Tillamook Headlight. October 24, 1Ö12- Advertising Rates. those in the dairy business who on the bay were for Taft. All that the canneryueu would pay was 30c. for each of the largest fish. Now we are paid 4c. per pound. When a large catch of 30 and 40 pound fish are placed on the scales it total up a big sum.’’ Even the fishermen are content to let well enough alone and they will vote for I aft and the Republican ticket. let well ¡THE BULL MOOSE “POT.”! are u„t couteal Io l»l •»'> I *“» ----- ~~ ■ Trust, Subscribed Big Sums of Money for Roosevelt. quite a number of Democrats l.BOAi A dvertisements to First Insertion, per line $ 5 in this county who will vote for "Daily disclosures of the Senator Each subsequent insertion, line Business and professional card’, Taft, but. said a well tlairvmeti ial investigating committee,” said 1 month................................... 1 W in this office the other day, 1 m State Chairman Moores, of the Re- , Homestead Notices................... 5 (10 surprised at anyone connected , publican committee yesterday, Tbnber Claims................. 10(1) with the dairy business in this "make it necessary to revise former 3 Locals per line each insertion Display advertisement, an inch, county lined up with the Demo-| estimates at to exactly what it is. 30 1 month .................................. cratic or Bull .'loose parties. costing to conduct the campaign | All Resolutions of Coudoient e and for Theodore Roosevelt. Almost. Lodge Notices, 5c. per line. Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line. It will be noticed that there every additional witness that ia Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen, Voters are discarding the Bull are a number of road bills to be called before the inquisitoral body etc., minimun rate, 25c. not exceed­ Moose buttons and pins because voted on next month, some of reveals expenditures in behalf of ing five line«. they are "tainted" with trust which are conflicting. We are the Bull Moose leader that had not money. Sure, it was the big 'opposed to expending $12,000 been reported and accounted for. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. “Every day when a digruntled (STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. I trusts that helped pay for them. annually for a State Highway 1.50 Roosevelt unwittingly made the i Department and to bonding the politician or an indicted trust mag­ One year............. 75 ¡State $1,000,000 annually for a nate testifies before the Senatorial Six months....... 50 remark that a man who wore a | few political pets hold down Three month«... I investigating committee we are Taft buttom had a yellow streak soft jobs and expend the money compelled to revise our estimates in him, which was exceed ­ Entered as second class mail mat­ when and where they feel like of the magnitude of the Roosevelt I ter July, 1888, at the poet office at ing rude and out of place on the Tillamook. Ore., undtr the act of f the part of the colonel. But it. There is only one bill road, campaign fund. Those ‘6pontan- j March 3. 1*70. what about wearing “tainted" in our estimation, that should eous uprisings’ in the primary j trust badges for the big trust pas9, and that is No. 324. It states last Spring put an awful places the power in the hands crimp in the pocketbooks of the companies ? of the people in any county to ‘malefactors of great wealth ’ bond for some specific work as It was only a few short weeks ago When Governor Wilson and recommended by legal voters that Senator Dixon indignantly de­ W. J. Bryan were not chummy after holding a road meeting in clared that the Roosevelt campaign politically and at a time the district where the road is to had only cost $160,000. Today no­ when an endeavor was made to be improved. When submit­ body stands higher in the Ananias For President : WILLIAM II. TAFT. read Bryan out of the Demo­ ting a bonding proposition to Club than Senator Dixon. For Vice-President : cratic party, the New Jersey the voters location, cost, grade, Apologies Come Daily. JAMES S. SHERMAN. governor ventured the remark material, etc., must be contain­ "Every day an apology is due to For Electors of President and Vn e that the Nebraskan should be ed in the notice, so that voters one of these apostles of reform President of the United States knocked into a cocked hat. that will know exactly what they 1 some for having underrated his devotion E. V. CARTER, is how the presidential pedago­ are voting for. M. J, M ac MAHON. to the sacred cause of Progressive gue would have disposed of MCKINLEY MITCHELL, Republicanism. At first the indi­ Bryan had lie the power. From PHIL METSCHAN, All the prominent citizens of cated Ohio boss, Dan R. Hanna, the look of things President'! aft JOHN I.. RANI). has them all knocked into a the country praised President was credited with a contribution of For Representative in Congress Taft for his integrity and states­ only $25,000, Last week he testi­ cocked hat. W. C. HAWLEY. manship iu handling affairs fied that he had contributed $177,- For United States Senator : until ex-Presideut Roosevelt 000. Munsey, the head of the maga­ HEN SELLING. The disfraschisement of one decided that he wanted to be zine trust and opulent holder of For Secretary of Slate : third of the voters of California president again. Then the poli­ stock in the steel trust, lias two BEN W. Gl.COTT. For Justice of the Supreme Court : by the Bull Moosers is acting ticians, who were backing the grievances against the Taft Admin­ ROBERT EAKIN. as a