Tillamook Headlight, October 3, 1Q12. Notice. feet ; thence souq. « , .... < ! spectacle isn’t it? All true Ameri- 104.4 feet to the ho » ],^» year proved tins, am> as a r * ‘ J canH should be proud of this Great staying with and voting for the Ad vertin'ng Rates. N otice is H ereby G iven ,— To section 7, contafo"**^ suit It IS proposed b $ a ,ar ^ < Bnd Noble C i tite n who glibly calls third termer they are helping all whom it may concern : That the also a strip ,,f land V,67 I ident of the United States a Common Council of Tillamook City, extending ¿0 feet on A*“ L egal A dvertisement * : to elect Wilson, whom they are number of the citizens to beaut i- j 10 not desirous of seeing elected fy their homes and the park-1 guch method8 and 8uch ilin. Oregon, did on the 16th day of the following describe*?'* First Insertion, per line .. ... $ s Each subsequent insertion, line ing in front of their j „ uage belong to the guttersnipe September, 1912, duly adopt Ordin­ northeast quarter of ¿L1**' for fear of another dose of hard Business and professional cards. with this beautiful and show. They come with ance No. 248, providing for a contin quarter of section 1» 7 nation of Sixth Street, in Tillamook 1 S. of range 10 west 191^ and the date, of butter fat and intend to vote lot owners will do so as soon gallon, for they are able I Congress a message in which he East and running thence North last publication thereof 2ffl| as they can get to Bayocean by vote for Wilson, then we have along the West line of Second last date upon which you i guarantee better plants and no pity for them if the bottom wagon or railroad. It is now more blossoms than if propa­ said: “With plenteous crops, with Avenue East 60 feet to the place of quired to answer on or beh falk out pf business and the thought that the cost of build­ gated by the old way. Write abundant promise of remunerative beginning; the Eastern terminus and will expire on the 8di i ing the road can be greatly re­ production and manufacture, with of said street is the West line of November, 1912. cheese market.” W ebster H olmes . duced, bringing it down to a them and they will furnish you unusual invitation to safe invest­ Second Avenue East, and the Attorney for Plan little over |30,000, and as it is with the information, as well ment, and with satisfactory assur­ Western terminus of said Street is Sixth Street, the East end of It suggested that the County as a list of the best and latest Republican Prosperity ! Oregon, as is to be observed that Roesevelt Court put oti a large convict varieties of dahlias. We men­ ance to business enterprise, sud­ in Tillamook City, Notice. established denly financial] distrust and fear the same is now and Wilson both avoid this one crew, thia would still further tion this nursery because they lying between Blocks 1 and 2 of Cen­ have sprung up on every side. ” N otice is H ereby G ives ,- important'thing in politics, for! reduce the cost of building the do a large amount of busi­ tral Addition to Tillamook City, and this concerns the working and road. There was a little over ness in this county and can be That was the preface to several the property proposed to be ap­ on Monday, October 21, 191» propriated for such purpose is County Board of Equalizatiot laboring classes more than any­ $8.000 subscribed by the pro­ relied upon. We want to calamaitous years. Before the De­ described as a strip of land 52 32 meet at the Conrt House of mocratic administration was a year thing else. Whenever there is pertv _ tin- create quite an interest in owners and business feet in width off the entire south mook County, Oregon, andput alagnation in the industrial wards building the“road" growing of dahlias, for we all old millions of industrious workers side of the said described street, examin the assessment rol were idle, and the wheels stopped world thia class is the first to al)(J no d((ubt bv H ¡itl]e tn„re have enough civic pride in I belonging to Ida Martiny, and a said year, and correct all erm description« of] suffer. Toavoid this Ro.>sevelt leffort jn that directiol, this wanting to beautify the city turning in an immense number of strip 7.68 feet in width off the entire valuations, and other property. Said I North side of said tract formerly once prosperous establishments. and Wilson are diactissing most I conld ,)e raigef1 to $10,000. It next summer. Portland can belonging to J. R. Harter, and not will continue in session from every pohtieal subject, not with j fieem9 t() u, that it would beo„iv boast of her roses and other At the end of 1893 the labor union included in the platted lota of Har­ to day, until the examination, rection and equa'ization i standing that they seu prosper fgir f()r U)e Couuty Conrt to ap- cities boast of other flowersand officials stated the number unable ter’s Addition to Tillamook City. to obtain work at 3,000,000. Under And all persons claiming dama­ ment roll for said county «1 itv on every hand, fruits, but let the invitation go *' :i . 