♦ t — Vol. XXV. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER 24, 1912, No. 19 Are You a Money Saver ? Most everyone expects to be a money saver some time. Some expect to save wheu their income is larger ; others plan to save when their expenses are less. People who wait until they can save without effort rarely begin to save ; they wake up some day filled with regrets beeause of the oppor­ tunities they have missed. The monthly meeting of the Tilla­ mook Commercial Club will meet next Monday eveniug. Residents in Sunny Mead and Nort on addition .»nd in the East and West parte of the city, are wanting sidewalks. We may state that an ordinance was passed cover i ing these locations, and unless the property owners get busy and put them in themselves the city will do so. Herbert Porter and bride arrived here from Troy, Ind , on Monday. They were married last month nt the home of the bride’s parents. They left to make their home at Oretown, where the happy couple received the congratulations and beet wishes of a large number of i friends. street bending south for about It® feet at that place, making it possi­ ble to obtain a clear view of the building irom 16 blocks westward, This will be very attractive for the town. The members of the church are very enthusiastic in this project and at once placed a subscription list in circulation, when $1,000 were raised within half an hour. At the present time the congrega­ tion consists of 53 adult members. Besides Tillamook and Pleasaut Valley a promising preaching place was taken up at Mohler. The Ladies’ Aid Society that was organized a year ago has made good success. The ladies are often overloaded with work and orders. Captain O. W. Hosford, manager A Word to Loyal Republicans. of the Portland A Tillamook Steam­ ship Company, declares that the Tiie few persons who thought steamer Golden Gate which was they were the only “progressive” assessed at $6UIO, has gone to the pebbles on the beach are getting boneyard for good and that the their eyes open, for it is proven that The £morai is : Begin regular company would gladly take $2SU1 the whole mass of people are pro saving at this bank NOW ; whatever for the vessel. He wants the assess gressive and the Republican party rnent cut in proportion in Multno­ is the most progressive party. So the income, make the outgo a little mah County. what’s the use of chewing the rag $30,000 will buy One hundred over a condition of tiling that already less aud save the difference. acres of land on Garibaldi beach exist ? Our advice to Republicans on which is platted the Town of oi Tillamook County is to gtand by It’s a simple matter to start a . Moroney; $5,000 down balance on and vote for the Republican party easy terms. One half the town of and keep them in power, and those savings account here. ; Moroney, 40 lots 25 x 100, right on who have been loyal to the party in ! the railroad and 30 lots, 50 x 100, tiie past will make no mistake in I half of them on the beach, and hilf remaining true to their colors. So right on the railroad, price $6 000, many Republicans in the past few ldest } and I will put the water on the years have flew the track on some ANK ground in Moroney, Moroney town trivial question, only to find later 1 THE they had made a mistake. The post-office address, Rockaway, Ore. that TILLAMOOK CITY. Off E. ___ SUPERVISION TILLA MOO K CJ T Q ff Er □UNTY : same. Is true of the progressive The city council will make a great movement is is simply a ilash in mistake if another wooden bridge the political pan, worked up largely is put in across the slough. The by politicians and disgruntled office county is tearing out the old wood­ seekers who have undertaken the The first rain storm of the sea ­ XAMOOK JOTTINGS son made its appearance on Friday en bridges and replacing them with hurculean task of smashing up iron or concrete. It will be an­ the Republican party to satisfy their niglit, and with that kind of weather other eye soie to build a wooden own ambitions and spleen against nnies wanted at Tillamook the city does not need a flusher. bridge across slough and not in the party which is responsible for ity Bank, Shelby Electric Light Globes, keeping with the other improve­ the unprecedented prosperity the the Weekly at the Gein Theatre national quality. ’They are good. ments of the city. Why not see whole country is enjoying. jht (Thursday). • j We deliver to your house or store. what home industry can do about building an iron bridge, and cut irn, on the 21»t, to the wife of Telephone us.—'King & Smith Co. • off the the “grafters” who are in a G. O. P. meetings ones, a daughter. 1 State of Oregon, by John H. Me- combine in the bridge business? --___ _____ ._ --------- it- u Addresses Made by Senator ¡e^Inamook Fe^d'ctf a?0^ Walter D. Wood has been award­ Proctor, Jr., vs. Bay City, is a suit Haines and Judge Hollis. to decide the validity ot the city ed the contract for the placing of seven harbor lights in Tillamook asses fitted. Any kind, any . charter. The Republicans had a rally on 1. