Tillamook Headlight, September 19, 1012 MINC TO lamook ATED SPECIALISTS, ILL BE AT THE HOTEL, DAY, OCTOBER 5 th , D WILL REMAIN day only . ile Success of These Tal- •hysicians in the Treat- i of Chronic Diseases ■HEIR SERVICES FREE OF CHARGE Issociated Specialists, li­ fe the state of Oregon for Lient of deformities and all I and chronic diseases of Lien and children,offer to fell on this trip, consultation lion,advice |free, making no Whatever except the actual kedicine. All that is asked L for these valuable services •very person treated will result obtained to their ind thus prove to the sick Bicted in every city and that at last treatments have coverad that are reasonably 1 certain in their effect. doctors are considered by ■mer patients among Amer- iding stomach and nerve ts and are experts in the treatment of chronic diseases and so great and wonderfel have been their results that in many case* it is hard indeed to find the dividing line between skill and miracle. Diseases of the stomach, intestines liver, blood, skin, nerves,heart,aple- en, kid ueys, orbladder, rheumatism sciatica, diabetes, bed-wetting, leg ulcers, weak lungs and those afflicted with long standing, deep- seated chronic diseases, that have baffled the skill of the family phy­ sician, should not fail to call. According to their system no more operations for appendicitis, gall stones, tumors, goiter or cer­ tain forms of cancer. They were among the first in America to earn the name of "Bloodless Surgeons,” by doing away with knife, with blood and with all pain in the suc­ cessful treatment of these danger­ ous diseases. If you have kidney or bladder troubles bring a two ounce bottle of your urine for chemical analysis and microscopic examination. Deafness often has been cured in sixty days. No matter what your ailment inay be, no matter what others may have told you, no matter what experience you may have had with other physi- Clans, it will be to your advantage to see to them at once. Have it forever settled in your mind. If your case is incurable they will give you such advice as may relieve and stay the disease, Do not put off this duty you owe yourself or friends or relatives who are suffering be­ cause of your sickness, as a visit this time may help you. Remember, this free offer is for one day only. Married ladies must come with their husbands and minors with their parents. Office at Todd Hotel. Hours 10 a. m to 8 p. m. tronger and rougher whiskey tastes—the more it will do. take chances with your nerves, your stomach, general health. Cyrus Noble is pure, old and palatable—» bottled at drinking strength. Sold all over the world. J Van Schuyver Co., Portland, Or Build your house from lumber bought here and thus insure per­ manent satisfaction and freedom from the many repair bills that always follow the use of poor or UDseasoned lumber. Better try our lumber and be done with it than to buy poorer and then be continually paying for repair*. The best is always the cheapest. Beals Lumber Company PIONEER DIES SUDDENLY HEARST SCORES WIESON Solomon T. Eovewell Passes For Saying Business Men are Travelog and Artist Want* at Advanced Age--Cross­ Ignorant and Provincial. President Re-elected. ed Plains Half a Cen­ In the course of his extensive William Randolph Hearst, who is tury Ago. Solomon T. Lovewell died audden- ly Sunday afternoon at the home of his son-in-law, A. B. Schoonover, at Cornelius. Deceased was well known in Hillsboro, being the father of Mrs. Cornelius Blazer. Until he went to Tillamook more than a year ago he occupied the house at First and Oak, taking his meals at hie daughter’s home. Had he lived until Oct. 18 he would have been 85 years old, but despite his advanced age he was remarkably active. He took great pride in his skill with the ax and as a pastime would daily cut a quanity of fire­ wood that would have taxed the strength of a much younger man. After leaving Hillsboro he visited with relatives in Tillamook county and latercame to Cornelius to Bpend some time with his daughter. His health had gradually failed and he was confined to his bed four days before death. On Sunday afternoon Mr. Schoonover left him for about half an hour, and on returning found that he had risen from his bed and gone to an adjoining room, where he had fallen dead. He was a native of Ohio, but crossed the plains by ox team more than 50 years ago. He first settled in east­ ern Washington and at one time owned the land on which a portion of the city of Walla Walla now stands. He afterwards removed to the Lewis river country and then to Tillamook county. His wife died about 14 years ago and he has since passed his time at the home of hie daughters, Mrs. C. Blaser of Hills­ boro, Mrs. A. B Schoonover of Cor­ nelius, Mrs. Charles