T'illamoolc Headlight, September 26, 1012 PILED IN THE PILLS. STORIES OF BRET HARTL « Si Samuel Jessup Swallowed 226,934 In His Dislike of Social Duties and Moro Twenty Years. • Literary Friendships. People were greatly addicted to pat­ Mr. Moncure Conway In his autobi­ A Friend of the Mississippi Pilots ent medicines 100 years ago, and a ography gives an amusing reminis­ case that was tried In 1817 In Eng cence of Bret Harte's proneness to In the Old Days. land gives some Idea of tbe pill taking escape from what are known as "so­ proclivities of the time. An apothecary cial duties." Mrs. Conway "received" one Samuel Jessup for payment on Monday afternoons, and Bret Harte queer little lightships sued of a long standing account The bill had told ber that be would be present extended to fifty-five closely written on a aprtlcular Monday, but he failed They Ware Floated and Anchored In columns and showed that In twenty to appear, much to the regret of some ■ ■ the Channel of th« River on Dark years be took 226,934 pills, beginning persons who had been invited for the Nights and Show«d th« Navigator on I with the modest number of twenty- occasion. “When, chancing to meet nine a day and advancing by easy him," writes Mrs. Conway. "I alluded Down Trips Wh«r« R««fe Wer« Not. * stages to a dally consumption of sev­ to the disappointment He asked for­ In the old steamboat days on the i enty-eight During tbe same period he giveness and said, ‘I will come next Mississippi, before th« government had I consumed 40.000 bottles of mixtures, Monday, even though I promise.”' undertaken the dujy of marking and besides juleps, electuaries and other He had a constant dread that his lighting tbe "crossing»” where the I Infallible specifics. The apothecary friendship or acquaintance would be channel swing« over from one b«nk to i won the day, but Jessup died soon sought on account of his writings th« other, the river pilots had to devise afterward at the age of sixty-five, no rather than for himself. A lady who their own means of finding their way doubt from stopping the medicine. sat next him at dinner without learn­ In the advertisement of their wares ing his name afterward remarked. “1 through these difficult and dangerous K Oils. Paint, Doors. Window the eighteenth century quack medicine bare always longed to meet him, and places. proprietors were quite as resourceful In the daytime it was not hard to do, I would have been so different had I Sashas. and on moonlight nights the landmarks, as the modern representatives of their only known who my neighbor was." Newberry, the proprietor of This, unfortunately, being repeated to which every pilot knew by heart, could craft be seen plainly enough to make tbe “Dr. James' Powders," was a pub Bret Harte, he exclaimed: “Now, why EJI crossing possible. But there were Usher and managed to make one can't a woman realize that this sort branch of his business help the other many nights so dark or foggy that the Agents Western Saw. of thing Is Insulting? * * ♦ If Mrs. shore marks -were not visible; then the by Inducing bls authors—Including B. talked with me and found me un­ Goldsmith—to scatter references to the interesting as a man. how could she reefs had to be “candled.’’ to Candling was resorted to only on the powders throughout tbe pages of their expect to find me Interesting because down trip. Going up the river the pilot I books. I was an author?"—Henry Childs Mer The Merchants might "feel" of the re«f with his bdht. Thus, In “Goody Two Shoes," tbe win’B "Life of Bret Harte.” and if he did not find the best water heroine's father "perished miserably" the first time he could back off and try because so unfortunate as to be "seis­ CURIOUS insurance again a little to one side or the other, ed with a fever in a place where Dr. wherever the soundings showed the James’ powder was not to be had ”— Soma of the Queer Rieke Taken by the Chicago News. deepest water to be. Brokers at Lloyd's, In going down tbe river, however, They will take any risk at Lloyd’s In that was impossible. The pilot had to London. It should be understood that prickly pears find the channel the first time, for if this great corporation has nothing to the boat struck the ourrent would drive Eat Them as Indiana Do If You Lika do with it. but that the brokers Issue her hard on the reef or else awing her Their Peculiar Flavor. for all stomach troubles—indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, bad policies as Individuals. Here are u broadside on the bar and in ten min-> Nobody but an Indian knows bow to few specimens of risks actually in breath,sick headache,torpid liver, biliousness and habitual constipation. Pleasant to take utes Imbed her in the very midst of it eat a prickly pear. The fruit grows sored: with tons of drifting sand. The uncle of a rich heiress took out To guard against such a disaster on the edge of a thick green leaf and bristles with myriads of closely set a policy for 10.000 guineas against ber when nearing Pig’s Eye. Beef Slough eloping with a certain man before n or Tretnpeleau bars—or any one of a