Tillamook Headlight, September 2Ö, 1012. bay port wins CAS«, the said $7,000.00 from the said de­ fendant she deposited the same in uome bank in the name of a trustee, intending thereby to place the said funds beyond the jurisdiction of the court and to defeat any attempt of your petitioner to recover any part of the said attorney’s fees from the said funds.” The petitioner is able, willingand ready to prosecute the case, and prays that he may be allowed to proceed with the trial of the said suit in plaintiff’s name iu case plaintiff should, make application for a dismissal thereof for the pur­ pose of determining the value of the attorney’s fee. SAYS PERKINS HAS HOPES OF PROFITS. and byways of life and out of a OHN L. HENDERSON thousand plain people, you will not find five who use the bandana hand judge Kelly Rendered a kerchief. Decision. Harlan Explains Why Finan- a But it is on a par with all the pre- ATTORNEY A COUNSEL-1 | tense of the Bull Moose propaganda. The friendly suit brought by Geo. cier ~ Is Grubstaking I Even Roosevelt does not dare to LOH-AT-LAW, *r Watt airainst the Port of Bay City I wave his real red flag of anarchy, Roosevelt. was tried out on Thursday of last J and he thinks you will be too blind Tillamook Block, Tillatnook,Or Colonel Roosevelt is having a to see its menacing significance, w^rk before Judge Kelly of the Room No. 261. hard time, and the speakers who disguised as a bandana handker­ Circuit Court, and he rendered a followed him in hie Western tour chief. But the significance is there, decision in favor of the Port. ft signifies anarchy and dietruction have been pouring hot shot into the of every institution that we hold T. BOTTS, Dolph Mallory, Simon A Gearin, ex-President and the Bull Moose dear. And his platform is built on of Portland, were the attorneys for A ttornky - at -L aw . party. Following is an account of just the same principle that he has the port and Attorney H. T. Botts painted his flag. To catch what he Complete set of Abstract Books some of the Republican meetings : represented Mr. Witt. can of the sober Republican vote Charging that George W. Perkins he has written Republican planks n offica. Taxes paid for non­ The only evidence taken was that is grubstaking Roosevelt’s cam­ into it. But the real essence of his the territory embraced in the Port of paign in the hope of profits to platform, hie real basic and funda­ Residents. Hay City did not overlap and take come, John M. Harlan, of Chicago, mental principles, he has stolen in territory which was in the water Bull Mice Hold Convention. and J. Adam Bede, of Minnesota, from the Socialists Tillamook Block. addressed two enthusiastic Taft ral­ elied of the Nehalem river. If you are Republicans and be­ lies in Ariwna, in the wake of lieve in RcpuullVBU Both phone«. (The Spectator). Republican principle principles or of q O?>8T e 1 8 JOur H,ro“lrii that state, the Bull Moose platform be honest Really, it seems as if the Bull Mouse Both brought out big crowds — • ............................ - . TO ANNEX MORE TER­ convention at Salem met, nominated crowds and and vote the Republican ticket, vote cheers greeted the Taft “ speakei —‘•era at for President Taft. RITORY. itB ticket and adjourned wholly for every telling point. I If you are Socialist and believe in CARL HABERLACH, Let us show you^our Mr. Harlan labeled the Bull Moose Socialistic doctrines that Roosevelt my amusement. Anyway, if that special display of.attrac- Port of Bay City Gobbling was not its chief end, no one knows party the polly wog Progressives, has put into his platform, be honest tive new styles We art whose idea of progress is perpetual and vote the Socialistic ticket and ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Everything in Sight. , what it could have been. motion Mr Bede told of the dis­ for Eugene V, Debs, perfectly equipped for Imagine that crowd of progres­ appointment which the coolness of making group pictures If you are really anarchistic, if Another petition has been filed Tillamook Block sives who nearly kicked in the roof the Roosevelt meetings everywhere your flag is the red flag that sym­ and will please ’you with nnex with the County Court to a on the colonel’s trail has brought bolizes destruction. If you want to the quality offour work. more territory to the Port of Bay of the world when they heard that to the B u H Mooser I undermine the courts and destroy the Republicans would hold an as­ 1 he Republican leaders from Tuc- this government