Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 05, 1912, Image 4

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Tillamook Headllgne. Saptambat« S, 1812
Resolution Providing for the
Determination to Improve
and the Time and Manner
of Improving the following
Streets in Tillamook City.
for doing- of such improvement
work in form anbstantiully aB r,,j.
Iowa, to wit:
N otice A sking P roposal » F or
I mprovements .
Sealed proposal» will i>e received '
at the office of the City Recorder of
Tillamook City, Oregon, until the
ltith day of September, 1912, at 6:00
o’clock, p. m for the improvement
of the following streets by construct
ing concrete sidewalks on euid
streets. Said improvements to be
done in accordance with the Charter,
Ordinances and Resolutions of Tilll
amook City, Oregon.
. The South side of Second Stret t
from the northeast corner of Lot 2,
Block 2, Maple Grove Addition, West
to Third Avenue West; both sides
of Third
Street from Stillwell
Avenue to Third Avenue West; the
South side of Fourth Street from
Third Avenue West to Sixth Avenue
West; the North side of Fifth Street
from Third Avenue .West to Sixth
Avenue West; the West side of
First Avenue West from Third
Street to Fourth street; both side»
of Second Avenue West from
Second Street to Fourth Street; the
East side of Third Avenue West
from Second Street to Fourth Street;
the West side of Third Avenue
West from Fourth Street to Fifth
Street; both sides of Fourth Avenue
West from Fourth Street to Fifth
street both sides of Fifth Avenue
West from Fourth Street to Fifth
Street, and the East side of Sixth
Avenue West from Fourth street
to Fifth Street.
The improvements must be cotn-
pleted on or before December 1st,
The proposals must be accom­
panied by a check payable to tiie
order of the Mayor of Tillamook
City. Oregon, certified by a respon­
sible bank, for an amount equal to
10 per cent of the total amount of
bid submitted to be forfeited to tbe
city as fixed and liquidated dam­
ages in case bidder refuses to enter
into contract and provide a surety
bond equal to tbe amount of the
contract for the faithful perform­
ance of the work.
The council reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Before acceptance of work by city,
successful bidder shall fnrnish tiie
Mayor and Common Council with a
guarantee maintetianace bondequal
to 50 per cent of the amount of the
contract guaranteeing that for a
period of five years from the com­
pletion and laying of said concrete
sidewalks in proposed improve­
ment district, he will at his own ex­
pense repair and make good any
defect« arising from faulty material
or workmanship, and due the pro­
per use of said sidewalks as such.
Proposals will be received for
both gravel and broken rock con­
Done by order of the Common
Council of Tillamook City, Oregon,
of date September 2nd, 1912.
[ seal .]
T. B. H andley ,
City Recorder of Tillamook City,
Fkcturaaque Ceremony That Accom­
Hs Was a Matter of tho Art of Travel­
panies a Criminal Trial.
ing Without Baggage.
Tbe aettiug of a criminal trial in Lon
Sir Charles Napier waa once delight­
Aon ia In striking contrast with that of
True Ones Only In the Pacifie fully pictured lu Punch as setting out The Norwegian Vardogrs and ■sy
similar scene lu an American court
for tatude with bls soap" snd very
Their Curious Warnings.
room. Tbe epeulng of court In the
and Indian Oceana.
B e I t R esolved ,—That the Com­
UUle besides, De laitocnaye. a Breton
■ornlug and after luncheon la a curl mon Council of Tillamook City, Ore­
emigre of I ilk!, who traveled In Ire
ens ceremony, according to T. Learn gon, hereby declares it» determina­
to improve the following etreete:
THE GREAT BARRIER ATOLL land, chiefly ou foot aud Invariably A STUDY IN PSYCHIC FORCE. tag's “A Philadelphia Lawyer In the tion
The South aide of Second Street
Loxxdou Courts." Tbe bar and audi-
turned up at tbe houses of bls friends
from the Northeast corner of Lot 2,
with almost no risible baggage, cnr Voic«» and Sounds and Visions That axx-e rise and through a door corre- Block 2, Maple Grove Addition,
Thia Famous Coral Reaf, Off tho Aus­
rled nearly ns simple an outfit.
