a r ■i —- Tillamook M««dlignc, S»pt«mb«r 5, IBI» 28 00* dairymen are V. Kellow . ................. •«'irfied „71 27 00' present prosperous Lee Lane...................... 1 19 OO E Baker....................... 30 00 the country and are coWe7* The Board of County Commie, Wallace Warren........ i* »1 e. sionere met last week and allowed W. Thomas ............... 15 00 well enough al„ne I I 10 00 much notice of the the following bills : M. Thomae................ . 31 Wilbur Booth ............. Í G eneral . binders who are agitai ' » 14 37 change of administration Y?' H. j. Tohl ...................... 12 50 Geo. Willett, rent, etc. .... IX) 63 T. R. Wilaon ............. Mason, Pennington A co, 1 12 12 know if a change i, m*1 0 54) Cal Parker......... ........ meh............................ 1 22 00 liable to bring down Frank Wilson ............. Biirrough Adding Machine w *1 15 50 butter fat considerably. Co , meh ... ........................ 25 (X) Oaker Meyers ............. 16 (X) 2 00 Charles Fox................. Myers A Son, hauling............. II 75 Feeney A Bremer, meh...... 26 sc Andy Hess................... 4 25 Seba Norton............. . H. Crenshaw, delivering bal­ New Party Meets. ( 2 50 6 OO Clyde Lane ............... lot boxes........................... • • 25 53 25 Elbert Worthington . 19 Gias« A Prudhonime, meh . On Saturday a meetingoftta 30 IX) Till. Electric Light Co............. 16 «i Frank Worthington party was held at the town n* 18 75 | lames Imlah ............. F or C ounty C harges . I 21 25 to hear Hon. E. A. Brown chai ' John Imlah ......... .. t • Maeotr, Pennington A Co., 15 00 of the State organization.’ A!t£ lft Cheater Worthington 2 meh. ................................. . • • • 22 IX) J. L. Henderson presided andn! Joe Jenck..................... t Edna A. Aundson, nursing 43 75 ■ jq Will Glick..................... small pox case......................... 63 25 75 were about 20 persons 1,2; . Robert Lockwood justice C ourt . 13 00 hear the speaker. The wM " I H. B. Lockwood........ N. A. Hathaway, taking testi­ 9 25 of Mr. Brown's address Harry Brooten ......... mony. Root case..................... 10 Dolliver Brooten......... 2 50 engelize Ex-President gZ, 14 Geo. H. Root case ................... 21 00 Martin Jenck............. 28 OX) and denounce theRepublicama, S alaries . Toney Jenck............... 22 00 the Democratic party, John Fleck .................. A. L. McCarty, county fire 41 75 Taft, and Woodrow Wilso„ warden....... ............ .................. 85 00 Hugh Arstell ............ 1 00 Democratic nominee He »aid a Vida Rogers................................ 50 so D. W. Stitchler........ 68 54) K. Mills.......................................... 75 00 Fred Lyster............. 65 (X) it was necessary to form a new J. C Holden................................. 133 33 John Creecy ............. 92 00 because the two old partis II. Crenshaw................................ 133 33 R. B. McClay............... 5 00 boss ridden and under thr CM C. A. Johnson .......................... 75 OO Elmer Hall.................... 5 (X) of the interests, but the moen W. D. Bodyfelt.......................... 45 00 E. G. Anderson ........ 84 50 ........... B. L. Beals................................. 83 33 Roy Saling 48 25 prising part of Mr. Brown» W. S. BueL. ............................... 83 33 P. J. Trobough ......... 69 30 dress was in justifying and prail Billie Peacock ........... A. M. Hare.............................. • • 100 00 13 00 Mr. Perkins, of the Standard J. H. Johnson ............................. 75 IK) Fred Dunbaru........... 47 50 Company, who had contribt Homer Mason............................ 100 00 Harley Curl ............... 45 00 H. V. Alley ................................ 81 IX) Carl Curl........................ 84 001 large amounts of money for R« H. M. Farmer ............................. 73 00 A. A. Imlah ............... 0 25 veI18 previous campaigns, atd Lloyd Woods ............. R oads , E tc . 52 50 is backing him how, with Robert Huston......... 35 12 J. C. Holden, freight ............ Louie Wooley............. 89 50 Harveeter TruB,> »■ forming Standard Oil Co........................ 61 j*® John Heilmeyer Myer A Son, hauling ............... 12 ” Fretz Drebert .. 41 25 I party Chairman Henderson, in a J H. B. Johnson, hauling . ........ 87 Reid Farmer .............................. 37 50 A G. Beals Lumber Co.......... 146 86 E. Lightfoot.............................. 7 50 remarks before the meeting 7 50 .Jim Bodyfelt....... Nehalem Livery......................... ................. 10 00 journed, said he was going to nJ Io. Kellow .................................... 