Tillamook Headlight. September m. lem The Commissioners’ Court Court adjourned Wednesday Sept. 4th without transacting business and con­ vened on Sept.’ 9th. Court issues proclamation declaring annexation of territory to Port of Bay City. In the matter of the use of streets in Brighton Beach in »aid county of Tillamook, Court authorized Brighton Development Co. to u»e the streets for water pipes, gas pipes, sewers, tele- .phone wires, etc. In the matter of the petition of S. T. Childers et al for a county road in T 2 S R 9 and 10 W, it is ordered that Geo. Vandersee, Chas. Nelson and Geo. Poysky act as viewers and meet, at the residence of ( has. Nelsoa on Monday, Sept. 16, 1912. I I PROPOSED COUNTY DE­ VELOPMENT LEAGUE- Legality of the Port of Bay Committee Devised Plans and City to Be Tested in Court. Another Meeting to Be Held Oct. 2nd. The State of Oregon upon tile re­ A FRIENDLY SUIT . upon api.lication accompanied with RUBBER and humor ji.OO initiation fee. Section 3. All persona who are A Closely Clinging Garment and a members of Local er““' I Laughable Request Bodies am) Granges affiliated with In 1839 l'ro'essor Emmet of the Uni­ the League.shall be considere.l as in versity of Virgiuia visited in New York dividual members of this l.eagii-?. Section 4. The dues of all Com­ with his family and while there re- mercial Uut»». Granges shall be at ceived from abroad a pair of India rub­ the rate <>f 1<> cents per capita ber cloth boots. His »oil. Dr. Thoma# monthly « ak ulated upon '«* t«>tn Addis Emmet. In hla book, "lueldeuts membership in good standing and of My Life." say» that hla distin­ payable quarterly. guished father was happier tu bls new Section 5 The dues of Busimss Organizations and Industries shall possessions than a child with a new not be less than $5.110 per year, pay­ toy and spent most of his time stand­ ing like a herou lu the water to test able quarterly. . Section fl. Th'» dues of individuals them. shall be $1.00 per annum payable Their shape was uot such as would annually in advance. have fascinated l’ackelan. the famous ARTICLE V. ! bootmaker. They were made like a CONCERNING MEMBERSHIP ! long stocking of course cauvas, with u Section I. Membership _ in tl,e ‘ leather sole, and over all was smeared League may be either resident, non­ a paste of rubber which might buve resident, or honarary. »1 answered iu cold weather, but which Sec. 2 Resident members shall it“", I was sticky and HI smelling under a be Residents of Tillamook Count. - 1 moderately hot sun. In very few ar­ Oregon. Only resident members are entitle«! to vote or hold office in ticles Ims there been more Improve- ! ment than in rubber goods since they the League. Sec. 3 Non-resident members first came _ into _______ use. shall be persons not residing with-j M father took buck with blm a in Tillamook ■ .u.....r>r>ir County. iorintv. , “raincoat" as a present to our old ne­ See. 4. The Executive Board may, i at any regular nieetingof the board, gro coachman, but be could never be by a majority vote of the members induced to wear It in tbe rulu. and present, admit to honorary mem­ wlieu expostulated with bls answer bership any person deemed worthy wus. "Dues you t'ink l’s gwlue wear of such distinction. dis uew coat In de ruin?" He never Sec. 5. There shall be a member­ wore It except in tbe bright sunshine ship committee, to consist of live and on a warm day, so that when be members from the Executive Board, who shall be appointed _ by the got off tbe box at the stable it whb president. The term of office of the necessary to take with him the cush­ members of this committee shall be ion and icmove his trousers before be one year, and until their successors could get his coat off. are appointed. I I recollect us a child the flrst “gum Sec. 6. Candidates for resident aboes” tn use. which were hideous to and non resident membership shall look at and most uncomfortable over a make written application to the Executive Board.fee accompanying shoe, but which to the bare feet of the the same. All applications must old negroes were a Joy and a comfort be signed by at least one resident The Urst rubber shoe was shaped like member of the League in good a large sausage, aud from one eud standing, and shall be referred to aloug the side a piece was removed to the membership committee. It permit the Introduction of the foot. shall be the duty of the member­ After the foot was Inserted the clastic ship committee, after careful con­ sideration, to present the applica substance «•'■•iped itself about it. They w«-. c always