OPPONENTS SEE HIM KEEP THE WHISTLE BLOWING Democrats and Progres­ sives Give Praia« to President The most severe teat that the recard snd character of any man can undergo Is the criticism of his opponente. Tka following tributes to our great dent speak for themselves: Democratic— John Sharp Williams, Democratic Senator from Mississippi and one time floor leader tor his party in the House ot Representatives, In a recent speech declared: "I never knew a man so bitterly attacked for so little cause as William Howard Taft." Harper’s Weekly, a Democratic newspaper, now supporting Woodrow Wilson, has said: "If there Is a squarer uian In these United States than William Howard Taft, we do not know bls name or where he lives.” Senator Stone, of Mississippi, in speech in the Senate, August 12, said "The President Is a high class man, bls ideas and Impulses are naturally good. I believe him to be a patriotic American, devoted to the Interests of his country and his people." William Jennings Bryan, the great Democrat, In a speech made Septem­ BUSINESS UUTLÜUK GOOD HAPPY FARMERS ber 5, at bls home In Lincoln, Nebras­ ka, declared that ‘‘more reforms have ■f* Trade Report Gives Engourage- They Have Every Cause for Joy taken place during Taft’s administra­ •ent for All Lines of Business. the Next Thanksgiving Day. tion than during any other In recent years," although of course he declined From ths Detroit Free Press, Sept. 12, ^fln the Freeport, Ill., Standard, Sept. to give the President credit for these MU I>U 1912: reforms. In this same speech he tog's trade report for the past A marvelously fortunate year is this spoke of Taft as a "high minded man of 1912 for this land of ours. The Wflk fives encouragement for all government crop report yesterday re- tosa at business, crops and manufac- of great Integrity." Woodrow Wilson In a recent speech ■ews once more the proof that all fllrthg enterprises. In part the re at Minneapolis said: “I want to pay things are uniting for the welfare of ffss* nays: my tribute of respect to the President Americans. It is an amazing show­ tobtlnuous advance In trade activ- of the United States. 1 do not believe ing, 300,000,000 bushels of spring M m I s the tenor of the reports from wheat being reported as in sight, that any man in the United States where last year the yield was only •a principal manufacturing and dls- who knows his facts can question the 190,000,000 bushels, and the year be­ Mbatlng centers last week. The ad- patriotism, or the Integrity, or the fore 200,000,000. Added to the winter vaace 1s both in actual volume of public purpose of the man who now wheat, which in spite of the soft wheat tMasactlons and In that confidence presides at the executive office In losses In our own section of the coun­ Which Is the basis of healthy buslneos. Washington." try, will still pass the 1911 mark, the The big August bank learlngs are total yield of this grain will run well • development of present activity and Progressive— Senator Robert LaFollette, leader above 700,000,000 bushels, and if pri- hwoyancy. Clearings in August gain­ of the Progressives, recently declared vate advices are reliable, even above ed 4.6 per cent over last year, while 800,000,000 bushels. daring this week they increased 10.5 on the floor of the Senate that Presi­ We have had but two years in the far cent over 1911 and 17.6 per cent dent Taft had been far more active past when the 700,000,000 mark was •war 1910. The evidence of these and aggressive than President Roose­ passed, 1906 and 1901, and the outlook tourings is confirmed by The current velt In the prosecution of the Sherman la that the return per bushel for the laflwiad gross earnings, which show anti trust law. harvest now available will exceed that a gain of 6.8 per cent over 1911. Mates of money are hardening In all Theodore Roosevelt, who Is at pres­ of either of these. Nor is wheat the only crop that is farts of the world, a plain response ent bitterly attacking President Taft, said of him, June 18, 1908: "I do not practically assured of reaching record (• tbs greater movements of trade Corn, potatoes, barley, rye abd commerce and the bigger de- believe there can be found in the figures. ■ands of new enterpHses. The In- whole country a man so well fitted to and some others are already In the The indica­ ernased confidence In the financial be President, He is not only absolute- class of bumper yields. Markets Is illustrated by the fact ly fearless, absolutely disinterested tions amount to assurance that they that the August output of new ae- will all exceed any previous aggre­ and upright, but he has the widest gkrltles and shorter term notes In this gate. acquaintance with the nation's needs. While the American fields are teem­ ••untry was 892,000,000 greater than without and within, and the broadest ing with their produce across the a year ago. The remarkable consump- sympathies with all our