Father Clarenbeck, pastor of the route, with the frequent stops, the Catholic Church in this city, who horse the mail carrier was driving went to Holland on account of the threw up his head and ears and sickness of hie parents, is expected Struck out on a quicker gait, and back this week. after going about two miles left the Determined effort to save de­ A C. Eversou, who came to thia mail cart and fragments of harness city from Bend, Ore., will be con- I far behind on the road. The animal velops or strengthens a valuable nected with John Leland Henderson was, however, stopped, and Merril faculty ; namely, the faculty of draw­ •Sc Son’s business and will handle is now contemplating entering it the real estate for the company. for the races next year at the State ing the line between necessary and OFFICERS : 1 he City Transfer Co. are the fel­ Fair with the hope of recovering useless expenditure. about $16 which he was out to re ­ low's who haul anything, anywhere, W m . G. T ait , President. auy time. Office on Main Street, place the da&ages Think of it : Isn’t it usually the R. R. Hayes, H. F. Frazier and opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Call J. C. H olden , Vice-President. W. II, Everest paid $50 each im­ us by phone, Main 651. thing one is better off without that C. L. M c G hee , Cashier. President Shrode and Secretary posed upon them by Justice Stanley takes the money he should save ? Claussen, of the Tillamook Com­ for having their nets stretched too mercial Club, have made an effort far across the Tillamook river. DIRECTORS Hence the double benefit of the to-have the express office located They were arrested by Deputy Game and Fish Wardens Gor and in the business portion of the city. saving habit: First, learning to deny Leach. Abe Harris was also fined P avl S chrader . The rain and thunder storm on $50 and costs. The fine in the one’s self harmful indulgence ; and Monday evening seems to have put Harris case was suspended during C. W. T almage . second, acquiring a property through a damper on the regular monthly good behavior, Harris being a B. C. L amb . meeting of the club that evening, mute. The case of Abe Mapes for little triumphs over self. as few members put in an appear­ the same charge was dismissed W m . G. T ait . ance. also. Two cases against Jas. Wil­ Ask yourself now if there is any Why will you pay $5.00 for an son were brought up Monday and J. C. H olden . reeson why you should not become a Electric Iron when you can get a dismissed for want of sufficient better one (F an S teel guaranteed evidence to convict. money saver at ! for ten years) for $3.50. A free trial A meeting of all the Directors of Jhe factories in the Tillamook if you wish.—King & Smith Co. • CAPITAL W. G. Dwight brought suit in the County Creamery Association, an $30.000 00 county court against John Langley well as the factories not in the as­ STATE to recover $75 20 ; against Ike F. sociation and those privately own­ SUPERVISION 1 oijnt Y T1LLAMOOK CITY, ORE. ed, is called to meet at the Tilla­ Quick, for $34.69 ; against L. D. Krake, for $125.91 ; against William mook Commercial Club rooms on Saturday, October 5th, at one o’clock Ulrich, for $29 17 ; against James - i»_ for the purpose of discussing the Miss Nan Hathaway is again able LLAMOOK JOTTINGS to take up her work at Haltotn’s, Christensen, for $35.00. graces of the plaintiff’s wife, and proposition of having a scoring pay for the stimulents, Web is will, that by various and sundry seduc­ ing to foot the bill for the chasers. County Judge Homer Mason got contest between all the factories in after a serious illness of several the “Round-Up” fever while in Tillamook County, offering several Bro. Botts is on the water wagon, tive arts, promises and persuasions, sm Wanted. Apply at this weeks. I a Portland, and finding so many prizes for the beat che»se, and tak­ so his expense account will not con­ the defendant succeeded in alienat­ b. Sheriff Crenshaw is making out Tillamookers headed that way he ing up matters of general interest tain anything for that which drives ing the plaintiff's wife’s affection» fl clothes made new at the City the checks for the return of the went along. He returned on Mon­ to the factories. Everyone interest­ away dull care waiting for a judge entirely from