illantaak floòligljt TILLAMOOK, OREGON, OCTOBER 10, 1912. T. B. Handley and M. V. Stillwell also expect to be present. S. T, Smith, who was the operator at the depot, has taken Mr. Gaylord* place as agent. Mr. Gaylord is the express agent and is endeavoring to have the erpress office moved to the business section of the city. A letter from J, H. Ellison in- forms us ,that he is at present located st Santa Rosa, Cal., and from the tone of his letter he enjoy­ ed the trip down there and was pleased with the splendid fruit country- he has seen. Arrangements have been made whereby the new high school build- ing will be thrown open to the pub­ lic for the purpose of making an inspection, and the Board fixed Saturday, Oct 19, as the date. All are invited to visit the school build ing. performers. Those who took part were Mesdames C. W. Campbell, F. W. Christensen, Geo. Willett, D. A. Mackenzie, L. L. Baker and Misses Ruby McGhee and Edith Allger. Every dollar you earn is capable of Tillamook Oregon, Since Prof. W. W. Wiley returned doubling itself in time, without any =5= to his home in Eastern Oregon he effort on your part except to hang on had several hemorraliages and will OFFICERS : go to Arizona on account of his to it. health. Howard Drew has taken The dollar that slips away will his place as superintendent of W m . G. T ait , President. schools eventually get into the hands of some­ J- c. H olden , Vice-President Congressman W. C. Hawley will one who will set it at work fortune arrive in thia city tomorrow (Fri­ C. L. M c G hee , Cashier. day) morning for the purpese of building for himself. meeting the citizens and his per- ' sonal friends. Mr. Hawley was The dollars you save, whose earn­ DIRECTORS honored with a renomination at ing power you appropriate, will the primary election on account of P aul S chrader . the faithful service he has render­ make the sum of your fortune. ed the State of Oregon since he has C. W. T almage - The sooner you begin to save at been in Congress, and his re-elec­ B. C. L amb . Johny Johnson, who has always tion is assured. Mr. Hawley has this bank, the sooner you will see lined up with the Democrats in this many staunch friends in thia county W m . G. T ait . your fortune expressed in large city, made a bet that Taft will be re­ who are interested in his re-election. When Commissioner Alley left elected, and will vote for the presi­ figures. J. C. H olden . dent, as will other Democrats who for home Sunday morning he had We receive savings deposits from a do not want to take any chances of not made lip hie mind whether he exeriencing another dose of hard would allow hie name to be used dollar up. for re-election. Considerable pres times. On Tuesday evening ths members sure ha* been brought by Nehalem CAPITA L of the Christian Endeavor of the people and the Nehalem Commer­ Church of Christ met at the home cial Club on Mr. Alley aud it was reported in this city this morning COUNTY SUPERVISION | of Eric Gladd, aorth of town. De­ COUNTY I I__ ~rILL-AMOOK CIT Y. OR E. that he consented to run. We also licious clam-soup and crackers understand that N. J. Myers will were eerved. After a few enjoyable run for sheriff on the Democratic games, the party dispersed at about ticket in opposition to Sheriff Cren­ did nothing of the kind, for the Na­ Conference Committee Pro­ eleven o'clock. 1LLAM00K JOTTINGS The Ladie8’ Gui,d of the Pre8b>’- shaw, which is done to keep up the tional convention was conducted posed. ****** J terian Church will give atrip round according to the customary rules, At a meeting of the City Council Democratic organization. the world social on Friday evening, on Monday evening, apart from To see whether some agreement and because the delegates were Jacob Blum was in from Carna­ Team Wanted. Apply at this Nov. 1. allowing bills, the principal busi­ han on Saturday. He is a booster honorable enough to comply with can he reached in the proposal to so * fice. them and would not