L-— Vol. XXV. No. 14 *■ TILLAMOOK, ORBGON, SEPTERBER I9, 1911, : * Considerable progress has been COUNTY OFFICIALS made with the sewerage and street RETURN. improvements, the fine weather the past two weeks allowing the work to progress as rapidly as possible. Find Great Interest Taken WHY NOT store some • of the Storing Tillamook. Oregon, The local train between this city in the Columbia Highway. abundant energy of youth, so that and Mohler has been taken off for j^ncr^y °id a^e may e°j°y rightful the season. It will be put on The Tillamook County Court re­ The Directors of this bank beg to again next year during the beach turned on Tuesday from their trip ° - share of it ? season, when a motor car will be to Clatsop County with the county announce that it is under entirely new used. officials ot that county. They spent management. At a dinner party September Sth, considerable time in going over the YOU CAN put by some of your surplus road improvements in Clatsop .Mr. Wm. G. Tait, a capable and Mrs. E. J. Beede announced the en­ gagement of her daughter, Miss county, and Judge Mason says they energy, in the shape of dollars you don’t need to experienced banker, who has purchased Ethelthwing Grace to Mr. U. G. ure doing some good work and do­ peDd. IN THIS BANK, where it will’immedia- ing it economically. They visited a controlling ’ interest, lias been elected Jackson, of Tillamook.—Eugene - . . the convict camp and were well Register. tely take on an energy of its own and, in time, President, and assisted by the Board of satisfied that Clatsop county was The members and friends of the saving money by the employment double itself. Thoughtful, purposeful considera­ Directors, will have the entire manage­ Presbyterian Church gave Rev. and of convict labor. What surprised ment of the bank. tion of this vital subject NOW may mean the Mrs. D. A. Mackenzie a surprise the Tillamook County officials most at their home in this city Tuesday difference between peace and distress, dependence Mr. Chester Holdeti has been elected was the great interest and enthusi­ evening, when a pleasant social asm taken in the Columbia High­ and independence, when the working days are Vice-President. evening was enjoyed by all present. way and the desire of those in­ over. Hon. G. H. Burnett, justice of terested in it to have Tillamook The Board of Directors is as fol­ the Supreme Court, and Grand County connected with it. What lows : C. W. Talmage, B. [C. Lamb, Master Mason of Grand Lodge of these boosters want is the Necarney A SAVINGS ACCOUNT HERE, NOW, Wm. G. Tait, Paul Schrader and Oregon, A. F. & A. M., will be in road connected with the Columbia Tillamook City on Saturday and Highway. The Tillamook County Chester Holden. FOR YOU. will visit the local lodge that even­ Court made a thorough inspection In future the bank will [be con­ ing, to which the Bay City and of this road on their way out, and ploverdale Masonic lodges are in­ on their return came in by the Ne- ducted on a conservative basis und busi­ vited canicum road Some years ago it ness entrusted to it will have efficient Married, on Sunday, at the home was agreed between the two coun­ and prompt attention. ties that if Clatsop County of W. E. Noyes, father of the bride, COUNTY TI LLAMOOKClTJ^OPg^^j SUPERVISION [ Theodore B. Finney and Miss Eula would build the inner road that Noyes. The ceremony was per­ Tillamook county would finish the formed by the Rev. J. T. Moore, Necarney road. Tillamook County I of he M. E. Church, in the has the inner road built to the ILLAMOOK JOTTINGS The Ladies’ Guild of the Presby­ pastor ANSWER IN PORT OF BAY owner of real ami personal pro­ terian Church will give a trip presence of their relatives. The County line and graveled, while perty therein and is a taxpayer CITY CASE. around the world social on Hal­ happy couple went to Portland for Clatsop county lias ten miles to within said territory, Old clothes made new at the Citv build. This would be the commer ­ a short honeymoon, and on their loween. For answer to the allegations con­ sundry. cial road and would benefit a good Attorneys Deny Allegations tained in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of To Exchange,—automobile road­ return will make their home at the many settlers in Clatsop county. ¡Mrs Mills would