Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 12, 1912, Image 1

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First National Bank,
Tillamook. Oregon,
each child
nave its own
savings account, and cultivate
an interest in seeing it grow.
There is no better way to
lay the foundation for lives of
thrift. A good start and an
early one will have a great
influence on
the child’s
This bank has a
Come and Bring your family,
special Chicken Dinner at the Allen
House Grill every Sunday, 5:30 to
Id clothes made new at the Citv
8:00 p.m., price 50c.
Coal delivered for $8.00 per ton
nature to Rent,—Apply Peter
| or $4.50 for half toil, or good fir wood
rberg, Hemlock.
already sawed for $5.75 per cord or
orn, on Saturday to the wife of $3.00 for half a cord. See Shrode. *
lison H. Harris, a girl.
Howard Drew when he returned
t>rn, on Thursday, at Hemlock
to La Grande was surprised to
tie wife of X. Peterson, a son.
know that he bad been chosen as
anted,—a furnished house. Ap- the principal of the school.
at the Headlight office.
Attorney John Leland Bender-
zo keys on tag with '■ 18—Tilla- sou left on Tuesday morning for
ik-’ on it, left at thia office,
Portland on business and to attend
lasses fitted. Any kind, any the Bull Moose meeting in that city.
le Guaranteed. Dr. Wendt.
Postmaster Kroner, of Cloverdale,
. T. Haltoin returned on Monday having obtained 60 days’ leave of
absence, left on Tuesday, with Mrs.
li a business trip to Portland.
le holiness camp meeting’ in Kraner to visit friends in the east.
Wesley Rush as administrator of
city came to a close on Sunday.
estate ot Myra Hughey, de-
•ench dry cleaning, ladies’ gar- I
its a specialty at City Laundry. | ceased, vs C. N. Johnson, is a suit
L. Beals, Jr., and W. B. Gor-1 filed iu the circuit court to recover
, returned from Portland on
The Meda Cheese Factory won
I first prize for cheese at the State
ve chickens wanted at the Tilla-
scaire of 95 points and
>k Meat Company’s Market, 13c. I Fair with a
Red Clover with a score of
r. Jack Olson ha* opened den-
I F or E xchange , desirable city
parlors over F. R Beals’ office.
property in Medford, Ore, for acre-
11 phones.
age near Tillamook, H. C. Glos
torge Robinson
taken cock, 256 Realty St., Medford, Ore.
rge of the dining room at the (gon.
tn house.
| Attorneys H. T. Goyne and H.
ring jour chickens to the Tilla- T. Botts, Rollie W. Watson and W.
lk Meat Company’s Market. We J
King were in Portland on
13c per pound
* > Wednesday attending the Bui*
E. Reynolds is wondering when Moose meeting.
Pup Bull Moqsers will be old
Attorney C. W. Tulmage, demo-
ugh to sprout horns.
! cratic state committeeman, has
Ju can get Fleschmanu’* Yeast ’ called a meeting of the democrats
le a week if you leave your order in this city for Saturday afternoon,
fie Tillamook Feed Co.
at the Court house.
.¡W. Wiley and family have re­
The City Transfer Co. are the fel­
led to Athena, Ore., where he is lows who haul anj'thing, anywhere,
irintendent of schools.
any time.
Office on Main Street,
’. and Mrs. C. C. Stowe, of Port- op|iosite Clough’s Drug Store. Call
, are visiting at the home of us by phone, Main 651.
uty District Attorney G. Willett.
Aaron Proctor, who underwent
ter receiving mail for about 30 an operation on Saturday in this
sat Hobsonville, F. P. Hobson city, died on Sunday. He came
here from Pleasant Valley, where
changed hia jaist office address
he had been residing with his
I nephew, J. H. Proctor.
rl Haberlach and wife left for
Ernest Rupp, of Iowa, is visiting
land, and while there he will
cousin, John Rupp, in this
•te some time looking into the
county. John expect* to take a
se market.
¡trip east to visit hi* parents, and
e game of base ball on Sun-
it is probable that I. C. Quick and
between Tillamook and the
wife will accompany him.
erta resulted in a score of 8 to 2
Ira lartitrer and wife, who have
vor of the visitors
been visiting in the county during
» W H. Alderman left on Mon­
¡the summer, left for Portland on
morning for Vancouver, B.C.,
Wednesday morning, where Ira is
•it her daughter, and will re
attending the Dental College, this
> there about a month.
being his last year there.
1 Exchange,— automobile road-
There will be a congregation
1912 model, in good condition,
real estate. Apply at Head- meeting of the members and friend*
of the Presbyterian church thi*
t oftice.
