Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 17, 1912, Image 3

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    Tillamook Headlight. October 17, 1912.
From Every Section of the Nation
Comes the Good News of a
People’s Prosperity.
This Is the Chorus That Comes from Every State, and It is a
Song That Must Gladden the Heart of Every American Who
Loves His Fellow Men and Wishes Them to Prosper.
Local Merchants In the Towns Find
Receipts Increasing Each
Bradstreet's Report Says That Trads
Continues Its Onward
Under the heading.. "Business 18
Brisk this Fall," the Freeport, Ill.,
Journal says rhst local merchants are
optimistic and that "Ultumn displays
in local window« include great variety
of high class good» that will sell
well." The Journal then says:
"Recent reports from shippers In
almost every section of the country
give one the idea that the only fam­
ine we will have ia one of freight cars
rather than of produce.
The condi­
tions In the harvest fields of our great
grain sections thia year have demand
ed more labor than they could get.
and that condition has-not extated for I
several seasons.
Wages are at the
top notch and there 1» plenty of work.
Factories are Working full force and i
many of them over-time.
And the
farmer still buys automobiles.
"Among local merchants business
has been good this sufnmer and each
month has shown animprovement
over the corresponding month one
year ago.”
Bradstreet's Report, a recognized
authority on business conditions,
sums up the present prosperity in the
following words:
Every prospect pleases and trade
continues its onward march. Cumula
the strength appears to be the order
of the day. The quickening impulses
cf better things are extending to sec­
tions that heretofore have been rela
tively backward, and what Is most slg
nificant, garnered crops contribute
even higher yields than were antici
pated a fortnight ago, with those yet
to be gathered—corn and cotton— giv­
ing evidence of astonishing good
progress, The crop situation is such
as to generate optimism, the jnflu
ences of which on trade are clearly
apparent all over the west.
"Steel business was never better,
specifications in August were of rec
cord proportions, pig Iron is active at
an unprecedented rate of production,
and higher prices have been named
on a number of finished lines. Job­
bers of dry goods have enjoyed a
WILL DEPEND UPON ELECTION good house trade despite the holidays,
visiting buyers still being tn evidence,
< . 1
Politlea Unfortunately, Will Have an and road sales are larger, while busi­
( ness for spring Is opening in a good
Influence Upon Continued
way with first hands.”
bi as interview published In New
York. Mr. James fl. Alexander, presi­ PROSPERITY IN THE WEST
dent of the National Bank of Com­
merce. said:
Chairman Lovett Reports Crop • nd
“Merchants have been Increasing
Business Prospects
their stocks. Labor is well employed
Tremendous crops are. assured. The
outlook Is exceedingly good.”
I From the New York Tribune:
Rut Mr. Alexander added that poli­
Ex-Jtidgc R. S. Lovett, chairman of
tic». unfortunately, were a factor In
the executive committee of the com­
the situation and that If present con­ panies embraced in the Harriman sys­
ditions were changed by the election, tem. who reached this city at the
the business world would naturally close of last week from a five weeks'
trip in the west, said yesterday as the
result of his observation that the crop
Business Continues Good.
and business outlook could not be
From the Jackson, Mich., Patriot, more encouraging. As to the crops,
Sept. 11. 1912:
he said he did not see bow they could
As to the general business of the be better, and business was for that
country, although within less than reason unusually good.
Labor, how
eight weeks of election, with condi­ ever, was very scarce, and as a result
tions growing . feverish among candi­ a good deal of the construction work
dates. there can be no two opinions. of the system's roads was being de-
It Is large and tends to become larger, layed.
In some cases showing a volume nev­
er before recorded.
A Great Business Revival.
This is especially the case with
the Independence. Kan., Dally
those industries which imply a large
volume of business in other lines and
Pronounced revival of business
directions, such, for -example, as the
prosperity has set In, according to the
industrial demand fo* fuel and the
biggest output ever known In manufac­ growing belief of business and finan­
cial men from all over the country.
tured steel. . '
A decided awakening from the period
At no time in the history of this
of excessive dullness and limited busi­
country has the production of steel
ness operations that has continued In
been so gr«at. and its relation to oth­
the country since 1907 is widely pre­
er industries Is shown In the large or-
dicted by men in touch with business
d»rs received from the railroad equip­
ment companies.
