Tillamook Headlight. October 10, 1912 ounty business Dad Ordered Open to Bayocean. Le Counts Court met hist week transacted the following busi- L the matter of the cancellation [he taxes oi Vincenz Jacobs, tins L continued. L, the matter of designating a [ingpNcefor the general elec- L jt wa-t'ordered that the Skating Lk be designated as the polling Le ofTillamook precinct. L the matter of the approval of [plat of Stillwell Park addition, Lame was approved. L the matter of the application |T E. Epplett and others for I location and establishment of a Lty road, it was ordered that brge J. Poysky, W. B. Aiderman k ji. V. Stillwell be appointed Lard of county road viewets. L the matter of changing the [ndaries of the Port of Bay City k annexing new territory, a jcial election was called for [ember 30. k the matter of the petition of L c. Baker and others for a Lty road, known as the Bay- Ln road, on the report of the Ird of county road viewers, and Le being no objections on file, [court ordered that the report be lepted and the County Clerk was fructed to record the field notes, [vey and profile in the proper lords kept for that purpose, and [road was ordered opened. L the matter of changing the [ndaries of the Port of Bay City 1 annexing new territory, a [cial election was called for No­ li ber 30. L the mattef of changing the pndaries of the Port of Bay City I annexing new territory, it was lered that an election he held November 3o. [Crenshaw, refunding taxes 15 41 lamook Herald, printing.. 33 50 |K. Case, inch........................ 34 01 600 land L. E. Gurley, mch ... P Jamison & Co., mch.... 37 00 rthold Barg Co., mch....... 137 91 1 00 Ison & Co., mch.................... Indard Oil Co., mch............. 61 85 4 00 lers 4 Son, hauling............. mmercial Stables, livery... 4 50 lamook Headlight, print [g .......................................... 44 91 las ft Prudhomme, mch ... 19 00 5 00 F. Baker, post cards .... tin Hodson Co., mch......... 950 10 00 prge Willett, rent ......... C. Holden, freight............... 20 55 S. Buel, mch........................ 1 05 tific Tel Co............................. 15 15 rctric Light Co.................... 17 87 P. Hopkins........................... 365 00 F or C oun B v P oor , D. Gladwell......................... 4 34 lamook Meat Co................. 3 00 [atnook Feed Co.................. 15 40 J ustice C ourt . '• W. Stanley, Wilson cases. 7 20 W. Stanley, Ore G. Mapes pee............................ 300 S alaries . L. McCarty, fire warden.. 62 26 IN. Farmer............................. 79 60 V. Alley.................................. 83 03 hner Mason........................... 100 00 ID. Bodyfelt........................... 45 00 t. Beals ....................... .... 83 33 Is. Buel............................ . . . 83 33 H- Johnson ....................... 75 00 M. Hare................................. loooo A. Johnson .......................... 75 00 ¡Crenshaw....... .................... 133 33 la Rogers.................... 50 00 [Mills............................ 75 00 f. Holden............. ....... . 133 33 B ridges . I d . Wood, Maple Leaf r« 91 00 56 25 42 26 91 00 66 75 1 75 750 19 90 10 00 290 Wm Archie................................ 36 75 Harry Brooten Jap Perry...................................... 15 OO Elbert Worthington W.C.T.U. Meeting. JOHN L. HENDERSON, R. E. Miller.................................. 7 50 H. B Ixtckwood ... D. W. Carlson............................ 14 75 Peter Jenck............... The Women's Christian Temper- Sam Johnson.............................. 7 25 A. A. Imlah............. ance I nion held its bi-montlily ATTORNEY & COUNSEL­ Beil Johnson............. ............... 7 25 Fred Lyster ........... meeting us is usual, in the Free John ifeilmeyer ... R oad D istrict N o . 2. Reading Room, on Tuesday. O< t. LOR-AT-LAW, John Creecy ............. J. F. Reeher................................ 1st, at from 2:30 to 4 o'clock. , R. B. McClay Wm. Ryan.................................... The meeting was opened with > Tillamook Block, Tillamook,Or. R. Waymire ............. R. M. Coster................................ O. Kellow ................. president m the chair Mrs. Bewley. Room No 361. George Kiehm............................ Roy Saling ............. Evangelistic Supt., leading in de- I John N. Kirch............................ B. | N. Shoemaker . Carl Hunt. .................................. votionals After which roll call was I F. Nathan .............. H B. Johnson....»