Tillamook Headlight, September 12, 1912 î*' K a- « « a « > e » ■ M FAMILY RECIPES ’S JOHN L. HENDERSON » ATTORNEY & COUNSEL I LOR-AT-LAW, I THE FLAG AFLOAT. ALMOST SHIPWRECKED. Intricate Etiquette of the Stare and Stripe» In the Navy. Trying Ordeal For the Sailor Who Wanted to Be a Master. A VISION IN THE NIGHT, Th« Man That Wai PoM(i on of ths Pr»cipice, Through the billy cuunt Joseph Conrad, who was a sailor be­ The etiquette ot the stars and stripes Basques Harry A. Frau, k 1 fore be turned author, has told of the United States naval ships is al­ way ou foot with few selessl.v Intricate to outsiders, examination that be underwent for his ■with many luterestlug ex,^* i*- Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or. writes Katherine E. Thomas In Joe master’s certificate. The examiner ' For Its Existence. gan by trying to make him talk non ­ the close of ouo day. he tell The valued family re* Chapple’s News-Letter. Rigid ruling "Four Months Afoot In Spain ’ 1“ Room No. 261 sense. cipes for votigli and cold of life aboard ship requires every of­ gnu to clamber upward Into tlie ? that been warned of •* cure, liiiimciits, tonics and I bail “But YET IT RULES THE NATION i ficer or man on reaching or leaving the 1 fiendish trait and contradicted him talus that rose high in the dark quarter deck formally to salute the W otlp-i ti-ht’cclies have as BOTTS, I national ensign, which salute must be with great assurance. Alter awhile lie sky ahead. The night grew b|,c ", h careful attention here as the heavens were overcast, but h ' A ttornky - at -L aw . Thia Moat Powerful »nd Important as formally returned by the officers of left off. So far good. Placing me thea marches on into the il rl: lvii the most intricate prescrip ­ in a ship of a certain size nt sea under la Without In the World * the watch at hand. not confused by any artificial ii ?| Complete set of Abstract Books e Committee tions. All officers and men. however, must certain conditions of weather, season, Staff, a Secretary, a Seal or a Min­ may still see moderately well ™ stand at attention whenever the "Star and ac forth, be ordered me to execute n »fi’t. l’i • • ■ "No, of course not.” he replied cold­ Briggs. ence of the queen and of colleagues It is surprising to see in bow I hard “ ‘Oh. It’s a new grindstone.' replied ly. “I’ve just bought a new car and whose presence was not desired. The a rain this kind of fire will burn. jJR. P. J. SHARP, brought my old one out here to bury Janies, and a silence that could I* cat. cabinet has always kept to the tradi­ Youth's Companion. tion. It is a secret committee of gov­ it Got a pickax and a shovel lu your with a butter knife fell upon U* ernment and a secret committee of the pocket you could lend me? 1 can't crowd.” RESIDENT DENTIST, The Flag Halyards. i dominant party in parliament, and "Many a slender flagpole has been seem to dig very deep with my motor It Wai Alive. Office acroas the street fron’the where the one function begins and the ruined,” said a rigger, "by drawing the horn.”—Harper’s Weekly. I There are In the Book Monthly so™ other ends no one can ever say. halyards down too snugly when mak ­ Court House. "Memories of Mark Twain," chiefly I? “All Its memtiers are collectively re­ ing them fast after hauling down the How Apes and Monkeys Differ. sponsible for hte acts of one of them, flag. If this In done In dry weather What are the differences between London, by his cousin. Katherine CW- Dr. Wise’s office. ens. One of the stories told Is con' but there are uo means of knowing A OH' LT the tilin­ tfnd It comes on wet the shrinking of apes. baboons and monkeys? what the decisions of the csblnet are at Apes are such as are destitute of nected with a visit the humorist l«^ the halyards thus drawn taut to start to Mme. Tussaud’s. While in the t* any moment till they are embodied In to have that with may lie enough to bend the pole, tails; baboons have muscular bodies, mous show he stood a long while I? action, or how many of the ministers and If It should lie left In that way elongated muzzles, and their tails are may dlsseut from the opinion of the contemplation of an especially clever usually short; monkeys are those whose group picture made The Fashionable Tailor. majority, or whether Indeed It Is the long enough the pole would be permn piece of waxwork. He felt a snddea nently bent Flag halyards when no tails are in general long, some of majority or a minority that really dl flag is flying should be made fast with them, the sapagos, having prehensile stab of pain In his side and. turning racta the policy." C.eauing, Pressing and Kepai tails, which can at pleasure t»e twisted quickly, found himself face to f?t* a little slack.” The promotion of Sir Rufus Isaacs, with a dumfounded British matron, i«g a Siiecialty. I «round any object and thereby. In the attorney general, to the cabinet with her parasot still pointed to»?