framed by the City. This ie the third time that sembly gathering in old-fashioned son and Phoenix met the Taft fathers and under which we have Ç^EORGE WILLETT, add petitions have been filed to speakers at .laricopa and declared prospered, then you can be honest more territory to that Port- It is convention. Surely Senator George that the meetings would be the and vote honestly for Roosevelt and W. Joseph, with his fine sense of was opening guns of a big fight to cap- anarchy and .... A t rouNKY- at -L aw . on y recently that a petition the bandana ... haudker chief. filed and a special election held to humor, must have burst hie Bleeve ture Arizona. “George W. Perkins,’’ said Mr [ annex part of the territory which with laughing in it when he heard Harlan, “ is grubstaking Theo -I Commandments Just Discovered. Tillamook Commercial Bnildiug. himself address “ Mr. Presidentand formerly belonged to the Port of dore Roosevelt in this fight be-1 “Col. Roosevelt,” declared Mr. T illamook O regon . Tillamook, and the petition now gentlemen of the convention.” If I cause he expects to share in the Bede, ‘‘says when the Archbolds presented takes in the other part of am not in error, it was the horror of profits later. He is helping to pay! are against him the people should Roosevelt’s expenses now, because But he took Archbold’s that territory, although the linee the essembly that drove some of he knows that if Roosevelt should be for him. „, money when he could get it, and ie these progressive patriots out of T. B0AL8, M.D., are run in such a way to leave out happen to be elected later there will campaign funds from the Republican party and into the be a division of profits. a certain strip of territory where law breaking corporaiions now. Has Helped Perkins Before. “The colonel shouts for publicity, there are voters. It seems to be the Bull Mouse herd; that, and the fail­ "1 It is not the first time that but refuses to tell the people where PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, objeet of the Port of Bay City to ure of the assembly to reward their ——- iv i ,.. i ..„. i ... he got the millions that were spent gobble up most of the territory in diligence in office-seeking with George W. Perkins has helped to in liis primary campaign this year.” TILLAMOOK. grubstake Roosevelt in a political ’ anything more tangible than a eight All of the territory now pro­ He continued: campaign in the hope of repay­ : “ scattering ” vote. To day he is at Armageddon bat­ posed to be annexed to the Port of ment. He contributed $50,000 of the Tillamook Block. Among the candidates nominat- moneys of widows and orphans in­ tling for the Lord, but in 1904 he Bay City ie in Fairview precinct was soliciting campaign slush to the New York Life In­ and embraces six sections in town­ , ed by the Bull Mouse convention trusted surance Company into Roosevelt's funds, and when Mr. Bryan urged ship 2 south, range 6 West; all of were A E. Clarke (who was pistoled campaign fund And Roosevelt gave publicity before election the colonel M. KER RON, township 2 South, range 7 West; into fame when he was shot in the the steel trust, of which Perkins is a threw a fit of scorn at theComuioner. It would not have looked well in arm and portfolio) for United States director, a license to violate the law seventeen sections in township 2 by absorbing its only formidable print to say that $125,000 was re­ South, range 8 West; and twelve Senator ! Nine-foot-bedsheet Dan rival, and then he halted a suit ceived from the Standard Oil and PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Kellaher, for elector; Ben Kennedy sections in township 1 south, range against Mr. Perkins’ harvester trust. ail additional $150,000 refused by Tillamook Block, for secretary of state; and George Who says grubstaking such a cau Archbold. 