boomerang on that porty. ex president, with enormous istration. Taft indicted the steel For Oregon Dairy and Food Com­ Republicans and Democrats are sums of money subscribed by a trust, and Taft tried to secure such missioner : driving home many nails in the few trust big trust concers, be­ an amendment to the postal laws JOHN D MICKLE coffin of the Bull Moose on ac­ gan a campaign of abuse and as would compel Munsey to pay For Commissioner of the Railroad count of that injustice. Even mud slinging upon President sufficient postage on hie magazines Commission : amongst a large numberof Bull W. H. Taft. The citizens who to equal the cost of their transmis­ THOMAS K. CAMPBELL, Moosers in that state it is now believe iu fair play now see sion through the mails. The tax­ For District Attorney : admiteJ that a political blunder through the whole political payers of the Nation have made GALES. HILL was made in disfranshising the plot to discredit the president Munsey a millionaire by themselves For Representative : T. H. HANDLEY Republican party in California, with malicious falsehoods and paying the deficiency in the post for it is having a wonderful ef­ base insinuations. No wonder age on his magazines, and be is County Clerk fect of causing a stampede from that there is a gradual stam naturally a little bit ‘touchy’ over J C. HOLDEN. the Bull Moose party all over pede from the Bull Moose party Taft’s interference in this profitable Sheriff ■ the country. by those who were deceived by graft. Heretofore he has been HENRY CRENSHAW the malicious falsehood circu­ credited with having contributed Treasurer : B. L. BEALS. lated by politicans and with only $34,000 to the anti-Taft 'get The trusts which furnished Assessor money furnished by a certain Roosevelt with the boodle to group of big trust companies. even’ campaign. In his testimony C. A. JOHNSON. before the committee yesterday he run his pre-conveutiou cam ­ School Superintendent . admits having contributed $118,000 W S BIEL paign would, of course, come to the Roosevelt pre convention Surveyor under the head of good trusts, Money talks, even in politics, campaign. Since then he has U 0. JACKSON. or to be more correct,privileged and if raone.v will buy the presi­ Commissioner : trusts to fleece the people for dency, the big trust companies probably contributed as much more. GKO. R EBNER. subscribing so liberally toward have been putting up big wads When Perkins and Crane are given the political pot. This is how for that purpose, for they have a chance to tell all they have done the average voter sizes up the not subscribed millions of dol­ we will probably have to multiply situation. Our Bull Moose lars to elect Roosevelt for the by four or five the amounts of their friends tire getting back where fun of giving. No wonder that respective contributions of $37,500 A vote for Roosevelt will help they belong since that have to the bottom dropped out of the and $37,005. elect Wilson. confess that it was boodle fur­ Bull Moose excitement so sud­ “Tom Lawson, the Wall street nished by the trusts which had denly when the people saw who manipulator, has heretofore not been credited with any subscription. Some fellow wants to be hotel the effect of boosting a third were the financial backers of the Yesterday he testified that his gift term for Roosevelt. ex-president. Take some of the inspector with a nice little num big subscriptions for the pre­ to the Roosevelt pre-convention of $7,000 in salary and traveling convention campaign, four per­ campaign was $100,000. Here are expenses. Swat him when it Lost, stolen or strayed, the four subscriptions, $144,308 from comes to voting next month. devil that the local Bull Moose sons, as will be seen by an arti­ Bill Flinn; $177,000 from Dan Han- cle in another column, gave leader was,going to give to the ha, $118,000 from Frank Munsey two old parties. No doubt a $539,308. And this appears to and $10,000 front Toni Lawson, an suitable reward will be offered be only a small proportion of the aggregate of $539.308, already un­ by the president of fl'e Bull money subscribed bv the “good covered, with more to follow. Crane, Moose, assistant Democratic, trusts’’ for no other purpose Perkins and the Pinchot family- club. Peradventure, Bro. Hen­ than to rob the people later. It have already been credited wi'h derson, he is dining with some is as plain as the nose on a $123,500 and if their subscriptions of the (crooked politicians mid inkti s face, although they may have been as underrated as were die voteti on all is justly entitled to first honors; Moose headquarters at Seventh and the election one week from next Tuesday A gotul rule to go bv i The dsircmeti are becoming Fairview carried off second bon Stark streets 1« anybody in doubt in voting for or against the 37 interested in the election. That ora , and Tillamook Citv is nt as to why these fellows are contri­ Next buting such enormous sums to the measure* i« to vote "No* when is not tube wondered nt. Dur­ the bottom of the list h measure i* I not understood, ing the Cleveland administra year we can all do better and let Roosevelt campaign ? Who ia be­ It would tint I surprise i*. us. ow ing finn geople or the trusts? to the abuse. of the sv stem, to worth >15, and it was a difficult best industrial fair and flower Are these trust magnates throwing their money into a rat hole, or are And that a large numtier of I , matter to get that amount, yet display, We ingy #av th.