Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 05, 1912, Image 7

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township 1 N, range 10
Fox l.umberCo .TractNo.876.
For further ilescription
see tract iaiok in assessor's
office, page 48. section 34
township 1 N. range 10
west,and Tract No. 715. For
further description see
tract book in assessor’s
office, page 48, section 34.
township 1 N, range 10
west ..................
N otick 1» H ereby G iven , pur­ Nellie E. Armstrong, Tract
suant to the provisions of Chapter
No. 43. For further des­
275 of the General Laws of Oregon
cription see tract book in
for the year 1191 thst the taxes for
assessor’s office, page 99,
the year 1911 upon the following de­
section 35, township 1 N,
scribed real property in Tillamook
range 10 west.........................
County, Oregon,
became delin­ Security Saving A Trust Co.,
quent "on the 1st day of April, 1911,
Sw } of Sw } section 3.
anil are subject to a penalty of ten
township 2 N, range 7
per cent anil interest at the rate of
twelve per cent per annum until Security Saving & Trust Co..
paid, and that the description of
Ne } N } of Nw } and Sw
the real property upon which said j of Nw }. section 10 town­
taxesaredelinquent.and theamount 1 ship 2 N, range 7 west..,.
of the tax. and the name of the own- Freil R. Hayes, one-half in­
ers thereof as the same appears | terest, and Wtn Cauty one-
upon the Tax Roll, are us follows. I half interest E } of W }
section 5, township 2 N,
to wit :
Merchants’ Saving A Trust
range 8 west .........................
Co., Se ‘4. section 5, town­
Fred R Hayes one-half in­
ship 1 N, range 5 west
terest anil Wm Cautyone-
G. F. Thompson, NwVi of Se
I half interest and W } of E }
>4. section 18, township 1
• ■
2 N,
9, - township
9 25
range 8 west .............
N. range 7 west ....................
N. P. R. R. Co.. I.ot 4, sec­
C. P. Knudson, Ixit 3 Lens
tion 18, township 1 N,
tract sold, section 5, towiil
range 9 west ..........................
n-9 '¿P
ranarc w wes* • • •
Claude Thayer, S } of Nw }
"• H. Easom, Tract No. 102.
section 36, township 1 N,
For further description
4 75
range 9 west............... .............
see tract txiok in assessor's
Homer D. Angell and F. S.
office, page 56, section 6,
Fisher N } of Nw } section
township 2 N. range 9
west....................... .
36, township 1 N, range 9
Mary E. Smith Ne } of Ne }
west ............. ........................
I. L Smith, W } of Sw },
section 18, township 2 N
. range 9 west........... ....... . ’
section 1, township 1 N,
range 10 west, and Ne of
Ed F. Robson, Nw } of Se }
Se } and Se of Ne }, sec­
section JI6, township 2 N
tion 2. township 1 N, range
range 9 west.....................
Lederer. Se of Nw' }
10 west.........................................
Mary Aellig, Eat.. Lots 2, 3,
section 29, township 2 N
4. and Sw of Ne } section 2,
range 9 west...........................
township 1 N, range 10 west.
Henty Lederer, Ne of Sw }
Tract No 5. For further
section 29, township 2 N.
description see tract book
range 9 west
in assessor’s office page 5,
Erwin Kabkee, Sw of Nw }
section 2, township 1 N,
section 29, township 2 N
range 9 west.............
range 10 west..........................
R. G McMullen. Tract No.
Erwin Kabkee. Nw of Sw }
833. For further descrip­
section 29. township 2 N
tion see tract book in as
range 9 west, and Ne of Se
sessor’s office page 10,
'X section .«), township 2
section 6, township 1 N.
N range 9 west....
Ernest Kabkee, Se } of Ne }
range 10 west..........
Tillamook Beach Realty Co.,
section 30. »ownship 2 N,
Tract No 856. For further
range 9 west................
description see tract book
S- ami J. Barber, N } of N }
in assessor’s office page ¡8,
of Se } of Se }, section 22,
section 6 township 1 N,
township 2 N, range 10
4 20
range 10 west...................
Tract ‘ book
Jas Kodad, N } of Se }, sec
C. F 'Buckles,
’ ’
For further des­
tion 22, township 2 N,
No. 14.