West to Third Avenue West; both
Forstsll to Thoss Proporly Attuned
tralian Coast, Is ths Lsrgost In the
itor has reached tbe dlas enter the
In some mysterious way he was alway»
to ths Phonomonon tho Spssdy Com­ two sheriffs, gowned lu flowing dark aides of Third Street from Stillwell
World and Extends For Thousands able to appear at dinner In full dr«»»
Avenue to Third Avenue West; the
ing of Rolativos or Frionds.
btae robes trimmed with fur.
ef Milos—Bsrmuda’s Worm Tubes.
South aide of Fourth Street from
In bls book "Promenade en Irland»-
Then comes tbe undersberiff, In very Third Avenue Weat to Sixth Avenue
In Norway, or at least In certain
There are no true coral islunda ta tbe De I-ntocnaye tells bow be accomplish
«■art black velvet knee breeches, West; theJNorth aide of Fifth Street
ed the feat:
parts of IL there la a well known
Atlantic. Tbe coral islands of the Pa
from Third Avenue West to Sixth
"I had my hair powder In a bag mad- phenomenon, instances of which are of white ruffled shirt, white stockings, all Avenue Weat; the West aide of
clflc and Indian oceans are very dis­
var buckled shoes, cocked hat under
tinct from tbe ao called coral Island*
frequent occurrence. knowD locally by ana and sword at side. Tbe sheriffs Ficat Avenue West from Third Street
thread, scissors and a comb all we:
of Bermuda nnd tbe West Indies
various names, but in tbe east of the bow In ushering to bls seat the Judge, to Fourth Street; both aides of Sec­
ond Avenue West from Second
True coral islands, or atolls, are
country commonly called vardogr. By wbo is arrayed In wig and robe, which, Street to Fourth Street; the East
formed by corals building upward on
this term is understood a certain prop
in tbe case of tbe lord chief Justice or aide of Third A venue Weat from
a submerged reef or peak natll tbe Ings, breeches of sueb fine stuff that
owe of tbe judges of tbe high court. Io Second Street to Fourth Street; tbe
growth reaches the surface of the sea they would fold up as small an mi arty, attaching itself to particular per
West aide of Third Avenue West
or so near It that broken pieces of coral, fist, three cravats, two very tine shirt» sons, by wbleb tbeir arrival at a par­ of brilliant scarlet, with a dark blue from Fourth Street to Fifth Street;
drift sand, etc., accumulate and in
both aides of Fourth Avenue West
time build an exposed Islet At other coat with six pockets.
own bome. is announced beforehand ef the common sergeant Is of somber from Fourth Street to Fifth Street;
times tbe coral reef Is raised above the
by distinctive sounds, such as are
both aides of Fifth Avenue West
Tbe Judge having seated himself in a from Fourth Street to Fifth Street,
water by volcanic action. The Pacific letters, portfolio, aud so forth: In the usually or naturally made by tbe per
chair—so cumbersome as to require a and the East side of Sixth Avenue
reefs are often circular or semicircular others, whenever I was going to call at son lu question.
little track to roll it forward sufficient­ Weat “from Fourth Street to Fifth
In form, and such reefs are knowu as a decent house. I stowed away my be I It is only a limited number of per
longings, which were [lacked some lu sons to whom this property Is attach
ly close to tbe desk—the sheriffs dis­ Street, in the following' manner:
By establishing the grades of
The largest coral reef la the Great the pumps, tbe rest in one of the pair» ed wbo "have a vardogr." as the pose themselves in tbe seats not occu­
of stocklugs
Barrier reef of Auatralla, which ex
pbrase ta. and tbe premonitory sounds pied by tbe Judge or his guest, aud said streets;
By grading that part of said streets
“At other times," he conclude«, with are not always beard nor by all per
later they quietly withdraw.