™ many Instances, answer the puntose of An Earl and Hia Limit was a double novelty. Not only was him. "Oh. Lor’, it’s alive!” sha « an additional hand.—“Reason Why." ’ The late Lord Dufferfn," says W. S« tie in Ileitis Photographic there no precedent for an attorney claimed and beat a hasty retreat U. Rldeing tn "Many Celebrities." general being a member of the cabi A Quaker Oath. t •■llery. "came In to luncheon very late one net. but never before had the official A Long Way Back. Two small boys In a family of announcement of the couferment of day, and after he Inid apologized to Friends, writes a contributor, bad a The earliest authentic date that J** cabinet rank mentioned, as It did In the hostess he whispered to me that disagreement, during which the elder been handed down to us was Inscrfl*» the caee of Ktr Rufus Isaacs, the he had been detained by the late Earl boy became very much incensed. on the foundation atone of the tempi? CLAUSSEN, words "his majesty's csblnet.” This of Kimberley, •A wonderful man—a to the sun god at Sippara by Nara®’ Finally, no longer able to control LAWYER, fascinating man! It is amazing how appointment therefore marked a fur Sin, non of Sargon. This stone was er- himself, be took his brother by the much tie knows He knows everything tber development In the acquisition ___ of __ the shoulder and shook him, with the ex­ burned by Nnbonidu«. who refunedort* Çi'ittachrr of a corporate existence by the csbY —everything—all the corners earth and al) the men in it Except’— clamation, “Oh, thee little you, thee!” Babylon about 554 B. C.. and al In poured In. which fl||a the | "81xty days.” roared the judge -Har­ my trade." quoth he. “who a™ * Tillamook I »tegon. S^aea between the core and mold No Wasted Effort. per’s Weekly They will cure your' great rascals."-London Mall. ’Tommy, did you waab your band« this morning?" Th# Propasal •tr«ngth«n your kidnoy«, Sure on One Feint Fam«. B«rtto—Edtth. will you be mv wife? ‘ I washed one of them, mother. The reel urinary irragularttiaa, bail« T. 1. Purfca, Mnrrm rille. Gn . “Out late last night? What ti* Fame la the inheritance not of the Edith Ob. Bertie, ft all depend, on other didn't ueed It"—Ufe. Woutr I. ia (n hie TSrtl rear. anil • p th« worn out tiaauea, anil sav when got - In- . ...> eny w ..eu j yon ■■■- r- Read, but of the living It Is we who did the clock was recently cured ol a I41I ktdiiev th. whether “I don’t remember what the c«” Inog back with lofty prkle to the great elitninata tha excaan aria aeM ■ ml bladder trouble. He »«va him Rertle-The whether? Fa’» Answer. but I will never forget what ®J Edith- Yea, whether you can keep me thatcauaea rheumatiatn. Fra- self; * I have suffered with tny Geraldine- What ami ta-London Rood of glory as of a river and refresh wife saldr you asked him for my band? Gerald - «ent Bright a Diaeaaa and Dla- annoyert I with bladder irreindar* Tela ph. Hh gave me a delightful travel talk.- our wtnn In It for future flight.—Has i truthfully mv , one 5tV batea, and raatora health end itie» I can I Woman’s Unhappy Let- Ju.lge botile of ' Fole» “*** Kidney — nils vt|re(| euangth. Raiuaa eubatitutaa, nw entirelv ’* I A woman's lot Is not s bapffY < are tn nowise to make more of They contain nn But for some trouble aud sorrow wa If she hasn’t anything serlon* habit Lu iiving drugs, For sale at w»n-v. but care tu make mu. b of ft Fortienr tn Judge, for we ar« »Innere bHCDAR'S Durg Stum. l^iiuat a I hit g Store. Bnnkl never know half, th« good there shout she begins to get fat-' hF*#* -Jebo It oak Is •II. SUakeapcar*. IB about ui-bkktti i Record-HeraM. Î Í I CLOUGH, Monk 's Studio Kidney Pills I