Tillamook Headlight, September 19, 1012 BULLING TACTICS 1 TATTERSALL'S IN LONDON WASHINGTON AS A JUMPER. THE CLOCK OF DEATH. I ■JOHN HfiNDg] L. attorney The Father of Hi» Country Waa a C0UN8: Romantic Story of the World’s Most It Wat the First Astronomical Tim»- Champion In His Day. piece Made In England. Famous Horse Market. LOI I There is an athletic record of which Tbe clock at Hampton eourt palace The most famous horse mart I d the every American ought to be proud, al­ A ro­ derived its unpleasant title by reason i Tillamook Blcfl^Tilla^ world Is Tattersall's In London Spain’s Great National “Sport’ mantle history attaches to this en ta b- of a superstition that wheuever any though it Is uot found in any sporting chronicle. It was made b.v George one long resident in the palace dies the Rootu^jk. a6i. and the Shame of It. lishment Washington of Virginia and was a in 1778 a certain Richard Tattersail, clock immediately stops. It is ot rec­ running broad Jump of twenty-two feet a wool comber of Yorkshire, who had ord that when Anne of Denmark, tbe Inches. TT T. BOTTS, T IS NOT A TEST OF BRAVERY loat bia fortune during the Jacobite queen of James I., died the old time­ three Exactly when and where Washington rebellion, obtained a ninety-nine years' piece was striking four and that It X A ttorn ey - at . l 4W made this Jump is not known, but it lease of a tract of ground in London stopped almost before the last stroke seems to be hlstorlcaL Th» Gam» of Blind Man’« Buff Re­ and thereon built an establishment for sounded. Since that time it is said to Complete set of Abstract Thackeray refers to it In "The Vir­ have repeated this grisly proceeding quire« More Courage Than Doea the tbe sale of horses and hounds ginians." where he tells of the Jumping no®'5’ Tates P«<1 foraon. Work of the Toreador—The Poor Tattersall was on friendly terms each time a royal personage within Its match between Harry Warrington and with the prince regent. Lord Boling- Jurisdiction died. Hack Horace Are the Real Vietims. Lord March and Ruglen. Harry wins Residents. At any rate, the clock has an inter broke and others whose patronage The great majority of the spectators greatly aided the enterprise Such. In­ eating history quite aside from thia It with a Jump of twenty-one feet three Tillamook Block. were Spanish. Here were young dan- deed, was the friendship between the was the first astronomical timepiece inches against bls lordship's eighteen lies I d fa nit less suits and boots of the prince and Tsttereall that the bust of made in England, belug constructed in feet six inches. In his letter to Vir­ Both phone*. ginia. Harry says be knows there was most brilliant patent leather. Now George on top of the fountain In the , IMO for Henry VIII. Thirty-two years another tn Virginia, Colonel G. Wash­ inters a woman in tbe famous man- sale yard was so placed at tbe prince a ego tt was brought out of a shed where j tn it had lain neglected for nearly half ington. who could clear a foot more Ulla of white Ince, reserved solely for own request Let us »how youjour If Thackeray's figures are correct arl haberlach In due time a huge allce of luck a century, and by order of the then :be bullfight. There one saw father, special display ofattrac- secretary of the office of works It was Washington must have been a wonder­ came Tattersall ’ s way. Lord Boling- Mother and little children of quite ten tive new styles. We are broke ran heavily Into debt and b.v re erected in tbe courtyard opposite the ful athlete. He could easily have won attorney - at - law , ler years. A special box, immediately perfectly equipped for way of settlement passed on to Tat­ entrance to the state apartments. any Intercollegiate championship com­ >ver the door by which tbe bulla would petition up tn 1889 and most of tbe na ­ tersall his famous racer, Highflier, There is historical evidence to the ef- making group pictures inter, was reserved for the president Tillamook Bioct. which became the father of three Der­ ' feet that It was built by one Nicholas tional championships. Then. too. it and will please "you with must be remembered that the future >f tile fight and bls friends. by winners. The progeny of thia horse Cratxer. a German astronomer who the quality of|our work. Father of His Country did not wear In the ring stood half a dozen police In eighteen years are said to have won came to England at tbe Invitation of spiked shoe» like the athletes of today, races to the value of no less than 1170.