... ___
cription see tract book in
range 10 west, and Nw } of
Sw } secti -n 23 township
assessor’s office page 11.
2 N, range 10 west
section 11, township 1 N.
Erwin Kabkee. Sw } of Sw }
range 10 west... z..
and \\ } of E } of Sw }
The Garibaldi
Beach Co., Si
of S J and Ne *iof Se },sec­
section 35, township 2 N,
tion 16.township 1 N, range
range lO west, and Tract
10 west.....................................
No. 117. For further des­
The Garibaldi Beach Co., All
cription see tract book in
tide land F. and A on Lot
assessors office, page 71,
2. section 20, township 1
section 35, township 2 N,
7 40
N, range 10 west....................
range 10 west
I. I. Handley, Tract No. 17.
J. Garbee, Se of Sw } section
3 townshiii 3 N, range 6
For further description see
»' ‘‘t book in assessor’s
office page 15, section 20;
J. Glaser, Sw of Svy } section
township 1 N, range 10
3, township 3 N. range 6
r¿ 60 west....
west . ........................ ..
R. b. Cox, Ne of Nw | and
Sidney Smith Est., Tract No
IB. For further descrip
Ne ot Se } section 8 town-
tion see tract book in as­
. ship 3 N, range 6 west ...
sessor’s office page 15, sec­
A. Mahue. Ne } section 9,
tion 20, township 1 N,
township 9 N, ran Ke 6
12 60
range 10 west
J. Glaser. W } of Nw } and
C. E Watt, Tract No 25.
Se of Nw}, section 10,'town
For further description see
tract book in assessor’s
ship 3 N. range 6 west
office, page 15, section
J. Garbe, N } of Ne } and Ne
21, township 1 N, range 10
of Nw }t section 10 town­
8 40
ship 3 N. range 6 west
W. N. Doscher, Lots 3. 4 and
The Garibaldi Beach Co.,
5 and Sw of Nw }. section
1 ract No. 30.
For further
2, township 3 N, range 8
description see tract book
in aasessor’s office, page
18, section 21, township 1
Lombard A Rittenhouse, N
25 20
N, range 10 west................
} of Se } and Sw of Se }.
section 2, township 3 N,
The Garibaldi Beach Co.,
Tract No. 24. For further
range 8 west .........................
W. G Dwight, Lots 7 and 8,
description see tract book
in assessor's office, page
section 2, township 3 N,
17. section 21, township 1
range8 west, and H } of Se
range 10
} and Sw of Se } section 3.
range 9
Tract No. 33. For further
township 3 N,
descprijitioii see tract book
west ..............
in assessor's office, page
N. P. R. R. Co,, Nw of Ne },
1». section 21, township 1
Nw of Ne } section 10,
N, range 10 west....................
township 3 N [, range 8
The Garibaldi Beach Co..
All tide land F. and A. on
City of Astoria, Lots 1 and 2,
section 10, township 3 N,
Lots 3 and 4, section 21,
31 50
range 8 west .........................
•‘"»■nship 1 N, range 10west
I he Ganhakli Beach Co.
W. G. Dwight, Ne of Se} and
Tract No. 48.. For further
Lot 10, section 10, township
3 N, range 8 west, and Sw
description see tract book
of Nw } and fxit 1, section
in assessor's office, page
section 22, township 1
11, township 3 N, range 8
N. range 10 west ............ ..
2 10
west .........................................
J. W. Russell, Sw of Nw },
T,,‘‘/mnbaldi Beach Co.
and Lots 3 and 4, section
AH tide lands F. and A.
on lots 1, 2, 3, section 22,
2, township 3 N, range 9
township 1 N, range 10
west ...........................................
west ...
27 30 Jos. Russel), Se of Ne } and
Ixits 1 and 2, section 3,
Tract No 56.
township 3 N, range 9
.\2r/l,rl,.,er dfrMcription see
tract tvook ¡n
west ...........................................
hce, ¡»ajre
an*tion 22,
R. A. Crawford, timber on
W } of Nw }, section 5,
township 1 N, range 10
west ..............
township 3 N, range 9
5 55
Emma Adams, Tract No. 61
west ....... ........ ..........................
