Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 05, 1912, Image 5

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    Tillamook Headlight, September 6. 1912
bottle goods
Pebbleford, bottled in bond, per bottle,
Clarke’s Pure Rye, bottled in bond ..
Per bottle,
Echo Spring, bottled in bond..............
Per bottle,
Old Crow, bottled in bond, per bottle,
Hermitage, bottled in bond, per bottle,
Cyrus Noble, 3 Crown ..........................
O.l.O-. bottled in bond, per bottle,
Kentucky Dew, i gal., bottled in bond
Kentucky Dew, full pint,
John Dewar & Sons, Old Scotch
Black & White, Old Scotch Whiskey
V.O.P., Old Scotch Whiskey............
Sandy Macdonald’s Old
Whiskey .................................................
Hunter Baltimore, Rye
Canadian Club.........................................
I. W. Harper ...........................................
Harvester Old Style.............................
Kentucky Dew .......................................
Billie Taylor, full quart.........................
Coronet Dry Gin............ - Per bottle
A.V.H. Gin............................... Per bottle
Gorden Sloe Gin..................... Per bottle
Gordon Dry Gin....................... Per bottle
Rock and Rye........................... Per bottle
El Bart Gin...............
Per bottle
Virginia Dare Wine
Per quart
Port Wine................
Sherry Wine............
Per quart
Angelica Wine........
Per quart
Zenfendel Wine........
Per quart
Tokey .........................
Per quart
White Grape Juice - ■ ■
Local Beer, quart.. Three bottles for
Domestic Beer, quart.Three bottles for
Special Prices for
Family Trade
Domestic Beers
Bud wiser Beer............. 6 dozen quarts $15 00
Budwiser Beer............. 10 dozen pints 16.00
Old styler Langer Beer. 10 dozen pints 18.00
White Port, Old Monk Braud $1.00 per gal.
Port Wine.................................. 1.00 per gal.
Sherry........................................ 1.00 per gal,
Claret ........................................ 75c. per gal.
Angelica....... ......................... 1.00 per gal.
Zenfendel ................................ 1.25 per gal,
Tokey ........................................ 1.25 per gal.
White Corn Whiskey. •
Harvester Old Style ..
McBrayer, 13 years old
Echo Spring..................
Chestnut Grove Rye ..
Kentuckey Dew.......
Alcohol .........................
Cornet Dry Gin.............
per gaL $5.00
■ per gal. 4 IV
per gal. 4.25
per gal. 6.00
per gal. 4.25
• per gal. 2.75
per gal. 2.25
• per gal. 4.00
per gal. 4.00
Cor. First and First Avenue East
We carry a Larjze Stock of
Tinware, Glass
and China,
Oils. Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window
Agents i for the Great Western Saw
The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
I for all stomach troubles—indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, bad
" breath,sick headache,torpid liver, biliousness and habitual constipation. Pleasant to take.
Farmers Receiving More.
Farmers of thia country were
**>na paid more, by 17.5 per cent
,orth” ••products on July 10 of thia
'“ar thku they received laat year at
that time. says Victor H Olmsted,
chief of the_Bureau of Statistic, De­
partment oi Agriculture. Thia in-
crvaee in prices was the average on
crops which represent about three-
tounhs of the value of all crops of
the nation.
The i ocrea tee included: Corn, 11
i*”,1*’ ****** and oata, 15 centa;
ar*>. 12 centa; rye, «Hi centa;
buckwheat 0 centa ; potatoes 7
cent., hay, «.N
hog., W cent. ;
**< cattle, SO cento ; veal calves, «1
<eBts, eggs, 2V, centa; butter, 3
cents; sheep, 28 cents ; lambs, 61
cents; milch cows, $1.00 ; milk, 2$
cents; beans, 43 cents;
potatoes, 16 centa; oniona. 21 cents;
clover seed, $2.90; timothy seed,
$1 44, wool, unwashed, 3 centa;
cabbage. 21 cents ; broom corn, $10
a ton ; bran, $3.48.
Products on which prices decreas­
ed, included ; Cotton, 3 cents; flax­
seed, 7 cents ; apples, 27 cents, and
cotton seed, $4.14 a ton.