thorns, sharp as needles and fine as specified date. He paid 1.000 guineas hairs. Though they cannot be seen dozen bare of equal difficulty—on a According to Omar. treatment of chronic diseases and premium, and the girl did not elope, ao dark or hazy night the pilot stopped with the naked eye, they can certainly so grout anil wonderfel huve been the broker was in 1.000 guineas. be felt, as any one who baa tried tbe the boat at the head of the reef. With A young man sued by a girl for dam their results thut in many cnees it News Item—A Massachusetts Jud- two men to row, a mate or watchman usual method of picking them with a ages for breach of promise to marry ge^has rendered a decision to the is hard indeed to find the dividing to steer, a “cub” pilot to manipulate pocket handkerchief can testify. The TO paid 800 guineas for a policy covering line between skill and miracle. effect that husbands are responsi­ the "candle buoys" and an older pilot fine thorns penetrate the fingers, and any amount of money the jury might Discuses of the stomach, intestines to take soundings, tbe yswl-was low- tbe flesh swells, festers, becomes In­ ble for the disorderly conduct of award to the plaintiff. It gave ber liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart, sple­ «red and permitted to drop down the flamed and, X neglected, often de £700, so tbe broker made more than their wives. velops Into a serious case of blood channel below the steamboat en, kidneys, orbludder, rheumatism A learned judge has handed.’down £100 profit After the pilot had determined the poisoning. sciatica, diabetes, tied wetting, leg A rule so wondrous wise, A cablegram arrived at tbe office of a When an Indian wants to eat it be best course by taktng soundings the ulcers, weak lungs and thoue shipowner stating that one of bls That wedded man must mind his qs ASSOCIATED SPECIALISTS, cuts a small stick, sharpens it and "cub," under his direction, anchored And likewise, mind his eyes. afflicted with long-standing, deep- steamers was on the rocks In a dan throats the point Into the ripe fruit two, three or even four of the candle WILL BE AT THE seated chronic diseases, that have gerous place. Tbe owner took out a Hie wife may pounch him in the Jaw- buoys, one after the other, in tbe cen­ Bllclng off the pear with a sharp knife policy for £5.500, to be paid to him If phy- May make him hop and yell— TODD - HOTEL, baffled the skill of the family ter of the channel, and then the men and holding it on the stick, be peels it tbe ship were lost. Be paid for this a She's acting quite within the law; sician,should not fail to csll. let the yawl drop down below the reef, taking care to avoid touching the rind premium of £5,000. The ship was “Tie he’s responsible. -Satire. According to their system no where it lay a little outside the chan­ with hla finger«. He drops the peel on saved, so he lost the money.—New SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 th , the ground to the bitter sorrow of any more operations for appendicitis, nel. Then one of the men swung a York World. AND WILL REMAIN gall stones, tumors, goiter or cer­ lantern—a signal at which the pilot on barefoot boy who happens to step Mr. Bryan is now on the trail of watch came ahead, steering for the on It tain forms of cancer. They were the Teddy-bear, and at last reports The English King. A liking for cactus fruit may ba ac­ tiny lighthouses and running over among the first in America to earn from Colorado was finding fresh Tbe king of England lias no legisla ­ them, one by one, until the reef was quired, like the taate for olives, but the name of "Bloodless Surgeons,” tive veto. He must sign his own tracks and a hoi trail It is not likely to rival the cantaloupe passed. by doing away with knife, with death warrant If tbe two houses uuan Japan’s code of honor’culminates The candle buoy was made of a piece or even the humble grapefruit tn popu­ Remarkable Success of These Tai blood nnd with nil pain in the suc­ tmously send It to him. It Is a fiction of two Inch light pine plank, beveled lar favor. It resembles cracked wal­ in'fsuicide, which ¡«’[even f. worse of the past to ascribe to blui legisla­ cessful treatment of these danger­ ented Physicians in the Treat for four Inches at the “bow" tn order nut ehells moistened with water, mix­ than the duel'o. It is cleat that ad­ tive power. He has long ceaBed to ous disenses. to prevent its “diving" as the current ed with sawduat and cork and eprin- ment of Chronic Diseases have any. Tbe prime minister Is tbe vancing civilization discards both. If you have kidney or I >1 miller pressed against it A tin “sconce” kled with brown sugar, a little lemon If Prof Wilson is ashamed of chief executive of the British constitu­ troubles bring u two ounce bottle of with three legs, three or four Inches juice and a dash of quinine. Any one who tastes It once Is satisfied to let tion. The king has tbe right to be Tammany and its works what is he OFEER THEIR SERVICES FREE your urine for chemical uniilysis long, was tacked down to the plank. Half of a common candle was