Iillamook Headlight, October 24, 10112 ROOSEVELT MOVEMENT DYING OUT FELINE WHISKEM Daliaata Sensitive Halra That th« Slight««* Tatrah. Aeswe We are apt to thtuk that tbe ears ability to see lu the dark to daw satire ly to Ils eyes, but competent authority assures us that the feline's power to tills respect Is due almost aa mar* to its "whiskers." These delicate hairs that pSto)art from the muzzle of the cat fatally are wouderful mechunisma Kerb aae grows from a follicle, or gland. nerved to the utmost sensibility Ito slightest contact with any obstacle to tatotaatly felt by the aultual, though the hair Itself may be tough and InaewatWe The exaggerated whiskers aa the mas zle often project to such a dtataae that from point to point they iadteate the exact width of the body of the beast Consider the lion stealing thrwagh th« Jungle at night In search of prey, the least stir of a twig give« alarm The lion's whiskers indicate, through the nicest nerves, any object that he In bis path. A touch stope him abort before pushing through some ctaae thicket where the rustling leaves and boughs would betray hto pr int ac e Wherever his head may be thrust with out a warning from the vibrieaaw there hts t>ody may pass noiselessly. It to tbe aid given him by his whiskers, th con­ junction with tbs soft cushions of Ms feet, that enables him to proceed as silently as a snake.—Harper's Weakly SONG OF THE WHALE. JOHN Th» Humpback It a Little Mor« Muli* cal Than the Bowhoad. L. ATTORNEY HENDERSON A COUNBKL- Whales uie rarely timught of aa i ri> 1> »R-AT-1JLW callats. yel according to Mi»» A l> Catuervo hi "The New North" I h»\\ 1 Tillamook Block, Tillamook.Or realty have a distinctive »<>ug ot llieir I uwu Room No a6i. ! A certain Cnphtlu Kelly wua tlie tir»t to notice that wluiles slug One Suu T T T. BOTTS, lay. while officers from three wlmlhtf I «bills were "gamming" over their »tier I X X * A ttobnky - at «L aw . | noou walrus meat. Kelly started up Complete set of Abstract Book* with "I bear a bowheud’" There was I much chaffing about "Kelly's band.” inoSt». T.*tei paid fornoti- The Effort a Completely Failed, and , but Kelly weighed anchor uud went to Ident Taft Is the Is .tiud the band wagon Every »all fol Residents. lowed his. with the result that three Turning in Direction. whales were bagged. Tillamook Block. Among bowheads this singsong la a Both phones. call that the leader of the school, as be * forces a passage through Bering sen « makes In order to notify those that fo. -X iCARL HABERLACH, low that the straits are clear of Ice In every state in which the people have had an opportunity to * « Walruses and seals and all true mntr. express their sentiment since the nomination of President Taft, the * * verdict has been adverse to Colonel Roosevelt and has demonstrated * mala that have lungs and live tn the ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, th« increasing disintegration and eventual collapse of the third party. * I water have a bark that sounds strange * enough as it comes up from bidder, « depths. Every lookout from the mast Tillamook Block « * bead notices that when one whale is « The results of the regular and primary elections thus far held * struck the whole school to "gallied" or REGULAR offer convincing evidence of the ELECTIONS. steadily decreasing strength of the * stampeded at the very Impact of the * third term candidate. QEORGE WILLETT, J VERMONT—The Roosevelt ticket polled only about 15,000 vote» * harpoon; they have heard the death g'*..