Tillamook Headlight, September 12, IQ12 Annexation of Mexico John Lßland flender^oq 3^ jS A New York financial paper save that the ouly cure mr the periodic distubrances in annexation by the United States. This is a rather dras tic remedy. It would be effective ultimately, but it would cos» the United states too much. The Mexi­ cans themselves would be the prin­ cipal beneficiaries by this bourse. The foreigners, including |the Americans who have investments in Mexico would be large gainers. But how would the average American be benefited by annexa­ tion? In taking over Mexico we would have 16,000,000 of aliens, many of whom can not read or write, on our hands, and none of whom speak our language or look nt political or social things from our view point, What would we do with professional rebele like Orozco? What sort of treatment I would we hand out to bandita i like Zapat,wlio have terrorized a large part of Southwestern Mexico and who have made life ae unpleas* ant for poor Madero as the Nihilists i have for Nicholas II? And the (Orozcos and the Zaptas are far more plentiful in Mexico than the . average American realizes. OLYMPIAN GAMES' ind,4s sacred M0NKm An Intruder Into Thoir Junglo Got a Good Scarw lu variuus parts of India are regarded as objects of One of the principal monkey KOONS 215-216, TILLAMOOK BLOCK. Is at Nuddea Such veuet shown there to Hunlman, tha TILLAMOOK. OREGON. MORE IMPORTANT THAN WAR god, that visitors may not ea court of the temple without reuaevtag their rhoes. Battle» Might Be Forgotten, but Time On one la'casion au Ungllsk uAcw, This firm is doing a general land business. Wai Reckoned and Events Dated lu passing up the country near Nwfi- The senior member came to Oregon 42 years ago. From the Years of the Olympiads. dea, gliaueed to strqll into a baasfiao Tho Fivafold Contest, tho Pentathlon. Jungle when his boat bad “put t»~ ter He is a Lawyer, Surveyor and Abstracter. th«* night. He had not advaneafi Bar According to tradition, the oldest of before be hoard a terrifle ugroar all The Junior member. Sidney E. Henderson, is all Olympian games were established about ldii), and he was not a little a graduate of Oregon University, and is a Civil by Zeus in houor of his success over alarmed to behold a whole army qf tho Chronos In his struggle for the sov­ largest monkeys he had ever aeea Engineer and Surveyor. ereignty of heaveu. The more general maklug toward blni from ail y — The Company makes a specialty of the follow belief among Greek writers, though, Some Jumped on »h« ground toedore was that these famous games were lilui, others swung by the baaatorv'- ing branches of the Land Business : iustltuted by the Idaeau Hercules, the over bls bead, and many eleeed ap the eldest of the live brothers to whom path tn his rear. Several feiaatea had Law—Abstracts - Surveying and Engineering Rhea coulided Zeus after his birth. young uuea clinging to them, towt thik —-Real Estate—Fire Insurance—Farm Loans— These games were held every fifth fact did not seetti to reuder ttoaai less year, because, according to this story, agile than the others. Conveyancing. the brothers were five In number. The The Englishman knew net wtoat to They offer for sale the following choice pro­ games were therefore four years do. He yell«*enred. wa» OF LONDON. The pancratium was a rough and I Catalogue and illustrated iitera- employed by the Brnhtnana to supply tumble fight. Almost any method of I ture mailed free on application. Ad­ the monkeys with their food each day. dress : Registrar, Oregon Agricul­ throttling mi oppoueut and compelling They were «vorshlpeil tiySill the |H*<> him to acknowledge himself vanquish tural College, Corvallis, Oregon. School Yuar Opens Sept. 20th. ed was permitted. Wrestling, boxing, pie In the country round, who brought hugging, choking and even the delib­ offerings of rice and sweetmeats to them continually. Harper’s Weekly. Congress is trying