Ida Condit, Ne of Nw }, W }
For further description
of Ne } and Ne of Ne }. sec­
a- tr“ct 600,1
tion 7, township 3N, range
office, page '27. section 22,
9 west, and Nw }, section
* N.* n*n‘re 10
9, township 3 N, range 9
Clar. Pearson, Tract No. (St.
west .............................................
A. A Smith, half interest,
seertra.i?heI de«Cr«l'tion
and J. F. Martyn, halt in­
e track liook in assessor’s
terest, I.ot 4. section 13.
office, jwge 27, section 22.
township 3 N, range 9
wrat”h,p ’ N* rwnRe 10
west .........................................
Jack Ton* fBsi: f r^rt No."
Jos. Effenberger, timber on
E } of Sw }, section 31,
m L. h
further demrip.
township 3 N, range 9
se.l "•** *2C‘ 600,1 in »•■
west ........................... ...
O. J. Boe, Ne }, section 2.
evtion 22. township 1 N
I T2-n,re 10 wei,t ............. -
township 3 N, range 10
west................... ........................
VV G Dwight Lot 3, section
range 10 west
2. township 3 N. range 10
2 15
west .........................................
Nora A. Sky les, E } of Nw
‘u’e land F and A oo
}, section 5, township 3 N,
Lot I -ectmn 2». township
range 10 west..........................
I LX«"»« 10 west....
5 70
For r 2?"' Tract No »
D. F. Skinner. E } of E },
•ee tr2i!»rtZ,eru deBCrl Ption
section 7, township 3 N,
tract book in assessor s
range 10 west . ......................
Ray Marble. Ne } of Ne } of
U -ection 34,
Sw }. W } of E } of Se } of
west -P’
Nw } section 13, township
Tr»ct No. 84. For
3 N, range 10 west ........
t/ra ’er|» ?e"friP,'*>« *ee
S. G Reed. Se of Sw } and
k ,n ’••se-sor s
Sw of Se }. section 17,
Notice of
oo Real Property
in Tillamook County,
Oregon, for the Year 1911.
56 3ft
17 20
175 75
53 75
79 20
1 08
4 60
8 00
4 40
6 60
8 40
3 30
8 80
4 40
3 75
25 20
1 56
5 72
44 20
20 80
14 30
.33 80
10 40
11 70
23 40
39 00
39 00
» 10
38 (X)
18 40
16 10
20 TO
8 9R
township 3 N, range 10
........ .....................
S. G. Reed. Lotsl, 2. 3, 4 and
5, section 18, township 3 N.
range 16 west, Lot 1, sec­
tion 19, township 3 N,range
19 west. Ne }. section 20,
tbwnship 3 N range 10
west. E } of N < } and Lots
1 and 2. section 26. town­
ship 3 N, range 10 west,
I-ots 3 and 4, less platted,
section 20, township 3 N,
range 10 west, and Se },
less tract sold, section 20,
township 3 N, range 10
Andrew Gottenborg, Tract
No. 131
For further de­
scription see tract book in
assessor’s office, page 81,
section 23, township 3 N,
range 10 west .......................
Ida Henshaw, % interest,
and Pearl Crawston Vi in­
terest. Lot 1, section 1.
township 3 N, range 11
.......................... ».
M. A. Thompson, Lots 15,
16, 17 and 18, section 5,
township 1 S, range 8
west ...........................k...........
Hans C Hanson, Swof Sw },
section 28, township 1 S,
range 8 west . -i...................
Hans C. Hanson, S } of Se }.
section 29, township 1 S,
range 8 west .........................
Hans C. Hanson, Nw of Ne
}, section 32, township 1 S,
range 8 west ................... ...
L. r
‘ . S } of Se } and
H. ""■
Nw of ‘ Se },
' section 33,
township 1 S, range 8
west .................
John E. Nelson. Ne}, section
3, township 1 S. range 9
Oak Nolan, Tract No. 181.
For further description see
tract book in assessor’s
office, page 109, section 6,
township 1 ,S,
range 9
west ..........................................
Benj Sensney. Se } of Ne },
section 16, township 1 S
range 9 west............................
Geofge K. Quiggle. N } of
Sw }. section 17, township
1 S, range 9 west .... ... •
George E. Ouigger. E } of Se
}, section 18, township 1 S,
range 9 west..........................