called “gum tions with their report thereon at the next regular meeting of the Bhoes." While a medical student I was Executive Boaril following the re present at the opening of tbe Girard ceipt of the applications by the House in I’liiladelpbla. and 1 remember committee. A majority vote of the that there were printed notices at each League present at any meeting entrance with the request. “Please shall be necessary to elect to mem In the event wipe your gums on the mat1* bership in the club of an application being rejec cted, the fee shall be returned to the up- THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET. plicant. I I ARTICLE VI. That Famous Mo.. Covered One Thet COPPERPLATE ENGRA^I The Art Was Discovered Thre«^ I Msrs.t Accident **l| Every one has uotk-e«l ou hi. canl the extremely v virtue constitute a quorum. said department shall not in any charm broken by learulDg that tbe orig­ and others, that in his passage, de Sec. 5. The Executive Hoard may way be carried on for protit. E. W. Knight................................ 15.00 of an election held ns hereinbefore fill any inal “old oaken bucket” was stolen scent, return or Journeying elsewben vacancy in ite body by 6 25 f>p’ o,,t 1,n *'ie '^a* duj’ of August, ARTICLE VII. C. Pesterfielit ................................ election by ballot of a member of shortly after bis well known poem be- ii they oppose no hindrance or molesti-1 6.00* 1V11, and the proclamation there the League to hold office until the A. Kays........ . ............................ AMENDMENTS TO CONS lift T1O.X. tlou to the «aid Mr. Blanchard, and enme funious! Section I The constitution may L. Kays ............................. ............ 11.Oil' after made by the County Court next annual meeting. The youngest daughter of Samuel that, on the contrary, they receive and Sec. fl. The Executive Board shall be amended at any meeting of the J. Nelson ............ ........................... aid him with that humanity and 9.00 I constitutes but a small portion of * the territory of Tillamook County, have Hie power to make, alter, League by a two-thirds vote of the Woodworth, the author, who died Io will which may render honor to their M. A. Wheeler, gravel...... ... . 4.25 Berkeley. Cal., often used to tell about I and togethei with tbe other territory amend and enforce rules for its own resilient members present. Notices the real old oaken bucket nud of the country and Justice to an Itsdividual I Road District No. 3. government, and shall decide all ami copies of proposed amendments now claimed to l:e included within questions not governe«! or deter shall be furnished to the secretary sadness which came over the house­ so distinguished by his efforts • > F. E. t ress work on Jen«'>n’a the limits of Hie said l’ort of Bay ■nine«! l»y the constitution. and by him posted on the bulletin hold on tbe day It was stolen It seem establish and advance an art. inorder fence ........................................... Sec. 7. The president, or in his board in the club room at least ed as If one of tbe family were nilas- to make it useful to mankind in gee- .City constitutes less than one-half of F E. Cross & son part paym’t the vice-president, shall twenty days before tbe date of the lng. In this age of souveulr collection era 1. __ ..»-the total territory of Tillamook absence 1 »reside at all meetings of the meeting at which it is proposeil to on graveling contract............. 300.00 “Given under my baud and seal, it County, and the said territory so at­ .eague and Executive Board. In consider them. The secretary shall who knows but that some day the real _________ ______ GENERAL FUND. tempted to be annexed to the said the event of their absence n meet­ cause notices of such meeting to old "moss covered bucket that hung 111 tbe city of Philadelphia, this ninth kJ ■ Fawcett Creek mill, lumber. 2.07 pretended Port of Bay City includes ing of the club or Executive Hoard be printeil and sent to each member the well” may turn up In a museum or of January, one thousand seven hnv Win. Berns, hauling lumber . . 127.61 within its limits lands within the limy elect its presiding officer. The at least ten days prior to the date serve as a water tank in the show win­ dred and ninety three, and of theik- dependence of America the sere»» dows of some enterprising advertiser? Ross Shreve, surveying, ......... 58.95 water shed of another and «lifferent president shall, with the secretary, thereof. sign al’ written contracts and ob­ There Is no other water bucket in teenth. U. G. Jackson, surveying. . 