citizens. He ocean is heard the cry of distress. tton of Iron and copper products con- would be as emphatically a President Cold weather and prolonged rainfall ttauee to the point of actual capacity, of the plain people as Lincoln, yet have played havoc there. The land and all the principal Industries show not Lincoln himself would be freer Is sodden and unfriutful. What crops Satisfactory activity. from the least taint of demagogy, the have grown are drowning in flood least tendency to arouse, to appeal The American farmer, with his barns PROSPERITY LESSENS CRIME to class hatred of any kind." Mr. bulging with the • yield of Is acres Roosevelt also, In a speech before the will get big prices for is big stock «•erst 8ervlce Chief Says That with of food supplies. Good Times There Is Leet New York State Republican Conven­ A bountiful harvest and a ¿trong Law-Brea’tlng. tion on September 27, 1910, after Mr. demand should make the farmer of Taft had been President for nearly this country a happy man on Thanks From the Buffalo, N. Y.. Inquirer: two years, and after reviewing the giving day. acts done * a* by the present administra­ The department of agriculture In tion, ted: "These and ________ 18a latest announcement reports bum­ similar laws, BRIGHTENING WEEKS. backed up by executive action, reflect From the New York Commercial, Sept par crops of corn, white potaoes, spring wheat, oats, rye and buek- high credit upon all who succeeded 11, 1912: "Each week is more auspicious than wheat in putting them in their present shape Business agencies report booming upon the statute books; they repre­ Its predecessor In the auspicious prom­ Iron and ateel trade, strong demand ise of a great business year. This sent an earnest of the achievement which is yet to come; and the bene- implies according to the laws of trade far cash and decrease in the number of commercial failures fleencs and far-reaching importance chances several to succeed it. With Tke moat novel sign of prosperity, Immense uniform crops as a founds of this work done for the whole people tlon, accompanied by conditions in the kwwover, Is recorded by Chief John measure the credit for which is rightly Old World much less favorable. It E. Wilkie of the United States secret due to the congress and to our able, gives this country a place of vantare servire “Whenever work Is plentiful, upright and distinguished President, which ft has rarely If ever experi­ aad employment easily obtainable," william Howard Taft" enced, so concurrently do the general •ays Chief Wilkie, "crime Is less and facts at home and abroad run in our (Ma rule, which baa been demon­ strated by years of experience, ap­ favor. A significant fact is that New York plies as much to counterfeiting as to LaFollette No. 4. for the last week has been put to Its other offenses against the law." As a general proposition easy times the ROOSEVELT WAY. trumps to accomodate adequatelv the immense throngs of business vis­ aaa the times freest of orime, Indicat­ I. uH0W °° you ,Und •« MET’ itors. No city is better supplied with ing that distress is the cause of much tî1 smoke out oi it as amended, Scientific and medical experts of will be enforced by Hues or four had been left unamended we might by 1916 not have had even the soup houses, thirty-three countries have been in Suffrage is a state matter, an ! and the smoke abatement problem attendance at the daily session of there is a disposition among many might have been banished sever,>1 the Fifteenth International Con­ gress of Hygene and Demography of the more prominent women to years longer than it was. Then* at Washington during the past minimize the effect of national ■were uo annoying smoke clouds week, and many important at> platform declarations on the subject then, und it may be the opinion of The fact, however, that several I this Prof. Wilson that if the other nouncements have been made and times as many women are engaged | Prof. Wilson could have had bis discussed. Doctors Anderson and Goldberger of the Public Health actively in this campaign on the way they never would have come Service have found that measles ft side of Taft, Wilson or Roosevelt I back to plague us. z\t any rate, spread among children by" sneez as ever were in politics before I ihs 'this Prof.Wilson, in detwunciug ing. Dr. C. C. Base of Tulane a tendency to nationalize the suf­ and defeating Smith for not letting University exhibited the first ma­ frage cause More'men are think­ the other one do his worst has laria producing parasites grown ing and talking about it now than practically declared the slogan of outside the human body, and ot ever did before. The indifference his tariff campaign to be “Cheer which he was the discoverer, To of women, which hampered tlie ub! The worst is yet to come.’’ do this the parasites had to be fed cause in the earlier days, is, .to a J. W. Copeland, of Dayton, Ohio, on living blood cells, in which