- Cardinal Wolsey. men They remained in tbe arena all Q.EORGE WILLETT This old timepiece tells the hour, the nor did be have a cinder path for bis through the proceedings, but there 000. Tattersall built hlmaelf a pala­ "run" nor a five Inch plank for bls tial country residence near Ely. call­ month, the day of the month, the po- were Wooden shelters at intervals be- I sltlon of the sun and the number of "take-off," these Improvements not bav ArrouNEY-AT-Uvv >lnd which they discreetly retired ing it Highflier Hall Tattersall's came to be the headquar ­ ' days since the beginning of the year, Ing come Into general use as early as when the bull approached. Half a the middle of tbe eighteenth century ters for the laytng of turf wagers. the phases of tbe moon and Its age. dozen red buckets filled with water Tillamook Commercial Baile Washington today would be a record itood In a row on the sanded floor. A i Immense sums were won and loat , tbe hour at which it crosses the merld breaker. — SL Louis Globe-Democrat. The Marquis of Hasting» lost leu and the time of high water at Lon­ >and. Just below our seats, played live­ i there. T illamook ' more than £K>VW> cn one race alone. don bridge. The time required to wind O regon ly airs. The audience being now complete, I and. it Is satd. oct Infreqnentiy sLmllar It is half an hour every week. Tbe A MAN ’ S MOTHER. 1 amounts changed bands on settling ■ weights hare a descent of over sixty tbe first matador marched ronnd the T. B<> ALS, vD) irvna with his little troupe of picadors days" at “Old TattX” or ’the Corner." feet—Harper's. Just a Little Reminder to the Son Who as the place was sometimes called May Have Forgotten. (on liorsebackl. toreadors (with red t All c!a«see of sc.'lety mingled at cloaks to wave In front of the built But your mother's life has uot been THE VANISHING SEA COW. PHYSICIAN & SURGED lnd banderllleros. the last named car­ TatteraallA Dukes and stable boys easy. Your father was a poor man. were brothers in the excited crowd, rying darts which were presently to and from tbe day she married him she A Marine Curiosity That Is Rapidly prepared to wager on anything and TILLAMOOK 3e planted In tbe back of tbe bull. stood by his side, fighting the wolf Nearing Extinction. everything ThH state of things led I The toreador Is quite a minor person from the door with her naked bunds, One of the largest fish that has In to vneb a scenda: that upon the expira­ •ge. The star performer, after the Tillamook Block. as a woman must fight habited the waters of the gulf of Mex Mill, is the matador, who deals tbe tion of tbe 'ease tbe erm was refused Ico and the south Atlantic coast or She worked not the eight or ten hour a renews’ In it» new establishment lenthblow with his sword All the day of tbe union, but tbe twenty-four this country and which Is almost ex I ither people that I hare mentioned ar» no betting »«« permitted. Force ' duct is known as the manatee. It was hour day of tbe poor wife and mother. At tbe m-Mem Tetters»!! ’ » s M. KERRON, SEE SPALDING. under the control of the matador. She cooked and cleaned aDd scrubbed eoormooe price» for racer* are occa- 1 found In great numbers a century ago. The weapons were now inspected b.v and patched and Dursed from dawn un­ Firing Fox 1» said and even a few years back this crea 'he president, the men and horse* re­ atoAsUy obtained eoM to a French owner ture was quite plentiful in certain lo­ til bedtime and in the night was up PHYSICIAN & SURGEON tired and the first bull trotted into tbe tn have and down getting drinks for thirsty Ormonde to an calities. irena. He nas a big fellow, rather for “' 3QB g--—«*» lips, covering restless little Bleepers, It is very gentle for a large fish and Tillamook Block, Amer--in 1 fw 50JW guinea* Here • low moving, and be stood foe ectre r as a yser’tog was sold for easily captured In heavy nets, which listening for croupy coughs. little time In the center of the areas ajar J-'e^er She bad time to listen to your stories ?e toreador The ball, aa a of the rivers emptying into tbe sea.