TillamooR Headlight September 26, »»>8 Motoring to Neali-kah-nie. UNDERMINING THE NEW DEPOT ASSURED OREGON SYSTEM. To be Completed By theLatter The Only Genuine Progressive Candi date for the Presidency. Part of December. Political Bosses Attempt to Defeat Sovereign Will of the People. The matter of the construction of a depot for Tillamook City hae been finally settled, thanks to the Tills tnook Commercial < lub and to Notwithstanding that it was Mayor J. R. Harter. The Club sent widely acclaimed that the Ore aeversl letters to the Southern Paci gt>n System was to cure most of fic offiotals and while in Portland the political ills and corruption, last week the Mayor made it his and that the sovereign will of j business to call on the officials to the people would do away with i hurry up the work. He was in political bosses, this appears to j formed that arrangement.« had been be the reverse, for if ever the made to build two depots, one at System received a trouncing, it • Tillamook City and the other at was those who strongly advo­ • Wheeler, and that they would be cated it who have cast it over­ ’taken in hand jts soon as possible board the past few weeks, which 'and completed some time in Decern- shows conclusively that the j ber. Mayor Harter received the fol ■—.--¡j letter from the Southern Oregon System a good vyrtjjv-»*« _y nwin is ■— «• - --- thing ------ -» 1 lowing hr loritf HS it f«vor» certain poll-1 pacific, which i« an aeeurance tna tical bpfifiee. but directly the the depot Will the|the will be built, for aa as soon people give the nomination to aa the wet season sets in it is go- some other fellow, then t..v.. the --- ! 1 ing to be exceedingly disagreeable office seekers and boss politico ns for the traveling public to have to connive to defeat the Oregon | remain out in the mud and ram. System aud the sovereign will Following is the letter: of the people. Mr. J. R. Harter, We have wu object lesson in Mayor, City of Tillamook. the senotoriol light which we i Tillamook, Ore. want to place before all those : Dear Sir: who advocated the Oregon Sl'6 J As a matter of general information, tern, for it is in bar! odor just wish to advise that we are now in re- now with political bosses and ' ceipt of authority to proceed with con- I atruction of a suitable depot at Tilla- disgruntled office seeker*. As it wa* free and open for and we sxpect to begin work on anyone to enter the senatorial ,amf aa goon aR plans can be prepared race and submit their names to and bids 9ecured; barring any unfote- the people in the primary elec ' seen delays vije shall be able to have it tion. Four persons did so on the ready for occupancy by the last of Republican ticket, viz. Jona December. tlifln Bourne, S. A. Lowell, J. I Yours Truly, W. Morton and Ben Selling. • D. W. Campbel). while on th« Democratic ticket there were no names submitted nvifDriAT W RANK IS tb.the people.- Previous to the CLOVERDALE BANK lb primary nominating election • ORGANIZED. Poufne told the voters they; were on trial and not himself. WiU Open for Business Octo- nieaning, whether they were in-] her 1st Under Favorable teUigent enough to vote under Conditions, ttye Oregon System. Jonathan ■ _______ Bourne failed to obtain the( On Tuesday last the Nestucca domination atid as soon as he Valley Bank completed its organi- knew the result he sent Ben sation and expects to be ready for Selling a telegram congratulat business shortly after October l»t, ing him and pledged him hia nt Cloverdale, Oregon. At the support All appeared to be Btockholdera meeting Charles Ray, gobtg along stnoothly until ex Carl — ........................................... Haberlach and Walter J. Logue President Roosevelt bolted were elected directors, and at the the] national convention, and first director'« meeting Charles Ray notwithstanding that the pen w«« elected President, Mr Me Cabc, pie had nominated a state ticket head book keeper of the Lumber strictly jn accordance with the man's National Hank of Portland, primary law. the Bull Moosers was elected Vice-ri eaident, and Would not abide by the »over Walter J. Logits was elected Cash­ eign will of the people but held ier, The bank etarts with capital a convention under the corrupt of $15,000.00, fully paid up, and ex­ system and boas rule Senator pects to increase its capital to $25,- Bourne and ex Senator F. W 000 or $30,000 as soon as business Mulkey were candidates forU.S. justifies. Senator before the Bull Moose . The bank haa selected a good part convention, both of whom were of the county toconimence business. titrueil down and E A. Clarke The dairy industry in the country nominated. Some little time immediately tributary amounts to ago a few of Bourne’s friends $25,000 per month during the sum Started to boom him, but it did mer time, and in a short time will not make much headway. As be as large as the entire present soon as Bourne lost out in the output of cheese of