the large extent, disappearing. Thue purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's ,purasites have their being, Sir men are compelled to take more Cough ougli Remedy for his boy who had Thomas Oliver of the University ol notice of it than they did formerly, a cold, and before the buttle wan nil and interest in it steadily increuse. used the boy's cold was gone, In Durham, (Newcastle England, an­ An international conference is that not better than to pay a five nounced the discovery of a chemi­ dollar doctor’s bill? For sule by cal fluid which by reducing the proposed on the cost of living. The all dealers, absorbent quality of coal dust in condition is world-wide and the Food speculators are said to have mines to a manimum may prevent search for remedies must corres­ $140,Uli,(XMl in dairy products stored pond to be of any value. the disastrous explosions which in New York City. If the bumper have been so frequent, The Fed­ crops hit these extortionists the eration of Sex Hygiene had on ex­ The Professor's Slogan. country will lie glad. hibition a display of the conditions, There is something more than causes and effects of sexuul abuses, but its appeal to fear as a deterrent the mere detent of a, boss in the de* was attacked vigorously by Dr, Wie feet of ex-Senator Smith in New FAMILY of New York, who said that only Jersey. Bosses have been so often RECIPES right ethical and better economic defeated in the last half dozen I conditions would prove effective. years, since the people discovered I Dr. M. J. Rosenau of Harvard made their existence, and they can be so known Ilia discovery that the dread easily defeated at any time when The valued family re- disease, iti'ant paralysis, is spread the ¡>eople are aroused against cipes tor cough and cold by the stable fly. This was proved them, that the defeat of nothing cure, linitneuts, tonic.« and by experiments on twelve monkeys. more than a Boss in New Jersey tJi otlrer • reinudies have Dr. Baginsky of the University of would not, in itself, la* worth much I careful attention here "« comment, eventhough a Candida'? Berlin spoke of the ignorance the most intricate pi* Hcr i I among American mothers, and for the presidency held leadership in the entiboss campaign, tioos. tlie creation of maternity urged what gives the Smith defeat ts schools tinder government super Oiir fresh, high grade vision, Dr. Yahn of Munich urged chief significance is the chief grou­ drugs will help to nd of opposition to his senatorial workmen’s insurance a* the basis these remedies inOre of better health among working nomination stated by Woodrow tivc than ever. Wilson. Prof. Wilson made it plain people. that Smith should be defeated 0 tnainley, if not solely, because he Suffragist* Are Nonpartisan. was one of the Democratic senators Moat of the real leaders in the who, in 1695, forced a number of equal suffrage movement are tell­ amendments to tlie Wilson tariff ing their Misters to beware of link­ bill aa it came to the Senate from .CLOUGH, ing their cause with the fortu es of the House. Tlie Prof. Wilson who Reliable Druggist. any party. It is well enough, they •><;, was leading tlie Democratic turili lor individual women to show slashers of that day had cut to lite fl their preference for a party, even to bone in nearly all schedules. I 1- it mediately upon the reporting o the extent of working for a party, even to the extent of working for it of his bill from the House Wa 'S in the campaign, but the woman and Means Committee, doubt a d suffrage movement ought to If fear had seized upon the msr u- kept out of politics Many -women facturing industries and the a are taking an active part in cam­ filiated anf tanglements. This looks like sane counsel. Ail the protection, in some lines, wtuch the minor parties liave declare! the bill prepared by the Prof, wii- for equal suffrage. The Prohibi son of the UOs bad cut out, the bill tionists and the Socialists have which became« law was still a heavy favored it from the beginning. blow to industry. * Remembering the country’s ex­ Votes for women is one of 11 e planks of the Progressive platform. perience under that law, ns amend­ Neither oi the great parties, hovz- ed, recalling the millions of idle ever, has taken up the cause. Sin- : men, the falling off in demand for the campaign of 1906 Washington food products, and the result« it and California have adopted equ I losses to producer* the webs sp m suffrage, and the poll in those scross the tops of smokestacks «ltd states will be swelled largely this the rust accumulating on sib nt year. Michigan, Wisconsin, Ken­ machinery, in consequence of t'le ans, Arizona and Oregon will, on amended law, we may well worn er November!, vote on the proposition. what would have hap|*nrd if the There is a fair probability, there­ law had not lieen amended. We ot fore, that the half a dozen states soup bouses and the prevention ol 111 J J Í !