Tillamook Headlight, October 10, >■!•. weaklings’’—any student of past doings and daily occurrences can fill the interspaces in this incom­ plete review. . . , Dear Lord, isn’t the country weary of it Even the newspaper man hunting seu8at.K’na\.copJ.. . “ is plaving with fire—when you consider the children with matches. Perhaps the gorge will prove its own antidote to some of the small blusterers who trail pitifully along after their crazy commander. San Francisco Star. AS IT HAS BEEN WRITTEN. •LEST WE FORGET’ WHAT PRESIDENT TAFT HAS DONE WE ARE REMINDED Without prejudice, or partisanship, and with real sorrow, it is said, Thedore Roosevelt is plainly, Some of the legislation Ac­ Panic of 1893 Followed a paranoiac. Former Gov. Boutwell, Henry T. complished During His Conditions Similar to Angell, Mark Twain and others in close association Administration. the Present. with him, saw it and said it. With his egotism goes a sort of hypnotic mag­ There bae been a ayatematlc at lb these days of pleasant prosperf- netism which accounts for the following he can com­ tempt for years on the part of new» W. under a Republican administration, mand even when lie firings up at the tail end of the paper and magazine writers In the pay when wages are high, when every —n procession. Boutwell noted this in analyzation of of the great magazine trust to belittle who will work has a job; when ths his character, which led to the conclusion. 'He is and misrepresent President Taft. The tanners are getting high prices tor I the most dangerous man in AmericaHe has 35c. result has been that the people have all their products; when factories ire Sherry Wine ......... BOTTLE GOODS. Atiueiica Wine ... 35c. an impression that this has been a ruanlng full time and the people of managed to be in government employ since he was per quart 35c. "do nothing" administration. Zenfendel Wine ... Pebbleford, bottled in bond, The Oregon are too proeperoua to think of old enough to enter the lists. He poses in his sleep per bottle.................................... $1 50 Tokey........................ . per quart 40c. truth of the matter is that more con »•mice, they are apt to forget the 25c. . per quart as a prodigy. He is the most indefatigable press Clarke » Pure Rye. bottled in Claret .................. 75c. structlve progressive legislation has Democratic panic of 1893. In the fan bund, per bottle....... .......... • 1.25 White Grape Juice . agent for himself that was ever evolved. He is also Echo Local Beer, quart, 3 bottles for 50c. been accomplished under President ef 1892, at the close of President Har­ Spring, bottled in bond, Domeetic Beer, qt., 3 bottlee for 75c. Taft than was eve? accomplished in rison» administration, conditions were stage manager and scene shifter. per bottle....... ........................... A class of egotists follow' him. imitate him, to Old Crow, bottled in bond, per 1.50 Special Prices for any administration before. ahnllar to what they are at present bottle.................................. . ■ • ■ ■ For the benefit of our readers and la fact, the President in his message get into the limelight he generates. A class of Hermitage, bottled in bond, Family Trade. per bottle...................................... 1 50 Keg Beer.................... 15 gallons $5.75 In justice to the president, this paper to Congress in December of that year “road agents” fall in line, knowing he is the first Cynia Noble, 3 Crown .............. 1.50 Keg Beer 10 gallons 4.00 sets out below some of the many •poke of the unparalleled prosperity man to throw up his hands at sight of danger. He O.T.O, bottled in bond, per f ocal bottle Beer, 61 elding over 130,000,000 annually the silk weavers. , There’s Cyrus Noble, pure, old and palatable— to the United States government. March 3: In West Virginia striking investigation into the Cromwell crookedness in con­ He has transfornfed a deficit of Bottled at drinking strength. miners burn the railroad bridge and com 188,000,000 of the previous adminis­ mlt other lawless acts. nection with the deal' ; the imperial grandeur of his Costs no more than any other whiskey. tration into a 830,000,000 surplus March 13: At Paterson, N. J., riotous He has made a new American proceeding on the part of the stnxini court at Washington when a trumpet announced his record for nonpartisan judicial ap­ ■Ilk weavers. „ w,.