155.90 drainage basin than that of Tilla­ ligations of the club. He shall up “GEORGE WASHINGTON- Heiner A. Son .......................... 32.60 mook Bay, and all situate within point nil standing committees for Roosevelt Sentiment Change. the world so enshrined in homely, gen ulne romance as this one. Even tbe E. D. Hoag the fiscal year, soil shall have the 1.60 Tillamook County, to-wit : Numer­ Mr. Charles F.¡Scott, of Kansas, golden goblets of royalty and the treas­ A Japanese Idea. A. G. Reals I.umber Co............... 36.74 ous estuaries connceteil directly power at nil limes to fill vacancies The late Mutsuhilo, eui|H»n»r of J» in such commitles. He shall per­ director of the Publicity Bureau at ured chalices of tbe crusaders have F. S. Whitehouse & Son, Insur­ with the Pacific Ocean. form sin li other duties as the Exe­ Republican headquarters in Chica­ never awakened tbe universal and |x>p- pan, <»n an occasion shortly Iwfore Mst ance................................................. 50.00 Attorney H. T. Botts is represent­ cutive Board mny assign to him. go, was in New York to confer with ular Interest attained by tbe "old oaken dentil took a railway Journey in * Sec. 8, The secretary shall keep .1. 8. Stephens, insurance.......... 50 00 ing the Port of Bay City, and an Chairman Hills in regard to cam­ bucket that bung In the well” until It northern part of Japan and arrivwi correct minute» of all meetings, Pacific Telephone Co........ ........... 27.95 effort will he made to have the case both of the Executive Board amt of paign matters throughout the West. was stolen and carried away in rhe his destination luilf nn hour late on ifr Pacific Navigation Co................... 143.15 taken up by Judge Kelley ns soon the I-eague; shall have th«» cvntody Mr. Scott pointed to the failure of zenith of its fame.—Joe Mitchell Chap­ count of a slight accident on tbe r lamg & Co., lumber...... ........ 447.49 as possible. Next day the manager of the road i-on- of tbe seal and all books and papers the tliird party to hold its own in ple In National Magazine. i belonging to his office; shall, with Tillamook City, water .............. mitted suicide, giving ns the re»* 5.(Ml I the Michigan primaries as indicative the president sign all written con ­ Grant’» Graceful Act. for Ills act the fai t that his bad a»»- Jones-Knudson...... ................. ... 4.00 Kyew Tested And Glasses Fitted. tract» and obligation» of the club; of the constant weakening which « When General Grant was tn Japan ngenieut had inconvenienced tin’ J'®' W. B»kvr, MSI »tanqied envol'pes 10.62 shall collect the fees and dues of this party is suffeirng through the tbe emperor invited blm to cross tbe peror. The case attrai ted a >rPe*t T** Barthold Burg Co. stationery ... 11.56 I am a member of the Optical the members, and shall pay the Northwest as the campaign pro­ r ------------ ... imperial foot bridge neur tbe i>ulace at of attention, and some of ths .1. W. Maddux .... 1.50 Association of America and hold a..me over to the treasurer, taking ... ------ «-• ... — the gresses. He said: State License. All work correctly Ina receipt therefore, or Tillamook Fcsd Co.......... I Tokyo, across which none but those of men of Jnpan. commenting on 16.10 “The vote in the Michigan pri­ royal blood bad ever passed. General man’s act, criticised Ills |>oint'»ff attended to atid guaranteed- receipt of such bank as the Tillamook Meat Co........................ 3.00 may designate, He maries, where the Prohibition party Grant accepted tbe Invitation and In the eyes of his fellow •oWnl*n** Prices Reasonable for First treasurer Case. State vs. H. Mitchell..... 14.65 ____ had a bigger vole than the third term I I walked beside the mikado until they however, bis deasl was i-ouiwend.i • t lass Work., Can furnish Refer­ shall keep the records and con- Case, State vs. R. Dunham ........ 25.65 ences to your satisfaction. «luct the general correspondence of party, is significant of the situation reached the center of the bridge. Then for they erected s statue In hl’ CI skis of Deputy Sheriffs in Now for awhile nt Jenkins' the club; he shall notify each per­ be stopped, profoundly saluted tbe ein- as an ideal exponent of the Jays** son elected to membership of his alt through that section of the i Port of Bay City election.. 15. 00 Jewelry Store. Addison H. Harris, election to the league. peruy and said: “Your majesty. 1 have conception of loyulty. country, and indicates clearly that Optician and Jeweler. Claims of judges and clerks in come so far to b I iow you that I am not Sec. V. The treasurer shall re­ Port of Bay City election........ 