him, and won the hdry. money collected for the Port of same to himself. That by said day and reports having had a good ed in manufacturing cheese in who failed to turn up, fs Mills would like a few more Tillamook. promises and persuasions of the time. Tillamook County is urgently re­ kiers. Wanted, Situation by a girl 18 WELL ENOUGH defendant he finally succeeded in The City Council bought a street quested to attend. Lture to Rent,—Apply Peter years of age, to do general house­ inducing the plaintiff's wife to de­ sweeper, paying $650 for the same. Oregon Fisheries Co , a corpora­ ALONE. work in a private family in the city. It has been in service at Hillsboro berg, Hemlock. sert and abandon the plaiutiff and tion, and Ole J. Dromnes, vs. * Inker Rowe was down from Ne- Call at this office. for about three months, and as that Elmore Packing Co., a coporntioti, Republican, not Democratic, his'homeon the 24th August, 1911, and to apply for and finally obtain Come and Bring your family,, city decided that a ilusher was and Grant Marshall, is a suit filed jn on Wednesday. Prices for Butter Fat. a decree of divorce from the plaint­ special Chicken Dinner at the Allen more suited for that city it made in the Circuit Court where the sses fitted. Any kind, any iff. That as a result of these acta House Grill every Sunday, 5:30 to the change. plaintiffs claim that on September Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. * The following prices will be paid of defendant, the plaintiff's wife 8:00 p.m., price 50c. . 4th, at six o'clock in the morning, J. B. Lommen caught a salmon nch dry cleaning, ladies’ gar- for butter fat next week at several was induced to and did permanent­ P. W. Todd, who had been to on the Nehalem river last week the defendant did intentionally, wil­ I of the co-operative factories, viz.’ a specialty at City Laundry. ly separate from him, thereby the Walla Walla, Wash., and other which weighed 62 pounds, which, fully, maliciously and negligently I Maple Leaf Creamery, 39.6 cents; , on the 27th, to the wife of plaintiff's home was broken up operate a motor boat in such a places in vicinity, returned to the according to some of the oldest The Tillamook Creamery, 40.4 cents; and he was rendered unable to . Booth, a son. city on Thursday. fishermen on that river, is the manner as to run into and strike Fairview Dairy Ass’n., 38 cents; keep the children together and was chickens wanted at the Tilla- A good young saddle pony for largest caught there in many a admidships the boat owned by the Three Rivers Creamery, 39 cents; compelled to assent to the separa­ Meat Company’s Maiket, 13c. sale. Will drive single or double. year. Anyway, there is nothing Oregon Fisheries Co., and operated South Prairie Creamery, 38.3 cents; tion und the children to remain in und. Inquire of F. P. Phillip at Zach- small about Nehalem when it comes by Ole I, Dromnes, doing, it is Clover I.eaf Creamery, 38‘i cents; the custody of his former wife. claimed, $2UC 00 damages. To com- lack Olson has opened den- man’s plumbing shop. ' to natural resources Long Prairie Creamery 36 cents; That immediately after the expira­ for this pennate the plaintiffs rlors over F. R. Beals’ office Marie Aeslaber vs. J. p. and I From what we understand the damage, they now sue for treble Elwood Creamery, 38 cents; Cold tion of six months defendant and phones. * Springs Cheese Factory, 37 cents; plaintiff's former wife were married Maude Sharp is a civil suit filed people of Nehalem do not think . Morris Schnal went to Port October 1, 1912, for wages. E J. that the other parte of the county the amount of the damages set out .Central Co-op, 35.3 cents, and and ure now living together on the on Sunday for medical treat- Claussen is attorney for plaintiff. gave that section of the county a in the complaint. East Beaver. 