15 00 the two old political parties R.D. NO. 1. Fred Zaddach, sup................. 4S 00 Robert Way mire........................ 10 00 devil. Mrs. H. M Farmer, board ... 6 00 M. M. Mead & Soil, Wheeler Another meeting was held igS road............................................ 400 (X» 4 25 J. F. Beeher, inch..................... evening at the Court House, xbg Snyder A Hastings. Nehalem The Killkare Klub. about 40 persons were pretes fill ............................................... which included some staunch | W. S. Linkhart........................ The Killkare Klub, after a vaca publicans and Democrats. G. M. Knight ............................ tion of a month, will again meet at G. W. Zaddach ........................ Prices for Hogi the home of the President, Mrs. Dan Alley ................................... Jasper Alley................................ Emmett Bales, the second Thurs­ Up to 225 lbs., 10c., dressed. W. Coin......................................... day in September. All members 225 lbs. to 275 lbs., SVjc dressed Joe West....................................... are requested to get together full 275 pounds and over, 7c. Mrs. Davidson ....... . ................ Tillamook Meat Comi of new enthusiasm for a profitable, Leslie Barber. .......................... Geo Eichinger............................ 75 as well as pleasurable year Travels Bids Wanted. 75 in the United States will be taken George Hoskins................... .. 00 up and each anticipate better times Mark Hobson ............................ Bids will be received for the aw Mrs. Aljuhrs.............................. 00 tion of a parsonage for the Geras 00 than ever. Wm H. Hoskins........................ Reformed Church, Plans aM R. B. Kennedy............... ........ C. A. Griffith.......................... specifications can be seen at C I Booster's Meeting- Frank Forseblow...................... Clough’s Drug Store. Bids will X Robert Swain.............................. 1 A booster’s meeting- will be held open on September 9th, 1912, a:< Theo Finney........................... Ben Johnson .............................. at the Tillamook Commercial Club the committee reserves the nji A. V. Stoker................................ next Tuesday evening, when the re­ to reject any or all bids. All bid Ole Dromes................................. port of the committee appointed to to be mailed to E. J. Gienw C. F. Strueby.............................. draw up a plan for the purpose of Tillamook, Ore. Leslie Finney.............................. Warren Hoskins........................ organizing a County Development Herb Perry.................... ............. M B Church. League will be submitted. This is R.D. No. 2. ’another “Get Together” meeting of 10 a.m., Sunday School. W. B, Alderman, sup............. 92 00 the different organizations of the 11 a.m., Sermon, subject,-‘Tw C. S. Wells and James A. Biggs. Netarts road ........... 1032 50 county for the purpose of boosting Throne and the Rainbow ” Alex McNair Co., meh ........... 4Y) 26 all sections of the county, which 7 p.tn., Epworth League. Tillamook Meat Co.................. 2 00 can be better and more effectively 8 p.m., Song and aer.non, "Sil” A. G. Beals I.umber Co......... 114 16 carried out by united effort. It is J. T. M oore , pastor. J. F. Reeher........... >.................. 71 60 W. Ryan ....................................... 43 75 hoped that a large number of our W. W. Gibbs............................... 27 60 citizens will attend and lend a help­ Clarence Hoyt .......................... 32 10 ing hand to help make this the Chester Thrapp...................... 27 60 most widely known and attractive Carl Johnson ......................... . 6 25 D. S. Bales................................... 2 50 county in the state. S. M. Cook ................................... 10 00 Let us explain this feature of our Tailoring Department. Ed Johnson................................. 10 (X) A Double Wedding. R. Lamb....................................... 32 50 Will Hadley.................................. 7 50 The Adventist Church in Till­ B. Turner..................................... 83 54) Ed Eggleston............................. 72 00 amook, Oregon, presented a beauti­ E. Zimmerman.......................... 7 50 ful sight an Monday night, where a Milt Flenmore............................ 37 25 W. Fletcher................................. 38 75 double wedding took place Alvin Blum................................. 126 50 i The Church was decorated in Earl Pearson ............................. 58 50 , white and green, great banks of John Proctor............................... ?? 29twf1*tef*ower8f*rn8an