Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 05, 1912, Image 8

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    township 5 S, range 10
went............. ...............
George W. Baker. E i of N»
I, section 15. township 5 S,
range 10 weat ..................... ..
C. H. Upton, Tract No. 700.
For furtlierdescription wee
tract took in assessor's
office, page 457, section
15. townaliip 5 S, range 10
weat ................... ...................
E. J. Mendenhall, S H of Se
•4 and Se J of Sw|, section
15, townaliip 5 S, range 10
W. A. McKinster. Sw of Nw
j and W >■» of Sw J and Ne
of Sw J, section 17 townaliip
5 S, range lOwest .............
Unknown owner, Tract No
For further descrip­
tion see tract book in as­
sessor's office, page 401,
section la, township 5 S,
range 10 weat
Fannie F. Yach, Se of Se i.
north of Litt e Neatucca
river, section 23. township
5 S, range 10 weat
Frank Yucli, Ne '.1 of .Se **',
and Se of Ne ' i, section 2.1,
township 5 S. range 10
west, and W *4 of Nw I*,
section 24. townaliip 5 S,
range 10 west.......................
George E Robinson, Sw of
sw i, section 20, township
5 s, range 10 west................
George E Rol inaon, se of
He L section 27, township
5 H. range 10 west . .
F. D. Stalford, timber on
fait 4, section :«), township
5 s, range 10 west ..
-Geo. E. Robinson. Xe i of
Ne i section 34, township 5
H, range 10 west ............... •
Geo. E. Robinson, Nw of
,xw i section 35, township
5 S, range 10 west .. ..
J. M. Gleovçs. Nw of nw i
section 30, ’ township 5 H,
raiuje K) west
Tillamook I.ami and Invest­
ment Co.. Lot 28 section
13, township 5 S, range 11
west, Lots 5 and 12 sec­
tion 24. township 5 S,
range 11 west....
lames Walton. Jr.. Tract No.
030. For further description
see tract bcok in assessor's
office, page 470, section
25, township 5 S, range
11 west, and Tract No. 037
For further description
see tract book in assess­
or’s office, page 471. sec­
tion 25, township 5 S,
range 11 west.........................
F. I>. St dfortl, Se of Nw i
Ne of Sw i les« sold, sec
section 25, township 5 S,
range 11 west.........................
F. I). Stalford. Timber on Se
of Sw J and S J of Se i sec­
tion 25,
township 5 S,
range 11 west.......................
Carl G. Frank W interest
and H. Pingel J interest.
W H of W i section 10,
township 0 south, range
9 west........................................
J. W. Boyer, Lot 2 and N i
of Ixit 3, section 12, town
■ hip 0 S, range It west....
Jas. Altenberger, Sw i sec
tion 20. township 0 S,
range 10 west
............. •
(). C Wright. E 4 of Sw J
and W i of Se J section 17
township 0 s, range lit west
S G. Reed, Nealt kali nie
Mountains, lots 1. 2, 3, 4.
5, 0. 7, 8. It, 10, 11. 12, 13, 14.
15. 111. 17, 18. IO 20. 21 22.
an<l ¿4, block 1. lots 1. 2, 3,
4, 5, 11 and 7, block 2............
S. G. Reed, Neiih kah-nie
Mountains, lota 8, It, 10, It,
12. 13. 14, 15 10, 17 an I 18,
block 2, lots 1, 2. 3, and 4,
block 3. lots 0. 7 8, V 10. 11
and 12, block 3, lots I, 2. 3,
4. 5, 0 and 7, block I .........
S. G Reed, Neah-kah nie
Mountains, lots 3, It, 10, II,
12, 13 14 and 15 block 4,
lots 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 0, 7. 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14. 15. 1(1, 17, 18. 19,
20. 21. 22 and 23, block 5
S G. Reed, Neahkahnie
Mountains, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
0. 7, 8, 9. 10. II, 12, 13, 14, 15,
10 17, 18, 19. 20, 21, 22. 23.
24 , 25, '20, 27 , 28 and 29,
block 0
S. G Reed, Neali-kah-nie
Mountains lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5,
0, 7, 8 and It. block 7, lots
I, 2. 3. 4, 5, 0. 7. 8, 9. 10. II.
12. 13. 14 ami 15, block 8,
lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 0, block
9 ....................................
S. G. Reed, Nvahkih-Oie
Mountains, lots 7, 8, P, 10,
II, 1'2, 13 ami 14. block 9. lots
1. 2. 3. 4, 5, I'. 7 8 and 9,
block 10...........................
S. G. Reed, Neah kah-nie
Mountains, lots 13, 14, 15.
10 and 17, block 10, lots I. 2,
3, 4 and 5, block II ............
S. G. Reed. Nenh-kali nie
Mountains, lots 0. 7, 3. 9,
10 and 11, block 11. lots I, 2,
3, 4, 5 and 0. block 12
8. G, Reed, Ne.th kali nie
Mountains, lots II, 12. 13. 14,
15 and 10. block 1'2. lots I,
2, 3, 4, 5, K 7 and 7. block
13 .........