Tillamook Bnll Moose con vention.hewould County. Thete is fully as much, if not abide bv the primaty not more, tine bottom land ns election and the will of the pe<> around Tillamook City, and it will pie, not the Bull Moose conven­ be only a matter of time when that tion, nor the Oregon system, part of the county will be given for he is going to.make the rac* communication by rail or electric­ any wav, These are the facts, ity Also the fishing interests are mid as Ben Selling strictly coin considerable. What is needed plied with the Oregon system mostlv is more people to help clear and was the choice of the peo­ and improve the tine bottom land, ple in the primary election, if aud that the present large holdings anyone is entitled to the Repub be cut up into smaller tracts. licau vote it must be Beu Sell We are glad to see thia institution ing. If not. then the Oregon start, as the South end of the county System is nothing but a »buttle lias long nevileil a bank and we cock in the baud« of political know of no place where one should I bosses and disgruntled office be more successful. seekers to fool the people. jj-. . r 1 Motor Boat For Sale 20 feet long with 5 foot ti inch lata Frialav sltrt noon ■ fir» »tart- beam, 4 h j>. engine Host is three months old. price $175. Apply A. e’» J Area were put out before it obtained head way. iXhera in that neigli- * borhood felt seared anil thought | Follow the arrows to Drew Addi- ’ that they would be burned out but (**<*•» from the Poetoflice. they ell managed to eecape after Dollars down and ten dol- putting in several hours etrenuoue • month will eecure you a work fighting fire l*eputv Stale choice lot in Drew Addition. Follow Fire W anlan Aacham aaid he neve« the Armwa. from the Poetofflce. Drew Addition lot» on easy pay saw a fire »weep over the country 1 monte. an (a at. Drew Addition heecity water There ia little damage, however, Drew Addition will be ju»t one dons by ths fire, aa it went over a district which had been bunted block off the street pavement Secure a lot in Drew AdtiUcn ou | over some years ago. the e«ay payment plan now offered .'ja.-i-B tviLja I you. $10 down and $16 » month. I For BeO« I-et ua »how you the nneeld lot«! Oa account of l«aving for the in Drew Addition Now befnrs it i»4 Kqat I ^11 sell my team, rvagoo, too late. RolheW W ataon AgL hatneaa and gravel bed. at a bar gain. Inquire at J. W. Madduz’a office or to W m. Kaaom. l'tliamook. ■I Whizzing out from Tillamook I My I out thia ia grand 1 Gracious, there’» a Jersey ! See the Jersey band ? Isn’t thia delightful ! Glad we’re going bo far— Scooting to Neah-kah-nie In a motor car ! II. Here ia our chauffer— Look» first rate in gray ! Morrison sits beside him, Said he had to work hi» way. See that dirty ‘ Indian With that dirty jar” ? Glad we’re at Miami In a motor car! ; III. CD CD i Ö Say ! just think of Myrtle, Playing her high jink» I Don’t forget Will Harris— They are late me think«. I guess that was Grant, Smoking hie cigar. Now we’re at Nehalem In our motor car ! IV. Say, the car is eliding. Wonder where ’twill stop 2 " All hands to the wheel boye We’re almost to the top.” Makes you feel real creepy Thinking where you are ! Rustling on to kah-nie InEd.’s motor car I V. Now we’ll eat our dinner, Near the Reed Hotel ! My, but we are hungry, As our appetites will tell I Isn’t this delicious ! Glad we came bo far ! Made us all sc hungry, Motoring in a car ! F (D VI. PRESIDENT TAFT John Leland pende^oq Æç ¡Son 215-216, ROOMS TILLAMOOK BLOCK, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. This firm is doing a general land business. The senior member came to Oregon 42 years ago. He is a Lawyer, Surveyor and Abstracter. Thejunior member, Sidney E. Henderson, is a graduate of Oregon University, anti is a Civil Engineer and Surveyor. The Company makes a specialty of the follow ing branches of the Land Business : Law—Abstracts—Surveying and Engineering --Real Estate—Fire Insurance—Farm Loans— Conveyancing. They offer for sale the following choice pro­ perty in Tillamook City and Country. Prices. 1— 35k* acre». All in cultivation. 0V4 miles S.E. of Tilla- mook.................................................................................................. $4,500 2— 160 acres. The . Castle Rock Ranch. 3*a miles S.E. of 7,000 Hebo......... ..................................................................................... 3 80 acre«. Raw land. 30 acres rich bottom. miles S. K. of city....... . ......................................................... ................. 4 — 140 acres, unimproved Apple Land, near Lyle, Wash., at $75 per acre. Will trade. 1,525 5— Two lotsand cottage. 2nd Ave. E.......................................... 3CX) 6— One Lots. E. of Catholic Church. Sightly........................ 700 7— Two Lots. One corner. S.E. of Catholic Church. Sightly. 8— Two Lota. S.E of Catholic Church. Sightly.................... Ort 9— One corner Lot. One Block S.W. High School. Cheap. 