Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 17, 1912, Image 6

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Two Meetings to
this City Stttud.7
Roosevelt Makes Address.
Despite Ballet Imbeeded |
in Breast.
MILWAUKEE, Win., 14.—Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt wa" shot in the
abdominal reign shortly before x
o’clock last night while sitting in
, hie automobile in front of the
Gilpatrick House in Mil wanker,
about to start tor the Auditorium
to deliver hia scheduled addrata.
According to latest accaunt* the
bullet is imbedded in the muscular '
tisane and the wound is not serious
Tile attempted assassination and
all its accompanying scene* were
dramatic in the extreme. The would-
be murderer was John Schrenk, of
New York City, a man apparently
demented on the subject of the third
term. He was captured and locked
Unconscious of
hie wound.
Colonel Roosevelt proceeded to the
Auditorium, and when hie condition
was discovered, in spite of the
protest of hie physican, he made a
atiPring address on the subject of I
his attempted murder. Weakened
from lose of bipod and at the eon
elusion of hie speech he whs taken
to the Emergency Hospital where,
after an examination by physician»
die nature of hia wound was an. ;
certained. If. was not considered
ecrioiiM enough to compel a stay in
Milwaukee, and al 12:50 A. M. he
was taken aboard hie special train
on a alow run toChicago.
- ■
High School Notts.
20 Per
Man Would Avenge Death of
KeKinley, Says Papers
MiL« Al Kl.fi. Oct 14.—A written
proclipnation found on the clothing
of John’Shrenk, the man who shot
k'olonel Roosevelt, reads:
■'September 15. HOI, 1:30 a iii . in
a dream I saw President McKinley
ait up in a monk's uttira in whom I
recognized Theodore ARooaevelt.
The «lead President said, ' Thia is
my murderer, avenge my death.”
‘‘September 12. 1912, 1:30 a.m.
While writing a poetn, some one
tapped me on the shoulder and
said: ‘Let not a murder take the
Presidental chair. Avenge my
"I could plainly see Mr. McKin­
ley's features.
"Before ths Almighty God I swear
this above writing is nothing but
the truth "
Another note found in the aian’a
pocket reads:
■‘So long as Japan could rise to
the greatest power of the world de
spite her surviving a tradition more '
than 2,000 rears old. aa Generali
Nogi so nobly demonstrated, it is i
the duty of the United State* of,
America to uphold the third term '
tradition Let every third termer:
be regarded aa a traitor to the
American cause.
Let it be the i
right and duty of every citizen to’
forcibily remove a third termer I
Never let a third term party em i
blem appear in the official ballot. |
"I am willing to die for mv conn
try. God has called me to Ire hie '
instrument, so help me God
“Innocent guilty. “
lu German
“A strong tower is j
our God.”
Essentials of Good Paving.
The great growth of the good •
roads movement on this continent)
has brought the matter of paving
material stronghly to the attention
of the public. The people demand I
better pavement* than formerly,
ami municipalities realizing the irii 1
|H>rtan<e of wall paved, well kepti
sheets, are much mon- exacting inf
pav mg requlieincnts than thev use,!
to be.
What is demanded now is paving I
wlii, h will approximate we nearly i
na possible the combination of |
durability, son alipperinesa, noise
lessueas, lesdienc, or elasticitv.
dustleaauess. easy drainage and '
economy. The pavements most in t
use are brick granite blocks, and '
bituminous compositions. All <>t
these have thsir merits and also
their draw)>acks None of them ap (
pioach the ideal pavement a* < lose
ly ns that which i* known a* bitul
The brick pavement, for instance. I
n noise, and must be laid with
«prci.il skill ,md care to prevent, ,
imdei the action of heat and cold, j
a heaving up or a settling down, '
leaving iiihiiv era. ks Granite block*
ate also durable but noisy and lack
the quality of rebound
blocks, since the discovery of the
creosoting procses, have good wear 1
iug qualities, but became slippery i
when covered with mud ot frost
ami require am n large tribute from
the forests that their use is diasp-'
moved by those who believe in the
careful conservation of natural re­
littulitla,' pavement, which is
composed of hard lock broken fine,
and A specially prepared bituminous
to aolvr the problem
of paving ti| proxineting tnr ideal
combination of qualities mentioned
above. For ten years it lisa with
atiKid the moat rigid teats of usage
and lias an commended itself to
municipal engineers that it has
been adopted m over two hundred
cities m the United States and
fifteen in < unada. The many beau­
tiful boulevards and avenues upon
which it hss tieen laid prove that
jQias a tine appearance, and the
"ket that these thoroughfare* are
practically itamnne from the necea
jeitv of repair under normal con
dttioi's proves that bitulithic has
that .staunch durability winch
means ecnnniuv. Vancouver H C ,
Look at Thia
Bran. Par tach, 40c
»bona. »1 20
I’fix iM Hurley, fl. Sk
We hava the good«. Come early
Tillamook Feed Co.
the Court House, th?”^
meeting- being nt 1 ¡jn..
evenmg meeting Ht 8 ££
All are invited to
meetings, also ladies.
d 11
Beginning OCTOBER 21st we will place on SALE
Nothing Reserved. Everything goes. Even contract goods. The store will not
be closed to prepare for this Sale. Stocks will not be moved or changed, prices will
remain the same. There will be no glaring price tags, blue, green, black or any
other color to confuse you or deceive you into buying as glaring cards marked
“ Special,” or “ Value up to $12,00, your choice at $9.00» ” are misleading, and
its a long shot and a sure bet that articles so advertised, the regular selling price had
always been about $9.00—Why this Sale.