S G. Reed. Nealt kah-nie
Mountains, lots 9. 10 II 1'2
ami I *, block 13. lets 1, 2. 3.
4 and 5, block 14
Daniel Mesnei. Nealt kah-nie
Mountains lots 8,9 and io.
block IT.................
Nehalem Bay Land Co . Ne-
carnet City, lots 5 mid tl.
block 3 ...................................
Fannie E. Rutf. Necarney
City. lot I. block 4
Stella R. Appleve. Necarney
City, lot 12. block I
B C. Hampton. Necarney
City, lot 1(1, block I
Nehalem Bay Land Co , Ne-
carnev City, lot 27. block 4
\\ i. (>l<ig. Necarney City,
lot 28 block 4
Margaret Wood, Necarney
.City. lot 13, block (I ..........
M Ê. King liuli intereat
and I- Rex Buran, half
interest. Necarney City,
lot 9, block 7
Nehalem Bay I.ami C»x, Ne-
carnev I ity, lot 8, block 8
Mildred Westerman, lota 111
and 17 block 8
Aber Weister, Necarney City,
lots 3 and 4 block 9
H W l.itle. Necarney Cdy,
lot II block ».
H G. Oberg Necuiucy City,
,ot 12 block 9 ......................
5 40 I L C Kraeclmke. Necarney
City, lot IV block 9...............
H. W Little. Necarney City,
7 ») i lot 17, block I >
E.E.Stephei.s. NecarneyCity,
lot 13, bio. s d
ClnrsIt.(. <>11Necnr leyCfty,
jot 5, bio, k II........................
Grace D. Younger. Necarney
Citi, lots 9 ¡.ml L. bliss 11
D. !.. Ruder, Necarney City,
lol I., bhx k II ■ ■ • -.............
I J, G. E h ) Lriinu. Necarney
7 20 I City, lots .8 und 19, block
ClaraB.Colby Nrcurneycity
lot 22 block II.........................
15 75 E E. Stephens, .\e-c«*rney
City, lot 24, block li............
Nehalem Hay lama > o , Ae-
carney City', lot lo block 12
iNehu em Bay J.anuéo., Ne
carney City, lot 10, L ock 13
42 Nenalem Bay Land Co., Ne­
carney City, Jot 23, block 14
Neltaiem Bay Land Co., Nc-
carney City, lots 9 and 10,
block 15 ...
II 30
Nehalem Bay Land Co,, Ne-
carney City, lot 1'2, block 15
Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­
carney C'ty, lot 15, block 15
Nehalem Bay Land ^o.. Ne­
carney City, lets 18 and 19,
9 99
block 15 .....................................
W. G. Oberg, Necarney City,
lot II, block 15................. J
1 80
Caesar W eisinan, Necarney
City, lot 1(5, block 15............
9 (XI G. E Nichols, Necarney City,
lot 1, block Ki.......................
Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­
City, south Vii lot 12,
4 03
block 16
Annie Walker, NecarneyCity,
north i lot 12, block 16 ....
1 (X)
Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­
carney City, lot 14, block 16
1 44 W. G. Oberg. NecarneyCity,
lot 22, block 16.......................
IL vV. Lytle, Necarney City,
lot 1, block 17.........................
Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne
carney City, lot 20, block 17
Nehalem Bay Land Co., .Ne­
carney City, lot 7, block 17
M. D. Deane, Necarney City,
lot 22, block 17 ...................
12 fit)
Leona Laughlin, Necarney
City, lot 23, block 17..............
J R. Neer, Necarney City,
lots 1 and 2, block 18..........
Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­
carney City, lots 9 and It),
block 18
Ernest Blue, Necarney City,
lots 11 and 12, block 18........
L. M. Hill, Necarney City,
13, block 1» ....................
Nehalem Bay l.and Co., Ne­
carney City, lots 1 and 2,
block 19 .................. ............
(X) (X) J. L , J. C. ami R. C. Robin­
son, Necarney City, lot 7,
block 20 .... ...........................
Nehalem Bay l.and Co., Ne­
12 OO
carney City, lots 15 and 10,
block 21
Nehalem Bay Land Co,, Ne
carney City, lot 19 block 21
Nehalem Bay Lund Co., Ne­
36 (X)
carney City lots 2 3 and 4
block 22....................................
Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­
18 00
carney City lots 18 and 19
L. H Hansen, NecarneyCity
1(1 80
lot 15 block 22
1 L. Appleton,NecarneyCity
City lot 9, block 24 ...............
11 50 Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­
carney Cit/ lots 14 1510 and
17 block 26.................................
A. J Henneiiuin, Necarney
City lot 25 block 26
M. 1) Deane. Necarney City
27 (X)
lot 8, block 27...............
Jennie Colin, Necarney City
lot 9 block 27
Nehalem Bay Land Co., Ne­
carney City lots 10 and 17
block 27 ...... .............................