be bulldozed, place the entire water shed of Till- The laying of the corner stone of ness was in accepting the engi­ called the delegates mook Bay in one Port, it has l>eeii Mr». Mill» would like a few more new Christian Church will take neer’s estimate of coal iu the con­ for the re election of Taft, and the Roosevelt reason that he is so enthniasti: for “crooks,” “thieves,” etc., but not suggested that a conference com­ sarders. place on Sunday, October 27th, at 3 struction of tbs sewer system and the president is on account of the Remember the trip round the o’clock. allowing a bill of $17,000, which prosperous times we have enjoyed, one word was heard from the ex- mittee be appointed to discuss the president about his attempt to steal matter, and, if possible, devise and orld social. Mrs. John Kerchof and Hulbat was $2,000 lees than the estimated and he, in common with a large 150 delegatee on flimsy contests recommend some plan that will Pasture to Rent,—Apply Peter and Mias Veronda Melchior left the cost. number in Tillamook County, are which his own friends admitted had meet the approval ot all sections ewberg, Hemlock. first of the week for Dayton and There was a food attendance at content to let well encug11 alone no merit whatever. And because and, above all, a Port that will bs the Equal Suffrage Meeting at the and not take any chances of a slum Roosevelt could not bulldoze and legal, We would recommend that John Brant left this week to viait Portland. is sister at Bristol, Wash. Although there is stampede the convention hie object three persons each from the Tilla­ Married, at the Catholic Church, Court House on Monday evening, in business. Attorney H. T. Goyne left on a on Monday, by the Rev. Father when Mrs. Jessie Manship and quite a large socialist vote in Carna­ now is to defeat the G.O. P. so as to mook, Bay City and Bayocean C >m- Berne, Frank Heeliger and Mary Mrs. Thomae Hawkes were the han precinct, Mr Blum feels quite have revenge. Uainess trip on Saturday. msrcial Clab, three from the Fi r- speakers A club was organized positive that betweenTaft andRoose- view Grange and three from Gari­ Miss Ollie Case is quite seriously Aasloper. baldi constitute the coufersace ':om- Go to the Clam market for Clams, with the following officers were velt, the president will have a large 1 of inflammatory rheumatism. Cheese Scoring Contest, elected : Mrs. A. Everson, Presi majority of votes in his precinct. mittes. Glasses fitted. Any kind, any Fish and Crabs. Second Avenue dent ; Mrs. Thomae, vice-president, r - i.rfa j A divorce suit was filed in the near First St, in the building back lyle. Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * The meeting called at the Tilla­ and R. W. Watson, secretary and Mrs. Cvnthia F. Circuit Court by • mook Commercial Club rooms on REPUBLICAN RALLY. Saturday next is Columbus day, of Beals’ office" treasurer. Johnson against her husband, last Saturday tor the purpose of Married, onMonday.atthe parson­ bich is a general holiday in this These parties having a cheese scoring contest of A. F. Gardner, of Beaver, has a Andrew Johnson, age of the Christian Church, by the ate. plan on foot which will give that were married in the City of San the factories in Tillamook County Dairymen are Specially In Rev. J. K. Jope, the pastor, John L. H. T. Botts vs. James Christensen place a fruit and vegetable cannery. Jose, Cal., on the 10th October, 1893. came off a* per schedule. Those iu ▼ited to Attend G.O.P. a civil suit filed in the Justice Stewart and Hazel Fagan. Already about $700 has been sub­ They were residing at Wheeler, attendance were, John Morgau, Coal delivered for $8.00 per ton Meeting. »urt scribed. It is proposed to place it Ore., for 12 months previous to 7th G. W. Wallace, Win Williams, Mrs. Alva Hill is the commercial or $4.50 for half ton.or good firwood on a co-operative system basis, January, 1911, when the defendant E W. Stanley, Geo: Williams, R. N otice is H ekeid