Tillamook Headlight, October 10, 1912 School Notes. CHILDRENS’ FAIR. In Tillamook City Satur-' Ou Monday the girls held a meet­ ing and organized a Girls’ Athletic day, Oct. 19—List of Associutian, snd elected the fol­ 'Priiea to be Given. lowing officers : Estellu Coyne, I ! IIOW ROOSEVELT RESEMBLES LINCOLN Classes Presbyterian Church 10;lO a. m.- Bible School. for all ageB. The adult Bible Clans Lincoln. for men and women is taught by ’ I I "With Roosevelt. malice to- •■We will lick ern Mr. George Willett. Come and ward none, with to a t rasile. " charity for all.” ■ « I join it. president ; Flora Phillips, vice- Lincoln. 11:00 a.m.-Public worship. Sub­ ‘ ’ not The Childrens’Fair will be held ____ . [ -We are president; Harriet Gaylord, sec ; but n e m I t the Finley Building. Tillamook City. ^''j’pZuHne b /B’| s *. treasurer. They ject of the sermon: "The Pastors e friendB We must Rooeevelt. Part in the Winning Church.' not n o t be t-nenHes. Saturday, October 19th, 1912. "Slugged em have secured the portion of the old passion 7:30 p.m.—Praise and Gospel ser­ Though The Business men of the city have school building that was the as­ may have strained, through the ropes” It must not break zubxcribed for the prize list. Many sembly room in which they intend vice. Following a song service, the bonds of affec­ prize* are offered. A detailed state­ to install a baehet-ball court. It is the pastor will speak on “The Ceo- tion.0 tral Place in the Christian Life " ment will be given next week. Lincoln. hoped by the rest of the »chon! that answer to an Prizes are offsred on vegetables, they will be successful in their new Good music by a chorus choir. If ■ „„ Tn ¿rzlrn his you are not a regular attendant' »Posies char a c t e r. you cewing, cooking, carpentry, poultry enterprise. Mated publicly elsewhere, come to this church. Roosevelt. ect. Prizes vary from 50 cents to five that you were in The boya have been intending to In answer to as­ D. A. M c K enzie , pastor. possession of a persions dollars. All exhibit« must be the pro­ act similarly, but on account of on his in­ fact, or facts, which. If known to tegrity: duction of the one making the entry. football practice and ’ troubles Liars the public, would Malefactors. Two elaMes are considered, A class, they have neglected basket ball, Church of Christ. enti rely destroy Undesirable citi­ the prospects of being these twelve years of age or and let the girls get ahead of them, myself at the en­ zens Prevaricators. suing election. I 10 a. m -Bible School, If you taken,” and the old members ma Canal scandal, which was displeas­ Dahlias ! Dahlias ! County Bank, $3.(8). ing to Mr. Rocsevelt, he is reports^ remain in the same society that prize, C abbage .—A class, first We have them in different colora to have made the following courteous Lamar's Drug Store $100; H class. they were in before. A new con atifution will probably be drawn up. By a uew system of propogation comment: "Judge Anderson is s first prize, SOp. On Thursday morning school we are able to g guarantee better damned jackass, he is a crook and a O nions .— A class, first prize, Toggery, $1.18); H class, first prize took up at 8 30 so as to let the foot­ plants and more blossoms than if Jackass, and I do not care if the whole ball team out at shout 3'00 p ax- for P jropogated by the old way. Ad- world knows it.” Me. ALBANY NURSERIES, Inc., ' Also, when addressing a crowd St ,C blkry .- Ä class, first prize, Ray tlie purpoee of getting more time drees: Joplin, Mo., a few days since, ha Company, H.fiO; R class, first for practicing, This plan was tried Albany, Ore. last spring for the benefit of the saw a man in his audience wearing prize, 50c. 4 ’ ’* Study of the new parcels poet law a yellow Taft badge. This caused RUTABAGA«. A class, first prize, baseball team, and it proved to be has been taken up by the postal him to remark, that the color of the BrjtJC. Rakgr, ,$l.tf), Belass, first a very good system. It is hoped that the number of forces The cost of living will be badge was very appropriate, as any prize, $1.00. - ,‘PAHSNfF».—A class, first prize, tardinesses will not be increased, marked down in one important man who would support Taft had a yellow streak in him somewhere. Can Jbuee 4 Knudson. $1.00; B class, for if it is the old system of 9: GO to item January 1. firstprize, Jones & Knudson, $1.00. 3:40 will have to be resumed. Uncle Sam’ a latest drea dnaught you imagine the kind and broad-mind­ The football team ia practicing the Wyoming, is ready for active ed Lincoln, to whom Roosevelt likes ";$EANB —A class, first prize, Pelz ATfirchoff $1.00; Belass, first prize, diligently and seems determined to service. Democratic Con- to compare himself, making such a The be in good condition for any games. gresa that is willing to provide remark to one who honestly differed $uoo. C arrot »—A class, first prize. Oscar Aachirn has come back to but one battleship a year ends next with him politically? W.’S. Buel. $1.00; B class, first school, which will add a good Mardi and ia not likely to be dupli-' amount of weight to the team, A prize. $1.00. cated. WHO IS MR. PERKINS? P eas .