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt, • ' I The Ladies ’Guild of the Presby- Bay They are to be located at the Saturday under the auspices of the following places : Garibaldi, south­ ncrete foundation Blocks for , terian Church are making many west corner of the Elmore wharf : Tillamook County Taft Club, when at less than half price. J. R. pretty and useful articles for their main channel, junction of the main two meetings were held at the Court ter. * I bazaar which will be held in De- and south channels ; Hobsonville, House, which were addressed by on the bank about 44 mile southerly Senator Haines, of Forest Grove, re chickens wanted at the Tilla- . cember. and Judge Hollis of Hillsboro. There ik Meat Company’s Market, 13c. Do not torget the Sunday Chicken ( from Hobsonville ; Bay City cut, at was a good attendance at the after­ ' the northerly end of the channel ; pound. * i Dinner at the Todd. Better than 1 middle channel dyke, southerly end noon meeting, including a number r. Jack Olson has opened den- you can have at homeforless money. of long jetty ; Dick point, on the of dairymen who have become in­ parlors over F. R Beals’ office, Come and try us. Service from 5:30 i bank, westerly side of bay ; dry terested in the Republican Cam­ to 7:00 p.m. * paign. Captain W. D. Stillwell, i phones. * stocking bar. president of the Club, called the For sale,--Cheap, 12 stands ofbees m’t fail to see the Bargain Bert Severance is meeting with a afternoon meeting to order, when liter at the Tillamook Feed Co'a in good condition to winter, in , good deal of success in inducing the principal speaker was Senator patent hives. Will sell one or all. Saturday. Wm. Fletcher down Trask from • dairymen to sign up to dispose of Haines. He discussed the political the whey to the company that will issues from a business man’s point F. Casey va. Bill PappaB et al : Jim Tone’s. . put up a pltftit to extract the sugar of view, but in doing so read a i injunction suit filed against The City Transfer Co. are the fel ­ from the whey as soon as sufficient number of extracts from speeches defendants. lows who haul anything, anywhere, whey can be procured to warrant made by Roosevelt, Bryan, Wilson ing your chickens to the Tilla-1 any time Office on Main Street, i going ahead with the enterprise. and others lauding President Tait k MeatCompany’s Market. We opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Call . The company is ready to build and for the manner he was conducting 13c. per pound. * | us by phone, Main 651. , obtained an option on a site near national affairs, but no sooner had inething new ! at the Tillamook Why will you pay $5.00 for an ; the Maple Leaf factory, but will not rich politicans like Pinchot and I Co’s, next Saturday. A genu- Electric Iron when you can get a : do so if they cannot get enough Garfield poisoned the ex-president’s The com- mind, when a campaign of abuse largaiu Counter. “ better one (F an S teel guaranteed i dairymen to sign up. i pany also expects to put in a re- was made on President Taft. Mr. lite a number of patrons and for ten yeara) for $3.50 A free trial : finery if they locate in this county Ilaints contrasted the protective ore inspected the new school if you wish.—King A Smith Co. * It was Mr. Clough who first induc­ policy of the Republican party and ling in this city on Saturday, The Allen House Grille serves a ed ........ t___ __ ____ the company to look _____ over the the free trade policy of the Demo cratic party, and recited an instance e Star Theatre is showing a few merchant’s lunch every day at prospects in this’eounty. noon, 25c. Spring chicken always , which ciinie under his observation ical cartoons which causes on hand. We aim to serve the best ' The city council met on Monday i bcivc uiv uvov . -■ _ . . during the Cleveland administra­ e amusement and applause. tiling to the best | people at city evening and accepted the petition tion. He said he was in business H » of residents on Fifth Street from in the time and was dealing with a W. Nelson vs. Joseph Kutcher, prices, Stillwell Ave. to Park St., a distance well known jobbing house . is a suit filec ____ id ______ in the circuit He , The Ladies ’ Aid of the Christian of seven blocks, asking for paving. was shown over the immense stock t to foreclose on a mortgage, Church wi 1 serve dinner on election Petitions were also considered for of goods, all of which had been nterns, Lantern Burners, Lan- day at the Cafeteria on Main St. the paving of one block on Third bought in foreign markets. This nicks, Lantern Globes, Lan They are also getting ready for a Ave. East between Fourth and only one firm of many which »»11 kinds.—King A Smith Co.