Tillamook Headlight. October 3,1912 fined each of them «7.» Womels Development League Formed prised to find that, saloons were dorf put up a bond to pay hi« tine of buai- running other kind« John Leland[lender'll] ^on, 0 CD P (D a 4 (D 0 4 (D P B A K IN G Costs more Costs less o c C L E V E L A N D ’ S 2 0 H) P 4 et- P 4 s H- 3 P. GJ © © a a 2 0 0 tn Screw Top Cans tn POW DER . . . l" and the sheriff brought the other The Tillamook County Develop !>• ties« and that rooms adjoining two men to the city, who agreed to I merit League was organized at a saloon« were open for Kusine«* go to work and pay their fine« in meeting at the Commercial Club on Sundays, which Rev. J. E. Jope preference to going to jail anil rooms is this city on Wednesday declared wae illegal. ROOMS 215-216, TILLAMOOK BLOCK, «weating it out at the taxpayers afternoon. Despite a small atten­ expense, which «bowed that they dance considerable enthusiasm was TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Had Narrow Escape. have some honor and amount of displayed in the new body and the respectability in wanting to do the promoters of the movement pre­ Ed Hildebrant was seriously io- diet great things from it The fol- j'nred Wednesday morning while square thing. This firm is doing a general land business. lowing officers were elected: driving down the county road with School Notes. Charles K-jnze, president, a load of gravel, near upper town, The senior member came to Oregon 42 yearB ago. G R. McKimens, vice-president* when the horses became frightened On’the ntarning of Saturday, Sept. lie is a Lawyer, Surveyor and Abstracter. E. J. Claussen, secretary, and started on a dead run, making 28th,"the gaseline launch Henrietta fra Smith, treasurer, it impossible for him to check them No. 2 left the P. R a"'l N- dock Thejunior member, Sidney E. Henderson, is 8. G. Reed, Nehalem, before he over took a rig driven by with about «ixty High School people a graduate of Oregon University, and is a Civil Amos Vaughn, Bay City, Mrs George R. McKimena with her aboard, including student«, mem­ C. I. Clough, Tillamook, parents. Iu hie endeavor to avoid ber« of the faculty, and friend« of Engineer and Surveyor. Wm. Maxwell, Fairview, injuring them Hildebrant tried to the echoool. The Company makes a specialty of the follow C. Ray, Cloverdale pass them at a narrow place in the Every one of the crowd had one of Directors. ing branches of the Land Business : road striking a telephone pole with those “clear acroesthe face” «mile«, The first undertaking of the new the result that the wagon was over­ for they were going to Bayocean. Law—Abstracts—Surveying and Engineering organization will be tire establish­ turned and the driver thrown out. Only one thing there was to mar ment of a demonstration farm in One of the wheels went over hie —Real Estate—Fire Insurance—Farm Loans— the happine«« of any individual on Tillamook County at which every head and nearly tore off an ear; that trip. Above mentioned thing Conveyancing. farmer of the community will be also cutting him in the face below was the fact that Professor Baker They offer for sale the followingchoice pro­ free to come and study scientific the eye. He also sustained other announced that the excuraioniuta methods of dairying. President bruises on hie back and shoulders. perty in Tillamook City and Country. should leave Bayocean for home at Price«. Kunze, who ha» been devoting hie He was quickly taken to Dr. Ran­ 1— 3516 acre«. All in cultivation. 6Vi mile« S.E. of Tilla­ energies to secure a demonstration dle's office, where hie wounds were a time not later than five o’clock $4, 800 P. M. This seemed like working a mook..................................................... :•••• farm for some time outlined a plan dressed. It required five etiches hardship on many of the “merry 2— 160 acre«. The Ca«tle Rock Ranch. 'A% mile« S.E. of whereby the league would rent a to put hie ear in place and three to maker«”, as they would not reach Hebo......... ............................................................... •••••• 7,000 farm and employ a competent close the gash under hie right eye. 3— -80 acre«. Raw land. 30 acre« rich bottom. mile« the beach until nearly noon. dairyman, prefcring one endorsed At present he is improving as wel S.E. of city............................................ ■ ■■■•• • • • • • • • • 4,300 The “beachward" trip waa spent 4— 140 acres, unimproved Apple Land, near Lyle, Wash., by the Agricultural College, to as- as might be expected, but will not is al- at $75 per acre. Will trade. suni the management. The man­ be able to go to work for several in singing, yelling, etc., a« 1,525 5— Two lotsand cottage. 2nd Ave. E........................................ way« the case on such occasion. weeks at least. 