1. H Hansen, NecarneyCity
26 (J8
lot 12 block 28.......... ............
Leona Laughlin, Necarney-
City lot 15 block 28 ........
T. Tyson and M. E. Ruff,
Necarney City lot 18 b ock
28 ...............
28 52 Nehalem Bav Land Co., Ne­
carney City lot 10 bloc* 31
Nehalem Day Lund Co., Ne­
carney City, lot 11 block 31
Nelin em Bay Land Co . Ne­
carney City lots 8 mid 9
20 08
block *33......................... ........
N. 11. Troost, Necarney City
lot 18 block 33 . .
Nelmlem Bay l.and Co., Ne­
carney City lot 13 block 34.
Jos. J. flague, Ne arneyCity
lot 13 block 33 ...
IKI Jos J. Hague. NecarneyCity
lots 4 5 and 6 block 40 ...
Jos. J Hague. NecarneyCity
lota 15 1(5 and 17 block 4'1..
H. A tell, Necarney City
lots 7 8 and 9 block 43 ....
II A. Hell. Necarney City
hits 1'2 13 and 14 block 4'2....
John II Hemperley, lots 8 and
9 20
9 block I Seabriglit..............
I. B. Senaekj, lot 7 block 3
Seabi iglit ....
.......... . . .
I. 1. \\ right, lot 8 block 7
11 04
L L. Wright, lot 5 block 8
T. J James, lot 10 blink 8
Seabriglit .... .. .....
12 S*l A. K Clumtierlain. lot 2.
block 2, Sunset Beach ....
\\ . I. ( roa Io 111, block
201 Sunset Bench.........................
R. K. Parsons, lota 17 and 18.
I block 2. Sunset bench
Mary K. Cooper, lot I), block
3. Sunset Bench.....................
K R. Merrick, lot 13, block 4,
Sunset Beach.........................
92 E F. Kelly, lot 21, blin k 4.
Sunset Brach,.........................
J. S. I'ovev, lots 17 mid 18,
block 5 tin set Beach.........
4(1 K. F. Emerson, lota I and 2
block 7 Sunset Bench.........
4« E. E. Addison, lot 20 block 7
Sunset Beach
40 B. E Gritimin. lot 2 block
9 Sunset Beach....
46 E. V. Gorth, lot 7 block 11
Sunset Beach.........................
46 Florence I Style lot 10 blink 15
Sunset Beach. .. ...............
T. K. and M. E. Read, lot
ii bjink 19 Sunaet Beach ..
46 Cluis. E- Hatch, lot hl. block
IV Sunset Bench...................
46 F. K Si-11 u It*, lot 1, block 20
Sunaet Bench.........................
92 F. E Schult*, lot 3 block 20
Sunset Beach
92 E E. Schult*, lot 9 block 2U
Sunaet Beach
46 E. F. and V H. Emeraon lota
1 2 3 block 22 Sunaet Brach
46 E. H. Ellingwood, lot 7 blin k
22 Sunset Beach.....................
4« J. C. Auterson, Jot 20 block
22 Sunset Beach.....................
46 Emma J. Keys, lot 23 block
22 Sunset Beaca.....................
Anderson, lots 5
46 J. P. W
and6 block 23Sunaet Beach
46 J. P. \V Anderson, lots 13
14 block 23 Sunset Beach
92 Mildred Chambers lot '8
block 24 Sunset Beach....
46 P. I. Packard, lot 4 block 25
Sunset Beach ................... ..
Phil H. Newell, lot 18 block
18 Sunaet Beach ..................
Agnes N. Odeen, lot 21 block
19 Sunset Beach....................
Nehalem Bay Park Land Co ,
t 6
lot 17 block 5, Nehalem
Bay Park
40 11. W. Lytle, lot 3 block 7,
N-haleiii Bav Park..............
45 Cm mil Van Orsdall, S 4
lot R. block 15 and lot 15
block 15, Nehalem Bay
P rl...............
Ne • j I ciii Bay Park LandCo.,
■t 17 block 23, Nehalem
Bay Park ........
,6 N . u em Bay Park Land Co,,
mis ¡0 ami 11, block 24,
Nehalem Buy Park..........
I Theekia Bright, lot 16 block
25, Nehalem Bay Park
92 Nlcx in rde, lots 8 ami 9
blink 2*1. Neimiem Bay-
Park ...........................................
A. M. H. iisei:. lot 18 block
26, Neha.em Ba Park ....
46 E. W. Hoitim, lot 1.) block
26. Nehalem ila; P.ir
\V. E. Sevengel, lots 5 to 7
block 28, Ni-ludem m.y
Nehalem Bay Pm k ..and < <>.,
Jot 5 block 30, Neu.i.em Hay-
Park ...........................................
46 Nehalem Bay Park I...nd i •>.,
lot 6 block N, Nehslem Huy
Park ... .