|t voter« wilt not rote or vote1 t*»-dav the same class of cow is halem is not going to loose first (hey simply making a good invest­ 1 worth $75 and upwards. Milk _ honors if it can help it. and to ment y "No" on nil mensure*. $b» ^iltamooh Ijeabligbt. Free Speech By Foul Mouths. There is a foul-mouthed, indecent el in the city of Portland nightly insulting the d? law-abiding citizens and openly reviling theft They have sent representatives to surrou i towns and in the name of free speech denounce efforts to remove them front the streetB I name of our wives and children w c ask your n’ port and Vote for No. 370, Voters’ Pamphlet. THE BOYCOTT AND PICKET. The employers of Oregon are not «ire not drivers, as is claimed by those who live by the s»! of their poor deluded victims. This fact is J evident in any part of the state. The boycott a the picket are the representatives of a low orderi intelligence, seeking by fear and the bludgeon force a bad cause. Remove the system by a Vi for No. 368. See pamphlet. Employers’ Association of Oregon, W. C. Francis, Secy REPUBLICAN TICKET Editorial Snap Shots. I sold for 80c. per llk> pounds. To i> at |',H' 'l»e dairymen are receiving ......... .... .... ....vthig^l N* and upwards. lit in the on Saturday said tlie fishermen I*’-'” °i this prosperity , there are wtest first place from them if Sicli headache ia caused by a dis­ will be necessary for each dis «tomach. Take Chamber- trict to plan ahead for more ordered l«in> Tablets and correct that and attractive fairs. the headaches will disappear For sale by all dealers. Good Men to Follow. That the heads of our largest educational J stitutions are moulding the minds of our childiJ and that we have confidence in their judgment] best illustrated by our support. We can with read therefore advocate without hesitancy such questid as receive their unqualified endorsement. The following are friendly to the Equal SuffnJ Movement : Pres. P. L. Campbell, University of Oregon. Pres. W. J. Kerr, Oregon Agricultural College Bres. Foster, Reed College. Pres. J. H Ackerman, State Normal School. Pres. Fletcher Homan, Willamette University; Vote X 300 on the Ballot PortlandjEqual Suffrage League, Mrs. Solomon Hirch, Pre«. BOTTLE GOODS. Sherry Wine ......................... I Angelica Wine ....................I Pebbleford, bottled in bond, Zenfendel Wine ...... per quit per bottle........................... $1 50 Tokey.......................... per quit Clarke's Pure Rye, bottled in Claret ....................... perqtB.1 bond, per bottle.......................... 1.25 White Grape Juice.............. Echo Spring, bottled in bond, Local Beer, quart, 3 bottles for per bottle...................................... 1.25 Domestic Beer, qt, 3 bottles fa Old Crow, bottled in bond, per bottle................................... ............. 1.50 Hermitage, bottled in bond, per bottle.......................................... 1 50 Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown .................. 1.50 Keg Beer....................15 gallonsl Keg Beer....................10 gallon* O.T.O., bottled in bond, per bottle................................................. 1.Z5 Local bottle Beer, 6doz. quarul Local bottle Beer, 10 doz. pmul Kentucky Dew, gal., bottled in bond ......................................... 2.15 Kentucky Dew, full pint, bottled in u?nd............................................. 75 Budwiser Beer, 6 doz. quartsl Budwiser Beer, 10 dozen pint»: John Dewar & Sone, Old Scotch Whiskey ............ 1.56 Old style La uger Beer, 10doz|X Black A White, Old Scotch Whiskey .......... 1.50 V.O.P., Old Scotch Whiskey.... 1.75 White Port, Ol-l MonkBnti^ Sandy Macdonald’s Old Scotch Whiskey......................................... 1.75 Port Wine....................... 1-®1* Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch Sherry.................... ;....... Whiskey .......................................... 1 50 Canadian Club.............. ................. 1.50 Angelica....................... . J® I* I. W. Harper..................................... 1.00 Zenfendel ...................... Harvester Old Style........................ 1 00 Tokey............................. 1151* Monogram.................. .................... 1.00 Kentuck Dew.................................... 1.00 Per*’j Billie Taylor, full quart............ 1.25 Monogram Coronet Dry Gin......... per bottle 1.00 White Corn Whiskey, per* A.V.H. Gin.................................. per bottle 1.75 Harvester Old Style -l*r^ Gordon Sloe Gin... . per bottle 1.75 McBrayer. 13 years old.per P* Gordon Dry Gin........ per bottle 1.25 Echo Spring ....... Rock and Rye............................ per bottle 1.00 Chestnut Grove Rye..per PJ P*rC El Bart Gin ...................................... 1 25 Kentuckey Dew Virginia Dare Wine . pet bottle 75c. Alcohol........................... Port Wine. . .per quart 35c. Cornet Dry Gin.......... peri» Special Prices fo Family Trade. Domestic Been WINES. WHISKEYS. AT BILLY STEPHENS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER, COR. 1st and 1st AVEX1 Here—everywhere verywhere —in the frozen north—in in 1 fever ridden swamps of the tropics they look me for aid. 1 o the invalid, the convalescent, the old) infirm, I give real helpful service. A little of me goes a long way. Cynu Noble, pur« and old J, Van Sohuyver Co Build your ho®* from lumber bought her« and th* "**. m.nent>«U«i«<-IU>r •nd from thejmany reps« “ ■Isays follow the unseasoned k>n>t*r- our lumber and » than to buy poo»«* ** continually paying * Th« beat ia alw»y» ** A. G. Beals Lumber Comi