like a few more farm. and Contend that Port plaintiff’s complaint, these de- ster, 1912 model, in good condition, On the Necarney mountain road larders. Roy Dunham has been served and Commissioners are i fendants admit these allegations, for real estate. Apply at Head­ Pasture to Rent,—Apply Peter light office. with a summons to appear before Clatsop 'County has finished its except, where the authority of a Legal Corporation. ewberg, Hemlock. the grand jury in November. He part of the road, while Tillamook the defendants or the right of Come and Bring your family, county has not completed its por­ Dolph, Mallory, Simon A Oearin, the other defendants as Coin- The iron fence around the court special Chicken Dinner at the Allen claims to have the evidence to prove tion. of Portland, attorneys for the Port missiouera is designated us “ pre- ouse has been torn down. House Grill every Sunday, 5:30 to the illegal selliug of liquor at The Tillamook County official of Bay City, have filed an answer Garibaldi, but would not furnish tended or “ without authority »•» Wanted,—a furnished house. Ap- 8:00 p.m., price 50c. . made no promises when this road in the case of Geo. Watt against the and ae to such allegations these the Deputy District Attorney Wil­ ly at the Headlight office. Mrs. Bowers and eon returned to let with the necessary evidence to would be compleled, but will take Port of Bay City, which is a friend­ defendants deny the same aud al­ Two keys on tag with '■ 18—Tilla- her home in Newberg, Oregon, convict, and to ascertain what he it into consideration later, and it is ly suit to settle the legality of that lege that in pursuranee of Chapter look'' on it. after a ten days’ visit with her hue­ knows he will be questioued by the probable that if Clatsop County Port. The substance of the answer 39 of the laws of Oregon for the will agree to build their part of the to the complaint will be found he- year 1909. as amended by Chapter Glasses fitted, Any kind, any band, Dr. H. A. Bowers. grand jury. inner road, that this county will low: yle Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt. « J. H. Dunstan has resigned ae llSof’the general lu ws of Oregon The Killkare Klub met at the Deny that the defendant Port of for the year 1911, the Port of Buy French dry cleaning, ladies’ Kar- postmaster of Mohler and Congress­ home of Mrs. Emmett Bales on complete the Necarney mountain yoad, appropriating a certain Bay City is a pretended quasi City was duly incorporated und ita cuts a specialty at City Laundry. man W. C. Hawley will recommend Thursday of last week, and had amount for the next two years so municipal corporation, and allege boundaries duly and legally ex­ E. E. Finley for the position. another delightful time. The sub ­ W. H. Wilson has sold his saloon as to have it finished when the Co­ The Tillamook Bull Moosere who ject for reading and discussion was lumbia Highway is finished. In in relation thereto that said defend­ tended, and the said defendants c»e i the Ramsey House to Al Perry. ant Port of Bay City is a duly con­ the duly appointed and elected com­ A marriage license was issued to went to Portland to hear ex-Presi- the Passion Play, Mrs. L. L. Baker looking over some of the roads in stituted and organized corporation, missioners of the Port, and that in dent Roosevelt returned last week, proving an excellent reader, while Clatsop Countp they found quite a imes M. Moore and Olive David- and they appear enthusiastic Mrs. Bales also proved an excellent number of narrow roads, the Tilla­ organized under the provisions of all things the ¡.organization of said In. Laws of Oregon Port has been and is legal, and the The public and high school will hostess in serving a dainty lunch. mook County officials contending Chapter 39 of the Mrs. W. R. Rutherford and son and amended by said Commissioners are the duly of the year 1909, convene on Monday next when the The next meeting of the Klub will that it is more economical to build ft for her home in McMinnville, on Chapter 115 of the laws of Oregon appointed, elected and qualified new high school building will be be with Mrs. W. A. Williams. the wide road as is prevalent in for the year 1911. And the defend- kturday. and acting Commissioners of the finished sufficiently to be used. Ed. Smith vs. Cora