* * «.JB «. st song » and was third in the race. . j t J MAINE—There was no Progressive ticket and the united Repub- -* The sound that the bowbead make« ATrORXHV-AT-L,A-.V. * licans overcame a Democratic plurality of nearly 9,000 of two year» * la like the long drawn out "boo-hoo-oo » ago, elected their gubernatorial ticket by a plurality of 4,000 and * * oo-oo!” of the boot owl. A whaler aays «k Tillamook Commercia1 * gained a congre»sir.an. that the cry begins on F and may rise IB « • 4c * PRIMARY ELECTIONS. Í to A, H or even (J before slipping bnck T illamook OUf.’ to F again He assures us that with * MAGIC MIRROR. The valued family re­ the humpback the tone 1» tnocti fitter * MICHIGAN— The third term party had a full primary election * * cipes for cough aud cold ticket in the field but polled only about 8,000 votes out of a total of * I Experiments With ths Moen and Mar» and sounds across the water like the cure, liuinieuts, tonics and 150,000. In one county where the election officers were asked for « T. BOALH, M.D. eote from the E string of a violin. and a Hand Glass. « 8000 Roosevelt tickets only 189 votes were cast. other remedies have as « A pretty experiment can b* aade MINNESOTA—The Republicans nominated their governor and « careful attention here as United States senator, together with other officers. The third party * with a band mirror any night when PHYSICIAN & 3URÖEC ', « there is a full moon. Hold tbe mirror the most intricate prescrip­ ticket made a poor showing. < J Roosevelt ticket received about 25.000 votes WASHINGTON—The R.......... J. —.......... ----- —- so that tbe moon’s image will be seen Ho Prized Them Highly Until Dr. W.v tions. TILLAMOOK. out of 300,000. The Republican vote was greater than the Roosevelt tar Saw Thom. i •i in it and you will be surprised to eee and Democratic vote combined. four moons Instead of one. One moon Our fresh, high grade It is said that when Thomae Jeffer Tillamook Block. COLORADO—The Republicans nominated their gubernatorial * will be very bright but the other three son Journeyed from Monticello to I'hll drugs will help to make ticket over the Progressive opposition. « will lie tn a straight line and quite dull, adelphla on his way to take the on th • these remedies more effec- CALIFORNIA—Last May the Roosevelt vote in the primaries « showed 77,000 majority. In the September primaries the Roosevelt « one dull Image on tbe side of tbe bright of office as vice president he carried a tive than ever. * M. KER RON, moon and the other two on tbe other lot of (tones In his Itsggage The Istnes majority was less than 3.000. tilde Turn the mirror round etowly. alleged to be those of a mammoth #** ★ * ★ * ★★ * ★★ * ★★★ ** ★★ ** ★ **♦******** ★ ** ★ *************** Right prices are also 1 »till holding its face to tbe inoon. and bad been found In Greenbrier county assured. PHYSICIAN & SURO the reflections will aeem to rwvoive Va., and sent to Monticello, where round a common center. they were set up by Jefferson, who. Tillatnock Block You can make the same experiment it appears, entertained a somewhat ex N :« I» 81 « ■ I» ■ ■>' «: • » s ROOSEVELT S STRENGTH with one of the very bright stars, each aggerated notion of tils attainments In Till.mu ok, » he. OFF LITTLE as Sirius. Venus or Jupiter, but with natural history and who stood sponsor r .. .. _ __ these there will be three Images lit for the bones as those of "a camlvo FOR Reliable Druggist stead of four, as the number seen de rous clawed animal entirely unknown Washington Republicans Outnumber pends on the breadth of the object to science.” C. HAWK, •• « ■ « » • a a « Democrats and Third Termers Minnesota Republicans Have No In­ The explanation is quite simple. Tber» It was not until after Jefferson Combined. are two aurfacea in tbe mirror, one in reached Philadelphia that he was nn terest In a Third Term Party. front and the other where tbe quick­ deceived, for nt a glance the learned PHYSICIAN & SURGEON silver la. The brightest reflection Dr Wlstar saw that they were the Seattle, Wuh, Sept. 28.—In the re- Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 27.