Seaman of Wheeler, and Mrs. George Hicken- botham of Tillamook. The funeral took place Tuesday morning at the Schoonover heme at Cornelius. —Hillsboro Independent. Oregon Agricultural College. This great institution opens its doors fo- the fall semester on Sep tember 26th. Courses of instruc­ tion include : General Agriculture, Agronomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Husbandry, Bacteriology, Botany and Plant Pathology, Poul­ try Husbandry, Horticulture, En­ tomology, Veterinary Science, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineer­ ing, Mechanical Engineering, Mi­ ning Engineering, Highway Engi­ neering, Domestic Science, Domes­ tic Art. Commerce, Forestry, Phar­ macy, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, »Mathematics, English Language and Literature, Public Speaking, Modern Languages, History, Art, Architecture, Industrial Pedagogy, Physical Education, Military Science and Tactics, and Musi :. Catalogue and illustrated litera­ ture mailed free on application. Ad­ dress : Registrar, Oregon Agricul­ tural College, Corvallis, Oregon. School Year Opens Sept. 20th. An article that has real merit should in time become popular. That such is the case with Cham­ berlain’s Cough Remedy lias been attested by many dealers. Here is one of them. H. W. Hendrickson, Ohio Falls, Ind,, writes, "Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy is the best for coughs, colds and_ croup, and is my best seller.” by all dealers. DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES TEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Larjje Stock of Hardware, Tinware and China Oils. Paint. Varnish. Doors. Window Sash««. Agents ! for the Great Western Sa* ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County LEYS OKINO LAXATIVE lor all stomach troubles__ indigestion, dyapepaia, heartburn, g** in the «tomach, b*4 brcath.aick hcadache.torpid liver, biliousness and habitual constipation. Pleaaant to tak*. LAMAR’S DRUG SUTTON FOR TAFT. STORE. A mericaaitio. Heeateasthougheacliuiinutewere- hialast; Hegulpahiscoffeebeansundpie. Infrantichastetocatchhiatrain, Heboltshisfoodbotliwetanddry. Ilegrabsaaandwichinudeofhalf- cookedham, Hes wullowsbee ra Ilf rotha ndbubble And then he wonders how. in after years, He ever had contracted stomach trouble. —Satire. in England, hue scored Wood row travel* in all parts of the country, Wilson, in a letter in the San Fran­ W. S. Sutton, whose hobby and cisco Examiner. From his letter business is art, and who was in we print a few extracts. He says : Portland, has lost no opportunity to discuss the political situation Mr. Wilson says that we have with men in all conditions of life. grown to such a point of production He declares that all the intelligent, that we overflow our own markets thinking and far sighted men »ide and that we must extend our markets with him in hia opinion that theold and open up foreign markets to our proverb, "Let well Enough Alone," produce. is n good one. Thia is quite true, but one reason "For the general good of the that we fill and overflow our own country, not ouly from a stand­ markets is because legitimate pro point of peace with all nations but Notice. tection has prevented the product also of continuation of business of foreign manufacturers and for­ and social prosperity, Taft should N otice is H erehy G iven ,—T o eign cheap labor from invading be re-elected. That is my plain and all whom it may concern : That the our markets and crowding our own unvarnished opinion," said Mr. Common Council of Tillamook Citj Oregon, did on the 20th day of manufacturers and our laborers Sutton. August, 1912, duly adopt Ordinance out of business. No. 248, providing for a continue Wilson’s Chances Discussed. If we have such splendidly pros­ tion of Sixth Street, in Tillamook "1 have conversed with many City, Oregon, from the West line of perous business conditions at home it would not be well or wise to alter deep thinking men on the subject Second Avenue East to the East end said Sixth Street e.s it is now es­ too rapidly or too radically the svs- from a’,1 points of view, and we of tablished in Central Addition to tetn under which these splendidly naturally discussed the chance* of Tillamook City, and the said Cotti While not a mon Council did on said August prosperous business conditions Woodrow Wilson single ma criticized Mr. Wilson, 20tli, 1912, appoint George W. Kiger, have been developed. M. Melchior and T. 11. Goyne, titres Mr Wilson must not be like the and while they all agreed that he disinterested freeholders of Tilln- is an educated gentleman, they af ­ dog in Aesop’s fables who let go aiuook City, to view such propoai d the bone that he actually had in firmed that he is after all without street gnd