PTMldent of the Pennsylvania
Sees Record Good Times
Deol ares He Will Provide Plenty of
Chances to Move Producto.
feet ; thence south 57 deg. 03’ east
I 104 4 feet_to the south line of said
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—T o section 7, containing 1.67 acres,
« all whom it may concern : That the also u strip of land 40 feet wide
Common Council of Tillamook City. extending 3) feet on either side of
« Oregon,
did on the 16th day of the following described line of the
At September, 1912, duly adopt Ordin­ northeast quarter of the northeast
Al ance No. 248, providing for a contin­ quarter of section 18, in township
uation of Sixth Street, in Tillamook 1 S. of range 10 west of the Willa­
City, Oregon, from the West line of mette Meridian :
Al Second Avenue blast to the East end
Beginning at a point 2633.46 feet
of said Sixth Street a a it is now es­ north and 117262 feet w-st of the
quarter corner of said section
Tillamook City, and the Said Com 1«. township 1 S. R. 10 W. ot the
mon Council did on said September Willamette Meridan : thence south
16th, 1912, appoint Henry Rogers, 57 deg. .(B' east 193.5 feet; thence
* M. Melchior and T. H.Goyne. three south 6 deg. ltr east 2'23.2 ft.; thence
disinterested freeholders of Tilln south 25 deg. 55’ east 157.8 feet;
iimook City, to view such proposed thence south 54 deg. .05’ east 107.4
♦ street and make an assessment ol feet:
thence south 27 deg. 59’ east
the damages and benefits on ac­ 3C9 3 feet; thence south 33 deg .08 ’
feet; thence smith 5 deg.
mentioned in said Ordinance, and 20 east 2tv<.39 feet, containing 1 43
did appoint Thursday, the 17th day acres.
This Summons ia served upon
of October, 1912, at the hour of 8
o'clock p.m., at the Council Room you by order of the Honorable
Percy R. Kelly, Judge of the abo ve
Ar in the Commercial Club Rooms, in
Tillamook City, named Circuit Court of the State of
* Tillamook Block,
Oregon, aa the time and place for Oregon, for Tillamook County-
dated on the 21st day of Septeinber-
said viewers to meet.
You A rk F urther N otified i 1912. therein ordering that Sum
, inone be served upon you by publi­
of the proposed street, being a con cation thereof in the "Tillamook
tinuation of said Sixth street, are Headlight.” a weekly newspaper in
described ae follows: Beginning general circulation in Tillamook
at the southeast corner of Block 1 County, Oregon, for at ’east once a
of Hartet 'e Addition to Tillamook week for six consecutive weeks from
City, and being
_ in the West line the date of the first publication
1 A
of Second Avenue East, and run­ thereof, and the time for you to
ning thence West 300 feet to the answer Mid complaint t egins to
aoutheaat corn er of Block 1 of Cen­ run according to said order from
tral Addition to Tillamook City ’ the day and date of the first pubi-
Oregon;running thence South 6o cation as shown in said Summons
feet to the Northeast corner of Block uud said Order.
2 of Central Addition to Tillamook I The date of the first publication
City; ruuuing thence East 300 feet of this Summons is the 2f1th day of
to the West line of Second Avenue September, 1912, and the date of tlie
East and running thence North lust publication thereof and the
the West line of
Second last date upon which you are re­
Julius Kruttschnltt and Otto along
Avenue East 60 feet to the place of quired to answer on or before is,
will expire on the 8:h day of
Kahn Tell of Increased Busi­ i beginning; the Eastern terminus and
of said street is the West line of November, 1912.
W ebster H oi . nes .
ness Everywhere.
Second Avenue East, and
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Western terminus of said Street ia
the East end of Sixth
OTHERS ECHO SENTIMENT in Tillamook City, Oregon, im
| the same is now established
HE foregoing extracts from the news and editorial col-
utnns of the newspapers have been selected almost at
random and numerous as they are they represent but
a fragment of the innumerable stories with which the
papers of this happy country are filled day bv day.
Aren’t they splendid stories? Can any American read
them without a thrill of pride and satisfaction?
And when we stop to think of it. men and brethren, must
we not realize that the concrete facts they present are of im­
measurably more value and importance than all the theories,
all the fine spun fads and fancies, that were ever invented. How
trivial, how like sounding brass and tinkling cymbal, seems all
the talk about “bosses” and “initiatives" and "referendums,”
about this or that petty “issue.” in the presence of the splendid
FACT that there is peace and plenty in all the land, that men
are busy and women are happy and little children arc fed and
All these things have come to us under the law we now
have, through the sanity and sense and wisdom of the great
party that is now in power. Why jeopardize it all in a rash
experiment? Why change for the mere sake of a change?
Why take a chance when we already enjoy a certainty?
Why vote for ANYBODY but Taft and Sherman and the
Republican Party?