-A class, first prize, C. I. game will probably be arranged Celebrations of the fiftfeth an­ between the High School team and Clough, assorted Seeds, $2,50; H niversary of president Lincoln’s Who is George W. PerklnsT Who class, firat prize. W. S. Buel. $1.00. a Tillamook team to be played on emancipation proclamation are a is the man who stands ready to put Blection Day, and sn effort is being T urnips .—A class, first prize, Republican reminder that the ~ up unlimited cash to get Roosevelt C. H. Trombley, $1.00; Belass, first made to secure a game with some outside school team to be played party was progressive at the start elected? Here is the answer, cut prize. $1.00. and destined never to be anything from the pages of the report of the here on Thanksgiving Day. BAKING The Seniors held a meeting Wed­ else. Steel Investigating Committee of the CASK.-A class, firat prize, Best nesday noon and decided to give a Democratic policies are not new, House of Representatives: baked on Qntck Meal Range. King Director of the United States Steel Oar shadow social in about a week for says Prof. Wilson. The country A’ZSmith. Aluminum Kettle; Belass, poratlon. Chairman of finance committee and di­ first prize. B. D. Lamar, cup and the purpose of raising a little money knows it well and has rejected rector of International Harvester Co. to pnv a small debt incurred last them for sixteen years, The last Director of Astor Trust Co. •aucer, Director of Bankers' Trust Co. year It is also expected that tlie time they were tried the people B hbai ».—A class, first prize, Till­ Director of Cincinnati, Hamilton A Hoys' Athletic Association will paid au enormous penalty for the Dayton Railroad Co. amook heed Company, bbl. Flour; Director Cincinnati, New Orleans A give some kind of an entertainment mistake, i Texas Pacific Railway Co. H claas. first priz«-. Director ” Erie ' ~ Railroad Co. ~ on Holloween night to secure Congressman Longworth says that C anned F ruit and vkuktadi ks . Director German-American Insurance mousy, as they ow» quite ii sum for he will support the Republican Co. A cli,as, firat prise, First National Director German Alliance Insurance Ça. Director International Mercantil« Ms- Band, $3.U>;. B class, first prize, last year’s baseball career. If the ticket as always, but wants it under­ school could have proper support stood that as a Republican he is rlne Co. First National Bank. $2.(8) Bessemer _____ Deafr Director Marquette ____ A _________ Why, of course. & Navigation Co. J elly .—A class, first prise, W these socials and entertainments progresssive. Director National City Bank of Naw would be unnecessary. The whole story of Republicanism York. 9. Buel, $1.(8); H class, first prize, Trustee of New York Trust Co. .The enrollment of the entire is one of progress guided by com­ W^ 8. Buel, 50c. Director of Northern Pacific Railway Co. school grammar, intermediate and mon sense and courage. a SEWJKG. Chairman of board. Tere Marquette primary grades included up to Fri A Democratic paper remarks that Railroad Co. D hems . -A class, first prize. Ku Nearly all of these companies css- gqpe, Jenkins, Trade $2 0>. R class, day, October 4th, is 327 Last year thus far the Republicans have not at the end of the third week the en­ claimed a'.l the credit of the bumper trol or own a large number of other first prize. E T Haltotn. 50c. A pron , Hand Made..—A etas«, tire enrollment was about 31)0. crops, Good times help to make companies. first prize, K. T. Haltom, $1.00; B making thia year’s membership n cheerful. Mr. Perkins Is a shrewd man. Ms enterprising farmers. class, first prize, H J\ I.rnisr. Doll. ten per cent gain over last year's Good government creates good has millions of dollars Invested in ths A pron , Machine made —A class, I he per cent of attendance is very times. There is considerable to be various corporations and trusts »bars first ptize. G. Mills, $1 50; B class. good, being 98 8 for the first two said about the Republican party in enumerated. Several of them are naw weeks. first prize. being prosecuted by the Taft admin­ connection with bumper crops. Phares M Stiveraon, of Clover Fl O'.VERS In an interview for the New York istration. Is he financing Mr. Roose- A sters . -A class, first prize, dele, has enrolled in the Sopho Evening World President Tirit warn- veil's campaign in order to have In the Honey A Ron, $1.CO; R class, first more class. Jed the public that the Roosevelt plan White House a friend or an enemyT A slight mistake was made in the prize. | of federal incorporation and con William Allen White of Kansas, in an report of the Junior meeting that POULTRY i trol of the trusts would result in appeal