make nn assessment of the damages and benefits on ac­ order to grasp at the reflection in political experience. "It is to be feared therefore that count of the laying out of tlie street the water. mentioned in said Ordinance, mid If we sacrifice any advantage that he would be very much more theo­ did appoint Thursday, the 26th day retical than practical in his adminis ­ of September, 1912, at the hour of 8 we actually have, we must be sure that we are going to get a corre­ tration of the business of the coun- o'clock p.ni., at the Council Room, in the Commercial Club Rooms, in sponding advantage in return and try. Tillamook Block. Tillamook City, situa- "One man Buintned^up the we should sacanfice injudiciously Oregon, as the time und place for our protection policy we should tion in these words. Mr. Taft hns a said viewers to meet. and a You A re F urther N otified find our markets open to the pro­ storage of varied experience that the boundaries und terminus ducts of all the nations of the world collection of knowledge as lawyer, of the proposed street, being a con­ judge, Governor, Secretary of War, and their markets still closed to the tinuation of said Sixth street, are and one term president, which well described as follows: Beg;i n ni riff products of our own nation. fit him to be re-elected, and when at the southeast corner <•1 Block i Mr. Wilson also disapproves of relieved of his recent obstacles, he of Harter’s Addition to Tillamook American business men and con­ City, and being in the WcMt line postively will make good. of Second Avenue East, and run * siders them "ignorant” and “pro­ Roosevelt’s Qualities Defined. ning thence West 300 feet to the vincial.” "Of Roosevelt I have heard many southeast cornerof Block 1 of Cen­ I am almost disposed irritably to tral Addition to Tillamook City contradict thiB statement of Mr. severe criticisms. He is considered Oregon; running thence South flO by many unreasonably dictatorial feet to the Northeast corner of Block Wilson’s. Among these men are the great­ and eelf-opiotiated, while he leaves 2 of Central Addition to Tillamook City; running thence East 800 feet est business men in the world and nothing uadone or unsaid, where to the West line of Second Avenue they have made America the great­ his own, ihttft**tH ’are ut stake. East and running thence North "He is a mischief-maker and en­ along the West line of Second est business nation in the world. They are accumulating in tirely too impetuous in disposition Avenue Eaet 60 feet to the place of beginning; the Eastern terminus America the wealth of the world to be the ruler of the country, of said street is the West line of especially at a time when, as has and they are employing their wealth Second Avenue Eaet, and the in a way which excites the admir­ recently been the case with Mexico, Western terminus of said Street is Sixth Street, th$re is danger that a hasty man the East end of ation of the world. in Tillamook City, Oregon, ns Our business men have been able may plunge the states into a war the same is now established to do all this without Mr. Wilson’s without sufficient provocation. lying between Blocks 1 mid 2 of Cen­ "Taft, on the other hand, has but tral Addition to Tillamook City, mid guidance and in spite of his poor recently shown his good judgment the property proposed to be ap­ opinion of them. propriated for such purpose is It is just possible that under the in keeping his finger out of the described ns a strip of land 52 32 Mexican situation. ” guidance of college professors these feet in width off the entire south Mr. Sutton is of the opinion that side Of the said described street, "ignorant” and “provincial” busi­ ness men of ours might not have Mr. Taft’s chances of re-election belonging to I<1.: Martiny, and a strip 7.68 feet in width off the entire accomplished as much for them­ were never so bright us at the pre­ North side of suid tract formerly selves and their country as they time, not only in this state but in belonging to J. R. Hurter, and not included in the platted lots of Har­ did when left to their own recourses. every part of the country. ter’s Addition to Tillamook City. Mr. Wilson’s dogmatic and didactic And all persons claiming dama­ When Teddy "loit Um Wool ” declarations have all the positive- ges by reason of the appropriation ness of the pedagogues who have of the said property for said street are hereby specially notified to file theories on everything and exper­ When Teddy waked in Portland their claim for such damages with On that bright September morn, ience in nothing He ne'er had seen more beuiiteous the undersigned, City Recorder of His is the customary attitude Since the day that he was born. Tillamook City, Oregon, liefore the time appointed