Gim, • •cher at the Tillamook High already sawed for $5.75 per cord or the same aa the co-operative cheese disregarding the solemnity of his Zweifel. W. E. Noyes, C. J. Blanch­ $3.00 for half a cord. See Shrode. * thool. factories and that Blaine and Bea­ marriage vow, wilfully and without ard, W. H. Goyne, Chas. Svenson, That a meeting is called lor Shelby Electric Light Globes, ver citizens will plant about eight cause deserted and abandoned the James Murphy, F. N. Wilson, F. W. Saturday, October 12, at 1. Concrete foundation Blocks for plaintiff. There are three children, Robitch, Wm. Maxwell, D. Fitz­ p.m., at the Court House, in lie at less than half price. J. R. national quality. They are good. acres to logan berries. Tillamook City, of all true and We deliver to your house or store. arter. • It is probable that a sidewalk will 17, 14 and 7 years of age respective­ patrick, Joe Donaldson, F. W. loyal members of the Republi­ Telephone us. —King & Smith Co. • be constructed from Seventh Avenue ly, all minors aud residing with Christensen and Carl Haberlacb. Mrs. Florence Garrett, of Port can party, for the purpose of James Hughey va. F. P. Thun and West to the Trask river bridge and supported by the plaintiff, who od, is visiting at the A. K. Case Meeting was called to order by foritiiug a Tuft Club, and start­ asks the court for the custody of W. C. Thun is a Buit in the circuit about three quarters of a mile west ime. E. W. Stanley and he acted as ing an aggressive cnmpnign iu court to recover $327.00 on a prom­ of town. An effort has been made, them. chairman oi the meeting. Republican behalf of the Live chickens wanted at the Tilla- Charles Pye, a former resident and beyond a doubt will be success­ issory note; also for $345.10. mid County After discussing the matter from National, State ook Meat Company’s Market, 13c. ful, to secure the sidewalk that was and county assessor of Tillamook all sides, it waa decided to have a tickets. Captain Paul Schrader who had sr pound. • formerly used in Maple Grove Ad­ County, paid his old friend, W 11. scoring contest and afterwards All dairymen are specially Dr. lack Olson has opened den- given up the command of the Sue dition, which sidewalk is being re­ Hoskins, a brief visit last week, forward the cheese entered to the invited to uttqnd, as the alle­ 1 parlors over F. R. Beals’ office, H. Elmore, will make his home at placed by a concrete walk. and was surprised to find so many Internationa! Fair to be held iu cess of the G_, O. P. atici the Elmore Park this winter with his □th phones. • On Tuesday morning Dr. Reedy, improvements in this city and Portland. The matter of prizes continued era of prosperity tire family. . Bring your chickens to the Tille- while returning from an out of county, especially in his old stomp­ was taken up and George Williams, of vital importance to tb<-m The postmaster has to we ’ gh for ing grounds at Nehalem, It was 34 F. W. Christensen and Carl Ilaber- ami the prosperity and develop­ ook Meat Company’s Market. We town call, lost control of his horse the next two months all mail going iv 13c. per pound. • and was thrown out of his buggy years ago when Pye and Hoskins lach were appointed to make all ment of Tillamook County. Eugene Atkinaonand wife were in through his office to the south part There being two occupants besides started into Fillamook, and while at arrangements as to time, prizes to F neo C. B akkk of the county and on the free rural himself, he was holding a child in North Yamhill they met J. W, be offered, dates, etc. ie city and reports a good yield of Jennings and Joseph Lampitt on route. his lap, which made correct man­ The following amounts were Republican Congressional Com­ anberries at Sandlake mitteeman. B. V. Sproat and family and C. A. agement of the lines impossible. their way in, and strange as it may pledged, Chas. Ray, Tillamook You can get Fleachmann’s Yeast Casper came in from Aloba on Fortunately no one was