Benj. Y’oung, beginning at
Sw corner lot 15 ; then, c
east 225 feet ; thence north
110 feet ; thence west 2 5
feet ; thence south 110 feet
to beginning, lot 15 block
I, Nehalem Bay Park........
46 Bechill Bros., lots 25 and 26,
block F ami lots 27 and 28,
block S, Nehalem Bay
b2 E. M. Innacent, Tract No.
761. For 'urther descrip­
tion see tract book in as­
sessor's office, page (MX),
lot 43 block W, Nehalem
Bay Park ......... .....................
Nehalem BavPark LandCo.
lots 1 to 5 block X, Ne­
halem Bay- Park .
Nehalem Bay Park Land Co ,
lots 8 and 9, block X, Ne­
halem Bay Park...................
C. T. Schroeder, lot 19 block
A, Nehalem Bay Park ....
F. E. Fenler, lot 23 block A,
Nehalem Bay Park ............
92 Jennie M. Bramhall, lot 5
block 1 Nehalem Beach....
46 Nehalem Bay Land Co., lot
6 block 1 Nehalem Beach,
and lot 1 block 2 Nehalem
1 38
Richard Tunk, lot 2 block 3
Nehalem Beach......... ..
92 Nehalem Buy Land Co., lot
1 block 6 Nehalem Beach
4(5 Nelmlem Bav Land Co., lot
1 block 10 Nehalem Beach
445 Jennie M. Bramhall, lots 7
8 v block 10 Nehalem Beach
Jennie M. Bramhall, lots 21
1 84
22 block lo Nehalem Beech
Nehalem Bay Land Co , lot
29 block 10 Nehalem Beach
Nehalem Bay Land Co., lots
7 and 8 block 12 Nehalem
Beach ........................................
4(5 Daniel Cronen Eat., lots 1 2
3 4 5 (5 7 8 9 10 II 12 block 1
Pacific Harbor .....................
92 Daniel Cronen, Est., lots 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 h 12 13 14 15 10
block 6 Pacific Harbor....
Daniel Cronen, Est . lots 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 block 8,
Pacific Harbor, and lots 1
2 3 4 5 (5 block9 Pacific Har­
bor ......................................... .....
Daniel Cronen. Est., lots 7 8
9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 block 9
Pacific Harbor, and lots 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
block 10 Pacific Harbor....
Daniel Cronen, Est.. lots 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16
block 16 Pacific Harbor
46 D. miel Cronin, Est., lots 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 1) 10 II 12 block 8
Pacific Harbor, and lets 1
2 block 19 Pacific Harlxir
44) Daniel Cronen, Est.. lots 3 4
56 7 8 9 10 H 12 block 19
1 38
Pacific Harbor, and lots I
2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15
1 38
16 block 20 Pacific Harbor
Daniel Cronen Est.. lots 1 2
1 38
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
block 21 Pacific Harbor. . .
1 38 Nellie Berwick, blocks 1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Liverpool ....
92 Nellie Beswick, lots 5 6 7 8 9
block 11. and all of blocks
12 13 14 15 10 17 18, Liver­
pool ............. ...........................
441 Nellie Beswick, lota 2 3 4 5 fl
block IVLivcr|H>ol...............
445 Nellie Beswick. al) ot blocks
20 21 '22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 Liverpool ........
Nellie Beswick. all of blocks
34 35 .XI 37 I.iverpool
Nellie Beswick. lots 89 10 II
block 38 and al) of blocks
HI) 40 41 42 43, and lots I 2
block A, mid lots 1 2 blin k
B Liver|>ool ...........................
46 Win. Padnerknook lots 1 2 3
4 blink II Liverpool...........
46 Anna A. Sickles, lot I block
IV, Livertwol .......................
46 A. A. Muck, lot — block 33,
Liverinml ............. .................
»C L'nknown Owner, lot 1 block
38. I.iverpinil ...................
92 l'nknown Owner, lot 2 block
38, I.iverpinil .......................
46 Unknown Owner, lot 3 block
3s, Liverpool .........................
46 E J. Thomas, lots 4 und 5
block 38, Liverjnml ..... ..
46 Unknown Owner, lot 6 block
38, Liverpool .......... ............
«6 May Bingham, lot 7 block 38
Liverinml ............................... ’
441 E S. Johnson, lot 1'2 block
21. Wheeler......... ...................
46 Janies W. Walton, Jr., Trus­
tee. lot 1 blin k 22, Wheeler.
46 James W. Walton, Jr.. Trus­
tee, lot 7 block 22. W heeler.
46 Paul W'rasinger, lot 6 block
22. Wheeler ............................
46 Edith A. Bell, lots I 2 J 4 3
block 1. Bnghton .................
1 38 • C M. Sharpsteiu and Frank
Blucbet. lot 9 block 1 and
lot 10 block 1, Brighton ....
Edith A Bell, lots 1 23 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 block 2. Brighton ....