—The comes from the object itself, tbe other« bones of the common sloth, several eent primaries in this state the Pro- recent primaries in this state demon­ are what are known as secondary lm specimens of which be showed the BAY CITY, OREGON. greulves cast about 26,000 votes out strate that the Roosevelt sentiment In ages reflected from the front to tbe Virginian. Jefferson. It Is related, was of a total vote exceeding 300,000, or this state is decidedly on the decrease. back of the mirror and thence to tbe greatly chngrlned. especially as Ids dis 1 about eight in every hundred. The The renomlnationa of Governor Eber­ eye The magic mirror never fbOto to covery became known as Megalonyx Republican vote waa greater than hart and Senator Nelson, both loyal excite a good deal of wonder, and la an Jeffersonll. jqA R. BEALS, that of the Democrats and the Third Republicans and Taft supporters, have Interesting experiment aa «veil.—Loo It has lieen pointed out that Indi encouraged the Republicans of this Termers combined. rectiy no less a naturalist than the don Chronicle. 8. W. Perkins, Republican national State to make a vigorous and aggres­ great Buffon may have been responsi i REAL ESTATE, sive fight. sommltteemen for Washington, who -JV- ble for Jefferson's error. It was the Lovely Landscape. Little sentiment is found in Wiscon­ has been engaged in making a canvass I F inancial A gent , George IV on one occaaiou casually Virginian’s practice to send Buffon of the political situation in this state, sin for Roosevelt, and the contest, i specimens and Information, and with entered a private apartment at Wind says that he is In receipt of lette s without doubt, is narrowed down be­ the subtle flattery of a courtier the Tillamook, Oregon. The busi­ sor castle and encountered, somewhat French naturalist wrote: from every section Indicating a re tween Taft and Wilson. to his surprise, his valet, who was markable falling off of Roosevelt’s ness men of Milwaukee, and other “1 should have consulted you. sir I1-- Strength. The figures of the primary Wisconsin cities, are rallying to the seated at a table loaded with viands before publishing my natural history, i and eating with great avidity. H. GO Y NE, demonstrate that these letters accu- support of the Republican ticket and and then 1 should have been ■ure of with the problem of buying Hartieas, "Ahl ” exclaimed the king. “ 1 was al ­ volunteering their services to elect lately present popular centiment. you will find it distinctly advanta ­ the facts "—New York Bun. The prosperous condition of ways fond of scenery, and tors is a Mr. Roosevelt elaimed the Wash Taft. geous to come utul do your select­ A ttobnky - at -L aw . lngton delegation in the Republican their business urges them to support lovely piece of landscape spread ss»t ing here. You will get the beet The Foster Mother. before me." the present administration. National convention in Chicago. The There Is a story told abont a ben qualities, the most thorough and Office : Opposite Court House The valet smiled feebly, but politely absurdity, not to say dishonesty, of which was Intrusted with a sitting conscientious workmanship, and be intimated that he did not understand his claim, la proven by the poor show SMALL the king’s allusion to landscape and of ducks' eggs to hatch When the charged the moat reasonable prices. T illamook , O bkoon . Ing made by hla followers in the re young Itnssl went doWD to the water We Jean supply >ingle or double scenery. sent primary. she was rmnti<' with anxiety, hut the Sets or any single article that yon Primaries In Michigan Chow That ; "Why." replied the first gentleman of » Europe, “do I not see before me a ami l second venr. when her next bnsrd ot may be in neral of. Republicans Are Loyal. y~yt. p . J. sharp , ducklings went to »wltn. she was A FAILURE IN COLORADO Ing valet with a magnlficeot gorgeV The valet thereupon rose and retired acarcely troubled st all. an<1 the thlrrl W.A, Williams&Co Detroit, Mich., Sept. 28.