tends for several thousand mile«.
necessary tor the construction of
The coral Islands of the Atlantic are more than I'rem b vivacity. "1 tied the Isons. Very often It is only memtiers bave uo part lu tbe proceedings. Their
only function is to usher tbe judges lu sidewalks on the portions of the
formed by wave broken shells aud bits three parcels in a handkerchief hu <I of tbe family or uear relatives who no
streets hereinbefore designated, and
of coral which bave become solidified curried them at the end of my walking tlce them at all. Much more rarely and out and to entertain them at lunch­ on the sides thereof hereinbefore
and fosHilized by chemical action and stick, on which I bad managed to tlx the person is seen Instead of being eon. for tbe Judges are by custom their named, and by constructing upon
age. This material is known as aeo an umbrella "
the aides of tbe streets hereinbefore
beard some time before bls or ber ar
Thus equipped be stayed at Lord rival. It la to be particularly uoted
At luncheon time the sheriffs escort specified concrete sidewalks, in ac­
Ilan limestone and after exposure to
the air is exceedingly bard nod dura­
that the Idea of the vardogr Is not one the Judges from their seats, and all tbe cordance with tiie specification for
ble, but where freshly broken or cut aud at Florence Court for the same [ which Is confined to the uneducated Jbdgcs. sheriffs and undersberlffs and concrete sidewalks, heretofore es
tablished by the ordinancesof Tilla
it Is very soft and can be chiseled aud length of time, at Ixird Altamont's and classes
It Is equally recognized and any guests they may invite assemble mook City.
Biillymihlmh for longer still, no doubt
sawed Into blocks for building pur
Its reullty admitted by persons of edu
All of said improvements to be
to the nstonlshiuent of housemaids ns
for an excellent substantial luncheon made in accordance with the char-
catlou and culture.
Many of tbe West Indian coral Is
Tbe following interesting account served by butler and footman In blue ter and ordinances of Tillamook
lands are partly composed of fossil dlsturlied by his lack of luggage and was given by Miss I’., u schoolteacher liveries with brass buttons, knee City, Oregon, and to be made
coral reefs which bave been raised far
breeches and white stockings.
at the expense of the property and
in tbe town of Drammen:
above tbe present sea level by tbe vol
Tbe luncheon table looks odd with all thereof adjacent thereto and
"It la nothing unusual to find people
By the time De Latocnaye got to SII
canlc uplift of tbe rocks to which they
ta Norway who have a vardogr—that Is the varied costumes, tbe rich blues, tbe especially benefitted by eaid irn-
were attached. Such coral reefs, says go the weather bad broken, and he to say. that one can bear or see them bright scarlets and tbe wigs of tbe provement», except that the cost of
the American Boy, are often found was obliged to add a spencer to bls before they really come in person. party, who. no longer on duty, relax establishing the grades of Baid
streets, and the expense of al! en
hundreds of feet above sen level and wardrobe.
Such cases are found in nearly every tot^ jolly sociability Indeed, tbe vis gineering and surveying necessary
In places are found alternating willi
family, but In some more frequently ltor cauuot escape tbe impression that for said improvement to be done
layers of lava, showing that tbe Is
than in others. In the cases of my bo has in some way joined a group of by. and under tr.e direction of the
lands have been raised and submerged
father and eldest brother It happens so "aupes" from tbe opera who are snatch­ city engineer; ascertaining the
several times In tbe past
How to Perform an Amusing and Mys
often that we do not think It in tbe ing a light supper between the cho- ownership of the lots or parcels of
land included in the assessment
Tbe atoll-llke reefs In Bermuda are
tifying Trick.
least remarkable. I remember one par-
district; advertising, mailing and
not coral at all, but are formed of In
This recipe for “magic fire writing ! ticular instance which I shall relate.