Edith A. Bell, lots 12 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15.
bkn-k 3 und lots 1 2 3 4
5 0 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15,
block 4, Brighton
Edith A. Bell, lots 16 17 18
IV 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
20 30 31 32 33 34, block 4 and
lots 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11,
block 5, Brighton.................
I Edith A Hell, lots 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 2>.) 21 22 23 24,
block 3, Brighton.................
I Edith A. Bel), lots 12 3 4
5 6 7 8 9, block 6, Brighton
35 Edith A. Bell, lots 11 and 12,
block 6, Brighton...............
35 Edith A Bell, lots 3 6 7 8,
block 7, Brighton ...............
Edith A. Bell, lots 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 (1 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 b ock
8, Brighton ...........................
bdith A. Bell, lots 29 3(1 31 32
35 j 33 34 35. blocks, Brighton
Edith A. Bel), lots 12 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16.
block 9, Brighton ......... . ...
Edith A Bell, lot» 17 18 19
20 21 22, block 9, Brighton.
Edith A Bell, lots 2728 29 30,
block I), Brighton
. ...
69 C. M. Sharpstein and Frank
Blucbet, lots 27 28 29 30,
31 32, block 5, Brighton ..
C M Sharpstein and Frank
Blucbet, lots 15 16 17 18,
block 6- and lots 1 2 3 4,
block7, Brighton..
1 04 C. M. Sharpstein and F ra n k
Bluchet. lets 9 10 11, blocK
7, Brighton...............
3(1 C. M. Sharpstein and FranK
Bluchet, lots 12 and 13,
blocK 7. Brighton .............
1 61 ■J M. Sharpstein and FranK
¡JIuchet. lot 28, blocK 8,
C ?l. Sharpstein and FranK
Bl diet, lo.s 23 24 25, blocK
a. Brighton
C. •!. Sharpstein and FranK
B:,.cliet, lots 31 anil 32,
blocK 9, Brighton ..............
Agnes Thompson, lots 1 and
2 blocK 8, Brighton........ .
6 44 1 ims. i >. A utt, lots 18 19 and
2;> oh ci. I, Brighton Beach
1'hos. B. \> att, lots 23 2+ 25
ami 2(1 f lock 1 Brighton
i leach........................................
A'itlielm Lentz, lots I and 2
bloc. 2 Bri litoti Beach...
Time B. U aft. lots 1-1 15 16
and ¡7 block 2 Brighton
1 72
Beach .......................................
R. R. Garlick, lots 26 and 27
block 2, Briglito i Beach ..
69 Alfred Lindberg i,,t I2block
3 Brighton Be.icX
.35 E. Jacobson, mt 15 I dock 3
Brighton Be ¡ch
35 H. H. Pettit, Jot 21 block 3
Brighton Beach
23 Tlios. B. Watt, lot 21 block 3
Brighton Beach
Edward Scott, lot 22 I dock 3
Briglito i Beach ....
46 Thoa. B. Watt, lot 23 block 3
Bright m Beach
23 Nellie Freeman, lot 25 block
3 Brighton Beach.................
23 Thos. B. Watt, lots 31 and 32
block 3 Brighton Beach
23 Thos. B. Wait, Jots 1 and 2
block + Brighton Beach . .
60 Thos B: Watt, lots 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15, block 4, Brigh­
ton Beach.................................
C. W. Haight, lots 22 and 23,
block 4, Brighton Beach ..
Thos. B. Watt, lots 31 and 32
block 4 Brighton Beach ..
461 Thos. B. W att, lots 1 and 2
block 5 Brighton Beach .. .
S. H Hoover, lots 6 7 8
9 76
block 5 Brighton Beach ..
Chas. V. Hardjieff, lots 16tind
17, block 5 Brighton Beach
3 68 F. L. Vaughn, lot 20 block 5
Brighton Beach .................
Thos. B. Watt, lot 1 block 6
Brighton Beach...................
Geo. Burg, lots 1 and 2 block
6 4M)
6 Brighton Beach..................
Thos. B. Watt, lot 7 block 6
Brighton Beach.....................
Carl G. Anderson, lots 10
and 11 block 6 Brighton
5 98
Beach ........................................
Geo Nickoloff, lot 16 block 6
Brighton Bench...................
3 68 M. N. Chongarsky, lot 17
block 6 Brighton Beach....
Thos. B. Watt, lots 20 and 21
block 6 Brighton Beach . .
3 99 H E. Hensley. Io(s22und23
block 6 Brighton Beach
B. L. Davison, lots 24 25 and
26 block 6 B ighton Beach.
Thos. B. Watt, lots 27 28 29
5 98
and 30 block 6 Brighton
C. J. Paup, lots 12 3 and 4
3 (18
block 17 Brighton Beach
Thoa B. Wait, lot 5 block 17
3 14
Brighton Beach.....................
Elenor Curtiss, lot 6 block 17
Brighton Be.icll
Thoa B. Watt, lot 7 block 17
I 98
Brighton Beach...................
