Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 17, 1912, Image 4

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    Tillamook Headlight4 October 17, lQia
"Women’s Rights."
There are over 100,000 women in
Oregon. The majority of them do
Nature, w« may reflect, ba* a hard not want to vote. A email propor­
Specimen« of the blue or sulphur
In comjietltion with the chemist. tion in any given community ia
bottom whale weighing seveuty-fiv*
tous and measuring eighty seveu feet Her slow, laborious processes are one asking lor the ballot, la that not
true in your town r What do the
Lava beeu known The mouth is suffi­ by one being supersedud.
Her moat delicate perfumes, wbkh rest want ?
ciently large to permit ten or twelve
Many of them are actively oppos­
men to stand upright In it. but the ■be dishes to us in drops, are made by
throat measures only about nine the gallon in the laboratory. Tbe In­ ed. To put upon these women a
finite delicacy of her tints we stimu­ responsibility from which they have
Inches In' diameter.
The "finback." closely related to the late from a material so unromantic as hitherto been exempted and which
blue whale, has been called the "grey- coal tar. We squeeze a cellulose prod­ they do not wish to assume if not
bound of tbe sea." for its long, slender uct through a tiny bole, and we have
•‘Women’s Rights.’
body la built on tbe lines of a racing the silk of the silk worm. We trans­
Many of them are indifferent.
yacht, and the animal cau equal tbe form trees Into pa|>er sod educate the
indifferent male voter ia one of
■peed.of tbe fastest steamship.
which Nature lias produced by gigantic I . the serious problems of the present
Tbe "humpback" la tbe moat Inter
eating of our large whales, because of tie forces in upheaval, and the only electorate. Would you add to it a
the fact that its habits are more easily difference, as was stated in our courts large body of votes avowedly in­
studied than are those of other mem­ recently, is that the artificial product different ?
Is more perfect than tbe real
ber* ot tbe family.
The demand for woman suffrage
But most extraordinary of all Is the tbe chemist takes starch, an uuromau- is the demand that woman shall as­
square nosed sperm whale
Instead tic material enough, and makes of It sume an equal share with men in
of having plates of baleen, this whale that rubber on which tbe wheels of
the responsibility of carrying the
carries a row of twenty to twenty five the world go round.
’government of the City, the State,
heavy teeth ou each side of the lower
In tbe course of bis experiments man
jaw. These fit Into sockets In tbe roof discovers a cheap method of making the Nation. It seems that she shall
of the mouth and assist In bolding tbe acetone, an essential of our modern enter with him the political arena.
giant squid and cuttlefish ou which high explosives. Somehow or other all For it is an arena. Politics is not a
tbe enormous animal feeds. The squid man's experiments lead ultimately to conflict of opinions, it is a conflict
seldom gets away from the warm cur­ the explosive, which again shows bow of wills. It carries with it public
rents; hence tbe sperm usually re­ we reverse processes, for. while Na­ ; meetings, public debates, public
mains in tbe tropics and In tbe gulf of ture begins all her work with an ex- I marchings and counter-marchings,
Japan streams.—London Family Her­ plosion, man works up to tbe explo­
public discussions of public ques­
sion as the highest expression of his
" ‘
tions, and of the character of public
conqueat.—Westminster Gazette.
candidates, and all the other in­
cidents of a campaign.
It ia not democratic, nor just,
The Odd Experience of a Stranded
Tourist In Pari*.