Lillian R. Anderson, Tract
No. 216. For further de­
scription see tract book in
assessor’s office, page 125,
sections 20 and 29, town­
ship 1 S, range 9 west
C E Reynolds, laits 14, 15
and 16,section 23, township
1 S, range 9 west, and Sw
} of Sw }. section 24, town­
ship 1 S. range 9 west.........
Tillamook Water Company,
Tract No. '225. For further
description see tract book
in assessor's office, page
133. section 26, township 1
S, range 9 west ................
M. E. Parkhurst, Tract No.
231, For further descrip
tion sxe tract book in as­
sessor’s office, page 1.46,
section 27, township 1 S,
ronge 9 west ............... - • ■ •
Lillian R. Anderson, Ixit 1,
section 29, township 1 S,
range 9 west ..................... .
O. A. and F. E. Dodge, S
interest,and Anna C. Erkie,
Vs interest, Tract No. 265.
For further description see
tract book in assessor’s
office, page 149, sections
29 and 32, township 1 b,
range 9 west ...................... •
Mary E. Phelps estate, part
of Tract No. 319. For fur
ther description see tract
book in assessor’s office,
page 165, section 30 town-
ship 1 S. range 9 west ....
John Rupp, E } of Nw}, sec­
tion 36, township lb range
9 west ••••••••
Thore Haugen. Tract No. 360.
For further description see
tract book in assessors
office, page 183, section
•2, township 1 b, range 10
United Railway Company.
Tract No. 834. For further
description wee tract book
in assessor's office, page
189, section 3, township 1 S,
range 10 west .........
W. L Riefenlierg, small part
of Tract No. 367. for further
description see tract book
in assessor’s office, page
187, section 3, township 1
S, range 10 west
H E- Provost, Tract No 3T_.
For further description see
tract book in assessors
office, page 189, section
3, township 1 S, range 10
Fred Tomlinson, Est., lots 1.
7 and 8, section 34. town
ship 1 S. range 10 west ..
'John Duttweiler, Tract No.
I 524.
For further descrip­
tion see tract liook in as-
I sessor’s office, page 262,
section, 36. township 1 8.
1 range 10 west ................... .
Nellie E. Armstrong, N } of
Se V4, section 5, township
2 south, range 8 west ....
Nellie E. Armstrong, Sw
of Ne Vi and Se V, of Nw
A}, section 5, township 2 S.
range 8 west.......................
2S3 00 K. S. Snares, S } of Ne *4
J and N } of Se Vi, less sold,
section 29. township 2 S,
I range 8 west .........................
H. O. Snuffer S } of Nw l4
aud N } of Sw •», section
3 06 I 29, township 2 S, range 8
I west ........................................
I R. J. Heyvaert. Se >i of
Sw I4. section 2, township
t 2 S, range 9 west
1 15 D. A. Storey, Se Vi of Se Vi,
section 3, township 2 s,
range 9 west
D. D. Jones, Se Vq of Sw ’4,
13 30
section 4, township 2 S,
range 9 west ..........
Mat Weber. 50 acres off east
siile of Nw Vi, less sold,sec­
2 10
tion 7. townehip2 S. range
9 west.............
14 80 Mary E. Johnson, lot 1,
section 8, township 2 s,
range 9 west...................
12 00 G, B. Lamb, Ne V4 of Sw
and Se Vi of Sw V4. less
sold, section 9, township
2 south, range 9 west . .
29 40 G. B. Lamb. W } of E } of
Se y and W } of Se l,4
section 9 township 2 S,
range 9 west .......................
3 80
P. J. Heyvaert, Ne l4 of Nw
*4 and lots 1 and 2. sei tion
11. township*2 south, range
9 west........................................
Hugh Johnson. Ne Vi of Ne
1 90
A4, section 11. township 2
south, range 9 west and
Nw Vi of Nw I}, section 12,
township 2 S, range 9
1 80
west ..........................................
Isaac F. Quick. Tract No.
843. For further descrip­
4 GO
tion see tract book in as­
sessor's office, page 286,
section 16, township 2 S
12 00
range 9 west..................... .
G. II Lamb, lota 2 and 3,
section 16, township 2 S,
range 9 west.......................
H. L. Simmons, Tract No.
For further descrip­
27 00
tion see tract book in as­
sessor’s office, page 293,
section 21, township 2 S,
range 9 west............ ..........