Politic. Introduce, the Only Element Ivingbetween Hlocka 1 and 2 of Cen-
Arlflttmn tn
I 111 u nini vlr < City,
it v i»tiii
trnl Addition
to Tillamook
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—That
i the property proposed to be up- on Monday, October 21, 1912, the
| propriated for
such purpose ia County Board of Equalization will
From the New York Sun. Sept., 11, described as a strip of land 52 82 meet at the Conrt House of Tilla­
From the Chicago Tribune, Sept, 16,
* feet
“*' in width off tlie entire south mook County, Oregon, and publicly
side of the said described street, examin the assessment roll for
Prosperity for the United States and belonging to Ida Martiny, and a said year, and correct all errors in
Pittsburgh, Pa , Sept. 16.—(Special) its insular possessions was predicted
valuations, descriptions of lunds
—Prosperity that will eclipse anything by many returning passengers on the strip i.68 feet in width off the entire and
other property
Said board
North side of said tract formerly
the nation has ever enjoyed is what Kronprinz Wilhelm of the North Ger­ belonging to J, R. Harter, and not will continue in session from day
James McCrea, paasldent of the Penn­ i man Lloyd line. Among the most op­ included in the platted lots of Har­ to day, until the examination, cor-
sylvania railroad, sees in the future. timistic «-as Julius Kruttschnltt, vice-i ter’s Addition to Tillamook City.
rection and ecjua'izution uearoM
And all persons claiming dama­ ment roll for said county shall be
McCrea came to Pittsburgh last night president of the Harriman railroad
ges by reason of the appropriation completed.
Asked what he thought of the busi­ lines.
Dated at Tillamook, Oregon
of the said property for said street
ness situation, he said:
cchnltt bases his roseate
hereby specially notified to file September 24, 1912
"Prosperity—why it Is here! Every preal. 3nns on the reports he received are
A. M. H ark ,
their claim for such damages with
body ran see that,
The pulse of through 'he newspapers and from the, the undersigned, City Recorder of
County Assessor.
the whole country is beating to the officials ot the Harriman system. He Tillamook City, Oregon, before the
rhythm of happier times. And we thinks that the prosperity wave will time appointed for the meeting of
said viewers as above set out.
are just entering the new era of pros­ extend throughout the country.
Done by the order of the Common
Among those who are confidently Council of Tillamook City, Oregon In the County Court of the Stats of
Oregon for Tillamook County.
looking for good times Is Otto Kahn of
Dated this September 16th. 1912.
In the Matter of the Estate 1
T B H andley ,
the firm of Kuhn. Loeb & Co., who
of Harry Wingate Cottle, ■
City Recorder of Tillamook City
sailed for Europe on the Mauretania
Deceased. 1
morning. In discussing business
I n the N ame of the S tate of
conditions throughout the country Mr
O regon ;
Tremendous Buslneee In Sight Which
Kalin declared the big crops of this
To Addie Cottle, Harvey N. Cottle,
Should Not Be Checked.
year indicated a revival of prosperity
Isabel K. Cottle, Fred B. Cottle
From the Gary, Ind., Tribune. Sept. and increased business
and Harry B. Cottle :
You are H ereby C ited and re­
11, 1912:
But Mr Kahn was careful to point In the Circuit Court of tlie State of
Oregon for Tillamook County.
quired to be and appear in the
Orders on the books of the United out that there was danger to business I
County Court of the State of Ore­
States Steel corporation as of August from politics and unsettling legisla- ! T. B. Potter Realty Ì
gon, for Tillamook County, at the
Company, u Corpo­
81 called for 6,163,375 tons of material. Hon lie said In part:
Court House, in Tillamook City,
This figure represents an increase of
“When any one tells you, as many I
Tillamook County, Oregon, on Mon­
806.296 tons over the amount booked I are saying, that the business revival 1
day, the 18th day of November, 1912,
a month earlier. It Is also the largest I is going on regardless of politics, you Lawrence R, Wheeler,
at the hour of 10 o’clock in the fore­
noon of said «I hj , then and thereto
William M. Wheeler
amount of business shown since the can laugh st him." he said. "It will
show cause, if any there tie, why
iind Margaret
corporation began issuing monthly re­ not It Is true that the country Is all
said Court should not make an
Wheeler, hia wife,
ports of Its orders, and has not been ready for the great prosperity. The
order as prayed for in the Petition
Nelson P. Wheeler, I
exceeded in the quarterly statements crops are wonderful, the greatest we
of If. T Botts, Administrator, with
A IlieM. Wheeler, John
since September 30. 1907. The largest have seen. Business Is running smooth
the Will annexed, of Harry Win­
E. Wheeler uud Mur-
amount of business the corporation ly
gate Cottle, deceased, authorizing,
Factories are operating at full
guret C. Wheeler, hi»
ever reported was 8.469.719 tons on capacity, labor is well employed. The ii wife,
licensing and directing said admin­
istrator to sell at private sale for
Wheeler, J. H. Cook,
December 31, 1906. Since the begin­ outlook Is good.