—Charles D. excusing himself to the king on the year -die would fly to a stone In the Why the Roosevelt Movement Ha- RESIDENT DENTIST, colini Nest It. »or to Tillamook Countv Hook. Hilles of the Republican national ground that be had turned suddenly middle of the I»uid and from her of viintaire wab h the duckling» »wlm Failed to Materialize. committee, who recently spent a day "hill.”—London Tit-Bits Office acroas the street iron' the Th? round I ut with evident pride tn this state, held a conrerence with i fourth vear she wa» allowed to hatch Court House. the Republican county chairman— “The Roosevelt movement la a fai Dublin Book Pirates. her own eggs and when «lie rll«< over nra In Colorado,” said David Heatc ti S3 counties being represented by Dublin is rich In literary aasoclatiooa Dr. Wise's office. ! of Salida, Colo., during a recent visit these leaders of county organizations. and during the eighteenth ceatury was ed that the Infant <-hl<-k» had n<> In tentlon of taking to the water «he to Chicago, while discussing the pc Eighty of the county chairmen re­ a busy publishing center. Some of its lltlcal situation tn hla state. He I ported that their counties would vote enterprises, however, were oat of » flew to the »tone In the middle ot the for Taft and only three stated that very reputable kind. Ireland was then pond and rluekerl rmiitK-nllv to them President and general manager of th 8AKCHKT, Federal Consolidated Monument." conditions were doubtful. outside the copyright laws and Eng to swim out to her Keeps both rider I . The I’asbiunable T*il'W- Granite company, and la also Ident These reports are the logical ae- llsh books were •■pirated” ta Dublin and saddle perfectly dry. j --------- Cheerful For Him fled with large mining interests quence of the recent primary ln as freely as afterward In America Not long ago a «to.'k nt ensker» wn- Made for rough wear and “Wa are tired of lnduatrial and pi Michigan where the vote for the Some Dublin publishers are said to Cieauing, Pressing and R- i'-« litical pyrotechnics In Colorado,” h Third Term party ticket was piti- have kept spies In the Ixmdon printing aold at amtlitn hik I Mr» Wllshft s' Jong service in the wettest When «he returned iug a Speciali) tended the «ale continued. "We have been through fully small. bouses and by this means were able weather. all sorts of disturbances In our state Representative McLaughlin of the to Issue “pirated" editions of Import her face wa» rsdlnnt with Jov •’Von nm«t loin the rremitll'm have ee«n what were called 'dv Ninth Michigan District, in speaking ant books coincidently with and some­ Si »re in Hein« Phot’ S atisfaction G uaranteed . namlte days.’ We have had our wile of conditions in that state, says that times even before the appearance of riety ” Were the flr-t word« «lie «» <1 Gaiie-}. and wooly experiences and we hav. Roosevelt is losing ground daily and the authentic Issue — London Chronicle to her husistml LOOKFORTHISMAEK I known what It ta to deal with strike' the outlook for a splendid majority Mr W - What fori . 21 of E xcellence Mrs W I've twilight Sin-h a mvelr and strikers. Mr. Roosevelt la now : for Taft la growing •very day. Defining ■ Fathom. rase to hold vottr ashes Von have tm dangerous type of political striker, de ^ wbbn ® J. CLAUSSEN The recent state Republican con- “A fathom." explained a achooltescb Ing nothing but raising trouble V- vention was attended by nearly 1,500 er to her class In mathematics, "la a Idea how It Will set off the mantelple««’ $3.50 tVERYWMUfi • LAWYER, do not want a man of hla temper delegates. Great enthusiasm was nautical word used In defining dis A J.TowtxCo, • O»1W meat In the Whits Houae. We pref< manifested and the speakers were ap­ tance. It means six feet. Now. I want Her O«ntl» Hint. TawraCuusuaba geuUchtT abpohí-’ to support President Taft” ___________ plauded. Roosevelt's name was not some little girl to give me a sentence Rorem Sonic one must haff !