................... I I T. BOTTS, responded to l>y each member E. Lightfoot ............. John Perry................................... 1 ’ A ttornky - at -L aw . Harley Curl ............. , giving an item of interest per- I John Salven................................. Fritz Drebert......... taining to Gov. West’s crusade I Gray Eagle Mill......................... Complete set of Abstract Books Billie Peacock ..... Jim Simmons ............................ against vice, especial mention bring i Carl Curt ........ ....... Guy Ford..................................... njfi:!. T ikjj paid for non- made of a case wherein he called Roy Wood........... ... ... Andrew Anderson........... .. , Reid Farmer ............. up “ Penitentiary, ” and asked that L. Anderson........................... . . .. Now is the time Residents. Gotleib Shopert....... a man No. 3615 be sent to him. un­ A. K. Case................................... R. Huston ................ W. E Miller . .............................. attended, and which the warden Tillamook Block. to have that John Borba.jr ......... w E. Dunkle ............................ did after some protest, but No. 3615 John Borba.ar .... Both phonee. w. E. Dunkle ............................ group picture made George Freshower . was sent to Portland, also unat­ King & Smith Co............... ......... Ollie Woods .............. tended. to inspect the factories and Long & Co .... .......................... Jim Bodyfelt ........... W. B Aiderman........................ report back to Governor, where to George Kellow ......... Let us show you our A G. Beale Lumber Co......... purchase the best machinery for Chas Baker............. . haberlach , special dieplay of attrac­ Andrew Zurcher........................ E. Trobough ........... making shoes, as might be used in George Williams........................ tive new styles. We are Chas Kennedy ......... Penitentiary, and as this man No ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, F. Wilson....................... ........... perfectly equipped for Tom Kellow ............. 3615, was an expert in making C. Dye............................................. Reid Farmer ............. making group pictures Will Berns .................................. shoes. He returned with report G. W. McCormick . Tillamook Block. and will please ’you with Albert Olds................................ Ralph Wyant.... ....... that after examining various shops, the quality ofjour work. A. H. Ruger................................ Boss Turner ............ he had learned that Oregon City Fred Blum ................ ................ Ben Turner ................ had still better machinery than he Amos Vaughn .......................... Wm. U’rich .............. QEORGE WILLETT, Marion Darby. .......................... found in Portland, and to which Nelse Hagland ....... Tona Haugan ............................. Emory McLaughlin place he was then sent, returning Ed Jacoby..................................... S. D. Moon ................ A ttounky - at -L aw . faithfully to hie trust with liis Hurbert Edgers........................ Frank Welsh............ valuable report, and is now doing A. Zurcher.................................... William Kodad........ West Day ...................................... Tillamook Commercial Building excellent work at hie trade, doing Frank Kodad ............. J. L. Hicks ................................. courageous duty as a man, although J. Beebehizer.............................. T illamook O regon . in the capacity of a convict. E. Conover .................................. want everything IN A Committee was appointed to J. Arelick...................................... C. Christensen............................ form resolutions approving and SIGHT. T. BOALH, M.D., G. Conover.................................... endorsing the Governor’s efforts by J. T. Woodward........................ the suggestion of Mrs Tucker. Mrs. Trickery of Port of Bay City S. W. Elliott .............................. Botts and Mrs. Meese, acting on Boss Turner........... .................... PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, in Annexing New Territory. that Alvin Blum. .............................. committee, and the following Fred Blum .................................. resolutions being approved by TILLAMOOK. Another petition has been tiled A me Blum .................................. John Proctor................................ with the County Court to annex unanimous vote. Whereas Governor West is mak Tillamook Block. C. E Pearson ............................ more territory to the Port of Bay ing great and telling efforts to Herman Schlappi ..................... City. The new petition embraces bring about good according to law Elmer Hall.................................. all the territory left out of the pre­ and order of the state and the prin­ T. J. White ................................. M. KER RON, SEE SPALDING. John Blum ................................ vious petitions (outside of the ciples of the W.C T U. Therefore be it Resolved, That W. B. Turner ........... .. ........ territory embraced in the original the Tillamook W.C.T.LL heartily Will Turner.................................. Port of Tillamook, which take in approve of the course Governor Hope Moore.................................. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Tillamook City and fifty feet on West is pursuing, and Earl Pearson ............... ......... R Resolved, That it co-operate with Leonard Burke ......................... either side of Hoquarton slough to Tillamook Block, I him as far as lies within our power, Al Myers ................................ Fl Drystocking bar) that was included and Charles Desmoud....................... Oregon. Tillamook, and had not been petitioned for Resolved, That we extend to him Carl White................... ............. or annex which belonged to the our sympathies and remember him Riley Simmons............................ Alvin Blum.................................. Port 'of Tillamook). Consequently in our prayers. lb* , C ommittee . H. B. Johnson............................ thete are two petitions and there C. HAWK, The meeting was then turned Russ Johnson.............................. will have to be two elections and C. R. Funk.................................... over to Mrs. Jessie Tucker, Supt. two ballots to annex territory which H. Hayward................................ of Mercy and Help Department, E. Smith........................ ............ is adjoining. There is trickery in PHŸSICIAN & SURGEON, who had arranged a program of Y. Parrish.................................... the whole scheme, as the boundaries great interest and which was car­ R. Simmons................................ of the two petitions plainly show, R. Maine. .................................... ried out by distribution of readings BAY CITY, OREGON. -it, ■‘sigrrjjn — U for one petition embraces and on cruelty to animals, wearing of L. j Wilks .................................. D. B. Darby................................ circles round land where there are birds and their plumage, which ie with the problem of buying Harness, J. Miner......................................... no residents, and the other petition a means of much suffering and in you will iitid it distinctly advanta­ N Olds........................................... is to annex the territory where there some cases a loss of certain species geous to come and do your sele t- R. BEALS, W. H. Martin................................ are settlers. If the Port of Bay of beautiful birds. F. Hedges ........................ ........... a Responsive ing here. You will get the best A. Holden .................................... City wanted to act square and reading by all the members joining qualities, the most thorough and J. Ferry......................................... HEAL ESTATE, white with the citizens of thia made the subject of great interest conscientious workmanship, and he M. Ruest ...................................... and should have, county, it would charged the most reasonable prices. R. Lamb..................... ............... to all Blank pledges were passed F inancial A ghnt , included all the land in one peti- asking for names of ladies' who We can supply 'single or double W. Tinnerstet.............................. tion, as it all adjoins. The County would refrain from wearing such Sets or any single article that yow E Knight...................................... Tillamook, Oregon. W. E. Dunkle.............................. Court has ordered a special election may be in need of. trimming on their head-dress R oad D istrict N o . 3. for November 30th on both of these The reading was interspersed with Marie Mietzke ............................. 17 32 petitions. Following is the territory H. GOYNE, business and electing delegates to W.A, Williams&Co J. G. Brink & Son...................... 19 50 embraced in the last petition : 8 40 State Convention, which is held in Next Door to Tillamook County Hank. Wert Sappington....................... Beginning at the Ne corner of sec. Portland, October 18th, 1912, just 1 15 John Foster ............... ................ K. E. Cross & Son .. .............. 1542 25 17, tp. 1 S., R. 8 W. ; thence S to preceeding the National Convention A ttornky - at -L aw . t|ie Ne corner of sec. 20 ; thence K. Of that amount $313.50 was at same place. Delegates elected to the Ne corner of sec. 221; thence rejected and$100continued. Office : Opposite Court House. F J Ayer.................................... 103 60 S. to the Se corner of section 22 ; are : L M Baker ................................ 75 00 thence E. to the quarter section Mrs. M. R. Thomas, Mrs. R. I.. T illamook , O rroon . Myer & Son .................................. 41 20 Corner common to sections 24 and Meese, Mrs. H. T. Botts. 2 88 25 ; thence S. to the quarter sections L. M. Dennie .............................. Meeting adjourned to meet again 4 80 corner of setions 25 and 36 ; thence John Weiss.................................. 5 76 W. to the quarter section corner October 15th, 1912. M. Weise & Son ................... •j-y. P. J. SHARP, W. Gilbert & Son................. 12 95 common to sections 30 and 31 ; M. R. T homas . Frank Foster............. ............... 58 04 thence S. to the quarter section J. M. Weiss......... ............... .... 326 95 corner common to section 31, tp. 1 Woman Proposes. E. Godsey .... .......................... 52 90 S , R. 8 W. and sec. 6, tp 2 S.. R. RESIDENT dentist George Sanders ........................ 71 75 8W.; thence W. to the Nw corner (Believing in a thorough reform, Alva Gove ............................ 154 00 of sec. 6 ; thence S. to the Se cor Office across the street froir the John Amundsen........................ 98 00 ner of sec. 13, in tp. 2 S., R 9 W.; a certain suffragette club offers Court House. Carl White .................................. 70 50 thence W. to the Sw corner of sec. the following set of ten command­ E. A. Lane .................................. 39 50 14 ; thence N. to the Se corner of ments. with which all husbands are Dr. Wise’s office. J. R. Thompson ............. ......... 37 75 sec. 15 ; thence W. to the Sw corner requested to conform:) E. R. Hayes................................ 24 00 of sec. 14, in tp. 2 S, R. 10 W.; 1 Thou shaft love thy wife with A. B. Scott ....................... ........ 35 00 thence N. to the Sw corner of sec 1 25 2 ; thence W. to the Nw corner of all t!;y heart, with all thy mind, M. O’Hara ............................. HAKCHBT, J. R. Lowrance.......................... 78 50 sec. 3; thence N. to the point where and with all thy strength. G. D. Sanders . ........................... 41 50 the section line between sections 21 2. Thou shalt have no idols be I The Faihiouablc Tailor» and 22, extended north intersect the Clarence Hushbeck................. 57 50 Jim Bailey................... ............. 13 50 shore line ofTillamook Bay ; thence fore her neither aeroplanes , clubs Keeps both rider 200 N. along section line extended to a nor newspapers. John Imlah ................................ C.^a'iing, Pressing and Repai'. and saddle perfectly dry. Fred Orine.................................. 15 00 point where same intersects the W. 3. Thou shalt not steel softly into boundary of the Port of Bay City; 15 00 Walter Orine ............................ ing a Specialty. Made for rough wear and the house in the wee sma' hours of J. Lewallen.................................. 48 00 thence southerly and easterly along long service in the wettest Claude Lane ............................... 55 00 boundary line to where the s.ime the night. S» i»e in Heins Photograpale section line 4. Thou »halt not covet thy wife’s Grant Dawion ............................ 25 00 intersects quarter weather. 4 00 running N. and S. through secs. 11 pinmoney. Osker Hellenbrand ................. Gallery. George Symes............................ 36 00 and 14, tp. 1 S , R 10 W, ; thence S atisfaction guaranteed 5. Remember thy hose, to keep Fred Schersinger............... ... (JO œ to the center of sec. 14 ; thence E, ..... . . T. R. Wilson................................ 51 60 along the quarter section line them wholy lookfor T his M ark 6. Thou shaft not he in bed until John Fox ...................................... 12 50 running E. and W. through secs. J. CLAUSSEN, 1 50 14 and 13 and secs 18, 17, 16, 15, 14 breakfast. John Darling.............................. *? of E xcellence lawyer . 4 50 and 13, tp. 1 S., R. 9 W. ; thence Andy Hess .................................. 