Smith is a di­ this county to narrow ones. The ants deny that it bus any legal exis­ Port of Bay City, Dr. J. T. Work and family left Coal delivered for »8.00 per ton vorce suit filed in the circuit court. local officials obtained some valu­ tence for the reasons set out in Defendants further unewcring ■ Wednesday to make their home or »4.50 for half ton, or good fir wood The parties were married on the 3rd able information as to contract plaintiffs complaint, or for any said complaint deny each and every I Salem. already sawed for »5.75 per cord or January, 1911, in Wasco County work, etc., and as Clatsop county allegation contained iu paragraph Live chickens wanted at the Tilla- $3.00 for half a cord. See Shrode. * Oregon, and two children were born officials have put their road work reason. And defendants admit as allege,! 5. ook Meat Company’s Market, 13c. Shelby Electric Light Globes, them of this union. The grounds on a business and scientific basis, that in paragraph 1 of plaintiff’s And for a further and sepnrute ir pound. * national quality. They are good. set forth in the complaint for the they are now obtaining results complaint, that defendants John O. answer, and defense herein, these Dr. Jack Olson has opened den- We deliver to your house or store. divorce are cruel and inhuman which will prove a great benefit to Bozorth Theodore Jacoby, Gust I defendants say the Port of Bay t ity I parlors over F. R. Beals’ office, Telephone us.— King A Smith Co. • treatment towards the plaintiff, that county, for it is safe to say Nelson, Nelson. W. C Hawk and C. W. ji« a duly incorporated iumiici|.i1 »th phones. . • It would not surprise us to find j .w«y from her borne and that after County Judge Judd and Pike claim to lie and are acting us ’corjionition ami the defendant*« A. W. Atterbury and wife left that in building the road to Bay- deserting the plaintiff lart March, Commissioners Frye and Moore commissioners of the Port of Baj duly qualified Commieeeioners. lesday for Arlington, Ore. on a ocean that a suitable rock will be ( when the defendant returned to her had seen some of the good roads City, and allege that said defend I in Tillamook county, they will en­ ants are the duly appointed, elect- | sit to their eon. found for road purposes in that, parents' home in Wasco County. It is entirely too early to m. \e Most of the business men and the deavor to make Clatsop County ed and qualified commissioners of I | predictions as to the result of th* Bring your chickens to the Tilla- vicinity. roads as good as curs. When said Port of Bay City, apd are en- i presidential election. A good oint of view and for usurping or entering into or unlaw­ vember. the railroad company and will do amount of auto fully exercising a public office in The City Transfer Co. are the fel­ so again this week so as expedite the enormous iou can get Fleschmann’a Yeast Running lip and down stairs, ice a week if you leave your order lows who haul anything, anywhere, the building of a depot, as it will travel it will bring over the Colum­ the State of Oregon or the fran­ sweeping and bending over milk­ ing beds will ttot make a wom.,n • any time. Office on Main Street, not be long now before the wet sea­ bia Highway. the Tillamook Feed Co. chises of any franchise within the healthy or beautiful. She must opposite Clough ’ s Drug Store. Cal! State of Oregon or the office of the get out of doors, walk a mile or son sets in, when it will be exceed­ -oat, on Saturday, a pair of spec* Motor Boat For Sale offices of the Port of Bay City, or­ two every duy and take Chamber- ingly disagreeable and unpleasant dee. Finder will please leave us by phone, Main 651. ganized or attempted to be organ­ Iain’s Tablets to improve tier di­ All are cordially invited to the to have to wade in the mud and tm at the Headlight office. _ 20 ___ ___ ~ inch feet long with 5 foot 0 gestion and regulate her bowels. services at the Presbyterian Church wait in the rain for trains. The beam, 4 h. p. engine Boat is three ized as set out in plaintiff’» com­ For rale by all dealer«. Miss Grace Whitehouse left last on Sunday, morning service at 11 plaint, except that the defendant, months old, price »175. Apply A. Tillamook Commercial Club does lek for Portland, where she «rill a.m. and evening at 7:30 p.m. Rev. not