35 cents. same farm, to the great humiliât1 m Captain Paul Schrader will re- j Owing to the delay account bad and mental autieri ng of the plaint- square deal is not giving them the Coal delivered for $8.00 per ton commissioner on the Republican linquish command of the steamer weather, cheese was late in reaching iff. r a month of fine weather, or $4.50 for half ton,or good fir wood ticket, and they expect to have a Sue II Elmore the eud of the week market and so returns were not in ntle patter of Tillamook mist already sawed for $5.75 per cord or candidate, but it has not been de­ and Captain Anderson will take hie time to send checks out by the first Republican Rally. It on Monday. $3.00 for half a cord. See Shrode. * cided who will be the candidate. place as skipper of that vessel. of the month as usual. g your chickens to the Tilla- A meeting is called of all true Albert Darby went to Portland on i About a dozen Bull Moosers met Captain Schrader has been running MeatCompany’s Market We and loyal members of the R*tmbH- - to Tillamook for about 25 years, Tuesday, having had some trouble >10,000 DAMAGE SUIT. on Wednesday evening and organ­ :. per pound * can party at the Court House, in and he has a fine record, for a!l the r Frank Taylor was in the with his ribs, which were broken ized a club, when Attorney J. L. time he has been running to Till«- por Alienating the Affections Tillamook County, on Sutur
  • . about a year ago at Estacada Henderson was elected president; Monday, with a pleasant October 12, at 1: 31) p. m . for the mook he has met with no accident» D his countenance. Shelby Electric Light Globes, Attorneys H. T. Botts and T. H. nor lost any freight on that account, ' purpose of forming a Taft Club and Of a Married Woman, starting an aggressive camp q n 8 Walton, Jr., is moving his national quality They are good. Goyne, vice-presidents; W. C. King, which is a record any captain treasurer: «nd L, V. Eberhardt, .Isaac E. Smith vs Dan Hickey is a in behalf of the Republican ticket. re to Salem, where he will We deliver to your house or store. should be proud of, considering Telephone us.— King & Smith Co. • secretary. About 20 names were weather and bar conditions that suit filed in the Circuit Court in F ked C. H aki . w , the coming winter, submitted for precinct committee­ which the plaintiff claim* $10,(XX).00 Congressional Committeeman. can get Fleschmann’s Yeast Wm G. Tait, president of the men, but as it was not known often prevail here during the winter for alienating his wife s affections. week if you leave your order First National Bank, and Mrs. Tait, whether they would serve, they are storms. Captain Schrader will re­ Plaintiff sets out that he was DahliaB ! Dahlias ! main ashore during the winter, and Tillamook Feed Co. • returned to the city on Sunday, to be interviewed. married to Sarah E. Northrup the after so many years in command of after a brief visit to Portland and Beale vs. Norman Olds and We have them in different colon. [ The funeral of Mrs. Mary Peck- coasting vesHels. he is going to 14th November, 1896, and that th y Olds is a suit filed in the Seattle. 1 ham who died at Star, Oregon, take a well earned vacation, but lived together happily until April By a new system of propogation court to recover $75.75, Boyajohn Arnold Co., who has took place on Saturday at the how he will like becoming a "land 12, 1911. Five children were born we are able to guarantee better ted, a man and wife to work the contract for the concrete work Oddfellows Cemetery, Rev. J. E. of this union. That during the plants and more blossoms than il lubber” remains to be seen. summer of 1911 and from and after prorogated by the old way. Xd- farm and keep house. Ap- on the new bank building, com­ Jope, of the Christian Church, of­ The famous Elinore dairy ranch of • the 12th April, the plaintiff and his dress: Al.HA.NY Nl'RSKHlKa, Inc., the Headlight office. menced the concrete workonTues- ficiating. The remains were ac­ 193 acres on Tillamook Bay was sold wife resided upon a farm belonging Albunÿ, Ore. companied here by Joseph Stocks, Ray and W. M. Oliver is a day. last week by John H. Hathaway to ®d in the county court Mrs. M. F. Leach and sons, who Albert Stocks and Mrs. Sarah A. B. N. Sproat of Washington County. to the defendant, thus bringing the Card of Thanks. Lad Quick to recover $‘25 33. have been visiting friends and Brush, who left for their homes on The purchase also includes 00 plaintiff’s wife and family in close proximity to the defendant, who Tuesday. Mrs. Peckham resided in We wish to expreHS our thanks to Rupp and wife and Miss relatives in Portland and Roseburg Tillamook County for 20 years and head of high grade Holstein and lived alone in another house on the Jersey cows. The deal was negoti­ premises. Soon