Clara Thompson, lot 8 blin k
17 Brighton Beach...............
Gustave Hogman,
lot 12
block 17. Brighton Beach .
4 15 Carl Olson, lot 13 block 17
Brighton Beach
1 24 Thos B. Walt, lots 16 and U
blin k 17 Bnghton Bench..
Thos B W att, lota 25 and 26
blink 17 Brighton Beach
John .Murray, lots 27 and 28
1 28
block 17 Brighton Beach
1’hos B W att. lot 29 block 17
Brighton Beacn...............
Marie Buss, lots 3l) and 31
bkn-k 17 Brighton Beach ..
Emma Montgommerv, lots
32 und 33 block 17 Brigh­
ton Beach
04 Herman Van Cletf, lota 34
and 35 block 17 Brighton
Beach ......................................
Thoa B Watt, lota 1 and 2
block 18 Brighton Beach .
R. J. Pomeray, lot 15 block
18 Brighton B“ach
T. J Moreland, lot 16 block
18 Brighton Bench
G. B. Moreland, lot 17 block
18 Brighton Beach
Tlios B. Watt, lot 23, block 18
1 38
Brixhton Beach
. ....
Thoa B. W utt, lots 33 34 and
1 38
36 b ock 18 Brighton Beach
John 4). Fonine, lots 12 and
1 38
3 block IS Brighton Beach
H. D Portwood, lets 15 and
1 38
16 block 19 Brighton Bench
A m Farr lots 17 18 19and 2D
1 73
blin k 19 Brighton Beach ..
Thus B. Watt Iota 23 and 24
46 !
block 19 Brighton Beach ...
69 .Nels Osterman, lota 19 and
I 20 block 20 Brighton Beach
Elizabeth Merle, lot 25 block
2l) Brighton Beach.
6 36
Thoa B. Watt. Iota 27 28 29 30
and 31 block 20 Brighton
C. J Peterson, lot 36 block20
Brighton Beach
12 07
Katie G. Seston lot 39 block
20 Brighton Beach................
Thos. B. Watt, lot 40 block20
Brighton Beach...................
13 80 A. and J Keeney, lots 8 and
9 block 25 Brighton Beach
Anna Warrell, lots 11 and 12
block 25
5 98
Thoa. B Watt, lot 13 olock 25
Brighton Beach
4 14
J. E Carter, lots 16 and 17
block 25 Brighton Beach
Altieri B. S ¡inl-n, lots 18and
19 bloce 25 Brighton Beach
2 07
M. A. Brown, lots 36 and 37
I block 25 Brighton Beach..
O. W. Brown, lot 38 block
25 Brighton Beach.................
16 56
Thos. B. Watt, lot» 1 and
2 block 26 Brighton Beach
4 83
Myrtle Hamilton, lots 5 6
block 26 Brighton Beach .
11 04 Thus B, Watt. 14 15 block 26
Brighton Brach
4 14 W. A. Dentschman lot 22
block 26 Brighton Beach.
2 76 Thos B. Watt, lots.;23 24 25
block 26 Brighton! Beach
S. S. Moh’er lots 29 30 block
26 Brighton Beach.................
27 6
L. J. Hicks, lit.-’33 34 block
block 26 Brighton Beach
Thos. B. Watt, lots 12 3 4
block 27 Brighton Beach..
4 60
B. M. Carlson, lots 5 6 block
27 Brighton Beach..............
76 Thos. B. W tt. lot 7 blcck 27
Brighton Beaeh................
Thos. B. Watt, lot 9 block 27
Brighton Beaeh................
1 38
John Murray, lot 12 block 27
Brighton Beach ..............
69 N B. Heeklinger, lot 13
block 27 Brighton Beach..
Eunice Pon ery, lot 14 block
2 07
27 Brighton Beach..............
Geo. H. Mushier, lot 15 block
27 Brighton Beach....
1 38 H. C. Burdick, lot 16 block 27
Brighton Be;,,-h......................
1 38: M. J. Collins, lots 20 21 block
27 Brighton Beach
, F-
35 M. N. Chsngassky. lot 22
block 27 Brighton Beach..
W S. Gibson, lot 25 26 block
27 Brighton Beach
B L Ddvison, lot 27 28 29
block 27 Brighton Beach..
Henry Wetzler. lots 30 31
block 27 Brighton Beach
46 A. W. Lyman, lot 32, block
27 Brighton Beach...............
23 Elizabeth Lyuian, lot 33 block
27 Brighton Beach
11 Thos. B. Watt lot 34 b.oca
27 Brighton Beaeh
12 Thos. B. Watt, lot 36 blocK
27 Brighton Beach................
12 !.. J. HicKs, lot 35 blocK 27
Brighton Beaeh....................
12 R. M. Repass, lot 20 blocK
28 Brighton Beach..
W. H. Vrooman. lot 21 blocK
28 Brighton Beach ...
11 Nellie Hopper, lot 22 blocK
28 Brighton Beach
12 B. L. Davison, blocK 23 24 25
blocK 28 Brighton Beach
25 Thos B. Watt, lot 26 blocK 28
Brighton Beach.....................