want to appear hasty in the W. Anderson, Life Saving Station. the Port of Buy City, is a duly or­ Few, if any, medicines, have met •ch in the Sellwood school. ganized corporation as above set with the uniform success that has D. A. MacKenzie. pastor. matter, but expressing the senti­ Prices for Hogs out. and the said other defendant« attended the use of Chamberlain's Frank Devine’s child fell and at Married, on Monday, in thi« city, ment of the business men and the and Diarrhoea are the duly appointed, elected and Colic, Cholera rst it was thought its arm was Jftmee M Moore and Olive David­ citixens, it is of the opinion that the Remedy. The remarkable cures of Up to 225 lbs., 10c., dr eased. qualified commissioners, and the ’oke, but it was a bad fracture. colic and diarrhoea which it has ef­ son, the ceremony being performed depot should be built forthwtth, 225 lbs. to 275 lbs , 8Hc dressed. said Port and the said Commis­ fected in almost every neighbor, l anterns, Lantern Burners, Lan- by Rev. D. A. Mackenzie, pastor and a little more activity on the 275 pounds and over, 7c. Tillamook Meat Company. sioners are exercising the authori­ hood have given it a wide reputa­ part of the railroad officials in that rn Wicks, Lantern Globes, Lan- of the Presbyterian church. ty grunted under the laws of the tion. For sale by ull dealers. rne all kinds.-King A Smith Co.’ Rev. J. T. Moore, of the M.E. matter will be appreciated by our State of Oregon to Porta duly Nels Erickson had the misfortune Church, having completed hi« time citixens. ________________ organized in accordance with the If you knew of the reel value of Chamberlain's Liniment for lame break one of hie arms by falling in Tillamook, left with Mr«. Moore laws of the said state. Democratic Meeting back. soreness of the muscles Follow the arrows to Drew Addi­ to one of the open sewers on Sun- and son on Monday to attend the Defendants admit that the relator sprsins and rheumatic pains, you ly. from the Postoffice. M.E. conference at Ashland. is a resident within the limit« of would never wish to be without it. Woodrow Willson Club meets at tion Ten Dollars down and ten dol- the territory described «nd is the For sale by all dealers. A case is filed in the circuit court Secretary E. J. Claussen, of the Court House September 21, 1912, at lars a month will secure you a r M. R. Hanenkratt against Thos. Tillamook Commercial Club, is 8 p.m. Everybody iovited. choice lot in Drew Addition, Follow •d Charles Hovenden to recover sending out invitations to attend T hos . C oatbb , Secretary. the Arrows, from the Poetoffice. 17ft. Id the County Development League Drew Addition lota on easy psy- Notice to Firemen. O. A. Stillman, prohibition can­ the first Wednesday in October. ments. date tor the First District for Con- Why will you pay »5.00 for an There will be a fire drill at 7:00 Drew Addition has city water, iqman, spoke on Monday even- Electric Iron when you can get a p.m. on Friday evening, when it is Drew Addition will be just one expected that all members of the K ** ***• Court House to a small better one (F an STBBL guaranteed block aff the street pavement. Hose Company will be preaent. »dience. He will speak again in lor ten years) for »3.50. A free trial Secure a lot in Drew Ad Jition on J ohn A schis , Chief. ii* city next Saturday afternoon. if you wish. — King A Smith Co. * the easy payment plan now offered you. $10 down snd »10 a month. Look at Thia. Let us show you the unsold lots Bran. Fer tack, Be. in Drew Addition Now before It is Shorts, $1.20 too late. Rolli»- W. Watson. Agt Process Barley, »1.50. We have the goods. Come early Tillamook Feed Co. First National Bank, ÍWW mookcouh TO ñk W^ I Coal, Cement, Lime, Brick, Shingles, Drain Tile, Plaster, Koof Paint. UAMRR’S variety store TILtbAmOOK, • < OREGON. Drop in and book Around ” 7 On account of leaving for the East. I will aell my team, wagon, harness and gravel bed, at a bar­ gain. Inquire at J. W. Maddux a office or to Wm. Eaaom, Tillamook Congress is trying to d»-termine who gets the enormous profits resl- ixed trom the advancing prices of coal. Nobody haw to inquire who pr.ys the increased cost—the cor- ruiner can always be picked out at a glance. LAMB-SCIIltAOElt COMPANY. DOCKS: ■* A1ÍKHOU3K. FRONT STREET, BETWEEN Ind A 3rd A”K.NUE WEST 1