But business will
csah, all of the following described
and -------------- Cook
ning of this year the business on the not cut loose Into any great boom.
real property, situate in Tillamook
hie wife, and Peter
order books has increased from 5,084,-
"Politics is one big factor. Wilson
County. State of Oregon to wit ;
761 tons and during a large part of Is an uncertainty. He has been giv­
Lots 9 and 10 of Bl.s'k 5, in the
Wheeler, hia wife.
the period the mills have been running ing tie a great deni of loose talk late­
town of Bay City, belonging to the
close to their productive capacity.
ly on on« thing, concerning the Inabil­ I To Lawrence R. Wheeler, William estate of said deceased, for the pur­
This means everything to Gary for ity of American business men and
M Wheeler and Margaret M. pose of paying the charges, ex­
Wheeler, hia wife, Nelson P. penses and claims still unsatisfied
the next year. If the steel companies hankers to handle their business Pres­
Wheeler. Allie M. Wheeler, John against the said estate.
cannot keep pace with their orders, idents cannot afford to Indulge in
W itness the Honorable Homer
E. Wheeler and Margaret C.
with all the plants running at prac­ loose talk.”
Wheeler hie wife, Eleanor R. Mason, Jndge ot the County Court
tically full capacity, the time is at
Wheeler, J. H. Cook and------- of the State of Oregon, for Tilla­
hand when extensions will be In or­
Cook, hia wife, Peter Wheeler mook County, this 30th day of
From the Chicago Record-Herald,
der, and Gary is going to get its share
Belaht Business Signs.
and-------Wheeler hia wife :
September, 1912.
Sept. 17, 1912.
Attest :
From the Reading. Pa., Times:
I n the N ame of the S tate of
of the extensions.
Industries Which Have Greatly Pros­ ■ O regon , You and each of you are
It g-stifies the Times to be able to
Elsewhere tn this Issue, the Tribune
[SEAL] Clerk of the County Court,
I hereby required to appear and an
pered Under President Taft.
prints a remarkably "boomlsh’’ series
bring to the attention of its readers
of Tillamook County,
i awer the complaint filed againat
of Interviews with New York bankers.
the manv evidences of business fm-
I you in the atxive entitled court and
rrovemen» appearing in all sections of
They are worth reading
II Prof. Wilson were disposed to
action, on or beiore the last day of
the country.
These come from the
It all goes to show that general bus­
the time prescribed in the Summons insist upon an enforcement of the
west a« well es from the east, and
iness Is going to be tremendous for la one of the greatest industries In herein, which said order wa» made rulea he could have Col. T. B.
and dated on the 21»t day of Moose Roosevelt put out of tlie ring
affect th« agriculturist as well as the Enough for Crop Moving and at least a year to come, and Gary is
In position to get its full share of the ministration of President Taft the September, 1912, and if you fail ao to on a charge of butting.
Industries and financial and commer­
cial houses.
Legitimate Enterprises, but
good things bounteous times are to miners have prospered, there have : answer for want thereof the plain-
been fewer strikes than ever, and why tiff will have judgment againat you
give out.
None for Speculation.
•hould the miners vote for a change’ and each of you, for the aptiropria
Lot Well Enough Alons.
The best Is none too good for the | tion and condemnation and aaaeaa-
From the Quincy, III., Whig:
ment of your damage» in the above
working people of this country, and entitled court and action, on the
It strikes us that we should be sat­ GOLD COMING FROM EUROPE
they have been getting the best dur­ following described real property,
isfied with our present prosperity un­
MOPE TO INCREASE FORCE FROM ing the psst four years
Can they of which you are the owners of an
der President Tsft and not be misled Engagement of »750,000 First of Be­
expect anything better under the I undivided intereat therein, to-wit :
100 TO 400 MEN.
by those who are trying to create a
rios—Naw York Exahsnga
Beginning at a |>oint 2371.31 feet
administration of a Democratic presl
spirit of unrest throughout the conn-
a Premium.
dent, when history teaches ns that north and 1010.84 fert west of the
Horneby Says the Resump­
th!« would b* sn utter tmposibllitv’ east quarter corner of section 18,
J***************♦***»****♦*»*♦*♦**»<*<*****♦**#****** Treasurer
township 1 S.. range 10 W. of the
tion of Buslneee Came Within
Illinois has 88.369 persons engaged Willamette Meridian in Tillamook
Three Months.