114.20 ceive from th«» secretary all moneys the Hull Moose tide is ebbing and insensible to tbe honor you would do A Funny Siam««« Custom- belonging to the club. an«l shall re that the tight there, as in other me. but I cannot violate your tradi­ Real A Co., mdse ..................... 60.00 They have a very fnnny ceipt for and keep a correct account sections of the country,is solely be­ tions. Let us return the way we came." SI hiii W. U. Hawk, coroner in case of When an inferior ' »'n" 1 of the same; he shall pay out such tween Taft and wilson. It was a graceful act. gracefully doue. Geo. Johnson.............................. the presence of a »np«»rior he t Foltow Hie artows to Drew Addi­ moneya only upon written order wf — St Louis Globe-Democrat. “There lias been more Roosevelt Road viewers, Garibaldi Wheel­ the secretary, countersigned by the himself upon the grmin'l- Thr" ** tion from the I'ontoflice. ..... of president; lu» shall make a detailed sentiment in Illinois, perhaps, than er'road, .. .............. sii|»erior send» one of his hl» Mien*»»' *tt»»s» till.10 l eu Dollurs down mid ten dol­ financial report to the Leagiu» at A Few Hints to Housewives. forward to the Pw,t o see whether H* Road viewers Rayocean mad 8.00 lars h iiiontli will secure you ii at each annual meeting, andntsnch in any of the Central States, but all How to Dress a Cbickea.-Use soft man has lieen been eating anything °« <* our reports show Ithat it is rapidly choit e lot in Drgw Addition, Follow other times as the Exe« utive Board materials such as batiste or mull and subsiding, due in a large measure any offensive odor about him »hall require 1 heodoie Roosevelt arrange simply If a spring chicken, eipevted Hie Arrows, from Hie Pontnftiee. la» blamelesn In this respect to the action of the Mooaers in in­ ARTICLE III. white Is the most suitable color. ta appear O» tuber 2 or 3 before the Drew Adihtion lota on easy pay* nnt raises him from the •rp®**J\nnly sisting upon a third,term tiCket.Gov- MSKTIXOS AND ELEVtlONS. How to String Bruns.—Use a strong ap<‘Ci«l e just one the first Wednesday of Oetolwr of resent th«» efforts to defeat him, beginning the task. Je^iii if Archbold ti tin» street inurement each year, at which annual meeting when nn reason can lie given A Ussful Paragraph- | How to Preserve Peaches. —Trea t for rose that the Standard Ihl Company Se«urr a lot in Drew AdJition on nil ofliceia of th«» League shall be such action except his i Singleton (reading»—It i» the same after marriage as before refusal to gave W00,(W to the Republican the easy payment plan now otlrrrai «•l«Vte<1 .mil a majority of the vote» submit to th«» dictation of I tile Bitf This simple recipe baa never been the last word In an arguuirsf ■ «net shall be necessary to elect. National Committee ot hc< with hia ¡you $10 down and $lu a monlli. tbe most dangerous. ¡,r known to fall.-Harper's Weekly. Boss." See 2. Spe«ial meetings of the approval. Wedderly—Would y<"> " i Let us show von lire unanhi lots la*agtir shall be calletl st any time ’in Drew Addition No« l>rt«rr it me have that papeft l»y the Executive Board, ii|>on the Books. Defaulter Flack. of Abilene, Singleton — What do you **** re«|iiest in writing of live resident I would prefer to bar* oso comfort­ big SURPRISE TO MANY , toolstr. RollirW. Matson Agt. member» ot the I eague. Hie pur «might s broad, says on returning able room well stocked wtth books to Wedderly- I want to show tbs« I IN TILLAMOOK CITY. pose of such meeting to tn? set out heme that he would be happier in all yon can give me tn the way of dec graph to my wife. i in such request jail than a fugitive in constant oration which the highest art can sup­ I oral pe«'p1e are surprised at the Sec 1 Fifteen resident members QUICK results rtceivsd from I of the League shall be a quotum at dread. Many other men have made ply. There la no gn—ter blessing that Pretty Long at T>"X* simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, any meeting for the transac tion of Hie Mine discovery. In fact, there can he given to a family than a love “I believe honesty 1*7» '• ’ Another explanation this we business. can be no fate worse than that of •f books.—Jobu Bright. etc., as mixed in \n»tipstma IN iked pretty closely. in nun In the lionae Wtfs that they were laid on Hie labi* at l>nniesiug any tile time. —-Oregon loiirna). fnllyi Not in this iccoiue nieiul»eta of the League other that could pass ■belch. __ . - - - **