publishing of notices required to
numerable worm tubes belonging to is given by the Pathfinder: Dissolve
“We expected my father home from
be advertised published or in: lied:
certain annelids. These worm tubes saltpeter In wnter until the water will a long voyage and got word that he
are often thickly tncrusted with other take up no more. Then take tbe had arrived at a little harbor In the Ta Eat a Durian You M-ist First Ovar accounting, clerical labor book.-,
..nd blanks expended or used by
growths, such as corallue. seaweeds, “wrong" end of a lienholder and. dip firth, but at the same time there came
tiie city and the city recorder or
coms Your Sens« of Small.
bryozoa, corals, etc., aud thus bave the ping It In the solution, draw In thick a message saying that unfortunately
The east furnishes in tbe durian one city treasurer in connection with
appearauce of being composed of real Htrokes some name or design ou a be could not get bome for several days
at the strangest of fruits. It has been said improvement, and ¡.11 salaries
ot inspectors and all necessary coat
piece of light paper, taking care not as the Ice prevented him from com
called "tbe king of fruits, as the or­
Coruls, when alive, are not white, but to breuk the continuity of the writing Ing up. We were very much disap­
of inspection in connection with
ange is tbe queen.” but there are many said improvement, shall be paid by
are of many beautiful and vivid shade» anywhere—that Is. all words must tie pointed. because we were Just then
who entertain no liking for It
warrants drawn on the general fund
of green, pluk, red, Brown, yellow, lav
When dry the writlug will about to bave a family gathering
There Is this difficulty about tbe du of the city.
ender or orange.
be luvlslble Fold over or roll up halt When we had assembled in the even­ rtan.
Its consumption presents the
All of the Lots, Blocks and Par­
A mass of living corals, when seen ■n Inch of each end of sueb a paper ing we talked about how delightful it
cels of land described as follows
through the wouderfully clear waters after It has been allowed to get dry would have been if father could have same obstacle to enjoyment as a ripe constitute the proposed assessment
of the tropical sea. Is a very beautiful and stund It on something that will come. My mother then took a book cheese. To eat a durian one must first district for the construction of the
and brilliantly colored sight There not burn. Light a match, then blow and read aloud, while we children overcome one’s sense of smell The sidewalks: All of Blocks 1 and 2; EXTENSIV® IMPROVE­
are a great many kinds of coraL Home It out nnd apply the glowing tip to worked, when we all heard the kitchen odor of tbe durian suggests 11mburger the North half of Block 3; the North
are rounded and massive and are aorne spot touched by tbe design (you door open and father’s well known cbeeee. onion sauce, brown sherry and half of Lots 7 and 8 of Block 4, and
known as “brain corals.” Others are can make an Ink mark liefore apply •tep come tn. He put down a ff>ox
An Unusual Large Yardage
broad nnd spreading or branched, while Ing tbe saltpeter to serve as a guide, which he was carrying, and we beard compared to the smell of a limekiln in Grove Addition to Tillamook City;
for Street Improvement Let
others are delicately formed aud very and n tiny glowworm of tire will him speak to the servant, who sat Lu
in One Contract for Bitul-
brittle. Others are covered with rose travel all along the lines traced and a side room.
tbe fruit, aud those Europeans whose adjoining the West side of Stillwell
ithic Pavement.
shaped or star shaped markings aud end by leavlug the device burned out
“ 'Oh. there Is papal’ shouted three sense of smell is not overdelicate con Avenue and the North side of Third
are called "rose” or "star corals."
of the paper. no otber part of it being or four of us together and rushed out tend that the
The citizens of Toppenish are cel­
durian is like rich but street; also all of that certain Tract
The openings or Indentations la any destroyed.
of land 105 feet North and South ad­ ebrating the recent victory of the
i to the kitchen to be the first to wel­
coral mark the spot where a coral ani
joining the South side of Third
By the use of a little Ingenuity nil come him
But there was no one
A British officer at Penang once street and lying between Stillwell enterprising element that has stead­
tnal lived. The aulmills or "polyps” sorts of amusing designs for this pur there We ran ta to the servant, but
fastly fought for progress in the re­
Avenue and First Avenue Weat.
