Tillamook Headlight, October 3, 1012 Where The Panda Came From Mr. Bryan’* New Visio®. Roosevelt was asked ten questions Mr Bryan is doing some queer reasoning this year. In trying to by the New York World on October Like the Little Girl With a Cori tat Center ef Her Forehead. brake out the professor to be a pro- 1, 19U4, as to how much money had I I Wbeu tbe Arizona broncho rressive candidate, who has been been contributed to hie campaign be safe for you and for fccepted by the Democratic party fund by the beef trust, the paper the safest thing in tbe L such, he seems to fall into the trust, the coal trust, the sugar trust, when he wisbea to be ua Lrange error of assuming that the the oil trust, the tohacco trust, the merry chance. Populist leaven of 1896 has i now steel trust, the insurance trust the I weut up and down tralto Lvened the whole lump of Demo- 1 Nationul banks und the six great ua which were almost per) L-acy to a point where the party railroad trusts. Judge Parker fol­ and rough and stone strewn Ln fairly be called not only pro­ lowed thia uponOctober24 by charg­ there was little danger, fora has, not the “ten pound,” Ereteive but ---- radical in tendency. ing that the trusts were supporting "thousand pound" look. Hto |e speaks of “the great wave of Roosevelt and on October 29 he said ■e »1 the ground, his eyes fastened elOrm that created the Populist they were furnishing campaign trail, his footstep the moot larty’’ and thus aroused the Demo- funds to his opponent. Roosevelt careful thing tbe mind ea ratic party in resistance to the did not reply till three days before One foot placed before the the election. Then he denounced and preserves the balance, Iplunnerbund.” The Populist wave swept over Parker ae a liar. weight for another, and an thto won­ Le Chicago convention of 1896 It has since become knowu that derful machinery of equipoise, atabUl- fhich gave Mr. Bryan his first Perkins contributed $48,702.50 of life V and safety you feel wwrkt^ under ¡¿initiation. It swept over the insurance money to the campaign you like a delicate macMaa. tansaa City convention of 1900 and and that two other insurance com­ ■ Yet this sage pioneer of the trail, Lain over the one at Denver in panies gave $50,000 each. That an­ with his meticulous car* ef yen and K In each of those years Mr. swers one of the World’s questions himself, was just a wild raags pony, bunted down by the rang» rider, driv­ Cyan was nominated, and in each and proves Parker to have told the en. coaxed or duped into a corral, j them that element in the Demo- truth in one particular. broken, saddled, bridled and ridden all Ltic patty which refused to ac- It has also become known that In one hour; wrenched out of hto wild­ Ipt him and his Populistic poli- Harriman raised $60,000, of which ness. having his heart brateen and Ls refused also to be bound by he himself contributed $50,000. That made into a slave while yoa would eat L action of the party convention. answers another question and fur­ your breakfast. He is not a beauty; be to just a I the professor is more populisti- ther corroborates Parker. mongrel. But his legs and kto fret are |lly progressive, or more pro- We know from Perkins and from made of Iron and steel, and tbe work leseively populistic, than Mr. the steel trust’s counsel, Mr. Linda­ he does over awful trails In a rough Ivan was, how can Mr. Bryan as- bury, that that trust contributed and ragged country, strew* with Lne that he will be supported by both in 1904 and 1906. That answers stones and flints and bowlders and kt large element in the Democrat- a third question and still further lava and scrub, week after week, month Iparty which has always refused corroborates Parker. Ground is after month and year after year, I support Bryan himself ? If he is therefore furnished for believing would spoil the legs of a thorough I acceptable to that element in the statements of Penrose and bred in three days.— Gilbert Parker lu L party now as Alton B. Parker Archbold that the oil trust gave August Metropolitan. Is in 1904, by what warrant does $125.000 and was asked for but re­ A FORTUNATE BLUNDER. L Bryan assume that the element fused to give a further $150,030, ■which Parker was distasteful be-1 'though Roosevelt denies these Th» Result of Putting ■ Ceupls of ■use of his conservative associa- ' ■ statements, an he denied Parker’s Wires In Wrong Terminals, Ins and support will find the pro- charge, A large number of the world'3 ■sor more to his liking t Ae confirming the suspicion that greatest Inventions have been the re­ ■t is our conviction that Mr. Bry- these contributions had their in- sult of some accidental union of | does not expect the conservatives fluence on Roosevelt’s official acts, forces, tbe nature of which the person his party to uupport W ilson with the World cites hie assent to the who started them neither understood k more unanimity than they eup- steel trust’s absorption of the Ten­ nor suspected. The working of dy­ r*ed Bryan, w