First ths Victim Is Fad, Thon T.rad nor fair to draft this large body of
women into thia campaign against
“Until you go broke in a foreign
Into Giving tho Signal.
country you never can realize Just
An execution in Siam Is an extraor­ their wills.
what a useful thing a passport Is. ' dinary business, according to a corre­
Thia is the sixth time the voters
said the returned traveler, “It not spondent of the Chronique Medicale. of Oregon have been asked to vote
only euables you to get Into a country: The doomed mun. awakened at dawn, this question in spite of the fact
It alsd helps yon to get out. sometime* la led lu chains to the temple, where
thut every two years the opposition
In a most unexpected way. Every­ candles are lit around him. He is ex­
to it has increased, so tin t in 1910
body abroad thinks well of a puss
horted to think of nothing to disasso­
port, but nobody seta quite so high a ciate bls mind from mundane affairs suffrage carried in only one county
value on it aa a pawnbroker.
and Is given tbe best meal of his life, in Oregon, and in that one by five
“Owing to a delayed remittance I the menu being carefully chosen ac­ votes, the total vote being 35,270 for
bad occasion to visit one of those men cording to the social status of the crim­ suffrage, the smallest vote lor it
in Paris. The article I offered for se­ inal.
since 1900, and 59,075 against, a
curity was worth many times the Iona
There are two executioners. One Is majority of 23.795.
requested, but he refused an advance bidden In some brushwood, while the
The Oregon State Association Op­
ou account of unsatisfactory refer
other, dressed lu vivid red, conducts posed to the Extension of the Suf­
encea. My temporary address in Palis the criminal lo the place of sacrifice,
frage to Women asks that you give
and my permanent address In Wash­ bidding him be seated on banana
ington were not sufficient guarantee of leaves “In order to be entirely sep­ this amendment your earnest con­
sideration, and that you defeat it
my honesty.
arated from earth."
“Just as the case assumed a desper­
The condemned man Is then put Into thia time by so great a plurality
ate complexion the broker suggested position, awaiting tbe ax. Earth is put that the suffragists, local and im­
a solution of the difficulty.
lu his ears. For two hours or more ported, must bow before the will of
‘“Have you a passport?' be asked.
nothing happens.
Siamese law de the people of Oregon, and acknow­
“I bad. at the hotel.
tnnnds that the criminal shall bow hl* ledge that the majority rules in
“'Fetch It,’ he said. 'If that looks head voluntarily to the ax. This he
America.—The Oregon State Asso­
sll right, I'll let you have the money.'
does finally from sheer exhaustion, and
ciation Opposed to the Extension of
“Up to that time my passport bad j Immediately headsman No. 2 rushes
the Suffrage to Women, Mrs. Fran­
lieeu a useless piece of luggage: then I from his hiding place and does tbe
blessed the foresight that had bidden i rest The executioners are then spray- cis James Bailey, Pres, —Pa'd advt.
A Dozen Man Might Stand Upright In
ths Bluo'a Big Mouth.
me secure It.”—Washington Star.
Marvel* That Ar* Wrought Through
Synthetic Chemistry.
| ed with holy water and otherwise puri­
fied from contact with the victim’s
soul.—Paris. Cor. New York World.
President Tuft and his old-fash­
His Conquest.
ioned supporters believe in only-
He was a almon pure, edition de
one kind of Republicanism—the
Measuring Nature.
luxe lady killer. Tbe girl In the seat
Nature la not benevolent. Nature Is Lind that has made most of the
opposite him was easy to look ut.
past fifty years.
Further, she looked demure and shy Jost. gives pound for pound, measure
and lmpresalonable. It wasn't long for meiiHiire. makes no exceptions, nev­
It ia all right for Col. Bryan to
before be bad thing* going right—he er tempers her decrees with mercy or flay the Republican party.
thought. He had raised the window winks at any Infringement of her laws. Republican party has flayed him
fur her and readjusted the blind; he And lu the end Is not this best? Could in times past and may have another
had fished her bag from under the the universe be run as a charity or a
chance to flay him in the future.