— ribs are cut out and tbe green leaves Everlasting Y«a«t. H. GOYNE, matter of fact, cannot turn eo quickly A yeast that Is always ready, In hot New York World. served alone., tbe ribs being cooked aa tbe "blind man." Next Door to Tillamook Countv Bank, weather or cold, in town or on tbe separately and served like asparagus, After a little of this teasing from farm, may be had If at each baking Is for which they are an appetizing sub­ The Spell of London. A ttorney - at -L aw . tbe toreedora a picador advanced, saved a small quantity of the bread The greatest of modern French stitute. Then, for a change, a dish of lance ready po|«ed. Here ia the really sponge before any salt has been used poets, Paul Verlaine, fell Instantly un­ leaves and ribs together Is served as Office : Opposite Court Hoose. •ruel rx of bullfighting, the part To tills must be added about one-half der tbe spell of Ixindon. even though greens, but this always seems a waste bat •• »iee It hxleoualy revolting to all the same amount of sugar for a pre he came to It as an exile to earn a of good material when either is tietter lecvnt p-r e The borae ridden by T illamook , O regon . alone. The hens greedily eat any that th,- | id r 1« i poor old back, and it aervattvo. I have used th» same ve»st wretched living ass teacher of French may be left when the table is cleared, a brought Into the nrena for no other In this way for two »nd one half years "As a whole," he wrote. "It Is very now. and it is as good aa ever. Frees unexpected and a hundred times more or the cows and pigs will dls|>ose of It. punsee than to 1>e killed by th» bull Ing does it no barm. No ealt should be amusing than Italy or Paris or tbe so that not a leaf need tie wasted. P. J. SHARP, n the eight of the populace There la used. If In warm weather It seems to banks of tbe Rhine.” » tmndnge over one eye so that the And again: All things considered. Swiss chard is be without life, try It with a little "The docks are wonderful—Carthage. one of the most satisfactory plants a >orae cannot «er the Mlly approach- flour and water, and It will be »11 Tyre, all rolled Into one.” He deplor­ gardener cun raise.—Exchange. RESIDENT DENTIST, ng b n of the bull The picador rides I right. This makes the finest possible ed ths lack of clean cafes, but never­ ■ - t up to the bull, ami the bread —National Magazine Office across the street fror tbe ■ I is alloued plenty outline to gore theless. "No matter, this Incredible They Were Once Slang. .tn- horse to death Not the slightest town Is very well, black as a crow If we had never allowed slang to Court House. A Problem He Hadn't Solved, «ttenipt Is made to save'the horse I and noisy as a duck.” In Verlaine's legitimize Itself in orthodox language in lfitlfi there went to Paris a young view London had no monuments ex Dr. Wise’s office. want to emphasise thia because one where should we lie today? A refer Relglan named De Groof, who was cept the docks nd alunys understood that the horses He Ignored West ■ ence to old slang dictionaries gives the fully convinced that he had eoh ed the mluater, tbe Tower and all tbe sights were killed more or leas by accident answer Take Groses', published at problem of aerial flight, He did not For him they do not seem to have i Whv uro the horses broaifrtit In tn be ex the end of the eighteenth century— succeed tn Interesting French expert« 4 SARCHET, tilled? Champions of bullfighting will fated — London Chronicle. the '•dictionary of the vulgar tongue.” I , The Fashionable Tai^ »•Il you thut the death of the horse I but Inter In England met with some by the first lexicographer who re<-og I encouragement. Finally, tn the pres­ him the life of the matador, that It nlzed the wor<1 “slang” Itself. \Ve Uncle Sam’s Public Printer. xlves the picador an opportunity of to­ ence of a large crowd I'» Groot made Tbe United States public printer has find him classing under It such words Keeps both rider hl* attempt. His machine was attach- ileting the fir«t wound and that tbe