placed the Indian gather the entire crop — consulted, tbe right to eucourage. the doing in the Democratic party as it und microscopic exainiration. right to warn, provided he can find has been conducted for many years? OF CHARGE New York Press. in each sconce, and after being lighted Deafness often hue been cured in anybody that wants to consult him or an oiled paper chimney, with a base It is announced that Mr. Bryan sixty days. anybody that cares to be encouraged corresponding to that of the candle­ Bulow’s Wonderful Memory. will coniine his speeches during No limiter what your ailment may Tbe Associated Specialists, li­ stick, was placed over the light to pro­ Bulow bad a wonderful memory, as by him or anybody that will stop to the next two weekB to live far west­ be, no matter what others may have be warned. In other wonts, the king tect ft from the. wind. The outer ends was evidenced by his astonishing feat ern states. The point seems to be censed by the state of Oregon for told you, no mutter what experience of the tin "legs" of the sconce were of memorizing Kiel's concerto, which la a “figurehead," or, as It has been that he might be a party disadvant­ the treatment of deformities and ull you muy have had with other physi­ turned back ovqr the base of the paper the man who wrote It coaid not accom­ more respectfully expressed, lie la the nervous and chronic diseases of cians, it will be to your advantage "ornamental ” rather than tbe "use ­ age in other sections. chimney to hold It in place, and the pany wtthont notes. His accuracy was men, women and children,offer to to see to them at once. Have it ful ” part of the British constitution. — Bumper crops and unprecedent­ buoy was ready for launching. almost infallible. He was once rehears­ all who call on this trip, consultation forever settled in your mind. If New York American. A bole was bored about six inches ing a composition of Liszt's for orches­ ed prosperity are the rule this year. examination,advice free,making no your case is incurable they will give from tbe end of the plank. Through tra in that composer’s presence without The condition is quite different from charge whatever except the actual you such advice ns limy relieve und Earthquakes. the hole a small cord some ten or notes. Liszt interrupted to say that a that inherited by the Republican cost of medicine. All that is asked stay the disease, Do not put off Tbe worst shaken countries of the twelve feet in length was rove and certain note abould have been played party from the last Cleveland ad­ in return for these valuable services this duty you owe yourself or friends knotted, and to this cord a lump of piano. “No," replied Bulow; “it la world are Italy, Japan, Greece. South ministration. is that every person treated will or relatives who are suffering be­ coal weighing perhaps ten pounds sforzando.” “Look and see." persisted America, Java, Sicily and Asia Minor. was tied. This served es an anchor the composer. Tbe score was pro­ Tbe lands moat free from earthquakes Physicians and surgeons who had e>ate the result obtained to their cause of your sickness, as ii visit to hold the buoy in its place In tbs cen­ duced. Bulow was right. How every­ are Africa, Australia. Russia. Siberia. Morse released are said to be great­ friends and thus prove to the sick this time may help you. ter of the channel. body did applaud! in the excitement Scandinavia and Canada. Aa a rule, ly puzzled over the fact of bis eud and afflicted in every city and Remember, this free offer is for where earthquakes are most frequent 8ueh was the procedure fifty years one of tbe brass wind players lost his den recovery and appearance in locality, that at last treatments have one day only. ago or more. Since tbe government place. "Look for a h flat tn your part.” they are also the most severe. But Wall street. But it is entirely pos­ been discovered ’hat are reasonably Married ladies innat con e with boats began petrolling the river and said Bulow, atill without his notes to thia general statement there are ex­ sible that some of them have better sure and certain in their effect. their huabunds nini minora with establishing permanent lights at all “Fire measures farther on 1 wish to ceptions. Indian shocks, though less These doctors are considered by their parents. numerous, being often very disastrous. ways of solving the puzzle thanjany bad crossings it la seldom necessary begin " many former patients among Amer­ Loss of life, however, In msny esses, layman can ever.hope to get. for the pilots to go out tn a sounding Office at Todd Hotel. Hours 10 depends on density of population rath­ ica’s leading stomach and nerve boat, although It 1» not an unheard of Rushing Things. Judge K. P. Rockwell, of Michi­ a. tn. io Bp. ni proceeding eten now The young man breezed Into tbs old er than on the intensity of the earth gan, says the ' 'Bull Moose” strength specialists and are experts in the movement—New York American. But tbe candle buoy la a thing of the man's library. in Michigan is tepidly dissipating. Past. Probably there are scores of “I met your daughter," he announc­ Speaking of the recent state prim present day pilots who never even ed. “at a Fifth avenne reception. 