horn they defeated nessee Coal & Iron Company; his namos at long distances apart when Lice It is equally our conviction failure to prosecute the sugar trust, properly connected was discovered by Lt he does not expect the radicals though the evidence offered him by accident. kiis party, who repudiated Park- George H. Earle has since been A scientific journal says: “Soon aft­ I to come out for Wilson, or to made the basis of prosecution er the opening of tbe Vienna exposi­ tion. in 1873. a careless workman pie out for anybody. His hope by Taft and has been the means of picked up the ends of a couple of Democratic success is in widening enforcing restitution of nearly wires which be found trailing along t breach in Republican ranks. $2,000,000; and his refural to prose­ the ground. He fastened them in the I makes this plain in pounding cute the harvester trust. terminals of a dynamo, to which be I his funny theorem that while I When a man describes his op­ thought they belonged, while they were I Démocratie party has become ponents indiscriminately as crooks really attached to another dynamo kgressive through repeated and corrupt men, he invites un­ that was running in another part of monstrations of its conservative usually searching scrutiny of hie tbe grounds. "The dynamo to which be fastened teupth in defeating a progressive own acts. Judged by his acts and ■didate named Bryan, the Re- his failure to act, Roosevelt is not tbe wires was not ruining, but as ailican party has shown itself ir- in a position to stand such scrutiny. soon as the wires were placed in its terminals it revolved as If a steam ■aimably conservative by refus- —Oregonian. engine was driving it. The workman I to nominate for a third term a was amazed. The engineers and ■didate who never called him- ’ Free trader Wilson multiplies electricians were astonished by the ■ progressive until in the early words to obscure the fact, but he is discovary that a dynamo electric ma­ It of this year. Hie appeal is a disciple of Cobden in everything chine (turned by steam power) would Eently for a division in the Re- turn another similar machine a long except the courage to avow frankly distance away if properly connected ■liean vote as the surest guar­ to it by electric wires. Thus origi­ fee of Democratic suceess. That his free trade faith. Our currency, Bays Prof. Wilson, nated one of the most revolutionary fell there is to it For the Balti- fee platform itself shows nothing is stiff, antiquated and inelastic. applications of electricity.” The fact that power can be trans­ fee of progressiveness than its The adjectives show rebundancy, mitted for miles by electric wires is while the assertion recalls Mr. Bry ­ feiocratic predecessors of the 80s one of the most Important factors in I early 80s, which began and an’s crusade of 1896. modern civil engineering achievements. Bed with demands for free trade, An educated career of twenty- ■ in the intermediate space, five years may fit a man for teach­ Foiled. reed with alarm everything else ing and preaching, but it does not The lovers whispered together before reosed. of it self qualify him for the high­ the doors of her father's hangar, planning the last details of their elope­ est executive office in the world. Notice to Teachers. Americans have been engaged to ment. “Hurry, dearest.” be urged. "We install the guns on a Greek cruiser, mes» H ereby G iven ,—That If Amenican marksmanship also is will wheel out your runatmut mono­ lading Circle Test will be given introduced Greece will be lucky in plane and together we’ll fly away on the wings of the night, nevermore to )<>verdale commencing October its naval establishment. be separated!” I 1912 at 10 o’clock a.m. "Walt." sbe exclaimed. "1 have a Central Americans never had ►uks will be placed in the hands better plan. We will run It out and better news than that Uncle Sam rof. Brimhall, for the conven- hide In tbe old stable; then we will e of the teachers of that vicinity, has decided to stop their endless walk to tbe trolley and papa will nev­ civil wars and promote the peaceful fee will also be left with Prof. er suspect us.” Ittian, of Beaver, for the teachers growth of the little republics. They were hardly half a mile on let locality, and with Mr. Crook, New Orleans proposes to appro­ their way down the road when from bmlock, for the teachers near priate $15,000 again this year to con­ overhead came the roar of tbe triple b- These books will be loaned tinue a war on rats. The rodents propellers of the racing monoplane as bu for a limited time by the dispute that man is the paragon of papa dashed out Into tbe darkness in F named persons. All books animals and make the debate lively. hot pursuit.