for contributions to the Third RhRJTKn Ptvwmrrn R<>< «« A appealed in last week's "notes." "Ths i the most monstrous monopoly of Term campaign fund, said: class, first prize. W. 9 Buel,- It.00, The reason for the niistnk- was men who finance the campaign con­ ' power which, in the grasp of an tin B class, first prize, W 8. Buel, $1.00. that the reporter consulted Perry scrupulous mail, could be used to trol the administration.” Does ths H uff P lymouth Roi A class, De Lillee, and he having been perpetuate his authority' and make country want an administration which first prize. M F. Leach, $L30; B elected as Sargeant at .Arms, was him a dictator. In h statement is is controlled by a director In fifteen clfies. first pngs. either ashamed or too bashful to sued by Chairman Hilles the same different trusts and corporationsT W hit « P lymouth R ock —Aclsss. say so. The officers elected were : day the president is said to be first prize; I? class, first prize, M Katelle Goyne, president ; Nellie sure of his re-election, although he F. Leach. $1 ,10. Blanchard, vice-president ; Irma admit« that the Republicans will LaFollette No. 6. W hite LkitHoiexg -A class, first Doerge, secretary ; Leslie Harrison, have a reduced majority price; H risen, first prise. treasurer ; and Perry De Lilies, FIGHT WITHIN REPUBLICAN Farmers in this county are divdi- B rown I. bgiiorns . A class, first eargentit at arms. PARTY. eel into two distinct classes — the pnze. M. F. Leach, $150; H class, It seems to me that the highest prosperous and Jibe unprosperous. Oral price, A McNair, I pocket obligation of real progressive Re­ NOTICE The prosperous farmer never de knife. publicans in every state ta to main­ I pends upon one crop to bring him tain their organisation and con­ B uff l.sc.Hnaxa.-A class, fl rat NOTICE is hereby given that the a revenue, but plants a variety He tinue to fight within the lines of prize. A McNair, $1.90, R class. the Republican party for progrès County Court of Tillamook County, also has good live stock and he first print. alve principles, policies and can­ Oregon, will receive Sealed Bids for grows every vegetable and all the CARPENTRY didates. No aid or encouragement the Construction of a Concrete Walk . fruit his family consumes and raia- should be given to a third party Plica of FVRNITUHH - A class. plan to divide the progressive vote first prtte, A. McNair, $1.5$: Bclaaa, aronnd the Court House Block, said *• *’*• own chickens The unproe- walk to he eight feet in width, and pnroua farmer plants only one thing and destroy the progressive Repub­ first prize. lican movement. No break should and "n‘l depends absolutely upon that B ird CAtilt.—A ctasa. first prise; constructed according to plans be permitted In the progressive and furnish him with money to pay sprcifications of Tillamook City. H claw, first prize. ranks which will endanger the elec­ his expenses He never thinks of on file with the County Clerk. tion of any true progressive Repub­ Ijnn» S aving Dwn i A class. A certified check equal to 5 per cent ■»»'•' a thing as wasting his time on lican anywhere -Senator La Fol­ first prist. pocket knife, C. I. lette's Weekly Magasine. July 27. of the amount of the bid.’must aceom- “ garden. Chickens C‘ ’ are too great t lough: B class. first prise. SCISSO! S, penv each bid as a guarantee that th« a nuisance and hogs too much <•'. t. Clough. A class represents all pe pila bidder «ill execute a Bond for the com­ trouble lor him to raise. He is con­ pletion of the contract if awarded the stantly crying "hard times" and above 1J years of age II class complaining that " Luck" is against represents all pnpila unAei 12 years same. All bids to be filed in the office of him La Fol lette No. 5. I of age. the County Clerk, of Tillamook Coun ty Ml exhibits may be left al Fin If you have young children vou "IN NO PARTISAN SPIRIT 1 Oregon, on or before I o'clock I*. M. have pethap« noticed that disorder lay's stars building in charge of repeat that the progresalve move Saturday, the 12th day of October. 1512. ed of the stomach arc their most W. A Ruel. • Exhibits will be re- meat began within the Republican The Court reserves the right to reject totnmon ailment to correct this party it rapidlv advanced its con­ celeed fmta Oct. lltli until one you will find Chamberlain ’ »Stomach any and all bide. trol. shaping the policies of state o'clock Oct 19th and Ln er Tablets excellent. They By order of the County Cxairt. administrations and arasiplng its The pnae hat will bs made ont and pleasant to take, and impression upon national i J. C. HOLDEN. mild and gentle tn effect For sale mors tnlly tn nsat week’s issue. 1 lion as a distinctly ] by all dealers County Clerk. Anyone who ran is invited to sub publican movement nd upon thTJ fact in recoat political history 1 scribe to any of the prises offeted. What Prxif Wilson doesn't know Prices for Bags I M>P*si to progressive Republicans everywhere to maintain their or by experience alto it Congress, Ifsll that frot. W Ueon SaatMtlon within the Republican sa re- ,|jp|oit>-(j<- affaus and military ad ,. put •• party —Senator LaFollette la La­ lbs . 