illowk llcaòliflbt 4 TILLAMOOK, OREGON, SEPTERBER 26, 191«, 4 The meeting called to organize a Tillamook County Development League will be called to order on Wednesday morning at 10.30 at the club rooms. There will be a busi- ness men’s lunch that day. The faculty of the Tillamook High School is complete with the' expection of a business and man­ ual teacher. The Board had en­ gaged a person for that position but he went back on them. The Masons are making arrrange- ments to build their Masonic Tem­ ple right away, which will greatly add to the stability and appearance of the city. In connection with it there will be offices and store rooms. The Public and High schools opened on Monday when the new high school building wan Used for the first time. There are now about 309 pupils enrolled in the schools and everything promises another successful school year. Deputy County Surveyor G. J. Poysky, with Superintendent O’Donnell, of the Potter Realty Co , will take soundings to ascertain the amount of dirt available to be used in constructing the road to Bayocean. Will Body felt, who has gone to Pendleton with his wife, is acting as chaperone to Mesdamee Small and Shrode. We understand their husbands are getting anxious, for there ie no knowing what will hap­ pen to Will when some of those cow­ boys at the round-up find that he has more than his share of intelli­ gent, nice looking ladies under his OFFICERS care. Bro. Shrode ie think of taking the next train for fear he will loose XV m . G. T ait , President. hie better half. which is absolutely safe for everyone. J. C. H olden , Vice-President. President Taft ie going to issue an ordei to place all fourth class It never slumps in value. C. L. M c G hee , Cashier. poet offices under the civil service rules. This is another, progressive Its integrity is unquestioned. move on the part of the President, DIRECTORS for it takes that class of post office The return is certain, out of politics and will save the P aul S chrader . congressmen a good ‘many un­ pleasant events when there are sev­ Principal is always available on short notice. C. W. T almage * eral aspirants scrapping over an appointment. B. C. L amb . It has no element of speculation. The Shakespere Club re convened W m . G. T ait . after the summer vacation on Fri­ day, when the Club waa entertain­ J. C. H olden . ed at the home of Mrs. Homer Ma­ son. There was a good attendance of members, the afternoon being spent in a social way, and the host­ ess served a dainty lunch. At the CAPITA L oldest } next meeting of the club the ladies The informal dances will Be re­ will invite their husbands to the ank sumed this (Thursday) evening nt lunch, which will be served in the 2OUNTY I____ TILLAMOOK. CITY. ORE. SUPERVISION the Tillamook Commercial Club. COUNTY « Tillamook Commercial Club. £ Members desiring to invite friends At a meeting of the City Council (other than ladies) must give them visitor’s cards, which can be obtain­ on Monday evening, plane were ' for the beneficence of osteopathy lovely. But when the gentleman Cheboygan Timber Company vs. LLAMOOK JOTTINGS The Astoria Company is a suit filed ed of Secretary Claussen. submitted for a draw bridge across for their ailments, but because of struck Honest John, the Mayor of the slough, the cost of which the urgent calle he hue received the city, and gave him the hunch Clatsop County, which ie coming in the Circuit Court to reform deeds amounted to $6,500. It was decided Hd clothes made new at the*CTtv to certain lands. from old acquaintences to come to with a nice little plan where he to the front in road improvements, to build a less expensive bridge. nndry. Wanted, Situation by a girl 18 and obtaining some of the beet Allen Page was appointed city fire his Newberg practice again he will could make a stake for himself, i heed those calle. There are a num­ why, the mayor drew the gentle­ Irs Mills would like a few more years of age, to do general house­ machinery to construct good roads, warden. Clyde Clements made ap­ man out us much as possible. The krders. work in a private family in the city. owns its own dump carte. The old plication for a renewal of his saloon tier of other places, too, that have bridge man thought he hail got urged him and his wife to come and pasture to Rent,—Apply Peter Call at this office. wood dump carts have been discared * license, and the only other business establish a practice, because of the another ' cheap guy official and there, as they will be in this waa to order in