are very almllur to sea anemones In pose can he got up For exumple. yoi she had heard nothing We thought
The work »hall commence within cent contest over the question of
form and have uumerous fleshy tenta­ can draw In ismcll or ink on the paper that perhaps he bad gone out again, to leave for borne. Among otber deli­
cacies an overripe durian was placed 10 days after the signing of the con­ hardsurfacing the streets of Top- ■
cles, which may be drawn In out of a picture of one Isiy throwing a base but no—there was no one. So distinct
tract, and be prosecuted with
eight when dunger threatens The en­ ball to another and also trace nti In ly had we all beard him. however, tliul npon the table. The guest, on being
such vigor that fill of the improve­ penish.
tire coral la covered with animal mat
visible curved line In the salt|>eter my youngest sister, who was rather this remark:
The council spent a-long time in- ;
ment work embraced in thespians
ter wheu alive, and It Is only after all from the hand of the thrower to that nervous, burst Into tears, thinking It
and specifications shall be entirely- investigating the merits of all the
the flesh la removed aud tbe skeleton of the catcher
completed on or before the date various kinds of hardsurfuce pave­
Then when you touch must lie s warning that something
season, but If you will excuse me I herein after stated.
Is bleached that the white coral ap
fire to the throwers band the tire wll had happened to him. It was tbe first
The contractor or
contractors ment and the joyful attitude of the
liears. All the corals mentioned are follow the saltpeter line right to th. time she had beard bls vardogr. but would rather not venture on it now "
Tbe durian is as large as a man’s shall complete the foregoing im­ average citizen of this progressive
known as “stony corals."
other's Im ml
my mother, who was well accustomed bead and Is covered with sharp spines provements within the time fixed Washington city is the result of
Another very large group of corals Is
Those who sis* the Ihlnic and are noi to It. said very calmly:
It grows upon a large tree, somewhat by the Common Council, towit: on the council's deciseon in favor of
tbe "horny corals,” or Gorgonian. The In the secret will lie much mystified
" *Go to bed. children, It was only
or before December 1st 1912, and
well known “sea fane.” as well as tbe as to rttiy the tire follows this line and papa’s vardogr. and now we know for similar to the walnut. When ripe it in
commencing said work shall bitulithic
falls, and if It should strike any one
"red coral" used for Jewelry, l>elong to does not burn the rest of the paper certain that he will tie home for to
The contract is one of the largest
without delay until com
the chances are that It would inflict pleted and if the improvements be
this group.
Salt|a*ter enters Into gun|M>wder ami morrow'
let in a city of similar size in
The natives, knowing the
Corals are not all confined to tropical wherever It has tombed tbe paper It
"Sure enough, an hour afterward we danger of a blow from a fulling durian, not completed within the time fix­ this section of the ■ Pacific North­
seas. There ^ire numerous ape< l<-s makes It burn.
had him safely home Now. since he strati'll rets under the trees lu popu
mook City shall be paid damages to west. All who favor 'the best and
found as far north as tbe Grand banks
has got older, aud especially since be tous places so that tbe fruit may be theamount of T wenty F ive ($25.00) cheapest in the long run” as a per­
of Newfouudlaud aud Greenland, but
Chemical Changes.
gave up going to sea. we hear him caught us It falls.—New York Sun
per day for each and every day be­ manent policy for public improve­
these are not tbe reef building aperies,
By taking some limewater and blow much more seldom. But lu bls youth
yond the|date stated, which amount ments will join with the citizen- of
but belong to groups Inhabiting tbe Ing one's breath Into It s tine white his mother heard him constantly ami
shall be paid by the contractor un­
deep sea
One afteclee Is quite com
less tiie time for the completion of Toppinish in feeling of gladness.
powder will lie formed In the wuter
sometimes even heard him knock on
mon on tbe coast of New England, but
The contract consists of about
improvements is extended by the
Ry adding some common salt to s her window nnd call her by name
Bermuda marks the northern limit of solution of nitrate of silver 11 thick Sometimes It woke her by night, nnd of political deception.