Judging from Gov. Wilson’s cam­
paign organization he looks upon
New York and New England as
part of the enemy', country. But
thia ia not strange in a nomination
personally hammered out by Mr
It is apparent that the Democratic
party will never be satisfied until it
has crippled the American wool­
growing interest snd delivered at
least a temporary blow to the Amer
ican principle of protection.
As a
party the Democrats of 1912 have
no more use for a factory than they
have for a bull moose corral.
Secretary Wilson figures that the
great corn crop and cheaper corn
prices will force cheaper prices for
beef Watch the movement of beef
cattle when prices on the hoof be.
gin to fall, for comparison with the
sustained level of prices for dress
ed beef as a result of the cold stor
age of meat bought cheap to be
sold high.
government of Nicaragua, which
is seriously beset by the rebels
under Gen. Mena, a former war
minister. President Diaz acknow­
ledges that he is not able to give
any protection to Americans or
other foreigners. The American
marines have been compelled to
assist Diaz's troops in defeuding
Managua, for his force was power­
less to hold it against the rebels if
we had detrained from lending a
hand. We are sending 2000 more
marine» to Nicaragua uow.
people. In the election of 189« the
Republican party promised to re­
place adversity and administrative
failure with prosperity and compe­
tent government. The pledge Mae
been so amply fulfilled that the
Pt of. Wilson has not yet given
favorable results are beyond whet
his estimate of Tammany as a
»as expected. Figures of expan­
political institution.
sion since 189" make au anequaleit
Over 5,900,000 first voters have a
showing. If the Republican party
ballot this year Arithmetic men
ia displaced in Noueinber it will be
should be cautious.
with this record of uuexauip'.ed
good times and broud natiunul de­
This being leap year, direct pri­
maries and direct proposals of all
sorts have naturally boomed.
England protests against the ac-1 What does the new party Bay on
Pennsylvania calls its third-term tion of Congress iu insistsng that thetariff? It condemns tlie Payne
organization the Washington Party. American vessels engaged in the act, although our exports arid
What Washington would call it is coasting trade shall be exempt from imports have reached figures under
well known.
tolls in passing through the Pan­ it wh'ch were never closely ap­
proached before, and evey worker
When ia a donkey not a donkey ? ama Canal. Threats are made inLon­
who wants work has it, and it de­
Champ Clark received a majority don that England will retaliate by
clares that “the Republican organ-
at Baltimore and yet a donkey rule refusing to take part in the Panama
Canal Exposition, which take place zation is in the bauds of those who
prevented his nomination.
iu SanFrancisco, in 1915.Canada also have broken and can not again be
Mr, Rockfeller id said to have
says that it may hold aloof from intrusted to keep,the promise ot tke
made $81,000,000 by the recent ad- that fair. Canada's principal objec­ necessity of downward revision,” a
vance in oil. If puzzled for a nev
tion to the bill in the shape which it phrase which lias been lifted bodily
fad he might build a ship canal.
has after I eing acted on by both out of the Democratic platform.
The sickliest grinsof the campaign branches of Congress, is to the pro In asking for "the establish­
are found on the faces of Bull : vision which bars vessels which are ment of u nonpartisan, scientific
Moosere who try at the same time owned by the railway companies tariff commission" to report "coat
to pass themselves off for Repub­ from using the canal after a certain of production, efficiency of labor,
date. England's charge is that the capitalization, industrial organi­
und efficiency, und Hie
Uncle Sam has sold a tract of favor for American coasting vessels zation
coal land for over $400 an acre. The is a violation of the spirit of flieHay- general competitive position of this
country and abroad of industries
idea of conservation, which is many­ Pauncefote treaty of 1901.
seeking protection from Congress,"
years old, is getting to be more
"One of the greatest impositions
the Progressives are rather lute
than a theory.
upou the fanners of this country
The Republicans establisned such
A California town is shipping that has ever been devised ia the
a commission three years ago, and
wine by «rail in glass-lined tanks present tariff legislation of the
it worked ever since, except aa ita
holding 5000 gallons each. The United States," says Prof. Wilson.
