TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER 17, 1913, provementa. If, however, some of our citizens won t act fair towards Bayocean, it will force those who are interested in property there to obtain relief through the courts. roads in the most economical man­ ner. I respectfully auk the support of the voters on November Sth, and apecally advocates of good roads. Sincerely, Just about the best plan for sav­ H. V. A lley . ,XLle Fillkare Klub met at the home of Mrs. C. W. Campbell last week, ing money is to set as a mark a cer- and after the usual routine of busi­ Industrial Fair ou Saturday taiu sum to save in a certain time. ness Mrs J. S. Lamar entertained Following is the list of prises which the ladies reading a very interest­ ing account of the manners and will be given at the Children’s Indus­ Then strive with grim determina­ costumes of the Southern people. trial Fair here on Saturday, Oct. 18: OFFICERS All imagined they were sojourning tion to reach it. Figure how much GARDEN PRODUCTS. for the time “Away down in Dixie.” W m . G. T ait , President. of the income must be set aside regu­ P otatoes (10).—A class, first Mrs. L. L. Baker gave a real treat ’ by reading a paper she had pre­ prixe, Tillamook County Bank $5.00; larly to do it. J. C. H olden , Vice-President. pared her subject being “As others B Class, first prize, Tillamook Coun­ see us,” which was very ably han­ ty Bank, $3 00. Deposit this money in our Sav­ C abbage (1).—A class, first prize, dled. The Klub has begun the new C L M c G hee , Cashier. study year with renewed vigor. The Lamar’s Drug Store $1 00; B class, ings Department or on our Certifi plan of study mapped out covers a 1 first prize Lamar's Drug Store, 50c. O nions (1 gal ou).—A class, first interesting points in the United cates of Deposit which we issue any DIRECTORS States and all expect to be greatly prize, The Toggery, $1.00; B class, I benefited. Mrs. Campbell proved first prize, The Toggery, 50c. time in any sum from a dollar up. CELEkY (1 bunch). — A class, first herself the ideal hostess as usual, P aul S chrader . her lunch being unique as well as prize, Ray & Company, $1.00; B Then when you have reached your class, first prize, Ray »traues, oi Portland, are illvlted to inspect the building ! UIIICID) others numbering in all about may be seen by observing the list. tlUIUMViriia, ... ............ — 25. '2, «JO me in on Thursday on business 13— Fine Timber claim. HH a< res in I S of 10 W and members of the school board I The - ’ ’ of the audience was made res A class represents all pupils in.««) 14— The F >)lett Ranch. 258 acre, Oretown ............. . . The friends of Deputy District be present to conduct visitors up of a few leading lights in the above 12 years of age. B class 15— The Perry Ranch. 30 acres on Hie Tillamook River Bull Moose Democratic Aid Society represents all pupils under 12years itorney Geo. Willett will be aorry through the rooms 10,00'1 all bottom, with . .......................................... ............................ hear that be is aick and confined ' Louise, an Indian squaw living at and a few regular Republicans of age. hi» home. Attorney C. W. Talmage preside Nehalem, was hit by a work train, All exhibits may be left at Fin­ And other properties. Some good trades. introduced the speaker. invitation» are out for a Leap and as ij was thought that her in­ and ley's store building in charge of Mr, Miller devoted most of his Exhibits will be re This firm has taken over the Abstract Books *»r party at tne Tillamook Com juries were serious she was brought time discussing the tariff policy W. S. Buel. 14th until one ercial Club on Thursday evening to this city for treatment. She was s th.t»«y oi the Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. and good only slightly injured and returned as •csJ& neit week. ..... this morning. It is supposed that will and will continue to serve the public. H. Gaylord, the express agent, she had been drinking. panics had become immensely , they have grown or made are re- looking for suitable quarter to The Tillamook County Teacher«’ wealthy at the expense of the work I quested to place them on exhibit, ■te the office in the business agents for northern fire insurance company 1 Annual Institute will be held in ing classes, stating that men were although there is no prizes sub­ rt of the city. OF LONDON. working for small wages in some scribed. There may be prizes sub- Al Perry will remove his saloon this city October 30-31, wtjen the in­ of the trust companies shops and aerified on articles and no entry structors will be K. F. Csrleton, as- im ------- structors win oe n r. va “ding *,ÄL *'"tan’ Bupenntendent lent of of public in­ factories. He was in favor of re made in which case, the prize sub- yZcfe^Hou”y °ccupied by struction, Salem ; A. H Chamber- ducing ¡the tariff, as was also scribed could be transferred, or lain, editor of Sierra Educational Governor Wilson, and he criticised other subscriptions may lie re­ service will Iw in charge of the Church of Christ S? t0 ’Ve.Clara «»diet for Clams, News, San Francisco ; Mamie L. President Taft for vetoing the bills ueived. young men's bible class, I he i-oyal -------- prizes are open for all children The i”'1 Sraba' Second Avenue Faulkerson, Salem; and H C.Ostien, which waa passed to lower the tariff Sons. This will be ■ service worthy on certain articles. Mr. Miller, in 1 of the County. 