for the meeting of of the college professor who knows It seemed as if Dame Nature said viewers ns above set out. nothing, having read it in books, Had donned her Sunday best, Done by the order of the Common where it was written down by other And greeted him with brightest Council of Tillamook City, Oregon smiles— college professors with equally fal­ The welcome of the West. Dated thia August 20th, 1912. T. B H andley , lible knowledge based on equally A million rose* filled the air City Recorder of Tillamook City, With dainty sweet perfume. universal inexperience. < Oregon. It is an interesting thing to see a His gaze, let it wonder,where it will, Saw naught but gorgeous bloom. college professor lecturing busineHB A welcome fit for any king men on the practical problems from Was ready for the "Bull," Charles Edward Russel, socialist the musty rooms of one of the col­ They’ll never do the like again— candidate for governor of New York For Teddy lost his wool. ” leges which the practical success of in hia opening camgaign speech in these business men has enabled He busted up their fine parade— New York City last Sunday, repeat­ He said he "needed air,” them to endow. The "darling children" look in vain ed the circumstantial story of how It must be also interesting to En­ Their "Teddy” 'd turned a bear. Wayne MacVeagh, while talking glishmen to note that America is He let his naughty temper rise with or calling on J. P. Morgan at considering the advisability of em­ He was one mad Moose Bull— hie office in 1904, had been told by barking on a free trade policy which And none in Portland will forget Morgan of a call to the phone by The day he lost his wool. England is considering the advisa­ President Roosevelt, and how Mor­ He roasted the committee gan said Roosevelt Had demanded bility of abandoning. The landlord, the hotel; The paradoxical situation is due He said, "dod gust it! and by gosh!” a further contribution of $100,000 to to the fact that England has had to And other things as well. the Republican fund. T|ii* story’ her sorrow some experience with a He turned his back on all Ins friends was at once denied by Ropsevelt, E’en those who had "a pull.” free trade policy, while American The sun, it went behind a cloud and later by MacVeagh, who said statesmen are educated on the books When Teddy lost hia wool. that no such conversation between of theoretical English economists, At last they suw him as he is— himself and Morgan had ever t k»»n which were written before the free Not what "the |ieuple say” place. Nevertheless MacVeagh said that the practice of using trade theory had opportunity of This little god of tin—they saw money to win elections had g:own practical experiment and refutation. Has feet of yellow clay. I do not wonder that Englishmen King Humpty Dumpty’s had u fall until government by money threat­ And all his ljusatful men; ens the existence of goveroiirril by are interested in this phase of Hiruni, Perkins uor the rest the (teople. American politics, but I think that Can place him back again. the sound sense of American citi­ He lost hia wool, hia self-respect Immigration is or.ly one of rever- zenswill prevent any foreign coun­ And that of thousands more. try being unduly benefited at our Where lie alone was "sore" at first, al matter* on which Prof. WL on is compelled to unsay things c.liich exfiense by the hasty application Now thousands else are sore he said in other cbnndctidn* before of the undigested theories of some The loss is tots', ’nsuranCc none; he entered (nilitica lit attacked of our well-menaing but itiexpeeri And still more sorrowful, He lost about a million vote* member* of l.ilior ttnlons In n talk enced statesmen. When Te n Can, with any oonfidence, say what in oppoaition to President Taft a id T. L Parka, Murrayville, Gi, he would do on any important quea- Route 1, is in hia 73rd rear, and in support of foreign claims and was recently cured of a bad kidney home corporations have I wen wh p- tion if he ahouid happen to be elect­ and bladder trouble. He says him p»d into line with President Taft’a ed. Thia uncertainty as to where wlf: "1 have suffered with my he will stand two or three month* k dneys. My back ached and I was attitude by the force of jiopu ar hence» is a weuimesa to Prof. Wilson. annoyed with bladder irregular­ opinion. I do not think that eitt er ities. I can truthfully aay, one 5-k. Mr. Wilson or Mr. Roosevelt would If he la defeated in November, ae bottle of Foley Kidney Pill* cured jeopardise hia election by taking a he probably wifi be, hia flcklen-aa me entirely’’ They contain no and variability will get a large part habit forming drug*. For sale at position in opposition to President of tbs blame tor it. left's stutuds Lamar’s Drug Store.;