to determine erate breaking of bones were allowed. who gets the enormous profits real­ The prizes iu the Olympian contests ized from tile advancing prices of were merely wreaths from the wild Dancing Star». coal. Nobody has to inquire who The spectroscope makes the starry pays the increased cost—the con­ olive trees abundant In the locality, heavens to the astronomer's eye ap- sumer can always be picked out at and the games all took place on one day until the twenty-seventh Olym­ peur almost us full of mazy motions a glance. piad. when the Greeks, desiring to do ns Is a cloud of gnats dancing is tho I The implicit confidence that greater honor to the gods for their de­ sunshine. Every increase In the pow many people have in Chamberlain’s feat of the Persians, extended the er of the observing apparatus brings I Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea to notice new spectroseoific binaries, Remedy is founded on their ex games to fill five days. All Greece regarded the month dur­ which ure simply double stars that perience in the use of that remedy and their knowledge of file many ing which the games were held as a cannot lie seen separately either be­ remarkable cures of colic, diarrhoea holiday. Business of every kind was cause of their extreme closeness or and dysentery that it has effected. at a standstill, mid even hostile armies because only one of them is a shining For sale by all dealers. disbanded aud attended the games as body. It Is the erratic motions of friendly rivals. The Importance of the these stars that reveal their true An article that has real merit games may lie gathered from the fact character. Due of them discovered should in time become popular. that the Greeks reckoned their time within recent years Is Eta Orion!», That such is the case with Cham­ which hangs Just below the tw*lt of DOCKS : WAREHOUSE, berlain’s Cough Remedy has been according to the games. Just as »11 |e*o- FRONT STREET, BETWEEN 2nd & 3rd AVENUE WEST attested by many dealers. Here is ple have reckoned It from the events Orion. Sometime» this star Is speed one of them. H. W. Hendrickson, which seemed to them the most till Ing toward the earth more than forty miles n secund mid a few ufghta Inter Ohio Falls, Ind,, writes, “Cham portant berlain'e Cough Remedy is the The Christians refer all time to the Is burr.. Ing away with a similar veloc best for coughs, colds and croup, beginning of the Christian era, so tlie tty.—New York Mun. I and is my best seller.” For «ale Mohammedan» to the flight of their by all dealers. prophet anil Homans to the year of the A Paradox. founding of their cRy But the Greek A muldcn well ailvamu^d In yearn historians us«sl to speak like this: UHod to wait every inoHiliig for the '•This battle was fought In the fourth postman, a Imchelor of alwHit her age. i year of that Olympiad In which Euryb and ilsk him If there was not a letter bought here and thus insure per­ otus, the Athenian, won the prize tn for her. Several weeks panned thus, the course.” While a war might lie for­ hut the anxiously ex|s*eted letter dal manent satisfaction and freedom not arrive. Finally one morning Ilio gotten. mi Olympiad would never lie. from the many repair bi Ila that Those who were victors were ac­ |M>rttnian Maid to her. “Well, tomorrow always follow the use of poor or corded the most extravagant honors you aliaII got your letter, if I have to Their enthusiastic countrymen would write It my.nclf.” unseaaonod lumber. Better try ‘‘That’» right; do it.” r<,plh,,l the old escort them home with unbounded de­ our lumber and be done with it light, mid tiiey were given the highest maid. M1 ahull lie delighted to >«< than to buy poorer and then be seats of honor nt every public festiv­ rept It.” "WeU." said the |M>stuum. smiling, ity. Poets of the highest merit hhiik continually paying for repairs. their praises. The cities tn which they ••what c write It is not surprising