Craning, Pressing and Repai charge of all business relating to tbe as bay window. bedizened. Iiet. blus­ rd to a balloon, and after reaching a and saddle perfectly dry. mere act of goring th» horse roba the public printing and binding He ■P ter. budget, brogue, cafton. grouse, ing a Specialty. height of 4.000 feet he cut himself bull of Ills natural strength. Twad- Hade for rough wear and point» tbe officer» and employee« of tbe churl, coax cobbler, cur. domineer, lie! What the picador doea could be loose. The machine fell like « stone government printing office and pur- eyesore, flabb.v. flog, flout, foundling, Jong service in the wettest S» »re in Heins Photograph lune Just aa well by men on foot or snd crashed down upon the rough chases all necessary machinery and fuss. gag. malingerer, messmate, satin pavement of Robert street. Chelsea, by a man on a trapexe or to fifty weather. material. The foreman of printing has ter. slump, sham, rascal, trip and yelp Gallery. ■¿aye. The horaee are killed tn make I with a akkenlng thud I>e Groof was charge of all matter which is to be Walt until the next anti-slang purist »SATISFACTION GUARANTEED « slaughter tor the crowd, who are dead.—New York Tribune. printed. The following are tbe official uses one of these words and then con ingry If they do not see enough blood. heads of the several departments: Pub­ found him by reference to Grose — J. CLAUSSEN, The Way They Struok. The death of the poor horse I will ookfor his ark lic printer, secretary to the public London Chronicle. A company of Italian laborer* en­ eave you to imagine. It la altogether *-/• LAWYER, printer, attorney, deputy public printer. of xcellence loo horrible and too pitiful for detailed gaged to th* construction of a railway Congressional Record clerk, euperln- Thankful For Hie Eacapo. Iln Germany had their wages reduced. lescri ption. ♦&50 EVERYWHOB tandent of work and superintendent of “It’s useless to urge me to marry Jkutecher Now come« the turn of tbe bendertl- They said nothing, but during the night documenta. A. J. Town» Co. you When I say no 1 mean no " •ros Knell has two little darts Thee» each of tha men cut an Inch of the end "Always?" »13 Tillamook Block, larta must be placed to the tiack of the of hla shovel, tn reply to th* foreman “Invariably." Tuppence Saved. >ull. Just alwut the end of the neck, i who took them te taek about It one of McAndrews (the chemist at 3 a. m.k- "And can nothing ever break your de­ O regon . T illamook Tom In front of the animal. Thia re- 1 them said. "Not eo much pay. not lift Two penn'orth of bicarbonate of coda termination when once you make up J eo much earth. Bo much longer lest (Utree skill and *|ieed It la the only for tbe wlfe'a indigestion at thia time your mludT’ Italian not fool like German •art of the whole proceeding which se­ work o’ night when a glaea of hot water does "Absolutely nothing." j E. REEDY, D.V.M., lects the «llgtiteet credit for bravery or Italians not striker—London Mall. Juet aa well. Beady (hastily>-Week " ell. 1 wouldn’t car* to marry a iglllty upon the men to the arena. wool. thanks for the advice! I ’ U no girl like that, anyhow."-Boston Tran­ Another Way to Rut I*. The bull, after being wounded by the Good nichtl- script VETERINARY “After all." eaM the moralist “the bother ye after alL »leader. Is now carrying the darts of Paaraon ’ a, he banderilleros In his beck Natnral- almighty dollar Is man's greatest ene­ (Both Phone»). my It“— Bureau of Information, y he la bleeding profusely and la nee> Stranger-Can you tell me where I "If that’» eo.” Interrupted old Rox y dead It la the proud work of tbe Oreg»«4 kea a ert It with ones own eye* —Kebl* keep reason under It* own control - I stop and think of tike woeryl^ yog Marrue Aorellua •trength. Refuse Reward tu t.oedou Mall. did yesterday and bow little B mil; •ssounted to.—Chicago Neww 1 Now is the time to have that group picture made. C Monk’s Studio t I IRON by Electricity Every Wednesday Afternoon I ! HARNESS i W.A, Williams Ac Cc All Grocers Sei Tillamook Baker’s Bread 6 LOAVES FOR a Quarter i i T ower ' s F ish B rand P ommel S licker I L T M E Foley’s Pills I LiACHAR’S Dung Store* A Morning Reminder.