10 a. in -Bible School, If you do of your attendance. Sermon sub­ u *n *be building back Oregon State Normal, Monmouth. Reel»’ office- • closing, predicted that, on account not attend Bible school anywhere ject, “Moses’ Wise Choice.” The The exhibit will be for one day H. L. Jensen, of Beaver, brought we invite you to attend with us. young men of the l-oyal Sous class Vu Geo- Willett and daughter the editor a box of apples, of the of the split in the Republican party, ! only Saturday October 19 Governor Wilson would be the next 11 a. m —Preaching by the pastor. will welcome you to this servir t Pupils entering contest for ¡prizes , her sister Mies Margaret White, King and Northern Spy varieties. president, which brought forth should see that every article is Special service to which all are R. E JoFE, pastor on Saturday morning on a visit The apples Mr. Blalock brought in applause from the Democrats. labeled with their name, and ac­ cordially invited, especially parents. mends in Portland. last weak are now on exhibition at Cbeeae Maker Wanted. companied with a statement from , Subject. “The Old Time Faith. *h*lby Electric Light Globes, the Tillamook Commercial Club 3 p. tn.—Junior Christian En­ their parents or guardians that tne Announcement Wanted, Bule for Cheese M >ker tion.l quality. They are good, rooms, and the editor will place 1 article exhibited is the product of deavor. ... Mr. Jensen’s apples in suitable B:30 p. m.—Senior Christian F.n- at East Beaver Cheese Co. Hide w to vour house or store, boxes and will place them also on ’the one making the entry, (that it must be in by the 2ffih October, ad­ Tothe voteroof Tillamook County: phone ux.-King & Smith Co. • exhibition in the club rooms. Mr. | was made or grown by the pupils I rleav or. dressed to Jay Baker, Heaver. Ore. I hereby announce myself as an as the case may be). 7:30p.m.-The regular evening i ,or »•(J0 p«r ton Jensen’s box of apples are certain Independent Candidate for the 30 tor half ton,or good fir wood fine lookers. Thanks, gentlemen. The Soliciting Committee would office of County Commissioner, which u fy for Per cord or | It is reported that those who are snbiect to the decision of the voters gladly receive any prizes subscribe “ for half a cord. See Shrode • interested in Happy Camp at Ne­ at the election to be held November, any one may wish to as shown vacant lists ‘ Norton is packing up to tarts are circulating a petition in Sth. 181'2. My reasons for taking on the *£ Banka «is Parents? opposition to the Bayocean road. above, On behalf of the pupils, this step are as follows: to extend our appre- wish lot. The Nehalem people do not we J'.1" NortO“. *C- The County Court has been spend­ to those ------- who have sub- ,hem. and make their ing large sums of money improv­ consider it fair to be deprived of cistion * •’ Banks also. ing the Netarts road and no doubt their repreoentative on the County scribed and thus made a beginning possible for an Annual Si liool Fair will complete it as soon as possi­ . .Transfer Co are the fel- ble. and has been expending monev Board, and I was selected as ouch for Tillamook County. W e also ap­ at the Primary election by a vote » who haul anything, anywhere, from Mohler with the object of hav­ of 84 to 29 They etill insist on preciate the work of the Soliciting ’ Office on Main Street, ing a road .along Garibaldi beach, their choice and that I enter the Commute- Miss Clara TinnerMel. Miss Kathryn Burge and Mr-. ugb s Drug Store. Call but no sensible, fair minded person Usch, »hr Primary • . is ‘ knocking” these necessary im- rB2nd. I have tried anil I believe Laura for the City Schools; also to I r<4 have been fair in the distribution Baker, fo. his help sod advise; to of the road funds among the dif­ (. J. ClotUfti« for furnmhing the ferent districts as a member of the building for the exhibit. County Court, as the records will Even one is cordially invited to show, and I will challenge any or all to show any act of mine that visit the Fair and see »*»• “•< would reflect on my honesty or pupils b»ye grown and mace. Respectfully, integrity as so officer. W 3. BLkL, 3d I believe that wit.i the ex­ perience I have gamed I can render Prices foe Mo»» the people better service in the POCKS: WARKHOUSK. future than 1 have in the paaC FRONT STRBKT, BETWEEN 2nd A »rd ATKRCK W’Kb. ü I» to £» I •>»•. «c-. dressed, If elected it will be my chief aim aft If» to ** •»» dressed. to advance the irauae of good roads Z15 pounds and over 7c. in all parte of the county under r Tillamook Meat Company. ( plane that will insure the beet first National Bank, Tillamook b ^TÎLLÂMÔOK COUNTY BANK ~ Oregon INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. John Leland [iende^oq ^on UAMAR'S VARIETY STORE. TIUbAmOOK, OREGON. Drop in and book Around ” Coal, Cement, Lime, Biick, Shingles Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint lamb schiuder company