Common Council of Tillamook City 30, OCO yards.
“The thing waa as flagrant." be said,
reef buildlug species in the AtlaMlc.- white powder Is produced which. It she would rise and go to open the
The sidewalks shall be laid only
"as the railway case. Two men. one
Running up and down stairs,
placed In the sunlight, will turn brown door, but there was no one there the
of them very ebort, were passtng in dry and suitable weather.
sweeping and bending over mak­
Pour the juice of a red cabling« Into flrat time. An hour later he would
Vpon completion of the improve ing beds will not m ike a woman
through a station toward tbe train
Locating Himself.
a test tube or thin glass bottle, drop actually come That happened pnrtlc
meats in accordance with the plans
She must
Tbe telephone girl In a certala New In very gradually a solution of wash ularly when he was expected home gate«, when tbe bigger one was heard and specifications of the City Sur liea’thy or beautiful.
et out of doors, walk a mile or
York hotel answered a queer call over Ing soda, shaking the bottle every time from sea “
veyor and as shall lie provided m two every day and take Clinmber-
“ ’I’ve took a half ticket fur ye. the contract, and upon the same
tbe house exchange the other morning I you put the washing soda In. and yon
Another lady. Miss It., gave the fol
Yer so little ye'll pass all being accepted by the Common b in's Tablets to improve her <li-
about 11 o'clock. When she “plugged will see the red solution gradini Ih lowing account, which shows that the George,
ion and regulate her bowels.
lu" a man's voice said: "Hello! Is this i turning blue <)o on adding tlx- soda vardogr does uot merely announce right '
Council of said City, »»idcontractor ges
For sale by all dealerr.
“ ’But.' protested George, ‘bow about shall be paid fur said improvements
the Ho and so hotel F
solution, and the blue color will giv* what might naturally lie expected, but
my beard?' Aud he twiddled bls cblu in accordance with the provisions
“No.“ replied the girl, who wan way to green.
I conveys lmi>r««s|on» of facts quite un­
Few, if any, medicines, have met
jof the contract utid tbe Chat ter of
beard nervously
slightly surprised “Thia la Huck and
known to the in-raon hearing It:
» wit i the uniform success tlial has
“ Db.' rejoined tbe otber. 'tell ‘eu i [said City,
such hotel."
"It was m the year IWil
I waa It's a mole ’ "—Washington Star
lhat the contractor to whom the I attended the use u, Chamberlain's
Their Reward.
"Oh. all rightr' said the man. “Jaat
contract is awarded will be requii ’ olic. Lliol-ra
Dr. Strachan, blslrop of Toronto, w.-i« staying lu Christiania with my uucle
Woke up aud dl.lu't know where 1
ed to furnish a surety bond fur th Remedy. Tiie remarkable cures of
waited upon by two churchwardens and aunt, who bad uo children of their
was."—Now York Telephouo Review
Bildad’s Car.
faithlul performance ot the contract colic and diarrhoea which it has ef-
i who complained that their clergyman own. Unde and aunt went away for
“Well. Blldad." said Jlmpsontierry for a sum equivalent to ’><e >u’l lecled in almost every neiifhbnr-
two days and Intended to come home
Hie Favorites.
“I »oppose. now that you are llviug ou< amount of the same, having as' li.'od have given it a wide reputa­
lietween II and 12 In tbe eveulng
surety thereon. son e Surety t om. tion Far sale by all dealers.
“I am Inclined to ausi>ect tbe sobriety I tbe same sermon lie had preached It Tbe servaut girl bad gone bora» that 1» tbe country, you have a car."
twelve time«
The blabop asked for
pnny satisfactory to the Mayor and
of tbe last student lu our cloan."
the text. Neither of the churchwarden- night, so I was alone In the bouse.