1 Hsr Sscrst Sorrow. THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL heard of the makeshift little lightships want to marry her next Friday after “Mrs. Whiffley Impresses me ss one a rie», he said: “The Roosevelt fol­ that tbelr puzzled predecessors were noon st 8 SO. She's willing.” who bad something la ber past life to lowers hail fo authorize officially offers FREE, with the exception of cost of txistage on papers ami cost of wont to launch amid the darkness and The old man turned to bls card In make ber unhappy. I Dever can look at as to the number of ballots to be the University Extention Bulletin, to CITIZENS OF OREGON, forty doubt of former yeara.—Youth's Com­ dex. her without feeling that she la the printed for Oakland County. They UNIVERSITY COURSES by MAIL. Ability to profit by the courses se­ panion. bearer of a secret sorrow of some said they wanted “Which daughter?" he asked. and that lected is the only requirement for «nrollment in the Correspondence de- Eirtment. Courses are offered in the department of Botany. Debating, “It’s Miss Ethel." kind.“ number was printed. They had a conomics, Education, Electricity, English Literature, English Compo­ “All right" said tbe old man. "Make A Title as Long ao a Preface. "Well, she Is. She told me once that full county ticket in the field and sition, History, Mathematics, Mechanical Drawing, Physical Education, Many old pamphlets are distinguish­ ft 4 JO and I'll attend tbe wedding. I she coaid never be quite happy again they polled exactly 190 votea. In Physics, Physiology, Psychology, Sociology, and Surveying Write to the 'd by titles as long as prefaces The hare an engagement at tb« other because she used to be tbe wife of a Secretary of the Correspondence School, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oakland County certainly, and I be­ author of odo , published In 164«. erl- boor." man who later married another woman for information and catalogue. lieve generally through the country, deutly did not share In the modern ed­ It was so ordered. This Is a snappy with whom be appeared to be living In Courses in residence at the University prepare for the Professions of the Roosevelt movement ia 'all cry itor's enthusiasm for short title head­ age.—Pittsburgh Post a state of bliss.”—Chicago Record Her- Engineering, Journalism, I.sw Medicine, and Teaching. Fall semester and little wool. ’ It has more noise opens Tuesday, Sept. 17. Address the Register for cntalogues descriptive ings, for tbla la the name nnder which aM. of the College of Engineering, th» College of Liberal Arte, the schools of than strength” hla publication was ushered Into tbs An Object Lessen. Education, Commerce, Law, Medicine, awl Music. world; "Scotia nils publick Acknowl­ Th« lnh«ritanc« Tax. “Johnny." said Mrs. Bobbs severely. By a recent act of Congress, all edgement of Goda Just Judgment upon “I am going to punish yon. Please "Pa. what Is an lnberiUnca tax7" their Nation for their Frequent Breach open tbe windows." "Aa inheritance tax. my boy. Is ths newspapers, magazines and periodi­ Faith League« and Solemn« Oathee “What for?“ said Johnny, beginning crowd of promoters, real estate agents cal« are required to file with the ®«de to ’heir Neighbours of England to cry. and mining stock sharks that take up a postmaster-general the first of April tn former ages, to »ratine thetr Treach- “1 heard onr next door neighbor say man's tinw just aa soon as they learn and October of each year the names •roue Confederates of France."_!x»n- that I bad no autMvrtty over you, and 1 that be has fallen heir to a litri« of the editor, managing editor, dos Globe want her to bear you getting e spank­ ■•«•y'—Detroit Free Press. publisher, business manager and ing. Come here, air!"—Toledo Blade. owners. If a corporation, the It Would Come. Rome’s Triumphal Crewe. name* of all stockholders bond­ Tf Uk« to go sway for th« rest of holders and mortage»* must lie bought here sod thus insure per­ The triumphal 'crown of Rome was Dlfforowt. ®auy poorer and then be more, all editorial and other read Self Taught. ing matter for which money has continually paying for repairs. Irate Fa the’-HI teach yvra t" kiss been accepted, must 1« labelled Th« l>«st is always the cheapest. tny daughter’ Toting Msa —Not oece*- "advertising." For failure to do ssry. Mr I have juat learned.—Loodou so, a penalty of from IfiO to can Tit Bits tie assessed. This measure is the direct result of the recent demands try to be sensible Let ” for newspaper regulations. good narored Lit ee try to >h*>ttrtt* reduced to psa t t k a 6 DAIRYMEN’S SUPPLIES HEADQUARTERS FOR AND STEEL STOVES & RANCES . 2- 1 We carry a Larue Stock of HardwarA, 8 Tinware, Glass and China, Varnish, § I for the Great ALEX McNAIR CO Most Reliable in Tillamook County. . . LAMAR’S DRUG STORE COMING TILLAMOOK ONE DAY ONLY Build your house from lumber A. G. Beals Lumber Company great acta.—Haxlttt. .baríes Dickses. f . -— . —. .. a— -