alter the plaintiff the many kind friends who allowed Rupp will leave for a two the past few weeks, returned home she was highly respected and ated by Paul A McPherson of Port­ moved there, the defendant wrong­ their sympathy mid kindness to us • visit with friends in lows, on Monday. The question of stock running at loved by those who knew her. land. Mr Hathaway takes in ex­ fully and wickedly contrived and on account of the death of our rns, Lantern Burners, Lan- large will be voted upon at the Wilson river ranch of The Whit­ change the X3 acre "El Dorado’’ ap­ intended to deprive the plaintiff slater, Mra. Peckham. icks, Lantern Globes, Lan- November election in Beaver, ney Company, Ltd., for lease, ple ranch of Mr. Sproat, at Aloha, of his wife's affections, society, S akah A. B mvsii , I kinds.—King 4 Smith Co.* cash Washington county. Mr Hathaway J oseph S tocks , Blaine, Foley and Little Nestucca term of three years, companionship and assistance, I e- H. W. Kuhlman, the new precincts. lease renter must have sufficient valued _______ the Elmore ranch st $50 000. gan showing ea|>ecial attention to A lbkbt S tokes . of the M. E. Church, with 1 . 'i The special excursion train leav- money to purchase about eighty ,ind Mr Sproat the apple farm at the plaintiff's wife and continued il>. arrived on Saturday. Prices for Hoge ing Portland Saturday afternoons tone of hay now on ranch, in b»rn $20,000, aud it was on this basis such special attentions until the Place will support0tliat a tra(Je wag made, the former separation of the plaintiff, and his ^change, —automobile road- has been taken off. The last ex­ and stock. about two hundred head of stock, receiving some cash In part pay­ cursion train for the season was wife, taking advantage of the plaint­ Up to 225 lbs., 10c., dressed. - model, in good condition, 225 lbs. to 275 lbs , KMX dressed. buildings and fences in good shape, ment of the balance. Mr. Hathaway ' estate. Apply at Head- last Saturday. iff’s every absence from the horni, 275 poun■ Genera! Crawford and evening at the Home of Mrs. Emmet place. Apply to J. D. Edwards. 1 Sale“>. were visitors to Bales by the choir of the Presby­ 904 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Oregon. to I. C. Rowe, who has a place north of thia city art* the fore part of the terian church. All are invited and Phone Main 4180. Attorneya H. T. Botts andW abater | a silver collection will be taken up. The KHIkare Klub met at the Holmes were in McMinnville Mon­ Lady’s Hand Bag, con- All are cordially invited to the home of Mrs. W. A. Williams. A ■ purse and other articles, Preabyterian Church next Sunday. goodly number were preent, and all day to argue a contempt of court “’ey he recovered by ap- Morning service at 11 o’clock and enjoyed the study hour very much, caae in a fishing dispute Judge Galloway had set for that ’ 'h^ Headlight office and evening service at 7:30. Good Mra. Haberlach being the reader day, but the judge had forgjt'en •he staff with some of the music and ainging. Rev. D A. for the afternoon. The Klub has that he had done ao and had gone ; ea. Mackenzie, paator. taken up the study, "Travel in the to Albany to try a caae. Now the United State«,” each meeting being Tillamook attorneys are in a tight provided for with one reading and place to know whether to charge one prepared paper The hostess, the trip up to profits and losses, to Mrs Williams, served a very appro­ have the judge up and commit him priate luncheon end needless tossy to jail for contempt of court, or to was enjoyed by all. Tlie next meet eue the judge for their expenses. I ■ng of the Klub will be with Mrs. Bro Holme«, after finding himself up against the predicament of noth- Claude Campbell. Rural Mail Carrier Merril Smith ing doing it unnerved him and be DOCKS: WAWKHOU9K. bad a runaway on Monday while needed a little etimulent, and to FRONT 9TKKKT, BETWEEN Ind A 3rd AVENUE WkWT. straighten out that part of the ex delivering mail on hia route. Get­ ting bred of the usual gait on the penne accouut, it the judge will > A Valuable Faculty First National Bank, Tillamook. Oregon, Í ank ’ÍTÍLLAMOOK county bank ’ ItflMflR’S VARIETY STORE, TlbhflinoOK. OREGON. Drop in and book Around ” INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Roof Paint LAMB SCHltADEK COMPANY.