300 ager is to be given every opportun­ 6— One Lot S.E. of Catholic Church. Sightlv................... At about eleven forty five the 700 The horses escaped uninjured but 7— Two Lots. One corner. S.E. of Catholic Church. Sightly. ity to use the most approved faithful craft under the control of 600 8— Two Lot«. S. E. of Catholic Church. Sightly................... methods anil an accurst« record of the wagon is considerably damaged. the alao faithful Captain Jenkina, 750 9— One corner Lot. One Block S.W. High School. Cheap. the cost of operation, and the net Had it not been for Hildebrant 150 mored herself at the Bayocean dock, 10 — 1 Lot at Mohler ...................................................... .............. gain over Hie methods commonly taking a deseprate chance for his 11— Part of Marolf Estate, 38J6 acre’’, per acre, $200............ and the picnicers “ hit ” for the used will lie kept. Should the life in avoiding hitting Mrs. Me- 12— Sightly improved ranch at Netarts Bay ........................ 10,000 beach, and walked down to the 2,600 13— Fine Timber claim. 160 acre« in 3 S of 10 W................. adoption of more scientific methods Kimens' rig, by turning out of the Southern end of the Sand epit, their 14— The Follett Ranch. 258 acre, Oretown ........................... 16,000 ■how a gain of only $10 per annum road, it is quite probable that a still 15— The Perry Ranch. 30 acres on the Tillamook River. for each cow, it is estimate that the more serious accident would have usual eating place on an excursion all bottom.’with^cows............................................................. 10,000 to Bayocean, and had a very bounti ­ gain for the county will amount to resulted. —Nehalem Enterprise- ful and enjoyable “ repast ” prepared And other properties. Some good trades. hundred« of thousands of dollars. by the fair ones of the school. But Several farms ate under considers The Bayocean Port Case. This firm has taken over the Abstract Books during their lunch two familiar I tion for the purpose, any one of faces were not there, and yet they or the Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. and good which, it is believed, will be aelf- Judge W. Galloway has filed his de­ will and will continue to serve the public. sustaining. cree in the case of Ed Blum et al, had been on the boat with the rest After an hour’« pastime on the against the Port of Bayocean which beach the party started off for the AGENTS FOR NORTHERN FIKE INSURANCE COMPANY is as follows: The Bayocean Road. OF LONDON. ‘■That the election notices issued dock, from which place the boat A meeting of the business men and posted announcing (he election at was to leave at five P. M. A few was held nt the Tillamook Com which it was attempted to organize the minutes after the appointed time iiiercitil Club room« on Tneadaj alleged Port ot Bayocean, were unsuf- the boat left Bayocean behind and evening for the purpose of die- ficient in that they failed to correctly headed for Tillamook,. Of course the young men of the cussing ways and means for build describe the territory to be included in party saluted the hardy fishermen ing a wagon road to Bayoccan the proposed port, and the territory along the bay, but these men of There was a representative gnther over which the defendants are exercis­ ing, with Mr. Chapin, represented ing the powers delegated by. law to great aquatic intelligence only grinned and resumed their work of the, Bayoccan interest. President jmrta and to ths officers of porta. «etting or pulling iu their nets as Slirode acted as chairman. Mr. “That the said territory attempted to the case may have been. Chapin pointed out that his com­ have been incurporatad includes terri­ About seven o'clock tile launch pany was paying $6,000 a year tory within three different watersheds, “A me . ica ' s F inest F loueino M ill . tuxes, and that the taxes emounted the waters of which are drained into landed at the Tillmook dock, and to $10,000 annually from the pro­ three different bays, or estuaries, with­ the tired but happy excursionist«' SACK perty owners in that vicinity, lie in Tillamook County, each of such bays departed for their homes, willing to stated that a large number of the or estuaries being separated from each go on the next High School ex­ LOAF lot owners will build cottages nt other, each communicating directly cursion, when ever that may be. UTH0R1TIES concede that the F isher Last week a Freshman's meeting Hayocean as soon ns a toad is built with the Pacific Ocean, and each being F louring M ills C ompany has the most per­ was called and the following of ­ and that about 500 of their lot navigable from the Pacific Ocean. fectly constructed, best arranged and modern ficers ¡were elected; Bruce