Owing to the bright sunny days of September and October Winter Stocks that
should have been moving 40 days ago, a large proportion of which are on our shelves
and counters. All bills for dry goods and shoes are due and payable November 10th,
So as to convert a large amount of the stock on hand into money, this Sale will con­
tinue Two Week, Closing Saturday, November 2nd.
On all purchases made during the two weeks you will save 20c. on every
dollar, one dollar on every five dollars, two dollars on every ten dollars, three dollars
on every fifteen dollars and four dollars on every twenty dollars purchased at our store.
It has been five years since we have had a Sale of this kind, that is, a 20 per
cent discount sale covering our entire stock, but on account of the backward season we
are compelled to have one-this year.
The store where goods are never misrepresented.
The place where von are not asked or urged to buy.
Your money back if you are dissatisfied and no questions asked.
Yours for square dealing, now as in the past,
Carl A. Patzlaf.
r°" ’•pday., October li Hn,
|C. Hawley, Congress^,,'
i district and candidate for .J
election to office, add... J*
High School and EigthVrad?
very interesting and abl. „a*
He compared different C).Z
iron workers, from the
makes horse-shoes to them ’
make* jewels for watche.
High School student« at !
That is the U"d'
pounps brains” into hi.
the High School studeVl
I pound brains” into hi« n,
work He also told several .
CQtnical but appropriate aJ
which were greatly aonreci^J
■ The Freshman class mental
to decide as to getting penanu
year, but no one jseemed to
any idea to present so nothin«
After a two weeks’ delay
ager Stam of the football teim
received a letter from Hi
-High School management
that they (H. H. S ) are wi
play T. H. S. two games of f,
one at Tillamook on No
second, and another at Hi
on Thanksgiving Day, The
was accepted without hesit
and preparations are being
for the first game. Last year
mcok High defeated Hil
High School team by a scon
to 4, and combining Tillam.
additional experience with
weight of her line the garnet
quite probable of going in I
■nook’s favor. But still it j,
best to be too confident. Ai
a full team has not been out
practice, but with two games«
trip ahead a good bunch of fell,
will beyond a doubt be oafi
practice from now on.
i The Boys’ Athletic Associi
met on Tuesday and elected th
lowing officers: John Ebingerj
dent; Oscar Aschini, vice-press
Howard Lamar, secretary; L
Harrison, treasurer; and V
Stanley, Sergeant-at-arms. It
also decided to give an eaten
ment on the evening of Frit
November first, for the purpos
defraying expenses in case the
tendance to the game doet
bring enough money for that (j
pose. The entertainment will t
sist of two short plays, and
musical program. It will begii
in the High School auditorii
T. H. S. has always been rica
ful in entertaining an audia
so there is no danger of th*
tending not getting their mom
The Seniors will give a »ha
party on Friday, October 18, it
old school building. High St.
students and particular friendt
be invited.
The literary societies have
resumed under the same m
and with same members. .
twenty new members were c.
at a meeting on Tuesday ert
The Eighth grade will not
Sart this year, as there areei
ligh School students to cat
the work successfully. The
ronians elected the following
era: Alfred Boginst, Pre?'
Stella Goyne, Vice I’ret
Helen Stam, Secretary and
urer and also Pianoist: and
Oscar Aschim, Sergeaut-at »
The Emersonian*’ new
are: Benly Stam, President;
Baine, Vice President; 1
Beals, Secretary and Tret
Alice Todd, Pianoist; and
DeLilles, Sergeant-at arms,
to a slight misunderstand
Emersonian Critic was note
Verle Stanley was appointed.
in-Chief, of the Emersonian
Horn” and Verne Bain A*
Editor. The Ciceronian Editor
not been chosen as yet. •
society has chosen their pn
committee, as the Prestden
a loss to know who are be«
for the position. There
large quanitv of good
year the contest will be qu
and entreating if the spml
I Tt is being rumored that®
i “Jerk” Lamar, the bopbi« ,1
is trying to capture a hive
: or rather one practiculnr
The cause of the rumor w
: tact that the above
worthy gentleman ha*
I covered several dtifereot .
various students ,n,ne,.jvf
corting a certain young -.
the street. Ask Jerk, h*
more about it than we_<»-
Sewer Pipe for Sate
For Sale all sizes of
and sewer connection*-
Sick beadache to cau*d *
ordered stomach Ta«e
lain'a Tablet* and correct ■
the headache* will diMppw
sale by all dealer*
Latest Prices J
Tungsten Ma’
lamps . f
li watte.....................
25 ..........................................
40 watte....................... .
00 watte.............................
100 watte............... • ’ ’
Frosted Lamp* fi"