».omrron Council, authorized to do
Tl-e iuipli.it confidence that
“Why, soF
neighbors and I have oue together.**
business in the State of Oregon, many (»eople have in Chamberlain’s
“When I asked him what wan bls could remember. “Go taick." said the bean! them come, I beard lb** »on nd
"Really F said Jlm(>sonberry "Co
" ' _ _ ___
and 7;______
Piar, ! mea
favorite studies lu ornithology be re­ bishop sternly, "and aak your clergy of the street door, beard them come operative arraugement. eb? Not a bua by city, successful bidder »bail ini Colic.
Remedy i» founded on their
plied swallows, bats aud tarts.Bal­ man to preach the serinou once more upstairs and upon the baH door aud Idea What make la ItF
I'eriem e in the use of that remedy
and then come back and teil me the
timore American.
“Oh. Juat plain trolley "-Judge
cil with a guarantee maintenance anil their knowledge of fhe many
It aeemeti to me
talk to each otber
remarkable cures of colic, diarrhoea
that undo carried
the amount of the contract; guar­ and dysentery that it has effected.
A Mar« Man’a Opinion.
talk about ‘being
Quick Action.
"Do you mean to tell me.” demand anteeing that for a period of five For sale by all dealers.
YRabe. bow cold did you ever see ItF careful.' I wondered wbat they could
ed Mr» Itti», kburat. "that it 1» a bue year» from the completion and lay-1
tiave broaght bome with them I ex
ing of said concrete sidewa'ka in
He said. "Well. str. one time when
jiected to bear them open the room »hing for a woman to bave an altn In proposed improvement district, he
I waa living down tn Pickaway coun
door and go tn. but suddenly all was Ita» F
will at his own expense repair and i
ty. In bog killing time, we had a kettle
J*" ’ raid Wbaekhurat. "especially make good any defects arising from
of bolllug water setting on the store, | “About ten minutes after I heart
The Adler-i ka book, telling how
If she's going to throw bricks Sha taulty material» or workmanahip
and we took It out In tbe yard, ami It •sactly the same noises This time
and due f the proper use of said you can EASILY guard against
Might hit something “-Harper’s.
fr.ee so doggone quick tbe lea waa they really «ame. and they brought a
appendicitis, and how you can
hot'*—National Monthly.
Wdlle’s Queetkea.
The City Rec-rrder ia hereby
little cousin with them. She was fast
A Change of Tone.
relieve constipation or gaa on the
“Pa. was Job a doctoeF
»sleep, and tboy bad to bo careful not
Too Bl um er ¡roaring with ragni
The Delay.
“Not that I know of.“
,en d“y" by PUbliah- stomach INSTANTLY, ia offered
wake bee
Next morning I told Who told yon to put that papar on the ing thia resolution
and notice, aak free this week by J. S Lamar,
Willie Chunipletah-D*ye know. Mlns them wbat I heunL and uncle said:
“Then why do people bave
wall? Decorator-Your wife air. Vor
P'°P°* b I»- in one iaaue of the druggist.
U lad ya. I hadn't lieen talking to your
to nay about the patienta at
" That la not so wonderful. You ■lumer-Pretty, lent It?-Exchange
Tillamook Headlight, on the Sth
father more than a coef.lv of minutes
Roeton Transcript.
bare only beard a vardogr ”
day of September. 1912 and to t ost
F or E xchange , desirable city
when be celled me » bratnleaa Idiot
Innumerable other Instance« Just as
IJf» I» a tragedy «herein we »It », thia resolution and notice asking property in Medford, Ore, for acra-
Indeed' I wonder what
j rvyoa., . cm or bef re »aid date in
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•»•viators awhile and then act our nan J™*« public place«, in Tillamook nge near Tillamook. H. C. Gloe-
ta Blackwood
ta ta-dwtft
vity, jOregon, inviting proposal» I cock, 236 Realty St, Medford, Ore