(Thursday) evening, which will b*
D. Begun »nil
___ ___________
_ in of a business and social nature. It
wife came
•Lafayette. Ore., on Tueaday, is the purpose of the new pastor,
1 few days, being on their honey- the Rev. D A. Mackenzie, to re-
r"i This iH the first time that organize the different societies of
Dogtm has been in the county.
the church
Mrs. Joseph S. Lilly mine in last
i week by train and her husband
came in the first ot the week by
team, , and will again make their
Advises Contract Labor on
home in Tillamook.
Baydceat? Road—Pleased
Services both morning and even­
With Tillamook Roads.
ing at the Presbyterian Church
next Sunday, when the pulpit will
County Judge E. C. Judd und
be occupied by the Pastor, Rev. Commieeioneiu John Frye and Fred
The Directors of this bank beg to
D. A. Mackenzie. All are cordially Moore, of Clatsop County, with B.
announce that it is under entirely new
invited to these services
S. Worsley, state fruit inspector,
After a spell of wet weather, there and F. I_ Parker, of the Custom
was an agreeable change on Sun- House at Astoria, paid Tillamook
Mr. Win. (î. Tait, a capable and
«lay, it being bright and fine, with t ity a visit on Wednesday, and
banker, who Ims purchased
the prospects of some fine fall spent the evening al the Commer­
weather, which will be greatly ap- cial Club.
a controlling interest, has been elected
precialed by most everybody
i The object of the visit of the
President, anti assisted by the Board of
H. Heisel and wife, of San Loren Clatsop County officials to Tilla­
will have the entire manage­
so, Cal., is visaing at the home of mook County was in connection
his brother and sister, P. Helsel with the proposed Columbia High­
ment of the bank.
and Mrs. Nelson. Mr. Ileisel visit way, which is to be built from Port
Mr. Chester Holden lias been elected
ed Tillamook about six years ago, land, thiough Multnomah, Colum
and he sees many improvements in bia and Clatsop Counties to Sea­
the meantime.
side. Although the Clatsop County
The Board of Directors is as fol-
Tlie Bay- City Examiner was sold Court makes an annual visit to the
B. aC. Lamb,
W. Talmage,
by Herbert Conger to Floyd Trow­ south end of their county every
bridge and Samuel J. Cotton, both year, they are advocating the build­
Win. G. Tait, Paul Schrader and
of Bay City. Trowbridge will be ing of the Columbia Highway at the
Chester Holden.
the business manager and Cotton, same time, for they think it will be
formerly contributor to McClure’s
In future the bank will [be cou:
state. While doing so the court
Magazine, the editor.
on a conservative basis and busi­
Emil Wooley is back from Alaska, was anxious to know whether Tilla
ness entrusted to it will have efficient
where he had gone during the fish­ •nook County was desirous of being
ing season. He says there is a big connected with the Columbia High­
prompt attention.
pack of salmon in that region. While way. Judge Judd pointed out that
he was there there were heavy if Tillamook County did so, most
earthquakes and volcano eruptions, all the automobile travel out of I
clouds of ashes falling for three Portland over the Columbia High- I ■
way would also come through Tilla­ south us Commissioner Farmer’s,
No. 8574.
mook County, which would be the and on their way- back took in the
Report of the Condition of the
Attorney Oak Nolan came in
most scenic route in the northwest. Long Prairie and Wilson, river
from Portland on Wednesday in
He is wanting Tillamook County to roads. They were not only agree
connection with the settlement of
open up the Necarney mountain ably- surprised at the good roads
the Hadley case. It seems that he
road and the Columbia Highway to but the large amount of meadow
had been employed by Mrs. Hadley
come into this county by that rogd, lands. Judge J tidal made the re­
to prosecute the case and in the set­
as it will be otie of the most beauti- , mark that there were no better at Tillamook in the State of Oregon, it
tlement of it he had not been con­
roads in tlie state, with the excep­
ful spots on the entire route.
the close of business September 4, 1912.
County Judge Judd informs us tion of a few good roads in Multno­
The first cars of logs on the rail­ that Clatsop County expended mah county. The matter of con­
road for the saw mill in this city-ar­ $110,(XX) on road work last year, and necting Tillamook county with the Loans and Discounts.............. 78,581.52
rived last week from the Nehalem that they are making a success of Columbia highway was a small Overdrafts, secured and un­
secured ..................................
country-. There were four cars and convict labor. They have a camp ■ natter, for all that was necessary
S. Bonds to secure circu­
the logs were small, as the logging of twelve convicts at work at ti rock to da was to complete the road
lation...................................... 25,060.00
camp is not equipped at present to crushing plant, and all that it costs around Necarney mountain. In Other Bonds to secure Postal
handle the larger logs, which it will them to crush rock is 37c. a yard. the afternoon Jualge Mason anal
Savings .................$6,254.47 6,264.17
be able to do later.