12 60 James Goldsworthy, Sw Vi
of Nw Vi, section 21, town­
ship 2 S, range 9 west ...
Frank Fowler. Nw Aj of Se 14,
section 21, township 2 S,
range 9 west .........................
E. Mason, Sw V4 of Ne V4.
2 10
section 21. township 2 S.
range 9 west .......................
\V. R. Lusby, W } of Sw Vi,
section 27, township 2 S.
range 9 west ... . .
9 00 Nancy R. Simmons. Nw
of Ne *4, section 28, town­
ship 2 S, range 9 west ...
10 80 \V. R. Lusby, Ne 'i of Se X,
section 28, township 2 S,
range 9 west anil Tract No.
571. For further descrip-
titra see tract liook in as­
sessor’s office, page 297.
section 28, township 2 S,
range 9 west.........................
19 80 Fred Blum. N Vj of Sw Vi of
Sw Vg section 28, township
2 south, range 9 west
J amea Christensen, half in­
terest ; Blanche
half interest in Tract Xu.
747. For further descrip­
7 37
tion see tract book in as­
sessor’s office, page 299,
section 29, township 2 S,
9 15
range 9 west.........................
James Christensen. Ne V
of Se Mi section 32. town­
ship 2 S range 9 west ...
W. R. Lusby, N } of Nw Vi,
section '44, township 2 S,
20 90
range 9 west...................
James Tone, Est., Se } of Sw
}, section 3, township 2 S,
range 10 weet .......... ...
A. H. Wilson, N Vi of Nw Í
section 5, township 2 S,
12 25
range 10 west...................
A. H Wilson, all tide land
F. and A, on lot 6, section
6, township 2 S, range 10
west ..........................................
1 «1 S. M. Dailey. Se } of Ne },
section 10. township 2 »,
range 10 west.........................
Oscar Monson, ten acres off
west side of Nw } of Nw },
section 13, township 2 »,
range 10 west.........................
1 95
Oscar Monson, Ne } of Ne },
Eilna S Iaunb, Tract No.
section 14 township 2 »,
461 For further descrip
range 10 west.........................
tion see tract book in as­
Chas. Blum, W } of Se } and
sessor’s office, page 2!«.
E } of Sw }, section 25,
section 25, township 1 b,
township 2 », range 10
38 53
range 10 west........
• • • • •
weet................ ...........................
J R. Harter. Tract No. 4 m .
Chas Arrunce, Tract No.
For further description see
582. For further descrip­
tract liook ir. assessors of­
tion see tract liook in as­
fice, page 235. section ÎX
sessor’a office, |iage 321.
township 1 S, range 10
section 30. township 2 »,
38 53
range 10 weet and S
B J Stephens. Tract No.
Ne } and Ne } of Ne
TM. For further descrip­
Lot 1, section 30, township
tion see tract book in as-
2 ». range 10 west.................
sessor’s office, page
C. and M. B. Blum, Ne } of
section 25. township 1 ».
Ne }. section 36, township
6 70
2 », range 10 weet.............
William Dowd, Tract No.
John B. Caples, timber on
465 For further descrip­
Ne } of Ne }, section 36,
tion see tract book in
township 2 south, range 10
assessor’s office
240. section 26, township I
6 00 W. G. Dwight, Ne } of Nw }.
S, rangelO went .. .. •••••
•ection 36, township 3 »,
Fred Tomlinson estate, be ot
range 7 west .......................
of Se }, section 2., town­
7 5» W. R. Rutherford, E V* of
ship 1 », range 10 west
of Sw }. Se } of Nw } and
Bjorn Paulson. N V4 <?<
Nw } of Se }. section «,
Vi. section 28. townahio 1 ».
township 3 S, range 8 went.
range 10 west and N } of
Matt Thompaon Se }. section
Ne % section
13 towi.ahipft south, range
19 *>
8 west .... .............................
H. A. R- Thun.
interest in
sold, section 31 township 1
E } of Ne }. Swof Ne } and
3ft 3>
south, range 1« west . ■ • -
Se of Sw }, lea« one acre,
p L McCowell, Tract No.