I HE country is at the flood tide of prosperity.
in the industry, a larger number than County, Oregon, thence »outh 6<leg.
The last four years under Republican lawstand Re- J From the Iola, Kan., Regls'er.
east 65.2 feet; thence south
I any other state In the east north cen­ ia
tral group, which con«l«ta of the 25 deg. W eaat 157.8 feet; thence I
publican policies mark a triumphant climax in the J, 13, 1912
223.29 feet; thence north 207.05 |
st »11 our plants Is
states of Ohio. Indiana. Illinois. Mich
nation’s history.
* I Ing "Bnslnefts
and tn a short time we hope to Iran and Wisconsin. Do the voters feet ; thence east 150 feet to lhe
of tieginning, containing .84
rrom the day that Wi’.liam McKinley, in the name of thep*' be operating at full capacity at our of th!« great state want to continue point
acres more or less, situate.! in the |
Republican party, assumed control df the government, down tot X i
northeast quarter of the north
Now Ls the time
the present the
when William fioward _ Taft
is - proving
the _ * ♦ men.” wa« the Interesting statement bach to the old days wh«n they east quarter of section 18, in |
j T'-r*
mad* to a Register reporter by Mr F. worked for starvation wages’ This township 1 S of range 10 W. of the
to have that
<• worthy and patriotic successor of the martyred president, there « A Hornsby of Springfield. Mo. treas- 1« something for the thinking men of Willamette Meridian. And a atrip
Ton of land 40 feet wide. extending 31;
¥ has been uninterrupted progress, unexampled prosperity, mar-ij arer of the Untied Iron Works com­ this ennntry tn render nver
group picture made
feet on either eide of the following
Mr. Horneby was on a visit cannot get away from the cold facts
I velous growth.
i tn the Iola plant of the company and
described line in the aouthweat
quarter of the aoutlieaat quarter
Business everywhere ia booming. Labor is in great de­
stated that he was adding to the force
Prosperity Wave Infrenine.
and the soulheaaf quarter of thr
"The prrcr<rfty wave la increasing southeast quarter of said art tion 7, ,
mand, and wages were never better. Banks’ dqpnrits are in­ I here as rapidly aa possible, having
dallv.” said President Beniamin F township 1 S- range 10 W, of the
creasing. iJv.itlrnad’ are carrying enormous . quantities of I Bow 100 men on the pay roll.
Rueb of the Mfsemtrl Pacific Iron Willamette Meridian in Tillam<a»k
"eight. ^Kpbuilding has taken on a new lease’of life Farm­
Mountain system
"I wish,” he adds, ( ounty, Oregon, to wit:
jfe’Kinnintf at h point 1*514 feet went,
» ers are rtjming money and miners and all otffier classes of
were going to and
1320 fert south of thr east quar
trr corner of erction 7, township I S4.
workers art busy. Never was such universal /activity known
er lines of business, bnt the prevailing range 10 wrat of the Willamette
neea Is Good Everywhere.
» before.
FMIadelpbla, Sept
11.—Banker» rates are low and operating sxpenssa Meridian, thence south 57 deg. OH’
eaat 282.2 fret; thence south 4 deg. («'
The details presented in these columns tell’their own con­
i here today expressed themeelves as tre Mr <r®it
Bush's Interview shows that th« west 277.72 feet; thence south 21 deg
vincing story. They are gathered from all sections of the i much encouraged by the prospects of
84’ west 2ffi».3H feet; then« e south
a tidal wavs of business and Interstate Commerce commission, on­ 5 deg 22" west 128 41 feet; tlien-.e
country—a broadside of interesting, instruetvie facts that dem­ : a almost
trade prosperity that will eadure dar President Taft. Is protecting the south 7deg. 27 esst 247. MHeel; theses
onstrate the widespread blessing of prosperity ail over the I evrtng to the prospects of bumper Interests of the people end that south 4« deg 33 raid
arepa as forecast In the government wages were never higher than they hence south 70deg. 46* east 361 F|
************** »»a»>fifi*aa*aa ******** *| ******* ***** crop report Issued yesterday
of Uncertainty.
I »
» »
■ i »
I »
» »
» » »
» »♦».
Monk's Studio.