* bazaar to be held the first week in Fifth, two blocks on Fourth Ave .was bought in foreign markets ai that East between Third and Fifth time, lor had the jobbers bought inted.— A good girl to do house December. i and take care of old lady. Ap A wedding will take place on Streets, two blocks on Fifth Ave American made goods they could to T. H Goyne, Tillamook City, Monday at Pleasant Valley, when East between Third and Fifth not have sold them when placed in » Streets, Street intersections at the iputy District Attorney George the contracting parties will lie ends of Second Ave. West, Stillwell competition with goods manufactur­ ed in foreign countries. This not better not James Roy Woods and Miss Mary ett is somewhat ed I ti . be ‘ hiit at h?s Bernice Goldsworthy, daughter of Ave., First Ave. East, Btid Second only had the effect of sending an recovered to be at his Prof, and Mrs. James Goldsworthy. Avenue|Eaat will be put in. John enormous amount of money out of Day was appointed Street Commis­ the country, but the mills and the I J. J. McGinnis was in on Saturday, sioner. rried on Saturday morning in factories closed down and men were and informs us that Heboisnot in ­ city by the Rev. D. L. Shrode, thrown out of employment. Mr. fested with Bull Moosers, and he Haines asked his audience whether y Nelson and Miss Anna THE REGISTRATION. I any does not see how any dairymaa can company doing a good liusi vote for anybody but Taft if he i news would want to take chances of Î R. Edner, republican notni- wants a continuation of prosper­ Republican« Number 1,053 - making a change in the policy and tor county commissioner, was ous times. management of the company when Two to One Above All J* city on Wednesday from everything was in a prosperous When is the Port of Bayoceau Midi. Others Put Together. condition. He did not think so. It > r j z- . I aroing to refund the Port tax it is e Ladies Guild of the Presby- illegally withholding and which be- Registration closed on Saturday, was the same with the government enurch will give a trip round iongs to the taxpayers? As it is with an increase of 394 over the reg­ To chnnge its policy tmw, with t’,e orid social Friday evening of taxpapere’ money, the Port should istration of 1910. One of the most prospect of the tariff living reduced by the Democrats, would be iiabl* ee*' • make a statement of ----------------------------- - - expenditures, _ . _ I, remarkable features about the reg Mr. f' Bollett was in from Blaine giving the items.------------------------------ j istration, notwithstanding that it is to cause a tightening up. H tines made a strong appeal to "*“®y »nd reports that in his The Girls of the Tillamook Com- claimed that many ^J»®"a. Republican to stay with the party £ct_lRepublicans are lined mercial Club will give a I-eap Year left the ««P^ilcsn ^7-ndJoined and vote for the ___ _______ re-election of Pres­ »or latt. I Party this (Thursday) evening at'the third party, only seven citizens was | I ident Taft. But B>i> if •• the i party — have registered as progressive : the Club rooms. . The patronesses ---------- — nrmrreaaive you wish rooms for the Winter beaten it would be better to go dov n Republicans ................... he month “cheap ’’ with hot or ■ re: Mrs. Webster Holmes, Mrs. F. to defeat with its colors flying than I Democrats ..................... in voting for Roosevelt, forthat was Md rfou"ld Wi‘h ba,h’ “V ! C. Baker, Mrs. C. I. Clough, Mra. Prohibitionists .............. John Groat and Mrs. J. C. Holden. simply helping to elect Wilson, at j Socialists ......................... the leaders in the Bull Moose party i Sheriff Crenshaw has completed *? J*** Cte n* m»r>«et for Clams, Progressives .................. have about conceded that they have , making out the checks to refund c c.raV"' Secon<1 Avenue Independents.... ........ no prospect of winning. The a i •** «•'' n *he building back the Port of Tillamook tax. Refused to give psrty Judge Hollis, who is a candidate j e»ls office’ • I checks can now be obtained by call­ 61 affiliations .................. for State Senator, gave a brief talk ing for them at the sheriffs office. S Miscellaneous................ on the amendments to be voted up- »rainst M. Nelson has ' He expects to mail the checks that ,he iuM*ee court for are not called for to the taxpayers. Total......................1,928 I Both gentlemen addressed tLe trout fishing law, 1OO‘ « license. Another indication of the growth It will be noticed that the Repub­ evening meeting, which was not so and importance to Tillamook City can party in Tillamook County in­ well attended as the afternoon j 'ttth*1- Burr °ak’ Kan-> is the fact that the Tillamook Coun­ creased from 838 in 1010 to 1,062 in nieeting. '»st, at the home of the ty Bank has increased its capital 1912, and the Democratic party in­ Here is a woman who s|»eake from é¿>rn’rMnta-.