a number of new irberg, Hemlock. Come and Bring your family, j beneficial effects on their friends sucker to carry out his scheme. born, on the 20th to the wife of special Chicken Dinner at the Allen country before long. cement sidewalks. i and acquaintences by osteopathy When the Mayor tokl him he would A suit was filed in the Circuit Lert Krake, a girl. House Grill every Sunday, 5:30 to A telegram was received to-day 1 as practiced by the Dre. Bowers, not like anything like that on his Court by the Cheboygan Timber • ranted,—a furnished house. Ap- 8:00 p.m., price 50c. conscience and he would not be Company vs. W. F. Hays, Mary that Mrs. Mary Peckham, widow of who are graduates of the Founder’s I at the Headlight office. A good young saddle pony for able to sleep if he took the “graft" 1 College, at Kirlesville, Mo. There R. D. Peckham, who died in this Genevieve Smith, Meade S. Hays . S. Randall went to Walla Walla sale. Will drive single or double. and Dan R. Murphy, administrator city about two years ago, died at are resident M D.’s in those places money, the gentleman tried to Inquire of F. P. Phillip at Zach- smooth it over when he found lie Monday to visit his mother. of CharlesE. Hays, deceased, which Star, Oregon, last night, and the 1 too. To the many who have been had tackled the wrong individual man ’ s plumbing shop. * his patieuts he extends his heartfelt body will be brought here for burial Hasses fitted. Any kind, any is a suit to quiet title to certain H. Heisel and wife, who have been land. Funeral services will be onSaturday thanks, more especially to the by saying that it waa a confidential le Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt, visiting at the home of Peter Heisel, afternoon at the Christian Church. i ladies, who, as a rule, have ex- conversation. The fellow ought to pie Board of Equalization will Never mind the croaker, Cities The cause of death was cancer. pressed themselves us suprejnely be pinched,.for it is men like this his brother, left for their home in ivene on Monday, October 21. are budded in spite of them, Enter­ She was about 60 years of age and I satisfied with the benefits secured, who often lead many an honest California on Tuesday. prises go forward and leave him trench dry cleaning, ladies’ gar* man ustray who ia elected to luok The four year old Bon of Edmund barking by the wayside, He is but lived in Tillamook County for 20 after a dozen or more M.D.’shad pts a specialty at City Laundry utter the people’s^nterests and the Bush died in this city on Wednes­ a buzzing fly upon the wheels of years. She had been living with failed. lor the first time this year there interest of a city. day night. The cause of death be­ progress—pestilent and annoying, her brother, Joseph Stocks, since b a little frost early this morning, her husband’s death, who will ac­ Agent Gaylord Resigns. ing summer complaint while he lives, but forgotten for­ 1 marriage license was granted company the body to Tillamook Judge Wolverton, of the Federal ever when he has departed.—Inde­ A. H. Gaylord, agent for the TIIE UNITED RAILWAYS. Frank Hedegerand Mary Asslap tomorrow. pendence Enterprise. Court, has been spending a week’s Southern Pacific in this city, has The fine weather of the past few vacation at Lake Lytle. He paid The Tillamook Hose Company handed in his resignation, and the The Road to be Completed to . F. Goodspeed and wife left on this city a visit on Tuesday. was out for a drill on Friday even­ weeks enabled the contractors for i Auditor will be here on Friday to Tillamook City in 20 Months. nday to visit friends in Eastern the sewer system and the hard sur I audit his accounts. Thia is a great Considerable material is now on ing, and much to th*' surprise of [gon. It seems to be no secret but a well the ground for the new bank and ; the fire fighters, it was found that face pavement to make considerable | surprise to the citizens, for- Mr. Ive chickens wanted at the Tilla hotel buildings, and in a few days a number of hydrantB were defect headway, after such wet weather Gaylord has worked early and Jate established fact that the Hill system pk Meat Company’s Market, 13c, months. In as *' they could " r great disadvantages will be running trains into Tilla­ the concrete work will be started. | ive, ~~ ' ’ not be connected ’luring the summer , , I and under pound. should . . he .... about another three weeks, L.._ ---- since on account of the threads of the i has been the agent for the mook City in about 20 