■eat. where the porter had shoved It: benevolent iustitutlon or as a poor-
The American people in carrying
he had placed her pillow in a better
position for her; be had banded her h Without this merciless justice this Ir- on their government have not been
tuagaxlue; be had looked after her refruglble law. where would we have given to rash expetimenta. So far
comfort tn every way be possibly brought up long ago? It Is a hurd gos­ they have acted with due fore­
could, and she bnd lieen very sweet pel. but rock* are hard. too. Oet they thought and deliberation. In the
about It beside*, lie thought be was form the foundations of tbe liffls Man course of the last fifty years they
coming along splendidly She started Introduces benevolence. mercy, altru-
have kept one party in power with
to get off the train before he expected latn. Into the world, and he pays the
the exception of two preaidential
her to leave, but he carried her lug I price tn his added burdens, and be
terms, the results of which were
gnge to the platform for her. Then reap« his reward In the vast social and
■he turned and handed him h nickel I civic organizations that were impossi­ not encouraging as to the change.
with a sweet smile and the remark. I ble without these things.—John Bur­ They rejected the debasement of
the currency, the campaign for
“I think It Is so nice of the rii'llwnv I roughs In Century.
which caused un unsuccessful bolt.
company to furnish an assistant pur
An Uncrowned King of Franco.
They re elected Grant in the face
ter ''—Argonaut.
The president of the French chamber of what seemed to be a formidable
enjoy* an almost regal state. Every revolt in the Republican ranks.
Haw th« Katydid Sings.
Everybody Is familiar with the rasp- i time he goes to hln official palace In the Twice the party has defeated a
lug uotea known ns the katydid's Qnnl d'Orxay be la greeted by tientlng third term movement,
with the
“song " It la tbe male ouly that Is ca­ drunia. Whenever there is h ministe­ evident approval of the people.
llable of euilttlug tbe well known rial crisis be must be summoned by Mr. Bryan’s seeming great popu­
■ounda. and he does It In n most ¡>e- the president of the republic to give larity had for him nothing better
cullar manner. Illa “vocal organs" are bla advice. He receives what la an ex
thau emphatic defeat in three bat­
at the baa« of bla wings and cunalat of truordlnary salary for a French official
—100.000 francs per annum. The ap­ tles. The political biatory of the
two fiat excrescence* of thin, dry mem
brane It la the rubbing of these two pointment dates from th« days of the last half century ia an assurance
convention. Ou Sept 21. 1792. was that the people are prudent aa well
membranous plate* together which pro
duces the “song." If your shoulder held the debate by which the appoint as progressive in the best sense
blades were so loosely put together uieut was created. The first president
If it should lie the will oi the peo­
that one could tie allp|>ed under the was Pelion. a violent Girondist
other and the underside of one and ■lx secretaries were also Girondist* ple, which seems improbable, that
the upper aide of the other were ho It wa* symptomatic of the times thnl the Republican party telinquish
rough that the operation of slipping eight months later the aeveu weru coll- the national control it has held so
them past each other would cause a denined to the gulllotins by the dep long, and with such fruitful results,
rasping sound you could Imitate lb* utlss who elected them.
the organization will be in better
katydid's musical effort* very mealy.
shape than any other that ever was
Proaanca of Mind.
retired by a passing change of
Thus she reproached him:
Setting Her Right.
public sentiment The party will
A newly married woman made a pie
hand over the reins of government
for dinner "I am afraid.” tbe bride
with everything in excellent busi­
said, "that I loft aomethiug out and
ness trim and with prosperous con- >
Thus tw explained
that It's not very good "
“Kitty, I'v« decided tkat when a ditions in every part of the country.
Tbe busbaud tried tt and said
'There la nothing you could leave out young fellow can't keep from thinklug Above all. the party has lieen true
that would uiake a pie taste like that of a girl every moment of hie life It's to its principles and record. In the
face of an unex|iected assult that
It's aomethiug you've put In.“— Argo­ tin» for hltu to quit seoiug her "
"Klaa tue. Alfred, dear"
attempted to sweep it from the long
He hesitated a iiioanat- and was
established anchorage it han con­
loot -Chicago Tribune
Matthew A maid.