The convicts work ten hours a day Commissioner Farmer left with the Premiums on U. S, Bonds...
engineer 1 Clatsop officials in their auto for Bomia, Securities, etc............ 12,687.48
Owing to the local train leaving and do good work. The
the track near Wheeler on Sunday, is a convict, and the men keep Nehalem and tomorrow morning, Banking House, Furniture,
and Fixtures.......................
Comniiaaiouer Alley, the
it did not run between thia city and themselves clean, being shaved with
Mohler on Monday. The special twice'a week. The court employs a ‘ whole party will hike it over the Other Real Estate owned... 5,226.00
train leaving here on Sunday after­ superintendent to look after the Necarney mountain ho a* to come Due from State and Private
Banks and Bankers, Trust
noon was delayed and did not get work at the crusher, and he sees to aome understanding between the
Companies, ami Savings
into Portland until early Monday that the convicts comply with the two counties ao that thia county
13,516. IS
morning on account of the »acci­ rules they have to abide by. The can get ill oil the Columbia High­ Due from approved Reserve
Agent*.................................. 48,794.71
judge said that when they first em- way, which, it ia predicted, will be
one of the beat out of the city Checks and other Cush Items
Arthur Mapes’ infant child died ployihl ’lie convicts the court went
Exchange« fur clearing house
on Wednesday morning. An oper­ to them and told them tliut ten of Portland.
County Judge Judd ia a booster Notes of other National
ation had been performed upon it hours hard labor was expected of
the previous day for appendicitis, them, and if they would do that tile for tile Colttinbiu Higliwnj, and In
Fractional Paper Currency,
but there was little hope of its court would pay them 50c. u day, ia anxious that Tillamook County
Nickels, and Cento......... ,.
Dr. Percy Wi ey, who instead of 23c. a day as paid in should be included in it. for it ia Lawful Money Reserve in
was rusticating at Nehalem, was other countiea where they employ
Bank, viz:
called in to consult with the local convict labor. Tlie men have taken ways iu the State of Oregon.
Legal-tender Notes 90.00 19,601.45
doctors, and assisted in the opera­ an interest iu the work and are
Redamption fund with U. 8.
making good, doing far more work,
The Hadley Case Settled
Treasurer (5 per cent of
and at far less cost, than nt
Sheriff Crenshaw has compiled a
the otln-r rock crushing plants
On Saturday of last week litigation
list of the amounts which have
Total........................... 214.9W.68
where convicts are not employed. in connection with the estate of the
been paid in for the Port of Tilla­
The judge says thia is a good way late C. B. Hadley was settled out of
mook tax which amounts to $5,898.-
to handle convicts, for they are court, the widow relinquishing all
61. This is to be returned to the
Capital atock paid in.............. 25,006.00
kept in working trim, and when claims for the «urn of $7000. ' This wax
taxpayers. The amount of money
Surplus fund...........................
they are discharged in the fall they the most irnfMirtant ease of it* kind
illegally collected for the Port of
Ihuiiviiled Profits, 1*6* Ex-
will be in good shape to take work ever instituted in Tillamook t county,
penseB and Taxes paid....
Bayocean amounts to $3,60'1.1)9,
with a little money in their pockets involving over $100,000.
National Bank Note« Out-
which have beeti turned over to
as well. They are not paid until
Following is the agreement as filed
atanding ............................... 88,000.09
that Port, and> no doubt arrange­ the end of the time they are en
with the County Clerk :
deposits subject
ments will soon be made to return gaged for,but the court often allows I
I Know all men by these presents, to check.............. $151,865.39
this money.
them a little out of their wages when that I, Otelia Hadley, of ths County of Demand c e r t i fl­
The teachers employed for the they want to buy anything for Tillamook, State of Oregon, the widow eatea of deposit. 4,162.50
public and high schools, which will themselves. Judge Judd strongly of the late C. II. Hadley, deceased, for Time certificate» of
convene on Monday, Sept. 23rd, in­ advised tl.e County Court of Tilla­ and in consideration of the sum of Sev­ deposit..................... 4,102.00
20.00 $160,149.»
clude Prof. L. L. Baker, Supt. ; mook County to employ a gang of en Thousand ($7000.60) Dollars to be Certified Ch. cks....
Ralph U. Moore, Asst. Supt; lamra convicts and put them to work on paid me by Clark Hadley, of the Coun­ l'ont a I Savings Deposito ....