months. The Coal delivered for $8.00 per ton r. Jack Olson has opened den- hydrants being of a different gauge . the weather remain favorable, the railroad ill this city. The cause of United Railways will be built down or $4.50 for half ton,or good firwood Iparlore over F. R. Beals’ office, work will be completed. The hard Mr. GaylorJ’s resignation is on ac- the Wilson River, mid to ex*>edlte already sawed for $5.75 per cord or to the hose. surfaced pavement and the large ■ coUntUther^ k phones. * the work a large gang of men will Captain John Groat, who ie in $3.00 for half a cord. See Shrode. * amount of cement side walk being • him aasistance in the work, and he I m * put to work building the tunnel Fing your chickens to the Tilla- charge of the government work, re­ ...^ K w. ........ ... . », down, give the city quite a Shelby Electric Light Globes, bk Meat Company’s Market. We ceived a i message „ this morning „ that 1 ... cannot afford to pay for it out of nt the divide on the Wilson river. national quality. They are good. different appearance, and makes it his own pocket, for he has been The men will be kept ut work the 113c. per pound. * the money is now available and We deliver to vour house or etorK look more up to-date,like other pro­ coming winter nt lhe tunnel, an I le Goldstone was in the city this Telephone us.—King A Smith Co. • that work is to be started at once. I gressive cities. Visitors who have overworked the whole time lie has early next spring there will be con­ been the agent here. The business There will be $5,000 to spend during rning boosting for the Hotel Earl Ford was arrested on Mon­ the next twelve months, and Captain come to the city the past few weeks men and citizens were we 4 pleased siderable activity in pushing ’ho Itnomah, of Portland. day for fishing in the Trask river tjroat will commence work at are greatly pleased with the ap­ with Mr. Gaylord, for he was al- Hill road to completion. There is bu can get Fleschmann’s Yeast pearance of the city and predict a I ways obliging, and it is to Le re­ also a rutuor that the Southern above the dead line and the case p a week if you leave your order has been continued until the 15th Memalooee point. bright future for it. gretted that the Soutnern Pacific ie Pacific will build from to vs. I.aur- • i T. B. Potter Realty Co. ie Tillamook Feed Co. this city, the road coming down the to loose sucli a good employee. October. Mrs. H. L. Buford, district man ­ ' ence R. Wheeler et al is a suit tiled Little Neatucca and through Clover­ »nted, a man and wife to work Sheriff Crenshaw will sell by ager of the United Artisans, lias dale. It is stated that it will take he farm and keep house. Ap- auction at Rose City, on Garibaldi in the Circuit Court which is a con­ been in the county and organized Municipal Corruption, demnation suit to condemn a right s wo yeure to complete this connec­ •t the Headlight office. beach on the 8th October, at 11 of way for a pipe line and diverting assemblies at Nehalem, Bay City tion. ________________ ■v. J. T. Moore, who was pastor o’clock all of the tents, etc., belong­ dam and small reservoir site, the and Beaver. She was assisted in Some of our city officials and le M. E. church in this city, has ing to W. H. Evans. the work of organization by H S. citizens were given some idea how ^Progressive Party jMeeting. plaintiff having tendered $100 for i truneferred to Cottage Grove. The as­ corruption creeps into municipal The City Transfer Co. are the fel­ the same and asks judgment Brumhall, of Portland. sembly at Beaver was organized on affairs and the methods used ly ’*• A m. High and family came lows who haul anything, anywhere, against them for that amount. A meeting is called for Tuesday Monday evening with 20 members, some ol the monoply cor|K»ration» evening, October 2nd, 1912, at 7: 30, um Cloverdale on Saturday to any time. Office on Main Street, Notwithstanding that the govern­ and the officers are: Master Arti­ to bribe city officials. A gentleman id a few days with her parents, opposite Clough’s Drug Store. Call at the Court House, of the progres­ ment has put the post office on a san, J E Trobough; Superintend connected with one of the bridge sive party, for the pilrpose ol ef­ le regular monthly meeting of vi by phone, Main 651. paying basis, and at a time when dent Sarah E. Bunn; Inspector, companies visited thia city this fecting an organization. Tillamook Commercial Club Mrs. F. D. Small, Mrs. D. L. $40,000,000 was added to the expendi­ J ohn L eland H endekson , be held next Monday evening, Shrode and children, John Hatha­ ture for giving the farming com- Emma Trobough; Junior Conduct­ week with a proposition to put in a or, Laura Bays; Senior Conductor, bridge across the slough for the Chairman. interne. Lantern Burners, Lan- way and wife, and Wm. Bodyfelt munitiee free delivery of mail, this F. K. Lyster; Master of Ceremonies, snug little sum of $6,5(11). Not that Wicks, Lantern Globes, Lan- and wife are attending the Round- is another progressive policy carried Howard Bunn ; Secretary, Lena it would cost that amount, but after confidence thut The . implicit __ ____ _____ » »11 kinds.