•ection 1«. township .4 S,
743. For further descrip­
range 8 weat.and Se }. sec­
tion nee tract liook in as­
tion 16. township 3 S. range
sessor* s office, i»ege Jf",
8 west. .....................................
section 31. township 1
H. Jackaon estate, Tract
6 «4
south, range 10 west ..-
For further de-
C B. Hadley, hat., Tract No.
script ion see tract book in
Me For further descrip­
a saeaaor* a office, page ftgft,
tion -er tract book in a.
section 16. township 3 S,
sensor's office, pare »6
range 8 west..................... ..
section 31. township 1 »•
5 51 Edwin Haokertrustées. IxXa
range 10 west .••»••••••
13 80
3 “nd A section 18, town­
ship 3 S, range 8 west, and
24 I»
Lots 1 and 2 and Se of Nw
i. section 19. township 3 S.
, range 8 west ........................
Fannie Smith, Lot 2, section
•40. township 3 S, range 8
19 80 J. S. Moore, N } of Sw }. sec­
tion Xi, township 3S, range
8 west................................
14 80 K M. Nelson, W } of Ne },
section 36. township 3 S,
range 8 west .................
D. D. Jones. Lot 12 section
1« 80
1, township 3 S, ran ire 9
D. D. Jones. N } of Se H and
U»t 9. section 2. township
2 94 , 3 S, range 9 west .................
tiara J Rease, Tract No.
591. For further descrip­
tion see tract book in asses­
4 30
sor’suffice, page 333. sec-
tion ., township 3 S, range
9 west
1 .85 A H. Beaty, Sw of Nw Vi,
section 8. township 3 S,
range 9 west........................
5 5ft Edwin Hooker trustee. Lots
2, 5, 7 and 10, section 13,
township 3 S, ra n ge 9 west
s } of Se 1« and Ne of Se L.
section 13, township 3 S.
range 9 west,. Lots 8 and
9. section 13, township 3 S
39 60
range 9 west, and Ne of
Se Vi and Se of Ne Vi, sec­
tion 14, township 3S. range
9 west................................
14 40
K. Skegg, N } of N w ¿j of Ne
*i. section 16, township 3 S,
range 9 west ...................
10 80 George Pierce. Se ti of Nw
"a of Ne Vi,section 16, town-
ship 3 S, range 9 west
N J. Wiley, Sw V« of Nw of
section 16, township
25 90
■4 b, range 9 west .........
John Hicks, Nw of Se Vi and
Ne of Sw (4, section 16,
5 55
township 3 S, range 9
west ................................
James A. Barfield, Sw of Ne
M »nd Se of Nw Vi. section
16. township 3 S, range 9
2*1 20 A. M Ginn, S V4 of Nw
section 19, township 3 S
range 9 west ......................
A. M. Ginn, N H of Sw V4,
I section 19 township 3 s,
range 9 west .........................
48 10 I. W. Hiner, E Vi of Nw
and Sw Vi of Nw V}, less
sold, section 20, township
36 OO
3 S, range 9 west
E. M. Johnson, Se of Ne i4,
section 21. township 3 S^
range 9 west .........................
Chas. N. Johnson,Sw X, less
sold, section 22, township
28 50 JtSj range 9 west ...............
Edwin Hooker, trustees, Ne-
'■f and E Vi of Nw
tion 24, township3S, range
24 ■23
9 west........................................
M. N. Bayes, W '• of Ne Vi,
of Nw Vi and Ne of Sw
Vi. south of Big Nestucca
river, section 26. township
3 S, range tl west ....
8 55
Chas. N. Johnson, Ne of Nw
} and W Vi of Nw }, less
sold, section 27, township 3
24 23
S. range 9 west, and Se
Ne }, north of Big Nestuc­
ca river, section 28. town­
i 13
ship 3 S, range 9 west ....
E. M. Johnson. Ne of Ne },
less tract sold, section 28,
township 3 S, range 9
F. D. Turck, Nw of Ne }, Ne
of Nw }. and 8 acres off
west end of Ne } of Ne },
18 53
section 28, township 1 8,
range 9 west
18 53 Carrie A. Gordon, Nw of Se
}. section 36. township 3 S,
range II west ................