..................................... $457.72
A. Smith and Mrs Hanson, in high the pro|x>sed Bayocean road, and ty of Multnomah, State of Oregon, re­
schiMil ; Mrs Ford. <
he said it would be a surprise what ceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
Mary White, seventh i grade ; Flor­ a large amount of money it would do hereby release and relinquish unto
State of f Iregon,
ence Connie, sixth grade ; Eliza save the taxpayers anil wduld the said Clark Hadley all my right, fxiunty of Tillamook,
I, C. A. McGhee, Cashier * th»
Dawson, fifth grade; Gladys Beala, greatly reduce the cost of building title and interest in and to any and all
. i.
fourth grade ; Miss Sours, third that road. He aaid aa the Kayo* can real arid personal property at this time aliove-narned bank, do solenfnl.,
grade ; Mrs. Leiicli und Mrs. Finch, 1 people were now amongst the standing and being in the name of the that the above statement ia lev
second grade; Catherine Burge and heaviest taxpayers of the county said C. E. Hadley, particularly any and beat of iny knowledge and belief.
C. A.
Clara Tinnerstett, first grade
| they were justly entitled Io a way all property of any und every character
and nature which is involved directly
Ed Hadley's saloon at Garibaldi I out ami should have a road.
Suliacribed and iwu’ri hr be I or* ’M
By putting in a convict camp on or indirectly in that certain suit now
went up in smoke early Wednesday
Cliis 10th day of September 1912
morning. It seems that the tire that road In- felt sine that results pending in the Circuit Court of the
started about lour o'clock in the would be a great surprise and once State of Oregon for Tillamook County,
Notary PuLii
roof, but as there »re tn fire HP- the county court established con wherein I arn plaintiff and said C. E. 1
pliances there the building
contents were »>on destroyed. ■d strate tliut it meant a large saving and C. W. Talmage, administrator of
Hadley came to the ‘.ity Tuesday to the taxpayers and better toads. the estate i.f <!. B. Hadley, dec* smm I.
If. C. LA Mil,
evening and remained over night,
V/ni. G. TAIT,
leaving algiut eighto’clock the next perinienting in regard to hauling of the sum of money paid aa ufuronaid,
morning. The building belonged to gravel. Tliey tried an auto truck, but 1 hereby und* rlake to dism »», i.unsua
G. R. Edner und was in»ured for found il di*! not came up to their
$1,4)0, and*as the building cannot expectations. After Comiuissiuiier knowledge to have received the fore­
UR Church
going consideration in full setlbmci.t
be replaced for less than $2,."i0W Mr. M*s>re made an investigation the
¡0 a. ill., S* id')
»4 j Mil.
Edner'e loss will amount to ll.JU) county purchased a traction eu
4 a. 1.1» S H*
gine und a train of trucks, and allege I in the said ail.t.
l»y only
Price* for Hog*
7 p. m., Epworth l.e.igue.
, two men, wtth the result that they E. Hadley, together with the appurt­
8 p. m., Song arid aer.non, subject,
wre now hauling crushed rock six enances, hia heirs and assign* forever.
Up to 225 lb«.. 1ÛI., <lre»se*l.
miles nt a coat of 50c. a yard. The | Io testimony whereof, I have here­ " Christ’« Message.”
ZÄ lb«. t<> 275 lbs . 8*9c drenaed.
This ia the last Sunday of the
275 poumto and over, 7c.
■ outfit cost $2,af<) and the judge unto set my hand and seal on this the
Conference year Sunday evening
Tillamook Meat Company. said that Tillam*s>k County would 7th day of September. 1912.
service will cluse the year's work.
find it a great saving ot money |
J. T. M uumx , pastor.
i m road building if it had a similar
For Bale
| outfit
Look at Tkta
Four hundred fifty dollar <$4M>) | On Thursday County Judge Maaon
On account <4 leaving for the
Brun, Per «ack, 10c.
equity in Bayocean lot for sale or ( aO4j Sheriff < renahaw took the Clat- R m *. I will aell my team, wagon.
Sharia, II JO
traile. No reasonable offer refused.
County officials out on a tour liâmes« and gravel tied, at a liar­
Process Barley, fl.flU.
Address F. H. SherwwxJ, Rainier
ineper twin of the roads in Till» gain. Inquire at J. W. Maddux'«
We have the g oasis. Come ssrly
u*»uk County. T^ey went «• for vfftoe ut to Wui. kaeum, foUaiBMwk.
TiUaMwwk FMd Co.
Drop in and book Around ”
First National Bank
of. Tillamook