-King A Smith Co.* Up at Pendleton this week. out, but not much talked about, by Bunn; Treasurer, John Hielmeyer; the “graft” money waa paid out many people ha ve in Chamlierlain'a President Taft ’ s administration. •e Ladies’ Aid of the Christ- Why will you pay $5.00 for an Warden Carl Curl; Instructor, W. there would be a big profit in the Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea rch will sell home cooking Electric Iron when you can get a Reed Bain, a graduate of the T. J. Gilbert; musicians. Della Heil- bridge, anyway, if soma of the city Remedy ia founded on their ex­ perience in the uae of that remedy y Saturday at Ray and Co.’s better one (F an S teel guaranteed H. S. Class of ’12, having earned a meyer and Oscar Johnson. officials would boost for it. The and their knowledge of fhe many for ten years) for $3.50. A free trial four year scholarship in Willamette Charley Ray was in the city on foundryman waa to be paid a nice remarkable curea of colic, diarrhoea, B Silver vs D. O. Kenagy and if you wish.—King A Smith Co. * University at Salem, left for that Saturday attending the Mason ic little wad fur not butting into the and dysentery that it haa effected. is a suit filed in the Circuit A. J. Schmelzer, of the Red Clover place Friday morning. Miss Mabel meeting. He is a staunch Repub- bedding, and everything looked For aale by all dealers ft to recover $146.OOon a promia- Creamery, carried off the first prize Goyne. a graduate of the T. H. S. lican, an admirer of President Taft, I note. for cheese at the California State Class of ’ll, left for tfie same place and does not see any necessity for * Exchange,—automobile road- Fair with a score of 98 points. on Monday morning and will take a third party endeavoring to break up the Republican party. Mr. Ray 1912 model, in good condition, Rah! Rah! Rah! For Tillamook up a course in music. was one of the progressive citizens real estate. Apply at Head- Cheese P. E. Rogers, former partner of All are invited to attend the ser­ the Rogers A Hoven grocery store in this county who helped to build Ji office. vices at the Presbyterian Church will move to Aumsville, Oregon, up the dairy industry at a time F- H. W. Kuhlman has been next Sunday, morning service at near Salem, to work for Rosenberg when the Democratic party was in binted pastor of the M. E. Church 11 a. m. and evening service at Bros., former grocere of tine place power, and had to buck up against lie city and Rev. J. Brown 7. Si p. m. Rev D. A. Mackenzie, He returned from the State Fair at the hard times when the industry lehalem was in its infancy, and having gone Pastor Salem on last Saturday's train and through those trying times, he is reports a pleasant time while on perfectly satisfied with the era of .the trip. prosperity which we have enjoyed There’s One Form of Investment It is a Savings Account in the Tillamook. Oregon, INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK “ Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, LAMAR’S VARIETY STORE, TiuunmooK, <« oregor . Drop in and book Around.” Judge G. H. Burnett. GrandJMas ter of Oregon Grand I-odge, A. F A A. M., was in Tillamook on Sat­ urday to pay a visit to the local lodge that evening, to which the Bay City end Cloverdale Maaone had been invited. The Grand Master complimented the Tillamook lodge in a splendid speech. Later in the evening luncheon was served. Plaster, Koof Paint in this county, consequently he is s strung Taft man. He belfevew how- ever, that a large number of Bull Moosers will see the mistake they have made and will eventually line up with and vote with the G O. P Dr. Bowers desires to express his gratitixie to the public fur their patronage while here. A numtier o4 other» have expressed a desire LA M B-SCH KA DE R COM PA NY. DOCKS: WAREHOUSE, FRONT STXKKT, BKTWLKN Ind * 3rd AVENUE WKST, I