7 Thou »halt not kill thy wife’» Wilbur Booth............................ 18 75 easterly to the Ne corner of sec. 17, affection» by making hareh’remnrks |3.5O EVERYWHERE H J. Tohl ................................ 12 75 tp. 1 S., R. 8 W to the place of be­ Çenteclirr Jlbuöhi't. AJ.TowntCa 75 ginning ; same and except from the about her pet presidential condidate. Henry Smith .............................. above described territory the fol ­ 8 Thou »halt not bear false wit ­ 85 E. McLaughlin .......................... T uwkb C amabmi Inx ai} Tillamook Block, U. S Edwards ............................ 69 00 lowing • The present Port of Tilla­ ness against thy neighbor unless mook which is bounded and des ­ 23 00 Mart Lane ................................... thy wife should ask: Heavens ORROOM. U Edwards.................................. 27 00 cribed as follows : All that part of T1 LLAMOOS 39 45 Tillamook County embraced within am I a» fat as she is?’ ’ I. Riley 67 50 the corporate limits of City of Tilla­ 9. Love tliy neighbor as thyself, Clyde La ne .. 52 00 mook on the 2nd Feb,, 1899, and but love thy wife more than either. L. Lane . D.V.M., 41 00 fifty feet on each bank of Hoquar­ E. REEDY, C. Lewallen ................... 10. Honor thy father-in law and 41 00 ton Slough as it was situate on the Fred Lewallen............. 39 50 2nd Feb , 1899 from the E. boundary thy mother-in law that thy days Lee Lane VETERINARY 39 50 of City of Tillamook westward to may be long. Victor Lane ................. 61 00 and including Dryatocking bar. A. S. Ijine..................... (Both Phones). 71 00 J. F. Wilson ................. J. s. LAMAR, DRUGGIST, 73 00 Wallace W’arren .......... ( )regon. 37 00 Tillamook W. Thomas................... A. S. Jones, Prop. I-ee Pharmacy, DESERVES PRAISE- 1200 Chico, Calif., saya: “I have been E Baker......................... J. S. Lamar, druggits, deserves 23 50 selling Foley A Company’s medicine Virgil Kellow............... 33 00 for years. Foley’s Honey and Tar praise from Tillamook City, Ore., M. Thomas................... What They Will Ds fir 20 00 Compound I consider has no equal people for intorducing here the J. Thomae ..................... 12 50 and ie the one cough medicine I buckthorn bark W. Peacock ................. They will curt your bachactea, and glycerine You awake with a mean, nr 48 00 can recommend to my friends as Frank Worthington mixture, known as Adler-i-ka. This ■trenftben your kidaaya, ear- taste in the mouth, which ren. 50 00 Earl Cochran ............. containing no narcotics or other 3790 harmful propertie».”—At Lamar’s simple German remedy first be­ rect ariaary krofularitiaa, build you that your stomach is b a sd James Imlah................. 74 00 Drug Store. came famous by curing appendices John Imlah ............... » tba wora out tieeuea, aad condition. It should also rem 'd 22 50 Cheater Worthington and it has now been discovered th st you that there is nothing so good 74 00 Joe Jenck....................... eliminate the eiceee arte oeid relieves sour When you have a bad cold you A SINGLE DOSE for a disordered stomach •• 66 25 Will Glick ..................... 50 00 want the beat medicine obtainable stomach ga» on the stomach and that cauaco rheumatiern. Fra- Chamberlain’s Stomach at »d L /er Rotiert Lockwood .... 3 90 •o an to cure it with as little delay constipation INSTANTLV* Martin Jenck .............. vent Bright » Diseaao and B a- Tablets. * as possible. Here ie a druggist’s 71 Zi Toney Jenck ................ TX«y build up th« system. assUt ns ur< batat. end restore health aid opinion: "I have sold Chamber 30 00 _____ ‘ * i dis- John Fleck ................... to restore natural condit*on«» andar»* eO Sick headache is • 73 73 Iain's Cough Remedy for fifteen ordered stomach Take etreafth. Beiuae »uhetitatim Hugh Arstill __ ........... in th-r.rti«- e^e k«*y »»* .. Chamber --— 39 00 years, »aye Enoe Lol la r of Sareto Iain’s Tablets Peter Jenck ................. and correct that a id .»««.» Uk«. ( ---------- — _- ......... ga. Ind. “ and consider it the beet ........ For 31 CM) Pharis Stiver son........ bamar’s Drug Store. ,aMaSs the headaches will »Hsapjiear »nas 3 Ï5, on — . the market ” For sale by all ¡»ale by all dealers Charlee Smith............. « (jQ deniers. D G. Stichler ___......... Monk ’s Studio. IRON by Electricity Every Wednesday Afternoon. ¿ All Grocers Sell Tillamook Baker’s Bread 6 LOAVES FOR a Quarter , T owers F ish B rand P ommel S licker JCy. Foley’s Kidney Pills I A Morning Remine