operations were interrupted when
destination where it will be turned The tariff has placed the factory be­
the Democratic House refused to
into champagne is not mentioned. side the farm, has planted cotton
make any further appropriations
An Ohio woman remarks that the mills in the neighborhood of cotton for it. So far as the average intell­
plural of moose is not Me If all
igent, unbiased person can see,
Ohio women can say a thing like that the producer to get much higher there ie no place in the politics
they will get suffrage when the
of the day for the new party.
state votes on the new constitution he would if he had to send them to Everything of any consequence
distant markets, or to export them
next month.
to Europe, Any intelligent farmer which it advocates is championed
Prof. Wilson is a surprising sug­ or planter cau tell Prof. Wilson all by one or other of the great organ­
gestion for commander in chief of this. This is a bad beginning for izations, und one or other of these,
the army and navy of the United the Democratic candidate. It will and uot the new party, is to uiuke
States. The professor looked after
give point to the remark of one of the law for the country now and iu
his curriculum as usual during the
his quondam Democratic friends the coming time.
war with Spain.
that he is too much of a pedagogue
What would Prof. Wilson do in to see things as moat of his fellow­ Where They Go For Information ?
Nicaragua as commander in chief citizens see them. In the school
of the army ard navy of the United | room he was isolated from the peo
Each week Oregon newspapers re­
States? As the professorsays he will I pie for so many years that he has
be president after March 4 next’the not yet been able »o get in touch ceive numerous requests for sample
copies from various sections of tjie
question is pertinent.
with the vital and familiur tilings
country. It is peculiar that these
Still there are those who are of life.
inquiries do not find their way tti
continually criticising the newspa­
What did Congress accomplish by the commercial bodies ai nee scarcely
pers; who by a spirit ofin difference extending its session to such a lute
a town in Oregon cun be said to be
contribute nothing to its columns, I day? Practically all the work of real
without a promotion organization,
and who never assist its editors in consequence was finished long ago.
either alive or lingering between
obtaining interesting articles.
The leading reason why Congress life and dentil.
Mr. Perkins is in trouble in New was kept in Washington until the
Yet a moments th ought will allow
York on account of the hard treat­ closing days of August this year that the newspapur ie the best index
ment of workers in the harvester was because one branch of it per- of the life of a community. Pro­
trust in that state.The philanthropist Bisted in tacking riders on supply motion literature ia often colored
of Oyster Bay might call in Jacob- bills of the government, which and exaggerated in words uud il­
Riis and personally investigate.
caused a contest with the other lustrations. The newspapers, on the
“Roosevelt personally knew oi branch, and which brought vetoes by other hand, chronicle the whole life
Standard Oil contributions.’'-Sworn the president fortlie bills thus loaded and spirit of the community; reflect
testimony of two prominent men which reached him. Tariff bills were its shadows und lights und tell the
on witness stand.
“Liar, liar, framed which had no chance of bud ulong with the good.
Thue The News-Reporter each
liar.’’—Theodore Roosevelt. S ThuB enactment The offending branch in
does the voice of truth ever silence both respects was the Democratic week receives requests tor sample
the tongue of scandal.--Polk County House. I'sually in the sessions in copies; sometimes u stump, is en­
presidential years much of thetaik­ closed, often not. There iu no other
ing and the work is for partisan agency that promotes the develop­
Another car shortage ia said to
purposes—to make ■points" for ment of u town inure than n live
be already in sight. We fluctuate,
campaign documents, The practice newspuper mill the weekly news­
according to ‘ expert” reports, be­
in 1912 was carried to an abnormal paper reflects the real lumu* lite of
tween car shortages and thousands
length. Tlie really useful work of a community closer than ituy other
of empty cars on side tracks. Ex­
the H-ssion could have been done form oi journulistu effort, liecau e
perts have fooled the people so
and the session could have ended its reports must lie u ecu rat nml
often that the fable of the boy who before the Fourth of July had the truthfiU to merit the continued
cried "wolf” is a fable no longer. members refused to play “politics. " confidence of its renik rs. *
A factor which will aid the Repub
The question of using lime on
If yuu knew of the real value of
licana in their congressional can­ our land is being agitated more and Chamberlain'» Liniment for lame
vass in the East ie the strong fight more at the present time Harmers back, soreness -of the muscles,
which they will make for president who have never used it before are sprains und rheumatic pains, you
in that region. New England and buying in small quantities, from would never wish to he without it.