hurt, and seem,they were all Englishmen, and Creamery, Maple Leaf Creamery, nee a week if you leave your order settled here and married daughters Fairview, Tillamook Co. Cry' Assn., Saturday, aud took possession of no great damage whs done. I. O. O F. Notice « the Tillamook Feed Co. of our old settlers, Pye married a R. Zweifel, East Beaver, South the place commonly known aa the The Shakespeare Club held its Wanted, a man and wife to work Elmore ranch. Davidson, Jennings married a El­ Prairie ami Clover Leaf, $10.00es h; Something apeciul to come up nt eighth annual meeting on Thurs­ 1 the farm and keep house. Ap- liott, Hoskins married a Vaughn, Long Prairie, Elwood and Pleasant olir next meeting, Tuesday, Oct. Tillamook Commercial The City Transfer Co. are the fel ­ day at the and Lampitt married a Baxter, Valley, each $5 00. Total, $106.01. All Bros. come out. st the Headlight office. elected the following of- ' i l. ■> — The registration books will close ____ lows who haul anything, anywhere, Club and Webster Holmes, presi- Mr. Pye sold his ranch at Nehalem When all amount» are received it is any time. Office on Main Street, fleers: Mrs some few years ago for $3,3CO, which expected that about $150.01 wil be Eyes Tested And Glauses Fitted 3 -< paid before they became delinquent, We have the goods. fish. Dr. D. A. Sanburn caught a 1 force and the entire community »11 kinds.—King A Smith Co.* >ed Co. I Optician and Jeweler. Tillamook Feed Co. and Sheriff Crenshaw waa busy large chinook salmon which weigh­ lined up on one aide or the other. *»nted.-A good girl to do bouae- that day collecting them. ed 77$ pounds and Mrs. Sxnburn is Joe Harrison was in the city on * «nd take care of old lady. Ap- The government is asking for bide making a record for successful y to T. H Goyne, Tillamook City. Monday and called on the editor to furnish the necessary material trolling, having ca*ght four large and informed him that he did not Mrs W. B. Aiderman returned on and labor for constructing poet fish in one day, the largest weigh­ want any more Repnblican litera­ nurdsy alter spending a few weeks light structures and fixing supports ing 66 pounds. ture sent him, as he belonged to her daughter at Vancouver, for seven post light* in Tillamook the Bull Moose party. Mr. Harri­ Rev. R. Y. Blalock brought the bay. editor a box of flue apples that were son was instrumental in obtaining P* J-*1««*’ Aid of the Cbrietian Arthur Stillwell end K. J. Gienger, grown on hie place on the Neetucca. the nomination on the Republican urr will sell home cooking who are delegatee, will attend the They are the Bismarck and goes to ticket for Mr. Edner, aa county corn y Saturday at Ray aadCa'i grand lodge of the K. of P. in Port­ prove that the Soutb part of Tilla­ miaaioner, and, of course, 1* now land next week, and K. W. Stanley, mook County can grow as fine ap­ interested in hia election The ples aa Hood River. Aa soon as names of Mr. Edner and President the tree* are pruned and eprayed Taft are both on the Republican the aame aa they are at Hood River, ticket, but Mr Harrison is going to there would be no difference in th* support the former and ‘ knife’ the latter. We understand the Ne- fruit. halemitea are going to play politic» The choir of the Presbyterian exactly in tha »ante manner as Joe Church gave an enjoyable musical la doing, for they do not think lie DOCKS * WARKHOU3K. at the borne of Mrs. Emmett Bales gave them a fair deal. So where • FRONT STREET, BETW1 EN *d * AYKHÜE WJLT on Friday evening, when there was the difference 1 Mr. Harrison is one * good attendance, which consisted of those who believes that President of music, singing and recitations, Taft stole the nomination, when lie ' all of which reflected credit on the Double Your Dollars bank TTILLÂMOOK COUNTY BANK «ÓÓ UHMHR’S VARIETY STORE, TlbUHCDOOK, OREGON Drop in and book Around ” First National Bank, INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint LAMB-SCHRADER COMPANY.