>’r -nd Mrs. M. stock from $30,000 to $75.020, with a creased from 179 to 236 in the same ? FiL->’r- I-aurel >’«»•’• »nd new modern bank building being time. The Republicano have a ma­ personal knowledge and long ex Pangborn The erected that will be a credit to the jority of two owe in the county perience, via., Mrs. P. H Brog. on of Wilson. Pa., who says, 1 kn >w •• well known in thia city. j city. over all other partiea. from experience that Chamberlain s Cough Remedy is far superior to other. .For croup there is Buy« Lots for New Church. any — nothing that excite it.” For sale by all dealers _____ ,----- The German Reformed Congrega­ John Health Michigan Bar.Calil., tional church, Rev, P. Ebinger, • rites “1 was afflicted with kidney paetor, recently made a very pre­ and bladder trouble for nearly ai* ferable purchase when they bought tears Had a very bad spell some the two lots from J. S. I^mar lay­ time ago and was unable to turn ing in the East pert of town between without help. 1 commenced using 1st and 3rd streets, where Hadly a Foley Kidney Pill» and. can truly lumber yard is now located. The •ay I was relieved at once. Ito«« «« price paid for the lots was »2,5«». tleasurejn recommending ££'*7 They are very suitable for a church lUdney f*ilte-”-At lAsm-« Dru< building as they are in a prominent place and excellent location. The Store. TTLLAMOÖK COUNTY BÂiiieS» . LAMAR’S VARIETY STORE, TlbUACDOOK, OREGON Drop in and book Around ” First National Bank, Tillamook. Oregon. OFFICERS W m . G. T ait , President. J. C. H olden , Vice-President. C. L. M c G hee , Cashier. DIRECTORS P aul S chrader . . I C. W. T almage - B. C. L amb . W m . G. T ait . J. C. H olden . INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. John Leland (londe^oq ^$on, ROOMS 215-216, I I TILLAMOOK'[BLOCK, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. This firm is doing a general land business. The senior member came to Oregon 42 years ago. He is a Lawyer, Surveyor and Abstracter. Thejunior member, Sidney E. Henderson, is a graduate of Oregon University, and is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor. The Company makes a specialty of the follow ing branches of the Land Business : Law—Abstracts-—Surveying and Engineering — Real Estate—Fire Insurance—Farm Loans— Conveyancing. They offer for sale the followingchoice pro­ perty in Tillamook City and Country. ¡Prices. 1— 35Vi acres. Al) in cultivation. 644 mile« S.E. oi Tilla­ mook ......... .......................................................................................... HfWO 2— 160 acres. The Castle Rock Ranch. 34, miles S. K. of 7.00C Hebo .................... ... ..................... 3— -80 acres. Raw land. 30 acres rich bottom. 3% miles 4,900 S. K. of city......... ......... .................................. ............................... 4 — 140 acres unimproved Apple Land, near Lyle, Wash., at $75 per acre. Will trade. 1,525 5— Two lotsand cottage. 2nd Ave. K........................................... 3U) 6— One lait S.E. of Catholic Church. Sightly......... 7110 7— Two I Aits. One corner. S.E. of Catholic Church. Sightly. 8— Two Ixits. S. E. of Catholic Church, Sightly..................... 750 V— One corner Lot. One Block S.W. High School. Cheap. 1ÓU 10—1 Lot at Mohler ................... ......................................................... 11 — Part of Marolf Estate, 38*4 acres, per acre, »200............. 1Ü.0UU 12— Sightly improved ranch at Netarts Bay ................. 2,600 13— Fine Timber claim. 160 acres in 3 S of 10 W................... 1«. 000 14— The F illett Ranch. 258 acre, Oretown ................. 15— The Perry Ranch. 30 acres on the Tillamook River. al) bottom.¡with cows...................... ................................. *10.000 And other properties. Some good trades. This firm has taken over the Abstract Books oi the Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. and good will and will continue to serve the public, j AGENTS MIR NORTHERN EIRE 'INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. Coal, Cement, Lime, Biick, Shingles, Drain Tile. Plaster, Eoof Paint. I i LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY. DOCKS, WAHKHOVSK. FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd A 3rd AVENUE WEST I 1 Carl C. Krstzentein. Mgr. J G. Tanner Drug Store. Santa, C'rux, The Clover I-eaf Creamery Com- I Calif., writes “ We have sold Foley Company's medicines for the past puny winhe« to receive bid« m “ J A A Comp ____ j and have yet to hear <’»r making a concrete floor in itsi an k- jq years ingroom, thirty by thirty, flit ng first complaint, or of a dissatisfied floor to level .1 present fUr. , «3 ; •«» Their remedies sre are, making concrete whey tank. Also customer. c—------ for putting new silts under factory. I made as represented, • nd contain ----- . On the I.eave bids at office of Carl Hat er no jn„irioUe substances, I-eaf Crerm lach, Secretary Clover Leaf Creem l contrary, our ex|*rien< -i-- •• - shows us ery Co, Co. on or before November