Wade, equipped plant ever built in this country. It employs owuers owned automobiles They “That it does not appear that any President, Louis Atterbury, Vice only the most experienced millers and uses selected hud .spent nearly half a million fraud was committed in the election Eastern Hard Wheat and choice Western Soft Wheat dollars improving Bayocean and wherein it was attempted to organize Pres., Gertrude Ebinger, Sec. and in producing Tres, and Harold Mason Sagt.at would put down six miles of hard the pretended Port of Bayocean. Arms. The Freshman class is the FISHER’S BLEND FLOUR surfaced pavement next year. Mr. “That the defendants have exercised Naturally, it costs more to turn out this new, high-grade blend than Chapin said his company would and are attempting to exercise all the biggest as yet enrolled in the his­ it does to make simpler and less carefully handled flours. Hence, its price per sack is slightly more. Inasmuch as it is not flour stand back of the $5,000 subscribed authority of officers of a port under the tory of High School, the number but loaves of bread that we cat, ”nd as F isher ' s B lend makes being about thirty five. and would do the dredging at 7c. a laws of Oregon without having any more loaves, in proportion to its cost, than does any other Foot ball practice wa« started flour, housewives and others using it have the satisfaction yard. It seemed to be the sense of lawful right to exercise such authority. of knowing that they are really getting more and better last Thursday, September 26th, but the meeting (hut the road could values for their money. F isher ' s B lkmd costs more “That the plaintiffs and relators are a very few members of the Athletic as flour, but it gives more, both, in quality lie built for about $35,000, provided entitled to a judgement and decree and quantity c; loaves, and is therefore The that it was not bni'lt so wide, and herein pronouncing and adjudging that Association were present. actually more economical to buy and use than are the number of contestant« for the team as to convict labor being used there the said pretended Port of Bayocean cheaper brands. One Price at All Dealers appeared to be a desire on the part has unlawfully usurped and is unlawful­ is increaning gradually, but owing to the late dote that school con ­ ot Ills busiue«« men to employ a ly usurping authority and power of crew, which would greatly reduce taxation and administration in the ter- vened. the boys should get out for • the cost of building the road. Pre­ ritory set out in the findings of fact, practice as soon as possible and sident Slirode on motion, appointed and that the other of the said defend- come out as regularity as possible. The Juniors elected the following Deputy District Attorney Willett. ants have unlawfully usurped and are Fred C. Baker. Wm. II Tait and unlawfully usurping and exercising officers Wednesday : Estilla Gayue, Attorneys C. W. Talmage and H. rights, priveleges and franchises to president; Nellie Blanchard, vice- T. Botts, a committee to wait upon which they, or either of them have no president ; Irma Doerge. secretary; Edith Anderson, secretary and the County Court. legal right to exercise; that said other Th« committee mid a nutnlicr of defendants and each of them are at­ treasurer; Alice Perry, srgt. at FLOUKâ business men met with the county tempting to hold and exercise public arms. There being just five girls in the class they were all given an court thia tnuming and discussed offices without having any right to the the matter. It is expected that the same; that the said pretended port has office. On the same day the Sopho­ court will adupt the viewers' report no legal exiatance and that each of the more« held a meeting and decided and declare the road open and should other defendants have no authority to to purchase a blue and white felt the proper tv ¿owners and business exercise the powers assumed by them, class banner. Perry De Lilli« started to school , men decide to contribute some or any powers whataoever within the Church of Christ. Monday and i« determined to make GIVES INSTANT ACTION. where near $10,000, it may be that territory, and that the plaintiff and re­ J. S. I.amur, druggist, report« that the team. A few more such fellows j the court will agree to appropriate lators recover costs and disbursements A SINGLE DOSE of simple buck­ 10 a. tn.—Bible School with classes n like aunt next year. This will be of the said defendants and each nf are needed. Manager Stain ha« thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as coni- for all, this is a good place for you. written for two games with Hilla- discussed | later, ¿as will ¿also the them.” 11 a. m —Preaching by the pastor. , boro H. S., one to be played at ! pounded in Adler-i ka. the German question ot convict labor. 