.
.1 ”* »• Hfcognixed by the Cirviitt Courts and the Supreme Court of described line in the southwest
Rabbits, claaa A. Glenn I-each, by
L. Baker. $1.00.
quarter of the southeast quarter
Jetfal Mttainiiiente and ability, 19 well. na a man of irreproachable character and the southeast quarter of the
I*tgsona. claaa B. Mary Eaaom. by
I.. Baker. SI 00
southeast quarter of said section 7.
There were ten subscriptions for
township I S. range 10 W. of the
articles for which there were no en­
Willamette Meridian in Tillamook
H !
V'datmn •« that he will do whatever he -avs that he will County. Oregon, to-wit:
tries presented These wsre transfer­
For Joint Representative,
red in every instance, which shows
Beginning at a point 1814 feet west,
support»?^ :,t7rln'’1 ‘ U,‘ Wh‘”
wall for the .Mies subscribing There Yambill and Tillamook Counties.
and 1320 fret noiith of the east quar*
On the Prohibition Ticket.
wore about fifteen entries made with
ter corner of section 7, township I S.
article» upon which no prises had been
Mr. Nott is a merchant of Mc­
range 10 west of the Willamette
K4"”’ “
Tbeee have been made up Minnville. He is well known to the ■-t
I Meridian; thence south 57,deg. UH'
with but few exceptions either by
292.* feet; thence south 4 deg. Off*
l>eople ot N ambili t ic A man who want a^ayTn i*"‘ ”** Cor»*'r",S’»"» »« Control thia office,
traiisfering, or new suhecriptiona.
or do you w$»* 277.72 feet; thence south 24 deg.
The nwiqielition was not as large as
west 200.38 feet; thence south
' The District Attorney is the
It might have been. The attendance ot right and duty
\nd a man en
idviser oi all County officials ; he 5 lleK & west 128.41 feet; thence
should not while in office tie c
was IwviMid curectatkin, A larger whom the people can depend.
employed by corporations and railroads ; «>uth7deg. 27 east 247.ffifeet;thence
|>lacv will be web-ctad fur the exhibit
«•«‘■•'■on clients interests conflict, m M c * »outh 48 deg. 38' east 14&.U2 feet-
r - 1 aid Advt.
neat year. We appreciated the interest
hence south 70deg 46’ eant 3BLB
Presbyterian Church,
AU Grocers Sell
Latest Prices on
Tungsten (Mazda
Baker’s Bread
FOR a Quarter.
Independent Candidate for
Resident of Tillamook County 30 Years
Efficient County Commissioner for 6 Years
Ki >ii'» J
104.4 ; feet
to the
section 7. contain“* 1 “*<>» hl
also a atrip of land 40 < at'A
extending ¿Ofeet o" ehh
the following described*-'
northeast quarter of th. eofifc
quarter of section 18, i*
I S. of range 10 west of
inette Meridian :
Beginning at a point
north and 1172.62 feet
east quarter corner of .al(|
18. township 1 S. R. i0 J
Willamette Meridan • then. 01
57 deg. .03’ east 193.5
south 6 deg. 10" ea8t 223,2»
south 25 deg. 55’ east
thence south 54 deg. upT. .
feet: thence south 27 dev S.101»
309.3 feet; thence south 33 d..?
east 297.9 feet; thence soudS *
Percy fe Kelly J udge of the X »
named Circuit
of th. s. ”
for Court
dated on the 21st day of SentemS’
1912, therein ordering th,t^
inons be served upon you bvtS
cation thereof in the ‘
Headlight,” a weekly newJ£3
general circulation in Tiiu?I
County, Oregon, for at ’east
week for six consecutive weekef™.
the date of the first publj
I thereof, and the time for VOn,
answer eaid complaint berin.J
run according to said order U
.the day and date of the first
cation as shown in said Snmm~l
and Haid Order.
The date of the first nublicaJ
of this Summons is the 2flth dau
September, 1912, and the date of tj
last publication thereof and tkl
laet date upon which you art J
quired to answer on or before,
and will expire on the 8th davd
November, 1912.
W ebster H olmes ,
Attorney for Plaintift
In the County Court of the Stated
Oregon for Tillamook Countr. |
In the Matter of the Estate, ' I
of Harry Wingate Cottle, •
Deceased. I
I n the N ame of . the S wti ofl
O regon ;
To Addie Cottle, Harvey N. Cottit
Isabel K. Cottle, Fred B. Cottit
and Harry B. Cottle :
You are H ereby C ited and re­
quired to be and appear in tm
County Court of the State of Ore-
gon, for Tillamook County, at tte
Court House, in Tillamook City, j
Tillamook County, Oregon, onMov
day, the 18th day of November, lffi
at the hour of 10 o’clock in the fort-
noon of said day, then and there*
show cause, if any there be, «by
said Court should not make a
order as prayed for in the Petitioa
of H. T Botts, Administrator, viti
the Will annexed, of Harry Win
gate Cottle, deceased, authorial«,
licensing and directing said admin
istrator to sell at private aalefor
cash, all of the following described
real property, situate in Tillamook
Connty, State of Oregon to-wit;
Lots 9 and 10 of Block 5, in tbt
town of Bay City, belonging to the
estate of said deceased, for the pun
pose of paying the chargss, «■
penses and claims still unsatiiM
againBt the said estate.
W itness the Honorable Honw
Mason, Jndge of the County Condi
of the State of Oregon, for TiUn
tnook County, this 30th day«
September, 1912.
Attest :
J. c. H olden ,
[ seal ] Clerk of the County Curt
of Tillamook County.
If Prof. Wilson were dispowd»
insist upon an enforcement of »
rules he could have Col T »
Moose Roosevelt put out of the run
on s charge of butting.
To the voters of Tillamook County
I hereby announce myself as •
Independent Candidate for
office of County ComnnsaioM
subject to the decision of the row
at the election to be held Yorei»
5th, 1912. M\ reasons for tarn
this step are as follows:
1st. The Nehalem people oo"
consider it fair to be depn
their representative on the t-o
Board, and I was selected »•
at the Primary election by »
of 94 to 29 They still 10««
their choice and that I enter
. .
2nd. I have tried and 1 ne
have been fair in the <!>•*"" u
of the road funds amonft ’
ferent districts as a member
County Court, as the recor®
show, and I will challen««. «L
all to show any act of «'» (
would reflect on my hone«!’
integrity as an officer.
3d. I believe that with
perience I have Ka*nedI5*"'n «
the people better se^v,cLA
future than I have in the pa
If elected it will be my ch*.
to advance the Icauae of 8
in all parts of the count, •
plans that will insure . .
roads in the most eennomte»
ner. 1 respectfully ask the
of the voters on November
specally advocates of H000
Sincere^: y ALlp.
Prices for Hoff*
Up to 225 lbs.. 10c.. ‘,rw***e4.
225 lb*, to 275 lbs . «^c drw*
275 pounds and over ,
Tillamook Meat
I-oca I people are
simple buckthorn bark. K
etc., as mixed in Adler i-
man appendicitis ren>c<qf-
Lamar • states that ,
remedy antieepticixes
system anddrawaoff
so thoroughly that "*•' . 0» »
elieves sour stomscn. ► . ^s.
con» v—