L. H. Albert, SVkofSe}, Nw
} of Se }, section 1. town­
ship 3 S, range 10 west
Benj. G. Faust, Sw of Nw }
sect on 8, township 3 S,
range 10 west
Mary S. Brown, Nw }, sec­
tion 9, township 3 8, range
10 west
39 90
Randolph Lamb, E Vi of Se }
and Sw of Se } section 11
township 3 8, range 10
14 25
Randolph Lamb, Nw of Sw }
section 12 township 3 8,
6 40
range 10 west .......................
L. H. Albert Ne of Ne } sec­
tion 12. townahip.SS, range
35 20
10 west................................ ,,,.
Clarence Atterbury, S } of
Se } section 13, township
3 S. range lOwest.................
4 40
Otis E Farmer, S } of Nw }
of Ne } section 17, town
sliiii 3 S, range 10 west ...
13 50
Elijah Osborne, E } of Nw }
and N } of Sw } section 17,
township 3 8, range 10
1 00
Claude Thayer, E } of Se }
section 21, township 3 8,
range 10 west.........................
4 00
Claude Thayer, W } of 8w }
section 22 township 3 3,
range 10 west.........................
18 00 Clarence Atterbury, N } of
Ne } section 24, township
3 8, range 10 west.................
C. J. Savage, W } of Sw }
section 26, township 3 8,
range 10 west, and Lots 9
16, section 27, township 3
3, range 10 west.....................
W. H. Wood, Se of Nw } Ne
of Sw and Ixita 2 and 3 sec­
41 40
tion 18, township 4 8,
range 6 west..... ................
2ft 0ft H. J. Kawffrnan, Ixits 2, 3 Se
of Nw Jq and Sw of Ne }
section 4. township 4 8,
range 7 west.........................
Me A yea I, W } K j
7 13
section 6, township 4 S,
range 7 west.............................
1 oo G. A..and F. L, Withee, E }
of Ne } section 6, township
4 8. range 7 west..................
Matt Tliom|son, S } Nw }
section 8, township 4 8,
44 00
range 8 west .........................
C. Kruger, W } of Se of Sw }
section 1«, township 4 8,
13 00
range 8 west.............
Win. Eggert, Ne of Nw}and
of Nw of Nw } section
16. township 4 3, range 8
Jacob Nichlapa, Nw of Sw }
nship 4 ».
section 1, township
7 !»
r. } of
; range 9 west, al nd
— E
Ne Vi and Ne Vi of Se %
section 2. township 4 8.
range 9 west........... ..
I Lewie Morris, Sw of Nw and
» Nw of Sw } aei tion 17, town­
ship 4 8, range 9 west..,.
2 <«>
•> (X)
1 80
0 30
4 72
48 60
1 47
6 30
6 30
18 (X)
14 95
20 70
25 20
56 00
61 40
18 40
20 70
4 20
6 30
3 60
16 20
21 00
4 20
4 ‘20
3 15
2 70
16 10
I Lewis Morris, Se of Ne land
Ne of Se } Section 18, town­
ship 4 S. range 9 west.... ,
John Lawrence. Lot 3, Ix-ss
tract sold, section 19, town­
ship 4 S, range 9 west....
E. Finney Ne f of Se } sec
lion 32. township 4 south,
range 9 west, and N l.> of
Sw J nn-1 Se i oi Nw } sec­
tion 53. township 4 S, range
9 west......................................
F. R. Beals. \V } Se } and
Sw of Ne i South of
Big Nestucca River, sec-
11, township 4 S, ran ne 10
F. R. Beals. Nw} of Ne} less
tract sold.
township 4 S, range 10
W banpington. Tract 738.
For further description see
tract Imok in tisses or’s
office, paire 377, seeetion 14,
township 4 S, range 10
west .....................
K. F. and V E. Worthinnton
Sw oi Se } section 15. town­
ship 4 S, range 10 west
Chas. A. Smith. Nw } of
Sw } Nw of Big Nestucca
River, section 14. township
4 S, range 10 west and
Tract No. 859. For further
ilescription see tract book
in assessor's office, puge
378, sections 14 and 15,
township 4 S, range 10
west and Ne } of Se },
section 15, township 4 S,
range 10 west .......................
R. T. Weatherly, Tract No.
629. For further descrip­
tion see tract book in as
sessor’s office, page 381,
section 19. township 4 S,
ranne 10 west
John 11. Dunstan, Tract No
946. For further descrip­
tion see tract book in as-
sessor’s office, page 414,
sections 19 and .40, town­
ship 4 S, range 10 west ...