1S. ’ prop ria te a like #um out of ges by reason of the appropriation completed. where wliere President 1 resident Taft is playing nejt years taxes, as it promis­ broad cast next year to witness the last Democratic president of Dated at Tillamook, C the said property for said street the value of the live stock in the his trump cards with good ef­ ed to appropriate $5,000 this Tillamook City’s beautiful and are hereby specially notified to file September 24, 1912 fect, as will be seen by state­ year, but as the survey had not attractive display of dahlias. country fell off $828,000,000. Seventy- their claim for such damages with A. M. H are , County As« ments like this : “Today the been made ami the legal pro­ Some of the property owners four railroads went into the hands the undersigned, City Recorder of of receivers in a single year. The Tillamook City, Oregon, before the homes of the laboring men are ceedings complied with on different streets have organ ­ the Citation. homes of thrift and comfort and County Court used, ami rightly ized to beautify their streets, interest-bearing debt of the gov­ time appointed for the meeting of said viewers as above set out. neatness. Who wants to change too, the money in improving and it is to be seen which will ernment increased $262,000,000 in a Done by the order of the Common In the County Court of thei time of peace. “If »he farmers, Council of Tillamook City, Oregon <11 is ?” Oregon for Tillamook Co roads in other parts of the be best. It might be as well Dated this September 16th. 1912. In the Matter of the Estate j to offer a premium for the street laboring men and business men,” I county. iT Hr» W i rtirnio / Cottle, ’ a HI q T B. H andley , of Harry Wingate Taft is asking support for the] I which will have the best gen­ says the vigorous Kentucky address, City Recorder of Tillamook City Deceased. I Republican ticket because of the I ’ A large number of well inteu- eral display of dahlias, and in “allow themselves to be hoodwink­ Oregon. I n the N ame of the S ti prosperity and good times in all , tioned people are giving Gover­ doing so one resident might ed into electing another Democratic O regon ; To Addie Cottie, Harvey X. I parts of the country and because nor West a great deal of credit coufitie themselves to one kind president and Congress they will, Summons. Ieabel K. Cottle, FredB. ho has made good to the com for his crusade against vice. orcolor and another resident toa like the calf that followed the steer, and Harry B. Cottle: learn the difference at milking mon people. Roosevelt, whois The snap shot man is not very different color This is only a You are H ereby C ited iu posing as a progressive, but is enthusiastic, for apart from the suggestion, for those with an time.” Compare the figures of the In the Circuit Court of the State of quired to be and appear ¡1 . < Oregon for Tillamook County. hacked by Perkins and other notoreity it will give the gover- artistic taste on each street can present with those of the direful County Court of the State of ' T. B. Potter Realty gon, for Tillamook County, it blood sucking corporations, is i nor it will amount to nothing, arrange this. Democratic period of 1893-97, and Company, a Corpo­ z Court House, in Tillamod1 wanting support so a* to over and the taxpayers will have to then draw the lesson that will, if ration, Tillamook County, Oregon,« ride constitutional government, pay for seeing a few skyrockets Plaintiff, common prudence is needed, go- j day, the 18th day of November, vs. Smoke In Missouri. vern tile election near athand. “Mr. which will frighten capital and shot into the air. When Gov­ at the hour of 10 o’clock in the Taft is not a politican,” the Ken­ Lawrence R, Wheeler, place the industrial world in a ernor West openly violates the noon of said day, then and tin William M. Wheeler terin Theodore Roosevelt, third show cause, if any there be tucky document says in conclusion j and Margaret panicy condition. Wilson is law himself and refuses to com M„ said Court should not nuk a theoretical college professor plv with the oath he took when candidate for the presidency, run­ “but he is safe and no man feels Wheeler, his wife, order as prayed for in the Pet Nelson P. Wheeler, with little experience with the he become governor of Oregon ning on his own ticket, on his own uneasy while he is at the helm ’’ of H. T Botts, Administrator, AllieM. Wheeler, John practical business world, who it looks tn most of us that a platform, and nominated by him- the Will annexed, of Harry E. Wheeler and Mar­ gate Cottle, deceased, authr is wanting support so as to ex­ man ought to practice what he self, raged throuuli Missouri last garet C. Wheeler, hie The Cocksure Imagination. licensing and directing said week. He abused and slandered periment with free trade in op­ preaches, anyway. wife, Eleanor R, That ap­ thiise who opposed him anil grew istrator to sell at private i Wheeler, J. H. Cook, position to the protective policy pears to be almost the unani­ Since the Democratic “tidal wave” cash, all of the following de frnrtk when he happened to see and --------------- Cook of the Republican party. Take mous opinion of the Press of real property, situate in Til of 1910 one state has changed aides his wife, and Peter Connty, State of Oregon your choice nlso your medicine Oregon. We are in sympathy Taft banners and Taft buttous in J That is Maine, which has returned Wheeler and---------- Lots 9 and 10 of Block 5, > if the present era of prosperity with any movement that will the crowds that surrounded his to Republican control, with a gain Wheeler, his wife. town of Bay City, belonging car. comes to an end. Defendants. of the Legislature, a United States estate of said deceased, fortk ! tie of a lasting character,but wo The news dispatches tell us that To Lawrence R. Wheeler, William pose of paying the charge (are sick and tired of seeing in the crowd at Lamar, Missouri, senator, and one member of the M Wheeler and Margaret M. penses and claims still unw Public sentiment in this part spastnudic moral crusades, like was a man with a large banner House. There have always been in Wheeler his wife, Nelson P. against the