2 R. Guillard, lots 27 28 blocK
28 Brighton Beach................
Geo W. B itner, lot 29 blocK
28, and south J lot 30 blocK
28 Brighton Beach ............
■ -s SivanK, lots 32 33 34 35
ick 28 Brighton Beach. .
Shoot 1 2 blocK 45
Biuhton Beach
G , - t>. Watt, lots 3 4 5 and
mcK -15 Brighton Beach
35 W.C. II iggin-.lot 25 block 45
Brig. ¡tun Be. ■ Il...... ...............
23 Thos B Walt. lot< 8 9 10 and
11 bloc 46 Brig, ion Beach
12 A. M. EnglebreGeii, lots 17
and 18 block 46 Brighton
Ruth S. Hicks, mis 21 anil 22
block 46 Brighton Beach .
Lillian Raslaml. lot 25 block
46 Brighton Beacn ....
Thos B Watt, lot 27 block 46
Brighton Beach......................
23 Ada W. Chambers, lots 29
and 30 block 46 Brighton
Thos B. Watt, lot 3u Im,, k 46
Brighton Beach................
Thos B. Watt, lots 13 14 15 16
17 and 18. block 47 and i..-s
21 and 22 block 47 Brighton
Beach ........................................
John R. Victacs, lots 23 24
25 and 26 block 47 Brighton
Beach ...........................
Thos f. Watt, lot 32 block 47
Brighton Beach ..................
Hilda Jones lot 33 block 47
46 I Brighton Beach.....................
Ida L. Ilayes lots 34 35 and
36 block 47 Brighten Beach
Thos. B. W att, lots 9 10 11
anil 12 block 48 Brighton
Beach .........................................
12 Thos. B. W att, lots 17 18 ¡9
and 20 block 48 Brighton
Beach.............. .......................
W ui F. ParKer, lots 21 and
22 blocK 48 Brighton Beach
Thos. B. W att. lota 27i and 26
12 __ blocK 48 Brighton Beach . .
Emma J McGinn, lot 27
blocK 48 Brighton Beach...
I Thos. B. Watt. Iota 28 and 29
23 i blocK 48. Brighton Beach .
|N E Chamblee», lot 30
blocK 48 Brighton Beach.
Phil Wyvel lot 35 blocK 48
Brighton Beach......................
lot 36. blocK 48
Brighton Beach.....................
Thos. B. W att. lots 5 and 6
blocK 49, Brighton Beach
23 Theresa Hair, lots 23 anil 24
blocK 49. Brighton Beach
C. L. Swain, lot 26. blix-K 49
Brighton Beach ...................
S. H Hoover, lota 31 und 32
biocK 49 Brighton Beach...
Thos. B. W att lots 33 and 34
blocK 49. Brighton Beach..
E. L. Sweet, lot 32. blocK 51
Brighton Beach....................
Albert Isaac, lota 20 and 2\
blocK .*>2, Brighton Beacn.
Sarah Send, lota 24 and 25
blocK 52. Brighton Beach..
Thoa. B. Watt, lot 32. block
52. Brighton Beach ..........
Thoa B. Watt, lota 35 36 37
">3 Brighton Beach...
Thoa. B. Watt, lota 10 anil 11
block 53 Brighton Beach .*
Thoa B. Watt, lots 18 and 19
block 53 Brighton Beach
Harry Nelson lot 23. bloc« 53
Brighton Beach.........
J *• >>ayhiigh, lot 24, bill
53. Brighton Beach
Thoa. B. Watt. lotH j and ,
block 54 Brighton Beal*
12 Thos B WHtt, lot 25. Ükcku
Brighton Beach
12 Thos. B. Wat’, lot 5. Moci’tt
Brighton Beuch
12 W. F Hnberlu'-h, lot in
block 55 Brighton Beach
Reynokls. lot 11, bfoei
55, Brighton Beach
23 W. A. Hickson, lot 27 Mix t
55 Brighton Beach
12 Thos. B. Watt, lots 34, MoG
I 55 Brighton Beach
23 A. E. Davison, lot 35 biiù v
55 Brighton Beach
23 B. L Davison, lot 36 bioeé
55 Brighton Bench
J. F. Wy vel, lots 37 M
blocK 55 Brighton Beach
A'. Pr%tür’ 3 4 bl°^ »
Brighton Beach
Lena ShauterbacK. lots 22 23
24 25 blocK 56 Brighton
Beach ...........................
U . S. Gibson, lot
1. 26 27" æ
blocK 56 Brighton Beach"
Thos B. Watt, lots 2930 bloix
56 Brighton Beach...........
Thus B. Watt, lots37 38biocK
62 Brighton Beach.......
Thoa B Watt, lot 26 blocK 64
23 I Brighton Beach..............
Thos B. Watt, lots 83 34 35
blccK 64 Brighton Beach
Thos B. Watt, lots 2223 M ock
66 Brighton Beach
Thus B. Watt, Jots 24 25 26 27
27 29 blocK 69 Brighton
Beach .......................