8 West. ________________ Of course such things were per­ W. Joseph for justice of the supreme didate is not profitable r Every fectly right eight years ago, before Oregon. Tillamook, court. Senator Joseph is the only time Perkins has contributed to the ten commandments were dis­ THE HADLEY CASE. Roosevelt’s campaign he has called one of the candidates who takes the upon Theodore Roosevelt later to covered, but now we have no cloak Attorney Nolan Claims There nomination seriously; and he de deliver the goods, and Roosevelt to cover our sins. The colonel is C. HAWK, *8 Collusion to Defraud Him. i clines to run. It has been sug- has delivered the goods. Perkins very anxious for the welfare of chil­ but it was Taft who urged ' gested that Seneca Fouts should has demanded that Roosevelt do dren, Attorney Oak Nolan has filed a I take Senator Joseph’s place on the something he had no right to do, and signed the law fora Children’s to violate a statute of the United Bureau, this starting the social ser jetition in the Circuit Court in the ticket. State, and Roosevelt has obeyed.” vice work for the Federal Govern­ PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. Jtelia Hadley vs. C. E. Hadley et “ The Roosevelt idea of progress,” ment. It need not be said that in holding The colonel says he doesn’t believe il case, which was settled out of a real convention of the old-time declared Mr. Harlan, “ is perpetual in the Republican policy of protec­ ourt and the plaintiff given $7,000. sort the progressives have violated motion. It gives no heed in which tion, BAY CITY, OREGON. and he was eight years in the Attorney Nolan claims that Mrs. the spirit and letter of the Oregon direction it is moving or whether it White House without anybody be­ ie right or wrong, just so it keeps with the problem of buying Harness, Jtelia Hadley employed him to system which they praise so highly, in motion. The Republican party ing able to find out what tariff pol­ you will find it distinctly advanta­ icies he does believe in. Infall that I iroaecute the case, giving him full and dodge so completely. To sug­ is your truly progressive party be­ R. BEAUS, time he never recommended tariff geous to come and do your select lower and authority. He claims gest anything about ethics to a cause it sees to it that its progress revision to the American Congress. is in the right direction. ing here You will get the last hat he did considerable work and “party” that tolerates the political “ But your pollywog progressive, I qualities, the most thorough and REAL ESTATE, rcurred about $500.00 of expenses, trickery of Dan Kellaher would be your Bull Moose Progressive gives,' When to Marry. conscientious workmanship, and be little heed to the direction. All he ill of which the plaintiff promised useless; let us avoid the subject. charged the most reasonable p ices. F inancial A oknt , wants to do is to keep incessantly o pay, of that amount $180.00 was Perhaps the most interesting con­ From the character of the men who in motion. If he can but catch the We can supply single or do" !a laid, and in this connection the controlled the Bull Moose conven eyes of the onlookers he cares little tribution to the discussions at the Tillamook, Oregon. Sets or any single article that y n ittorney say : tion—who rejected Jonathan Bourne if, after a period of moat intense Eugenics Congress, recently held in may be in need of. "The defendant C. E. Hadley made and Fred Mulkey for A. E. Clark— activity, he finds himself just where London, was provided by an Italian i vicious and brutal assault upon he started.” professor, who dealt with eugenics H. GOYNE, 'our petitioner and threatened to the people of Oregon may form an Nothing but Gloom. Says Bede. in its most liberal and proper sense. till your petitioner because your opinion as to what class of politic­ “Everywhere we have been on the Nrit Door to Tillamook Conntv Bark. His conclusions pointed tJ the letitioner was employed as the ians are following Colonel Roose­ trail of the Bull Moose,” declared desirability of marriages between ilaintiff’s attorney herein. The A ttorney - at -L aw . Mr. Bede, “we have found gloom acts in regard to the said assault velt in the East. The inspiration in the herd. In Oregon, Idaho, persons nearer thirty than twenty las been reduced to writing and of the third-term party was Roose­ L’tah, Nevada and even California, Office : Opposite Court House. rill be presented to the Court upon velt’s lust for office; behind him there is growing despair and frank or forty. The children of young parents are more prone to theft, he hearing of this petition.” waddle all the political lame ducks admission that the third party T illamook , O rkoon . No part of the attorney s fee haB in the country. movement is a dismal failure. The those of old parents tend to be guil­ people of the West begin to see that ty of high intelligence but bad con­ iver been paid, and that plaintiff ind all the defendants fail, neglect Men and Measures of Republicaism. if it is a penal offense to steal a duct; those of elderly parents of low cattle brand or log mark, it is far intelligence and good conduct. ind refuse to pay the same or any J~^R. P. J. SHARP, more criminal to steal the good The Missouri Republican plat­ name of a great party as it is being Obviously the golden medium in lart thereof. “When the said suit was coin- form is eaid to reflect the views of attempted by the Bull Moosers in morals as well as brains is to be RESIDENT DENTIST, tieneed, a restraining order was John <.