said estate. Wheeler, Allie M. Wheeler, John of the couuty is strouglv op­ a flush in the pan, and in a few bearing the words: "We want Taft; Maine many more Republicans than W itness the Honorable E. Wheeler and Margaret C. MaBon, Jndge of the County posed to the Port of Bay City weeks to die’out. Ami another let well enough alone." Tlie ban­ Democrats, and the state, on the Wheeler his wife, Eleanor R. of the State of Oregon, for gobbling up tlio territory which thing _ . which is overlooked. ner attracted the attention of Colonel eve of a national election, is restored Wheeler, J. H. Cook and-------- mook County, this 30»h r 1 to its usual political balance. Its wiis formerly in the Port of Suppose Governor West does Cook, his wife, Peter Wheeler Roosevelt. Bending over the rail­ September, 1912. and-------- Wheeler his wife : Tillamook, As a result, in succeed in < losing lip the buudy ing cf his car he pointed to the electoral vote has deen steadily Re­ Attest : , „ I n the N ame of the S tate of publican, and the Republican ma­ stead of biingitig about a get houses and driving the unfort­ man and said: j. C. H old » OREGON, You and each of you are jority is still in evidence. There is Clerk of the County together spirit and unity of unate women from Portland, hereby required to appear and an­ "Any man who supports the re­ of Tillamook Q action, the action of the Bay they they will crowd into the other receiver of stolen goods stands on no increase of Democratic strength, swer the complaint riled against Oregon. no Democratic converts. Just the you in the above entitled court and City port have created ail ho* J large towns and rural districts a level with the receiver of the tile feeling. There are i just,of the stata, which would only stolen goods He is a dishonest same Democrats are sure that Wil­ action, on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the Summons grounds for this, for it is intensify moral vice and help man and unfit to associate with son will be elected. They blindly herein, which said order was made figure on the fragmentary vote of and dated on the 21st day of ueitlier just nor equitable to. to increase the white slave honest men.” 1910. take in and leave out certain i traffic, September. 1912, and if you fail so to * " There is no doubt, Lofty sentiments coming from a This great institution » If they cared for realities they answer for want thereof the plain- lauds, making some property . whatever, there is laxity with candidate for the presidency of the will have judgment against you doors fo~ the fall semeater owners pnv the expense of bar city and county officials all United States isn't it? Say, you would see that the Republican tiff and each of you, for the appropria­ tember 26th. *-our,?iL1 and bay improvements i while ‘ "UT the ilnte and they need Bull Mousers don't you admire the states are likely, like Maine, to stand tion and condemnation and assess­ tion include ; General Ai other property owners, although prodding up occasionally, but polished manner of your god ? firm and that the Democratic ment of your damages in the above Agronomy, Anitnal a equally betieflfed. are not taxed. , if there was more moral cour- According to Roosevelt every true strength continues to crumble. In entitled court and 'action, on the Dairy Husbandry, In trying to hog the whole age r amongat _ ‘ the ”_ citizens to blue Republican in thia country is many states. Missouri included, following described real property, Botany and Plant Pathol- of which you are the owners of on try Husbandry, Hcrticu* thing Bay Citv has made a l»ack up public I ,------ officials ---------- > and dishonest. Everybody is a thief the Democratic total vote was larger undivided interest therein, to-wit : tomology, Veterinary so ' sixteen years ago than at any sub ­ great mistake and the citizens, . help I them to obtain the kind and a liar and brigand who doesn't Beginning at a point 2371.31 feet Engineering. Elcctncaiej and the big timber interests, 'of evidence that ---- i will stick iu support bin immaculate self for the sequent time. The increase has north and 1010.84 feet west of the ing, Mechanical *iIJfinhe, for it will be a good R J^t**mination to stay with it in your town.’ he said in hie speech, materially from either. It represents Willamette Meridian. And a strip tural College. CorvaUi». lesson to those who want to| *n<1 ,,ot co,d ,eTt then, and 'and they are the appropriate color only one individual, and his spas­ of land 40 feet wide, extending 20 School Year Op*“* feet on either side of the following break through the time honored I proba.blv «®< ““*** then’ of yellow The man who puts on modic energy and abusive heat of , ”',l moral conditions improve. But one shows that he ha* a yellow utterance repel prudent citizens described line in the southwest custom of allowing only two J. W. Copeland. quarter of the southeast quarter But "the I d*>«‘t g«v« Oregon a bad name streak somewhere.' ” the majority of whom have always and the southeast quarter of the purchased «bottleof dishonest" and ' possessed of a you and Liver Tablets excellent. They 3 deg 22* west 128.41 feet; thence Cough Remedy is ■* ( ng back to the old party And perfection ___ ____ __ Those who experi- are easy and pleasant to take, snd other. For re l.. j t is no wouder, for they see bj-^meoted with the dalhia' thi is i allow streak" and hie rival candi mild and gentle in effect. For sale south .deg. 27 east247.16feet;thence any south 48 deg. 38’ east l«.(fa feet; nothing that excel» date a thief. Mighty edi tying by all dealers. thence south 70deg. 4