G. A. Hoover, Tract No. 644.
For further description see
tract book in assessor's
office, page 384, section 19,
township 4 S, range 10
west............... ...................
J. F. Wentherley, Tract No.
645. For further descrip­
tion see tract book in as­
sessor's office, page 385,
section 19, township 4 S,
range 10 west
1), E. Emmett. N* } of Se },
section 20, township 4 S,
range 10 west .......................
I). E. Emmett. W Vi of Nw }
and Nw } of Sw }. section
21. township 4 S, range 10
E. F. and V. E- Worthing­
ton, Nw } of Ne lq; section
22. township 4 S, Hinge 10
J. F. Jenkins, Tract No 818.
For further description see
tract book in anseseor's
office, page 4(11, section 27,
township 4 S, range 10
E. F, Fisk, I'rnct No. 74).
For further description see
tract bonk/' in nsaersor’s
office, page 404, section 27,
township 4 S, range 10
west, Tract No. 667 For
further description see
tract book in assessor's
office, page 403, sectiim 27,
townsniji- 4 S. ningv 10
............... ..
Frank L. Bowles, lots 10
and ¡1 and Nw V4 of Sw '4.
section 29. township 4 S,
range 10 west .................
N. I’. R. R. Co., lot 1. sec­
tion 30, township 4 S,
range 10 west .....................
J. H. I'nton, % interest and
M.doinv, t In*
terest, lots 5 mid 6 and tide
land F. and A. on lots 5
anil 6, section 31, township
4 8, range 10 west
Ilans H. Brooten, lot 9, sec
tion 31, township 4 S,
range 10 west and Sw '4 of
Ne }, Se } of Nw } and Nw
of Nw }nnd lot 1.section 32.
- ■ 4 - 8,
- range
M. A. Gage, Se } of Ne M.
section 32, township 4 ».
range 10 went..................
Antone Knoblock, Sw } of
Ne }, W } of Se } and Se
Vi of So V«, section 33,
township 4 8, range 10
went .............
W. P Feacoi k, N Vi of Nw
Vi section 16, township 5
8, range 9 went
F. W. Hunsaker, W } of Sw
Vi and Se '4 of Sw }, sec­
tion' 21, township 5 3,
range 9 west.........................
Chan. Wilkins Tract No 9X1.
3 HU
1» 31
.10 40
12 60
6 00
7 3)
108 20
11 20
2 70
10 80
1 80
3 60
43 20
4 80
8 64
112 40
1 40
14 40
:«» 60
For Iiirlli<-r <lr^< i ipi i.
tract book in assessor's
office, page 431. section 28.
2 70
township.! S, range 9 west.
Geo. W. Cielcha, E Vi of Nw
Vi and Nw Vi of Nw Vi,
3 60
section 28, township 5 S,
range 9 went and Ne ’4 of
of Ne '4, section 29. town­
3 15
ship 5 S, range !< west..
V. H. I.urison, E } of E V.,
section 33. township 5 S
rung« 9 went ...
of .ne
9 (X) Frank Stichler, W } 01
section 3, townnl hip 5 S,
range 10 west ....
Fran« Stu Idr r. E } of Nw
3, township ft S.
4 00
range 10 west
K J. Ranona, Sw V} of Ne V4
and Se M of Nw V^, less
sold, section 4, township ft
4 oo
S. range 10 west...................
Meda Co-Ojierative Cream­
ery Co., Tract No. 823. For
6 <X>
further description see tract
liook in assesaor's office,
page 451, section 9. town­
3 <n
ship ft S, range 10 west ;
Tract No. 707. For further
descri|>tion are tract Isiok
4 (JO
in assessor’a office, page
451, section 9, township ft
S, range 10 west................. ;.
Miller Bros., improvements
on Sw } of Ne }, se'-tion 9,
township ft S. range 10
west......................... ..................
1 40
W. H. Stewart. Se } of Ne },
and E V* of Se }, section
11, township 5 8. range 10
....................... ..........
W H. Stewart, Nw } of Sw },
n ho section 12, township ft S,
range 10 weet .......................
Sadie J. Baker. N % ot Ne |.
4 IO less tract sold, Section 1ft,
9 00
16 20
3 60
7 20
6 30
1 80