„ W. J Van Schuyver Co., Portland pointments. March 17: In Colorado Governor Wall» approach at a spectacular function, as described He has brought the railroads under orders state troops to Cripple Creex i further control o.’ the federal govern­ suppress mining troubles __ . bv Kate Brownlee Sherwood in a letter to the Toledo ment through extension of the powers March 30: In Boston a l*iye l»W “ of the Interstate Commerce Commis­ unemployed workmen march to the six Times -too lengthy for quotation but full from date sion house and demand employment. He brought the workingman’s com­ March 24: A movementlnaugurttH to signature of gold lace. pomp, glitter, marching pensation act to a successful issue in In various parts of the northern om for a presidcntal favorite. Still fur­ April 28: Arrival of a division « iil’urtetraor^ wei* Hv»ng in a labor-saving age. Yet, Eastern army at Washington. ,t No Patches On My Pants. Coxev UT i** «^»fAble qualities that cannot be overlooked ther in t'ae background: The crushing of Gen. A division of the Coxeyltes tn the production of the best breadstuff. Bakers realise this for Mount Sterling for holding up » r«u»» wCy <®mk»ne flours themselves, made of Eastern Hard Fitzhugh Lee. idolized in Cuba as a generous and train. , . ,, u«i Wheat .nd U estern Soil Wheat that is to sayi Btrxn Them United States troops ordered t o » r.T* ,Le«lrd ,bout ,h* »™»ts Of how I m being "done." fair officer, nud a peacemaker, “Do not send a battle Hut the two mw*.t not be mixed haphazardly, as the superiority of enuM the civil authorities In the far J«’ Of how th» wicked Tariff, too. On the Great Northern r»lln*J JJJw btnMinn depends a holly on a proper balance. Before offering Uie pubHe 1» robkln»” ev’ry one «hip into Havana harbor,” he dispatched to McKin­ the Knight» of Labor are called ou their pt vluct. the 1 ishiw Fi'>vri’r. Mini ( 'MF amy made esham- But I an; working »v’ry day. t*ve teat» to determine the exr't proportion» of each flnWr re» "*April 39: Kdliy» artny. I.000 ley Gen I.eewho knew what real war meant. But And maybe you, perchance. quired to produce the blend of highest e^viency. Ha»» noticed that I haven't got “2??! ^’‘"Strike of 2.000 P—- ’ ’ *■ l,y ’ ’? actut! competition wMfe A patch upon my pant»? Assistant Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt, along all other well-known brands cn the market today, has re­ Attempted detnonMra^i^ , peatedly demonstrated its excellence. You get this scien­ with hi* partner in the business, W. R Heart, over- T’JTZ .!*!’ m* l,,at I am a "slave" tific combination in buying of plutocratic" rule; Oaxey'a army on the step* of the l>ore the relijctaijt McKinley, whose character lack­ That 1 should »ot» for Wilson and It 1» only common sense to 1 —¿The party of th» mule. Fisher's Blend Flour ed firmness, and the m-gro soldiers took San Jnsn That h« will rip the Tariff up tkat like causes will produce 11» 1 — And »n the pieces danca; hill while the kernel of the R R was charging up But. please obser»». I do not wear facts. Do the people of Oregon i A patch upon my pants ta take a leap in the dark and Kettle Jiill. to shoot a fleeing Spninard in the back Ones I was led astray; I think •exchange the great prosperity ot (never liefore was a military record and a title won It «•» In 'nln»ty-two. When Ctevelaad ran for President; present for another era of har° . o’.i so slender an achievement). Again, without re­ I shouted for him. too; Thought there'«! be work for »Vryone. W they want "Patches on thetr»* gard to chronological order. The looting of the An«I wages would ad vane« again. lat the farmers and « H» was elected and I wor» treasury the making of commissions and places Rig patches an my panta man vote for Professor Wil«* for political helpers the filliug of the country with I lost my fob and couldn't g»t Frae Trade theorist Another itHng to do. his <>wa (»ersonal spies; the impudence, audacity, ’ »* »"d »»"»ywhere toipbiM.« met my view ackuowledged lawlessness in nominating and elect­ A"ui ’bousands just like me. Roosevelt’s SoIiloQ“^ All fighting for a rhanca ing by the most loudly condemned methods, his T«>eam their bread end ev'r, man Wore petchaa on hl» panto. !*■ twice as FMt u ' . rin?1* am < easor while he went into the African-junglc with t m twice *• treat *• ’ W«'1.!.“0*'.’O? I*. Wn*°" a liras* '»and and a hundred bush I «eaters and gun they a third term did not S^ With him I dsn t sgr»« They need not think 1 <■•*«• l»earera as bodvgnard. to satisfy his animal thirst for .. »nsugh f»r m» ■to twice as treat as JelTere*. blood, gloating over the agonies of wounded beasts And Madison combined rm twice as treat as the *ee bis own descriptions, the expensive fads; the Of president*. I and _______ — Aaisrtcaa Economist spelling reform which he ordered all officials to use I'm treater than my With Ito custom, and “ “ Manufactured by the in public documents (and they flatly refused); the With Its poor old comitltuUos And Its presidential 0*«* branding of “liars, crooks, jackasses, thieves and FISHER FLOURING MILLS CO., BILLY STEPHENS. The rougher whiskey tastes —the stronger it is. The stronger it is—the more harm it will do. But then—you don’t have to drink it rough, strong or high-proof. WHY? FISHERS BLEND, * i SEATTLE. U.S.A. I'm twice as treat as *nv Above or neath »Je la fact. Tm half incIlBed Jf, rm tww» as areal as