that, when victo­ reply. ry meant so much, dishonor» Ide M love Id ter.” wmm le*r I4u»bi Isoixlon Aimw»*m. means were sometimes employed to secure It. Every attempt, however, Catching R«4hot Rivet«. was made to prevent foul play, and as Thin would not srom to lx* 11 p'oiiMlng unfairness was regarded hr »ai-rilege, the garui-s ladng religions ceremonies, rw’f-i!pnt!on <*v(*n if the riv» t I.4 < jiiißht THE UNIVERSITY OF OREGON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL the guilty one. were not only con- til Mil old until I’M’X. yH the fo«t U roii- demoed by all those whose praise they Mfeiitly |ierforuier- \ ? r ^KF.E. with the exception of cost of postage on papers and cost of nought, but they wore siibfected he dlnarily they cut« li rive’« In 11 rivet Extention Bulletin, to CITIZENS OF OREGON, forty sides to heavy penalties in money and fcoj* «ir RomethltiK of th-ft »ort. but itetod ■ COURSES by MAIL. Ability to profit by the courses ae- then* nt»* iiwn who «•»itrb with ft »artm ” the°nly requirement for enrollment in the Correspondence de- often scourged as well. ',?hrses «re offered in the department of Botany, Debating, It doe** not seem, however, that de pfilr of tonji4 juxf reif-li out for thorn ^xluc*tion. Electricity, English Literature. English Compo- llliernte wounding of an sdverssry In a and nip h redhot rivet out of the »ir Phv«;' "ou11?’ ««•thematics. Mechanical Drawing, Physical Education, contest win much deprecated, since wit ti th»* li If •iter |»»rt »4 the tuiigft In SecJ»«' Ph/8'o,°ffy. Psychology, Sociology, and Surveying. Write to the mivh th«* M*ne way ftint » bird n1|* r Pmlsmilas mentions one man who. !•>« Of ■ Correspondence Schoo), University of Oregon, Eugene, with Ita ^.information and catalogue. though sn Inferior wrestler, won sev­ flying fpntli.*r rub'.eiu«»I buying Harness eVnnK* JeurnaliHm, J'^malism, Law I,aw Medicine, and Teaching. Fall semester of bis antagonist. but be who killed bis hnlidlng'* |{ttr|M*r'ii W»*rkly you will find it distinctly advanta ­ uesday, Sept. 17. Address the Registar for catalogues descriptive option* nt lost the prize, mid the fiend ft mid fietlbte qualities, the most thorough an J was that the glory and the «nhstantlal conscientious workmanship, ond tie rewards whl< h followed victory final by «teeplug It In H < «in ••limited sole tlon of common table salt to which Darrow Talks Anarchy. was not a crime in the Darrow charged the most reasonable prices. |y became too great. At *»•♦ there •otite acetate of Iron lias tieea added. Is**-»me classes i,f men who did noth sense that it was due to social con­ We can supply single or double A better method is to Immerse the ll.iren. e Darrow, in addressing ditions that tiledynamiting brothers Sets or any single article that you Ing else Isit f-refiare for ftw games, mid wise! In s hath made by diiw'vlns contending l*e a me a profession Kings ’'•* * union of San Francisco on thought to right. There is no may tie in need of. and nobli- then withdrew, and their twenty five parta of ■ . i r day. declared that the McNa- such thing as “ the social crime” example was followed by the better In a hundred parts of water, it should brothers had been ¡guilty of of the Steffins and Darrow kind. and after Class of Greek youth with the result he loft there for some time • ' rimes only” and voiced what The McNamara crime was the Nrrt Door to Tillamoolr < >»»«ntv Bank. that the ssrnes were Busily neglected I .ending thrown In cold water to •* on«>dered. tecid rebuke to non aociai crimeof the anarchist. nntil. when they were probiblteil by an >r i U.n,O,,s ,or *»»*‘*r attitnde to edict by the Emperor Tbeodoei«f In Ho Would O'»' Je. nt, —e “ ^*r^"m"raa after their A. D. 8M. few people obje> tad Io their -Vaa," said the eminent tqerisllet th Land for Sale «>•. Hie words ae to thia teas Gong l»fore this the games had be Ike tramp who bad called upon Mia. rel*,rt*d to have been: 300 