3 p. tn.—Junior Endeavor. Attorneys S. S. Johnson and T. B. Hillsboro about the first of Nov., , appendicitis remedy, «tops consti- !». L ' "O 1 ..• Handley were the attorneys for the and one at Tillamook on Thanks­ I pation or gas on the stomach IN­ 6:30 p. 111.—Senior Christian En­ Temperance Meeting. plaintiffs and Attorney Webster Holmes giving Day. He is also trying to STANTLY. Many Tillamook people deavor. 7:30 p. 111.—Preaching, subject; for the Port of Bayocean. arrange a game with some out «ide • are being helped. “What is that to thee?' You are There was a large congregation •cbool team for Election Day to be * cordially invited to any or all of Look at Thia at the uniou service at the Christian played here. Mr Stam will pro- I Gambling at Nehalem. these services. Chart'll os Sunday evening, when badly secure a game with Sheridan ' Hrati, Per sack. 85c. R. F. J ope , pastor. Two young men by the name of H. S. or McMinnville H. 8>. to tie the subject of temperance and city Shorts, $1.20 purity, were discussed Rev. J. K. M. Peterson an<1 Johnson were ar- played on or about the 12tli of Oct, > Process Barley, $1.50. We have the goods. Come esrly Eyes Tested And Glasses Fitted. Jope, pastor of the church, presided, rested in Portland for stealing • to tie played in Yamhill Co. Tillamook Feed Co. coat belonging to K Womelsdorf, and the «peakers ween Rev. D. A. A debate meeting was held on ' of Nehalem. It seems that after I am a member of the Optical Machen«!«, of the Prr«bvterisn Tuesday evening for the purpose of A —___ • _ . • • • % f? ssns- \ ^aan^wae^aw church; Rev. J. K. Mcaae of the the young men had stolen the coat ascertaining the number interested they packed up and left, tsking the State License. All work correctly selling Foley A Company's medicine U. B. church; «nd Rev. H W. in this work. A goodly number for years. Foley's Honey and Tar Womelsdorf attended to and guaranteed. Kuhlman, of the M K. Church, , cost with them ------ ------------- tot — were present at »the meeting. It Compound I consider has no equal Prices Reasonable for First The fltet epeaktr, Mr. Macbenur. ,<>wed "n<1 them «rre«ted unfl w»« decided to re enter the State and is the one cough medicine I took up ri|f«rette question hrongfht to Tillamook by an officer, Debating League of which T. H. S. can recommend to my friends as Class Work- Can furnish Refer and ably treated it from a en They had a hearing before Justice Debating Club line been a memtier containing no narcotics or other eaces to your satisfaction. r ... n « • properties." — At Lamar’s Now for awhile at Jenkins* geuie «tat{oint, showing that Effenberger on Wednesday, and tor a number of years I .. . H. S. t Drug Store. Jewelry Store. Addison H. Harris, the liablt unfitted boy« and men for the evidence proved that all three has always been very strong in the ”‘e b*’*" tr- discussed th« cigarette habit and . game, und as Womelsdorf lost end run some other school a hard race ordered stomach .1 1 i.iht- Iain's Tablets and correct that and liquor questum and imide «otue would not pay the young men went for the District and even State the Cart C. Kratzentein. Mgr. J. G. headaches will diaaptiear. For Tanner Drug Store. Santa Crux, alluaion to local conditions «• not • to hie room and took the coat as championship, as the last year's sale by all dealers. security until he paid what he lost leader. Hanley Stain is still in Calif., writes: “ We have sold Foley being eatiafaetory. Jt Conijiany'a medicines for the past in the gambling game The justice school and a large quantity of Mr. Kuhlman praised Governor, other good material. 20 vests and have yet to hear our i For Sale dismissed the esse end Sheriff West iu hi« crusade againat vice, : first complaint, or of a dissatisfied Crenshaw ewore out a complaint customer. Their remedies are pure, and being a new comer here wax I Motor Bost For Sale On account of leaving f or the msde as represented, and contain some what «urpriaeil to hear that againat Womelsdorf. Peterson and ryuuuug suoetances. substances. On On the the 30 feet long with 5 foot 6 inch East. I will sell my team, wagon, 1. no injurious conditions were not what the> Johnson for gambling, and as they harness and gravel bed. at a bar- * contrary, our experience «hows us ebould be in this city Both Mr. bad all “peached *' on themselves le.ru, 4 h p. engine Boat is three tram. Inquire at J, W. Maddux's I*!*!?*!* Company’s aim ha« always mouths old. price $175. Apply A. ------ .-.„uuux • > . iy—--------- Meeae aud Mt, Kuhlman were sur in the gambling game the justice ,W- Anderson. Ltfe Soring Statron. office or to Wm Eaaom. TiUamook. ' .n to ...she ,nj -------------------- health maintaining remedies*’—' Lamar's Drug Store i