750 150 10— 1 Lot at Mohler ............................................................................ It—Part of Marolf Estate. 38jf acres, per acre, $200............. 12— Sightly improved ranch at Netarts Bay .......................... 10,000 13— Fine Timber claim. 160 acres in 3 S of 10 W.................. 2,600 14— The F illett Ranch. '258 acre. Oretown ................ ......... 16.000 15— The Perry Ranch. 30 acres on the Tillamook River. all bottom, with cows............... .. . .................. ................ 10,000 Anti other properties. Some good trades. This firm has taken over the Abstract Books or the Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. and good will and will continue to serve the public. LOW t FARES WEST t Fall Colonist Period Daily Until Oct. Í Oth To PORTLAND and ASTORIA ------ FROM - Chicago Cincinnati - Milwaukee St. IxJUiS ■ New York Detroit - - $38.00 42.85 36.70 374» 55.00 4X00 •ti a 4 (D Whizzing back from ’kah-nie ! My ! but this is grand ! We have no trouble now ! Went light through the sand ! Isn’t this delightful ! Glad we came so far— Scooting from Neah-kah-nie, In a motor car ! AGENTS FOR NORTHERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. Fire on Wilson River. -< 00 o CD c œ 0 c I. St. Paul - Kansas City Omaha - > DesMoines Indianapolis Denver - - ■ - . ■ . $30.00 30.00 30.00 32.63 40.60 30.00 FROM OTHER EASTERN POINTS IN PROPORTION I ell your friends in the East of this opportunity of moving West st low ratee. Direct train service via Rurlington Route. Northern Pacific Sml Great Northern Rys , and the North Bank Road. You can deposit funds with me and west bound tickets will be furnished people in the East. Dtfailt will he furnished on request. A BOOK ABOUT OREGON A fifty page illustrated book describing the districts on the North Hank Road will ba forwarded to you or your friends if you will write w E. Coman. General Freight Agent. Fort I ami. W. E COMAN. Gwi’l Frt & Pass. Agt. P ortland , O rf . Ü OC School Notes. On Tuesday an athletic meeting was held in which football prospects , were talked oyer. Benly Stam was . elected manager, and Verle Stanley, I captain. Prospects for a good j team are brighter this year than was expected, there being several | "huskies" already enrolled and I several more expected next week. On Wednesday a student body i meeting was held in which the fol­ lowing officers were elected: Verne Bain, president ; John Ebinger, vice-president ; Pauline Beal», secretary and treasurer ; and Har­ vey Ebinger, »ergeant-at-arms. It was also decided to go to Bayocean, on Saturday, September 28th, to »pend the day on the beach. After' the student body meeting • the Seniors and Sophomores met I in separate rooms and elected class officers. The Seniors elected the following officers : Benly Stam, president ; John Ebinger, vice-pre­ sident ; Helen Beale, secretary and j treasurer ; and Verle Stanley, Ber- i geant-at arms. The Sophomores officer» are: Verne Bain, president; Howard Lamar, vice-president ; Harriett Gaylord, secretary; Harold Jope, treasurer ; and. Lalan Mad­ dux, sergeant-at-arms. . Tillamook High School opened last Monday in the new school building,with the largest enrollment, in the history of Tillamook High School, seventy-seven beffig the number of students registered. The faculty is composed of the follow­ ing instructors : Mr. Baker, princi­ pal ; Mr. Moore, Mies Smith and Mrs. Hanson. As yet no commer­ cial course teacher has been se­ cured. i Additional to the course of study of past years are German, and a I teachers’ training course, the latter, if completed by a student ia equiva­ lent to three credits toward gradua­ tion. The first day was spent in regis­ tering and arranging the study program, andaseignig lessons, and giving general instructions. 0 4 (D ? tt 0 H) w H 2! 4 c+ P 4 N H* p p. 0 » Ü Byes Tested And Glasses Fitted. I I Cn I am a member of the Optical Association of America and hold : State License. All work correctly I attended to and guaranteed. Prices Reasonable for Firat Claes Work. Can furnish Refer I ences to your satisfaction. How for awhile at Jenkins* Jewelry Store. Addison H. Harris, Optician and Jeweler. If you knew of the real value of Chamberlain’a Liniment for lame back, soretress of the muscle« sprains and rheumatic pains, you would never wish to be without it For sale by all dealers. Prof. Wilaon declares that ma­ chine rule will Le restored in New Jersey if a Democrat named James Smith. Jr., ia nominated in the atate primary for the United States Sen­ ate. Haa it occurred to the pro- fees *r that the opinion of voters on t thia point may be entitled to more weight than bia personal estimate? In hia lengthy remarks on the subject Prof. Wilson introduces “I” and "my** to profusely that he must be training for the iadiapen- sable class. GJ 41 o O a a 25 z Ü o I i I I 4 4 I I I 0) 0 -1 0 d 0 ■o 0 5 cn o (1>