* McKinley, the Republican Kansas, California’and other states sought after. Heredity, in fact, uly issued by the Court and served candidate for governor, who was where they are striving to put the played a large partin the reductions Bull Moose brand on the Republi­ Office across the street froir th» ipon the defendant, C. E. Hadley, , of the scientists present, a larger ’herein and whereby the said de- ■ chairman ofthe Platform Commitee. can elephant Men who would do Court House. If this is a correct statement, as it such a dastardly deed are being part than is usually assigned to it. indant was restrained and en- '------------------------------------------- . lined from in any wise incumber- j probably is, the state is to be con- justly branded as a band of thieves, Long life, for instance, can be Dr. Wise’s office. >g or conveying any of the real gratulated upon having such a and the tin soldier who was not transmitted, and it has recently within cannon range of San Juan roperty described in the complaint ' been proved in Germany that meri­ inding the final nearing thereof.” I1 clear-headed man as Mr. McKinley Hill is properly proclaimed their torious caligraphy and reading among the candidates running for leader and exemplar. The petitioner states that a re­ A 8 ARCHET, “The plain people are saying may be handed down from parent iver was appointed, that the ea­ governor this year. The platform ‘thou ehalt steal’ when beaten in a to offspring, and that a grandmoth­ . The Fashionable Tailor sounds no uncertain note in its te was worth $85,000.00, and that convention of your fellows, thou er with a good, school record is like­ ie restraining order remain in full declaration of the basic principles shall not squeal. “The Colonel claims he is much ly to have grandchildren follow in C>*auing, dressing and Repai In the tariff rce and effort. On the 11th Sep- of Republicanism. like Lincoln. He says Lincoln was her footsteps. plank Missouri Republicans are mber the petitioner filed a lien called a radical himself. But only ing a Specialty. [ainat the property for attorney’s strongly reminded of their ancient copperheads and slave owners said party faith, and aroused to the that of Lincoln. Radical Republi ­ es out of the property, and that: S» w io Heins Photographic called him a reactionary and “ The plaintiff, together with the necessity of asserting it this year cans e defendants C. E. Hadley, D. J. against a Democracy which ie en­ tried to destroy him in 1864, just as Gallery adley and Maud Sharp entered tering a campaign more hopefully the red-rag bunch are trying to destroy Taft to-day, and they This great institution opens its to a collusion and conspired to- than it has entered any since last brought out a third candidate for doors fo- the fall eemeeter on Sep tther to cheat and defraud your purpose. But they failed ju«t teinber 26th. J. CLAUSSEN Courses of instruc­ ttitiouer out of the whole of the ft had the chance of showing what that lid attorney's fees, and to cheat op0beition to the Republican doc­ as the bandana third termers will tion include General Agriculture, LAWYER, in November. Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, id defraud the said administrator trine of protection can do for the fail “ Even when Lincoln lay dead in Dairy Husbandry, Bacteriology, it ef the fee which might be due country. Ever since that showing the little house on Tenth street in Botany and Plant Pathology, Pimi Çeutecher1 ÎlbvaHi**. allowed him by law for adminis- nng upon the estate of C. E. it has been in a minority, but now Washington a distinguished senator try Huebandry, Horticulture, En­ of his own party said, with an oath, ““ley, deceased, and to cheat and hopes, through Republican schism, ‘Now we can do something,’ mean­ tomology Veterinary Science. Civil ai3 Tillamook Block, Engineering. Electrical Engineer­ ffraud the said administrator's to make the minority a plurality. ing that Johnson would be more ing, Mechanics! Engineering, Mi- torney out of any fee which might “Proud of these prosperous times radical. O rcoom . T illamook radical. It was