—Puck. I be returned by noon on Octo- A Californian who refused to Solid Gold. Bth. settle for his wife’s hat has paid For many years tbe term “solid ret will be given at Beaver out for legal expenses so far $611. gold” has been a commercial misno­ t>l house Oct. 12, commencing There is little prospect now that be mer. Some of tbe ancient Roman jew­ o o clock and one at Hemlock can save anything by hie appeal to elry as well as that of tbe renaissance period was Indeed made of pure gold, ol house commencing at 4:30. the courts. Revolutionists in Central America worked up by hand with tbe crudest 1 test will be given at the An- Inatitute which will be held and the West Indies are so fond of of tools, but since the old day there Per 30, 31, and Nov. 1, 1912. slaughtering each other that they has been a constantly Increasing em­ iachcre of the County will be will get fighting mad over Uncle ployment of alloys, for tbe reason that hed to complete the work at Sam’s notification that they must jeweler» found that the harder tbe gold was rendered by good alloys the Time who have not had the be more peaceful. greater it» wearing quallttos and the rtunity to do ao before. The flax industry of this country more secure, therefore, was tbe set­ Rowe and family left this has reached a stage of considerable ting of the gams it contained.—Argo May mioming to take charge importance, but the product is not aatrt. hn Hathaway’s fruit ranch at made use of in the production of k °re., linen, but in the manufacture of I teats will be baaed upon the linseed oil. It is said that at the P which we have to lend you present time about 2,500,000 acres of |,he"American Rural School,’’ land are given up to flax growing. ►a and Health,’’ “How to A problem of the industry is to F Theae are all excellent make some use of the straw, which I and well worth the time re- now goes wholly to waste, this the reply F t° read them. The teat is amounting to about 3,000,000 tons pone of theae books which you Experiments have been made in the ■elect. direction of paper making with the ' ery truly yours, straw and thia proposition has met I* B u * l . with some degree of sucess but the irbraeki the Colonel defended scheme is not commercially prsctic f**" ,n *»«ring the Republi* able. I P ' It is needless to enlaage When yoa have a bed cold you P bolt. He ia out, and the ■Proceede with its buaineea in want the beat medicine obtainable eo as to care it with as little delay * »elf reapecting way. The ae possible. Here is a druggist's 1 J* • miatake i. in .uppo.,,,, opinion: “I bare sold Chamber I u*!.*4 h‘* party by Cornet Dry Gin.............per gal. 4.00 Next Door to Tillamook County H>->is. AT BILLY STEPHENS, WHOLESALE AND'RETAIL DEALER, COR. 1st and lat AVENUE E Build your house from lumber bought here and thus Insure per­ manent satisfaction and freedom from tbe many repair bills that always follow the use of poor or unseasoned lumlier. Better try our lumber and be done with it than to buy poorer and then be continually paying for repairs. The liest is always the cheapest. A. G. Beals Lumber Company All Grocers Soli Tillamook Baker’s Bread 6 LOAVES FOR a Quarter KEEPS OUT ALL THE RAIN; You don't know how murk rad eomh.o »0« r.n Inks out of • >»■■■/ ““Ul you lava worn a TOWER’S FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER Th* ..1» .lick« with the I MMSM R«fl* . I ■’«« (pa d) lha prevent, waet from nu»nio|| m a the front. Mode for had ■■•Mia. I wo color*—black or yellow, $3.00 Everywhere. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. when you begin craving ropgh, high-proof, strong whiskey--------when flavor, delicacy and age no longer appeal to you—cut out drinking. Cyrus Noble is pure, old and palatable- bottled at donking strength Costs no more than any other good whiskey. w. J Van Sohuyver Co., Portland, Or THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CORKESPCNDENCE SCHOOL I I offer» FREE, with the exceptior. of cost of txaUge on papar» end cost nt the University Extentton Bulletin, to CITIZENS OF OREGON, fort) UNIVERSITY COURSES by MAIL. Ability to profit by the e-.urre. ee- f^tat ie the only requirement for enrollment in the Correspondence de partment. Courbet are offered in the department of ih?baun<, Economic, Educstion, Electricity, English Literature Kngltah Conpo- eition. History, M.them.tics, Mrehsnicsl Drewinr. Physieid Edee-tkm. Fhy»ic». Phy»iulory, P,ycholoiry. Sreiokagy, »nd Surveying. Write l<. the Secretary of the Correspondence School, University of Oregon, Eugene, for information and catalogue. • • __ .___ Courees in residence at the Univereity prepare for the I refessiOTH of Engineering, Journalism, Law Me-lieino. arxl Teaching. Fall ren-ratcr opene Tueeda; ,y, Sept. 17. Address the Register for c-> 1»logue» doser ntive of tbe Coll lege of Engineering, tbe College of Literal Arta, th» seho>. s ul Education, i. Commerce, Law, Medicine, aod Muaic. TfWTtt A. J. TOWIR CO BOSTON Tu«aa> «DIS Foley*» Kidney Pill« What They Will De ter T« They will cure your backs* ha, strengthen your kidney*. CW- reel urinary irregularities, b-114 up th* worn out tissua* eliminate the excess uric *cM that causes rheumatism. Fro- sent Bright * Disease an/ Dim betas, and restore health and etreafth. Befuse subetitasfm, UJUDAR’S Dura Store<