acres of fine unimproved land come notorious by tbetr brotsllty. and “1 wifi Marnine von carefully f<* tea I torii '"»• »* for «ale, alsiut nine miles from foreigners were allowed to conn*te. -"ake ,hC br°‘her’ Tillamook City, about SB acre« -All right. flee.” neid I be tramp M Bribery was frequent, «nd the lloiusn could l»e put in cultivation with “fio ‘tat. sb * If you had M Emperor Nero on one ov- »»Ion was |*r Plenty dynamiting of the email expcnee. -------- , of water, M half" “ln b0"dJ"K -« I-o- Angeles, re vine maple, alder and crab apple mltted to take every prise offered - Mt Electrical eurvey through the place. I»uis Globe I»tuner» t '* - ,.nf‘al2,Urder 01 *" «> 'ofamoua crime. It w.. . —J. SL Stephens. Room No. 1e the eau again. If we should ever be so fortunate ns to get h chance to »<•«* a total solar eclipse we should count ourselves luckv Indeed. It would Is* worth go- lag tDttiiy milos to set*. OLD ROMAN BATHS They Held Theater», Templee, Feast- ing Halls and Librariee. The ancient Roman» were extravu. gantly fond of bathing, They got the'r notions about the bath us a luxury from the Greeks, mid m one time there were nearly Q00 public biitldng estab­ lishments in Home, some of which were tile most beautiful mid elillioluie Structures in the world The bnUis-of the Emperor Diocletian covered more Ilian half a square mllo and contained, besides immense basins anil tliousmids of marble recesses, the­ aters. temples, hulls for feasting, prom­ enades planted with trees, libraries, wliools for youth mid academies for the dlsi usaione of the learned. Tho bathers sat on marble benches below the surface of the water, around tho edge of the basins, »■ raping themselves with the dull knives of metal mid Ivory mid taking occasional plunges Into the water. Dissipated Romans would spend whole days In the limit, seeking relief from ovortndulgenco In eating and drinking the night before. Everybody, even the emperor, used these baths, which were open to every one who chose to pay the price of ndnilsslnii It was not usual for the old Hom to have baths In their hou-i**. thuiu st n date 1/rfX) yenrft b< ' • 3.500 year» ngo. the nwbl«*iu',i' dent Greece I iih I their dwe plied with bath« of terra uott Ho H»dn't Hoard of b A big |Hilleemau who >».i ** near tlie Greek settlement io side always gets angry when In this told nt Ills exis'iise. bill the.- those who will vouch for Its truth Alsait ii month ago n young no >, very much excited, rushed up to this policeman ami exijuliued "May. Jim. dhl you hear iilsint n Greek by the name of Hoi-rates taking poison?" “I did not," ,11m replied Inms'ently. Thon lie added. Ihoiiglltfull' stroking bls chin "Mure, that's the first time I ever board of h Greek going up ngal ist anything stronger thun «list he «ell 111 hlH Own ■ I,lT«-e ||. • • I - b - Id better look ih>» n, .«ml biillvUn nl. Ilio detail« to the department It'» an un­ naunl case '' Kansas City Journal. Paul Jone»' Promi»«. After the great fi'.dit in Wlik li John Paul Jones In the Bonhomme Itti ¡viril made splinters and shred* of tile Bril Ish ve«sel f'or.ipl» the English govern- ment generously decided that, though vstupilrls-d Iwyond 11 question, the enfi tain of tile lost veseel llnd IwbaVtSl with Is-conilng bravery and den rved pmnw»*l*»s to the milk of r»mimod**rc. John I’stil Jones heard of thl« promo­ tion and It» cause and said. ''Well, by George' If I ever meet that < hap again I'll make him nil admirnl.” Mozart'» Wenk. Mozart lived thirty-seven years, first mass win composed when I lean than fin years of age and W.A, Williams&Co All Grocers Sell Tillamook Baker’s Bread for 6 LOAVES FOR a Quarter I Tlx R»tr rt Courteous. Miss Otdwun I've «••fused many, Gayboy many offer« of marriage thoughtful (ab«eiitmlndedly> — Very and cou»tiler»te of you. I'm sure.— Meggendorfer Blatter. Tlmt cberiHer !• r«»wor N true In n much htgtier ft<‘fifte tbau that luicwt- ««!<« ba power MmiM.