For sale by all deulers.
the old Middie States are to be throu- two to five tons. Unites one posses­
ghly covered by the s;*ellbinderS ses a fertilizer drill the work of put­
An article that has real merit
sent out by the national committee. ting it on becomes a problem. Of should in tiuie became popular.
While their work will primarily be course, throwing it on by hand is That such ia the case with Cham
for the presidential ticket, the for­ out of the question, as its caustic berlain’s Cough Remedy has been
attested by many dealers.
Here is
tunes of every Republican congres nature would soon put one's hand one of them. H. W. Hendrickson,
sional candidate in both groups of out of commision, to say nothing Ohio Falls, Ind,, writes, "Cham­
states will be aided thereby.. Thia
berlain’s Cough Remedy is ths
of the discomfort it would cause to
indirect help will permit the Con­ the respiratory organs. 1 have best for coughs, colds und croup,
and is my best seller." For sale
gressional committee to concentrate devised a plan for spreading it by all dealers.
its work on the West, and the fight which is simple and effective. Put
Antoine Deloria, Postmaster nt
ia likely to be made livelier than ■ bout ten bags in a lumber wagon,
any contest which has been seen in have a man to drive the wagon, re. Garden, Mich., knows the exact
fia ts when he speak» nt ths cura­
this region in recent times.
move the tail board, dump out one tive value of Foley Kidney Pills.
"From my own exper­
State’s Attorney
Wayman of bag at a time in the back of the wag­ He says
ience I reccommend Foley Kulney
Chicago is finding it impossible to on ; then after having tied a large Pills, nan great remedy for kidney
secure the conviction of any woman sized handkerchief over the nose and trouble. My father was cured of
for murder, when tried by male mouth in order to keep dust from Sidney disease and u good uuiuy
juries, is dealing with the problem the lungs take a coin monbouse of my neighbors were cured by
Foley.Kidney Pills " For sale at
in a practical way. He ia taking broom and sweep out the lime a I.umur’s Drug Store
stepa to have the Illinois conatitu- little at a time, first on ths left then
tion amended on lines which will on the right and straight behind,
make it possible to empanel women In this way a 10-foot wide atrip can
juries for the trial of women charged be covered as fsat as a team can
with murder. The state’s attorney walk. A ton an hour can lie put out
Follow the urroWk to Drew Addi
is at some peins to make it clear by thia means —Rural New Yorker. tion from the Foatoftice.
that this plan is in no way one ol
Ten Dollars down und ten dol­
There ie one party in the Uniteu
the promotion of woman suffrage, States that has been tested anil has lars a month will saepre you a
aod sh7uld not tie considered in proved its capacity. No one who choice lot in Drew Addition, Follow
connection with
suffrage passed through th« hard times ol the the Arrows, from the Poatoffice,
question at all. It ia designed, he laat Democratic administration can
Drew Addition lot« on *a*y pay-
says. to meet a more threatening ever forget the general business inents.
situation than any raised, or to be distress ol that period, and the lack
Drew Addition has city water,
rsieed by women voting or not vol. of employment for million» o’
Drew Addition will be just one
skilled and industrious workers. block off the street pavement
Secure a lot in Drew Addition un
For the moment at least Nicaragua In the middle of that calamitous
is giving us more trouble than even term of four years elections Iwgan the easy payment plan now offered
Mexico. We have aent marines to to go overwhelmingly against the you. $10 down and $19 a month,
Let US show you the unsold Joto
Msnagua, the capital, to Corinto, Democratic party, and it was put
that country’a principal port on the out of power in 1897. For the next in Drew Addition Now tielure it la
Pacific and to one or two other thirteen years the Republicans had too late. Rollt» W. Wataou,
pointe for the purpose of protecting control of all brandies of the gov
Amerion life and property. This eromeni. an usual evuten.n oi Uie
was on
the request
ol ths cuntidcace and ssUats^u^aA u4 Uia
On Topics of the Day
Told in Brief.
Ke,i Beer................................ 15 gallona $5.75
Keg Beer................................ 10 gallona 4 00
Locul bottle Beer....... ti dozen quarta 10,00
Locai bottle Beer......... lo dozen pinta 11.00
i •