12 Thos B. Watt, lots 4 5 M ock
73 Brighton Beach..............
12 Thos B. Watt, lots 24 25
blocK 74 Brighton Beaeh
12 Thos B Watt, lots42 43 blocK
81 Brighton Beach....
12 Thos B Watt, lots 47 48 blocK 1
81 Brighton Beach...............
12 Thos B Wat', lots 1 2 blocK
82 Brighton Beach.........
12 Thos B Watt, lots 38 39 M ock
82 Brighton Bea-h..............
12 Vlasios Vlahasotiios 47 48
blocK 82 Brighton Beach..
23 Thos B Watt, lots 12 3 M ock
89 Brighton Beach..............
12 Vlasios Vhihnsotiios, lots 4
5 blocK 89 Brighton Beach
23 C. A. Messing, lots 6 7blocK
89 Brighton Beach
35 Thos B Watt, lots 15 16 blocK
89 Brighton Beach
23 Thos B Watt, lois 21 22 blocK
89 Brighton Beach..............
12 Thos B Watt, lot 25 blocK 90
Brighton Beaeh
12 Sely Pomeroy, lot 25 blocK 91
Brighton Beach .......
12 Thos B Watt, lots 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 blocK 92 Briglit-
ton Beach................................
Thos B Watt, lot 25 blocK 93
Brighton Beach....
Thos B Watt, lots 23 24 blocK
95 Brighton Beach.............
Thos B Watt, lots 37 38 M ock -
95 Brighton Beach..............
Thos B Watt, lot 40 blocK 95
Brighton Beach
Thos. B. Watt, lota 20 anil 21
block 96, Brighton Beaeh
Thos. B. Watt, lot 32 block
97, Brighton Beach............
Thos. B Watt, lot 40 bloc*
97, Brighton Beach .........
Thos. B. W att, lots 61 62 63
<34 blocK 96 Brighton Beach 2
23 Thos. B. Watt, lots 9 and 10
blocK 97, Brighton Beach..
46 Thos B. Watt, lots 29 30 31
32, hloi-K 98 Brighton Bench 1
23 Manhattan Realty Co., lots 9
and 10, block 6, Manhattan
46 Manhattan Realty Co., lot 3,
block 7, Manhattan
12 Sophia Brobat, lota 4 and 5,
block 7, Manhattan
46 Mary L. and Minnie Denning
loti, block9, Manhattan
Manhattan Realty Co., lots 2
and 3, block 11, Manhattan.
Manhattan Realty Co., lots 8
and 9, block 11, Manhattan.
Manhattan Realty Co., lots 28
and 29, block 3, Manhattan
11 Lizzie Maguire, lota 14 and 15,
block 4,
Manhattan Realty Co., lots 22
and 23, block 4, Manhattan
Lizzie Finn,
lots 3 and 4,
block 5, Mal.attan Beach
Manhattan Realty Co., lot 12,
5, Manhatten Beach
Manhattan Realty Co., lots 19
46 ! and 20, block 6, Manhattan
Manhattan Realty Co., lot 7,
12 i block 7, Manhattan Beach.
Lens Rider, lot 13, block 7,
Manhattan Beach
Margaret Sharkey,
lot 14,
block 7, Manhattan Beach
C. E. Brown, lot 15, block 7,
Manhattan Beach.
45 Emma Forsberg, lot 18, block
7, Manhattan Beach.
E. R. Angell, lots 21 and 22,
block 7, Manhattan Beach
W. W. Wisewell, lots 23 and 24,
block 7, Manhattan Beach.
Manhattan Realty Co , lots 4.
und 6, block 8, Manhattan
12 A. L. Davis, trustee, lots 9 and
10, block
8, Manhattan
Manhattan Realty Co., lot 14,
block 8, Manhattr n Beach
H. P. Burroughs, lot 16, block
8, Manhattan Beach.
Sarah F. Angell, lot 24, block 8,
Manhattan Beach.
Manhattan Realty Co., lots 35
and 36, lot 8, Manhattar.
23 Manhattan Realty Co., lot 26,
block 9, Maiihuttan Beach.
11 Jessie C. Foote, lot 6, block 10
Manhattan Beach.
23 L. B. Townsend, lot 7, block 10
Manhattan Beach. ■ -
23 Manhattan Realty, Co., lot 23,
block 10, Manhattan beach.
12 MaryJWiiso-i, lot 27, blocK N,
Manhattan Beach.
23 I Calla McMullin, lot 28, block
10. Manhattan Beach.
23' Manhattan Realty Co., lot 7,
I block II. Manhattan Beach
111 Manhattan Realty Co., lot 10,
block II, Manhattan Beach.
Manhattan Realty Co., lots 30
and 31, block 11, Manhattan
Manhattan Realty Co., lots 24
25, block 11, Manhatten