Tillaniooic Headlight, September 12, 1012 Pivotlcal States for Taft. bottle goods . Pebbleford, bottled iti bond, per bottle, $1.50 Clarke’s Pure Rye, bottled in bond .. Per bottle, 1.25 Echo Spring, bottled in bond.............. Per bottle, 1.25 Old Crow, bottled in bond, per bottle, 1.50 Hermitage, bottled in bond, per bottle, 1.50 Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ......................... 1.50 O.T.O., bottled in bond, per bottle, 1.25 Kentucky Dew, 4 gal., bottled in bond 2.25 75 Kentucky Dew, full pint, ,, John Dewar & Sons, Old Scotch Whiskey • • —........................................... 1.50 Black & White, Old Scotch Whiskey. 1.50 1.75 V.O.P., • » Old Scotch Whiskey............ Sandy Macdonald’s Old Scotch Whiskey ................................................ 1.75 Hunter Baltimore, Rye Scotch Whiskey ................................................ 1.50 Canadian Club......................................... 1.50 I. W. Harper ..................... ..................... 1.00 Harvester Old Style .............................. 1.00 1.00 Monogram................................................ Kentucky Dew......................................... • 1.00 Billie Taylor, full quart......................... 1.25 1.00 Coronet Dry Gin............................... Per bottle 1.75 A.V.H. Gin.......................................... Per bottle 1.75 Gordon Sloe Gin.................................Per bottle 1.25 Gordon Dry Gin.................................. Per bottle 1.00 Kock and Rye...................................... Per bottle 1.25 El Bart Gin. ........ Per bottle 75c. Virginia Dare Wine Per quart 35c. Port Wine............... 35c. Sherry Wine............ . Per quart 3oc. Angelica Wine........ • Per quart 35c. Zenfendel Wine .... Per quart 40c. Tokey.................. • • • .Per quart 25c. Claret......................... 75c. White Grape Juice ■ • 50c. Local Beer, quart.. Three bottles for Domestic Beer, quart.Three bottles for 75c. Special Prices for Family Trade. Keg Beer............. Keg Beer............. Local bottle Beer Local bottle Beer ......... 15 gallons ......... 10 gallous 6 dozen quarts 10 dozen pints $5.75 4.00 10,00 11.00 Domestic Beers. Budwiser Beer ........... 6 dozen quarts $15 00 Budwiser Beer............. 10 dozen pints 16.00 Old styler Langer Beer. 10 dozen pints 18.00 WINES. White Port, Old Monk Brand $1.00 per gal, Port Wine.................................. 1.00 per gal. Sherry........................................ 1.00 per gal. Claret ........................................ 75c. per gal. Angelica.................................... 1.00 per gal. Zenfendel ................................ 1.25 per gal, Tokey ........................................ 1.25 per gal. YS. Monogram..................... White Corti Whiskey. . Harvester Old Style .. McBrayer, 13 years old Echo Spring ................. Chestnut Grove Rye .. Kentuckey Dew...... Alcohol ......................... Cornet Dry Gin............. per gal. ■ per gal. ■ per gal, per gal. per gal. • per gal. per gal. per gal. per gal. $5.00 4 00 4.25 6.00 4.25 2.75 2.25 4.00 4.00 AT ILLY STEPHENS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER, Cor. First and First Avenue East. ■r HEADQUARTERS FOR DAIRYMEN’ AND S SUPPLIES STEEL STOVES & RANCES We carry a Larj?e Stock of . < 1 Hardwarfi, I Tinware, Glass and China, Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window Sash««. 4 ài Ljl Agentsl for the Great Western Saw B ALEX McNAIR CO The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County ft for all stomach troubles—indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, bad breath,sick headache,torpid liver, biliousness and habitual constipation. Pleasant to take. LAMAR’S DRUG STORE. Artificial daylight haa been pro­ pavements for several months, and the decision in favor of Bitulithic duced simultaneously by inventors is the result of their investigation in England and Germany. It is a hard blow to persons who allow ‘cides to hardsurface her I and the popular sentiment among themselves to be annoyed by that the taxpayers favoring the “ best streets with a high class early bird,the rooster. and cheapest in the long run’ pavement. policy. _ The Citixens of Juarex are extreme in town -r precession of Pacific North- Prof. Wilson has opened the cam­ ly fickle. When Oroczo is t)wns that have adopted Bitul- paign in New Jersey and jnade it t hay shout ’ Vive Orozco” with but when the 11 a* the standard pavement, clear that he ia a free trader. The great unanimity, mtinnee to grow in number with response in November will not be federate capture the burg the pop­ ™ passing week. “gradually reduced.” It will be ular cry ia “Vive Madero.” ‘«test to join the line of p._ pro practically complete before bed time. Tbe late Gen. Booth of the Salva­ '** >s Cosmopolis, Washington. | : Senator Williams of Mississippi tion army started business on a ‘ »tract having been just just swsrd- award. 1 js jn favor of limiting the president ng been | slumsidewalk with a soap box for a th* bitulithic on a of the United States to two terms 1 platform. It was enough for a man ™ r of her principle streets. he citv cit and ,rln "drocate • constitutional of bis qualities, to found a World­ ____ -- ----------------- w > b«.-L tO*OC11 01 c«*»»opo!is amendment to that effect Tbe two- -Wide institution. gon. * inve,**dI<1 man wbu thinks I would be a lovely ornament te u bun