Lincoln’s conser­ ring Engineering. Highway Engi­ i d fraudulent collusion and con- the platform, “we reaffirm our faith He was not of the Bull macy, Zoology, Chemistry, Physic, E. REEDY, D.V.M., 'iracy, the said parties made some in, and pledge anew our fealty to, forever. I-- He never threw a Mathematics, English Iainguage ttlement out of Court of all the the principles anb policies of Re­ Moose type. He was a and Literature, Public Speaking, friend or told a lie. after« and things which are in- ___ - i *• He Modern Language«, History, Art, VETERINARY jved in this exit, except for the publicanism as enunciated in our builder and not a destroyer. *d attorney’s fee and the fees of national and state administrations. bound up the nation’s wounds and Architecture, Industrial Pedagogy, Physical Education, Military Science loved mankind. ” (Both Phone«). f said administrator and the fees We unqualifiedly indorse and ap­ and Tactics, and Mnsi^ Roosevelt and Red Flag. * the attorney for the said prove our national ticket headed by Catalogue and illustrated itera- Orcgor. •*- In pursuance of the said Mr. Harlan said, in part: ture mailed free on application. Ad­ Tillamook ttlement the defendant C E William H. Taft, and the statt ticket C. E I know nothing more typical of dress : Registrar, Oregon Agricul ­ '“ley took and conveyed a large headed by John C. McKinley, to­ the whole Rooaevelt propaganda College. CorvsUi«, (»regon. r,'?n of the real property covered gether with the other state, congres­ than the red flag that lie flies at the tural What They Will De hi Yw School Year Opens Sept 20th the said restraining order and sional, district and county candi­ masthead of his party ship. Not t luse« to account for the said pro- They will cure your backache, even the black flag of piracy con- You awake with a mean, naafr I rty. Your (»etition has no know- dates.” Land for Sale in it more deadly menace to taste in the mouth, which reminds »trengthan your kidneys, car. This is an admirable expression tains >ge or information sufficient to American institutions than the red m a belief as to the amount of of the idea of popular government, flag of anarchy, which he flaunts you that your stomach is in a bad rect urinary irregularities, buiìé ‘AJO acre« of tine unimproved land condition. It should also remiM >ney used in the «aid settlement, through party government, in its from the masthead in the place of nine mile« from «p the worn out tieeues, au4 for tale, about tV aUr Petitioner alleges that the the stare and atrip« about 3J acres you that there is nothing so good Tillamook City, Hadley paid the setting out of the central party eliminate the excasa uric sete He insults the people of the nation i cultivation with for a disordered stomach as intff $7000.00 out of «aid funds, doctrine, in devotion to and sup­ by calling it a bandana handerchief could l»e put in Plenty of water, email expcnee. ... . . Chamberlain’s Stoma, h and Liv«-r that causee rheumatism. Fra- " S «? D i Hadley $500.00 and port of which Republicans have al­ and pretending that it symbolizes vine maple, alder er and crab < rab apple. apple t .M-». “d Sharp $*U 00 In addition to ways acted, and which are now era- K vent Bright’s Disease so4 Die. the great plain people of whom Electrical eurvey through the place. place, i 1 aoiexs. money which was paid to the -------- >-l They I hm U < w tU syrt item, will natu.-w Lincoln eaid that God muet hove bates, and restors health an4 —J. S. Stephen«, Room No. 16. Com. d parties, the defendant, C. K. bodied in Mr. Taft, a candidate for rofwiitiaMM. aad ar« •• loved them, for he mode eo many la ■«« t ar« aataraJ cos4> - made, executed and deliver- re-election on a record of admin­ of them Hut there ie nothing in mercial Building Bafuae substitutoe M tlMtractMMi that ow« harJh^reai- otrenftb. “»»eyance. for a large portion istration which commend» itself to common between Also House to Rent and Furniture ________ the bandana *“ld. re“1 Property to Maud public intelligence for cleanness handkerchief and the plain people, for Sate Durg Store • ar« «aid » u rywbara. Pries 25«. feJUDAR’S D- )■ Hadley. Im j You can go out in the highways •Ji.tely after plaintiff received and progressiveness. H Now is the time to have that group picture made Monk ’s Studio IRON by Electricity Every Wednesday Afternoon W.A, Williams*Co All Grocers Sell Tillamook Baker’s Bread 6 LOAVES FOR a Quarter I Oregon Agricultural College. J I A Morning Reminder. Foley’s Kidney Pills