'IrreAct*, logetn.r the geueral impression ie msslstraiios wuul<1 msh le a volimi TT Follette e Weekly Magaalne. July • pound« «ind over îc. thst of a lr»s txsdrr tn distress | incus document. I lanivoli Meet Company. I J I I I • • ROOMS 215-216, TILLAMOOK;|BLOCK TILLAMOOK, OREGON. This firm is doing a general land busine«, The senior member came to Oregon 42 years ago He is a Lawyer, Surveyor and Abstracter. Thejunior member, Sidney E. ¡Henderson it a graduate of Oregon University, and is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor. The Company makes a specialty of the follow ing branches of the Land Business : Law—Abstracts—Surveying and Engineering —Real Estate—Fire Insurance—Farm Loans- Conveyancing. They offer for sale the followingchoice pro­ perty in Tillamook City and Country. 1— 35V4 acres. All in cultivation. 6V'a miles S.E. of Tilla.1^1*1 inook................................................................................................. 2— 100 acres The Castle Rock Ranch. 3% miles S.E. of Hebo...................................................... ....................................... 7,M 3— -80 acres. Raw land. 30 acres rich bottom. 3U mile. S. E. of city................................................................... ............... ta 4— 140 acres, unimproved Apple Land, near Lyle, Wash., at $75 per acre. Will trade. 5— Two lots and cottage. 2nd Ave. E........................................ 6— One Lot S.E. of Catholic Church. Sightly ...................... 7— Two Lots. One corner. S.E. of Catholic Church. Sightly^ 8— Two Lots. S.E, of Catholic Church. Sightly.................. 9— One corner Lot. One Block S.W. High School. Cheap. 10— 1 Lot at Mohler ............................................................................ 11— Part of Marolf Estate, 38J< acres, per acre, $200........... 12— Sightly improved ranch at Netarts Bay ......................... idas 13— Fine Timber claim. 100 acres in 3 S. of 10 W................ 2,«t 14— The Follett Ranch. 258 acre, Ore town ............................. lea» 15— The Perry Ranch. 30 acres on the Tillamook River. all bottom,Jwithgcows................................................................ 10,08 And other properties. Some good trades. This firm has taken over the Abstract Books oi the Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. and good will and will continue to serve the public. AGENTS FOR NORTHERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPAXT OF LONDON. Build your house from lumber bought here and thus insure per- manent^satisfaction and freed» from thefmany repair bills tbit always follow the useofpwre unseasoned lumber. Better try our lumber and be done with 8 than to buy poorer and then be continually paying for repairs. The beat ia always the cheapest A. G. Beals Lumber Company TELEPHONING TO THE COUNTRY HE City and the Country are bound together by th* telephone line. T The farmer and his family use the rural telephone constantly, calling up each other and the market town on all sorts of matters and for all sorts of supplies and information. City people also find the rural telephone of advantage A traveler from his room in the hotel talks with farm folk milea away, Without the telephone he could not reach them, The farmer himself may travel far and still talk home over the Long Distance Line of the Bell System. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. Every Bell Telephone is the Center of the System. Carl C. Kratzentein, Mgr. J. G. Tanner Drug Store. Santa Cruz, Calif., writes "We have sold Foley * Company's medicines for the past M vears and have yet to hear our first complaint or of a dissatisfied customer. Their remedies are pure, made as represented, and contain no injurious substances. On the contrary, our experience shows ux that the Compiiny’a aim haa always ree?,.*0 health giving and health maintaining remedies "— Lamar's Drug Store. Her> '• • woman who speaks from ^nowledjfe and lonir ex- Mr' P H Bros«», of Wilson, Pa., who says, "I know from experience that Chamberlain’s i ough Remedy is far superior to •ny For croup .here is »«hínRUtot excels it" For sale by all dealers. John Health. Michigan writes: "I was afflicted i and bladder trouble for --.. years. Had a very bad »P* time ago and was unab'« without help. I commence« Foley Kidney Pills and cs say I was relieved at j pleasure *in recomniendiBK - kidney Pille."-At Lamars* Store Mrs. I C. Hastier. Nebr., had something she , fg say about Foley's Honff hik**1 Compound. "My three had a very severe attack at ing cough and sunereu A friend recommended .j Honey and Tar Compiusu did them more good L,-j» I gave them. I am glsd*** — mend it •— At Lamar A Drug