ceded nothing, nor acted in any
“Matthew Arnold had a cartona way
way for mere expediency. It re
of telllug little ■lories ■gallisi bini­
An Ohio man who attended tbe dedi jected the third term in MM2 as in
eelF' write« Sir li W Lucy In lha
cation of a monument recalled Artemu« , IM*', but with a material difference
Ward's accouut of one of these cere The candidate of 1SH0 a truly illua
"Talking about Mrs Arnold, he said
monies "It waa a fine parade, a very trious man. remained in the party
“•Ab. you should know my wife!
charm of manner and fin«- parade The marching column was > and spoke for the ticket. Thia year
fblly a mile and th re« quarters long­ the defeated candidate bolted the
alt.' "
ea was tbe prayer of Hr Chaplain. tbe ’ party and atorme at it with bitter i
Badly knoll««
"I wish there were ten day* In the
\\ hen you have a bad cold you
week.” algbed Gladys
want the beat medicine obtainable
"WhyF asked Grace
ao ■« to cure it with aa little deUy :
“Jack coukl call oftener tben '-Loa
aa poaaible.
Here ia a drugiriat’s
don Anewera
opinion: “I have sold Chamber
lain a A ough Remedy for fifteen
years." say a Knoa Lolfar of Sara to
ga, Ind. "and consider it the beat
on the market ” For sale by all l
Why Should a Woman ?
Why should a woman be born, educated
ried, divorced and buried under laws made
clusively by men.
The right to govern is conferred by the
governed and the governed are not exclusively
males, the governed are men and women, for wonitu
are responsible before the law.
Why, if we desire to be just and fair, should v,e
not allow the women to exercise what should be an
equal.right with man.
Vote X 300 on the Ballot
Portlaud Equal Suffrage League, Mrs. Solonion Hirch, Pres
Nightly on the streets of Portland loud­
mouthed agitators blaspheme the name of the Lord
and curse the Star Spangled Banner. They are
reaching out into the smaller communities and it
may be your turn next to contend with them.
Read and Vote No. 370 in Voters’ Pumphlet.
Assaulting the Dignity of Labor.
High salaried agitators are constantly assaulting
and maiming the honest laboring men of Portland
who are unwilling to divide their earnings with
these leaches on the decent labor element. Read
and vote No. 368 and prohibit boycotting and
picketing. Your son is not safe in Portland if he
refused to support these crime instigators.
Employers’ Association of Oreg-on, W. C. Francis, Secy.
Build your house
from lumber
bought here and thus insure per-
manentXaatisfaction and freedom
from the|many repair bills th*',
always follow the use of poor or
Better try
our lumber and be done with it
than to buy poorer and then be
continually paying for repairs.
The beet is always the cheapest.
Lumber Company
“A mx * ica ‘> F immt F lovsiho
Blend Flour 0
TRAIGHT Eastern Hard Wheat flour has its
bo has straight Soft Wheat flour. But to get rt>am
from the hard wheat flour, it must be thoroughly
The housewife finds this too arduous,
ifunoreA *c’rl living in a labor-saving age. Yet, Easter«
; . e W he^t flour has desirable qualities that cannot be overlooked
iJ" ! , - P^uction of the best breadstuff.
Bakers realite this, for
CvmLinc flours themselves, made of Eastern Ha’’J
it» ? “”d Uestcru Soft Wheat—that is to say: B limp Thein
u the two must not be mixed haphazardly, as the superiority of « >*-
ination depends wholly on a proper balance.
Before offering the pubtte
their product, the F isher F lourino M ills C omfamy m-<ie eMbaofr
tive tests to determine the exact proportions of each flour !’•’
5° produce the blend of highest efficiency.
. .
The formula finally adopted, in actual baking competition wttfi
all other well-known brands on the market today, has re*
peat-.’ly demonstrate 1 its excellence. You get this sc»ar
tifle combination in buying
Fisher's Blend Flour
blend J
1 — H VK
¿ *
Manufactured by the