*•■>• mentioned, while President Taft's using the word •fathom.’" Instantly Joking Ml»« Bubnrim als’iit nm and told 313 Tillamook Bloc! name was loudly cheered. Rooaev.lt a Frost In Oregon. a hand shot op "Well. Mary, yon may her I ownwl the street railway system here Porem What makes yon think A V. Spalding, a widely known ccn give your sentence” Mary stood op Oa «Mm. T illamook «cUng engineer of Portland. Ore., REFUSE proudly. "The reason file« css wlb sot Borem-Wby. I was out to call on ber last night, and every time she while on hla way asst from Portland, on ths celling.” said tbs observant beard a car she said. “There eotnei "Port. tllBt th, Roosevelt tour New Mexico Republicans Prefer to child. ‘Is because they haras fntboo' D.V M., «rough Waahlngtoa. Oregon and the yoor car. Mr. Boren»."—JuK®». E. REEDY, Remain With Their Party. «■selfie coast atataa were a froat. Test. The Lowe. A letter received at the Taft head Hostess (after presenting fun •» VETER IN ”V suart.ra from Sdward D Baldwin, see Santa Fa. N. M , Sept 37.—United prise winner at whist drivel—Realty. 1 rare not who make« the conn °f the Oregan state central ■tales Senator Thomas B. Catron of Pm afraid It's hardly worth arrrtd try’s laws.“ said the ■sharp” lawyer. *!V eomminee. says: thia state says that a large number Ing Winner .appraising Its wortht- •1f- _TTUnga are looking better here of the Progressives are refusing to go Oh. thank you eo mock! Its jort the -lf whatr hla colleague asked Tillamook "If they mntlnne to pot in verbiage •’»T day for Taft The Ink. warm into the new party They prefer to kind of fan I wanted-one that I "«•Ption given Roosevelt lb Portland remain with the Republican party. shouldn't mind losing -1amdoo Pune* that may be vsrionsly Interpreted • other day has given eourage to "It looks to me now," he says, "as If Chicago Record Herald What Ttey WU1 Da lav Y«a ••r people.” the electoral vote of Now Mexico is Taming Mln». They will cure your ba-,ka«) a, eertatn to be given to President Taft." especially. You awake with a me-Li. r y “Sometime» I feel sure.” aaM RUB The Preacher We never resila* Albuquerque, N M., Sept. 37.—“So ins. “that I once ast oe « thmae aaA atrencthao your kidoaya, • r« t»ateinthe mouth, whtctrre> Is full value of anything until we low 1 far aa the third party Is concerned in waved a erepter " you that your stomach a in a d rcct artaary irruculsriti«», ba id The Bereaved Widow-That’» «o. Now Mexico, It is as dead as Julius "And now.” remarked hla harry condition. It should also reu xJ •y ths worn out tissuaa, »«4 Coaaar." la the exertion of the Al­ wife, “yoo are going to »tand on tbe pwlally if the lost thing la Inanred buquerque Morning Journal, the offl- back porch and wave a rag hensar“— •liaainate the exceaa urie m 14 you that there is nothing so g< xi for a disordered stomach as «lai newspaper of this state. Peer Opinian Pap« Cleveland Plain Dealer. th«« eaoaea rheumatiaaa. Ft a- Chamberlain’« Stomach and L .er Little El»le (nfter bring punished» • The Journal names a number of men. Including former Oovemor H J. think pai»« I» drmdfnl Ws« he the vent »riKht’a Diseaae aad D •« Tablets. Dangorowa. Ragsrman and Associate Justice R. fcatee, and restore health • >4 Tlwy build up «h. systaaa, m »I> i b .-' o * ■Would yon like to a** my aqoarta T only man yea rould ger. mammaT-B »» r»tt yen^jeto. Retuse suhetitet < to .anti, in their action that oo. hardi, eat- tles of the Progressive movement, bat "Wen. If be’» aecnrvly rtsstaeri M,>mJwiM»ialdi~ C h awharl. o a who have quit In disgust. mirht trot I'm an afraid n* w«8 ^Uamer’s Drug Stör«. laMota ««• e«M ovary wbaro. Friso Tbs third party la New Mexico Is hearts." replied tbe vtMbsr. to Organize Bolt Has Gaining Because His Pres Tide Now POPULAR VERDICT AGAINST t.OJSEVELT. st«» I aay FAMILY RECIPES. I ■' • « « « • I A I b « I JEFFERSON’S BONES. J i I I 4 f I ’ IS FALLING SENTIMENT ROOSEVEL1 CLOUGH 4 2d 4 W w .1 w .HARNESS! ROOSEVELT VOTE T owers F ish B rand P ommel S licker E TO JOIN ROOSEVELT Foley*« Kidney Pills J A Morning Remind S8w