Tillamook Headlight, September 5, 1912 • JOHN Low-Bound Trips East. ATTORNEY •»« ■< I Oa th« I^atea Riven below, round trip t»< Ikete will 1.» sold from ASTORIA A"ND PORTLAND, to tbe points in the East shown be­ low. and many other«, at greatly reduced fares quoted. & COUN8EL- Tillamook Block,Tillamook, Or. Room No. 261, HISTORIC SWORDS A Pair That Did Duty at the Bat tie of Bunker Hill. ENEMIES IN THAT CONFLICT. In connection with North Paoiflc and Great Northern Railways. Detroit .............. $82 50 Dulut;;................ 00.00 Knnsoe City ... 00.00 Milwaukee........ 72.50 Minneapolis . 60.00 Montreal ------ -- 105 00 New York.......... 108.50 HENDERSON lor - at - law , Fast Train East Atlantic City... $111 00 Baltimore............ 107-.50 Boston.................... 110.00 Buffalo ................ 91.50 Chicago............. .. 72.50 ColoradoSpringa 55.00 Denver........... 55.90 L. T. BOTTS, A ttornry - at -L aw .* Complete set of Abstract Books no Hy;. Tates piid far non- TT Omaha .......... $80.00 Philadelphia. 108.50 Pittsburg .. 91.50 St. I.011 ia .. 7a 00 St. Paul.... tn 00 Toronto »1.50 Washington i07.ro Now They Are Clasped In Peace In the Massachusetts Historical Society Building—A Legacy From the His­ torian Prsscott and Hia Wife. BRAVERY AS A GIFT. ■odouins Do Not Look Upon Coward- ice •• • Disgrace. Tbe idea that not blog Is ao disgru< a- ful as cowardice is oue that is not held by all races. Among tbe Bedouins a sheik may be tbe leader of bls tribe ouly in peace. Wbeu there is war tbe chances are that be will relinquish hia leadership to the fighting sheik. "1 have not tbe gift of courage." once snld an Arab chief to an Englishman, apologizing for not putting himself a. tbe bead of a band that he bad seut to attack another tribe. Tbe Englishman learned that these nouiads esteem personal bravery aa a gift, for the want of wblcb a man is no more to be cenaured than be la to be blamed for not being IflTndseme. A Bengali says, without tbe least sense of shame. “I am timid." Yet lie will meet death, even when It ap proacbes in tbe form of the hangman, with tbe composure of a martyr. Tbe following instances illustrate strikingly this double nature of the Bengali A native bad been sentenced to death for killing bis wife. On the morning of the execution the officer who was superintending tbe bangifig entered tbe condemned man's cell, instead of fiudlng hint crouching in terror he was surprised to tie greeted with a low bow and a request. The man wished for some sweet­ meats with which to refresh himself on hia way to the gallows. They were ordered, and on tbeir arrival the pro­ cession set out The doomed man ate the sweetmeats with a relish as he calmly walked along’the way of death. When the gallows was reached tbe crowd which bad followed seated themselves on the ground. The man waited a few aec- onds to finish the last morsel, then mounted tbe gallows with composure and was swung off. Strange aa it may seem, that mna would hare been panic strlckeu at the rush of aoine wild rumor. Ills timid­ ity was natural, but his religion aud dlHcipllne had trained him to accept with calmness the inevitable.—Detroit Free Press. The most Impressive memorials of the battle of Buuker Hill are the huge I shaft over In Chnrlestowu and a pair Tillamook Block. of swords which bang crossed like a Both phones. I pair of <-las[>ed bauds over the door of I the building of the Massachusetts Hl»- I tortea I society. JULY Jfi. 29. 30 31, 1912. Both these swords were used in the arl haberlach I heroic duel of June 17, 1775. tba one by AUGUST 1, 2. 3, 6, 7. 12, 15, 1«, 22, 23, 29, 30, 31 1912. I the commander of the patriot forces, SEPTEMBER 4, 5 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 30, 1912 attorney - at - law . the other by the captain of one of the Stopover« and choice of routes allowed in each direction, I British war vessels which bombarded Final return limit October 31, 1911 I Charlestown and protected the cross- Tillamook Block. I Ing of the English troops. And for Detaila 9/ acbedulee, fares, etc., will be furnished on request I many years these swords, which had W. E. COMAN, Gen’l Frt. and Paes. Agent I not been beaten into plowshares after Porlpnd, Ore. T. B. JOHNSON, Gen. Agent, Aetoria, Ore^ ^^EORGE WILLETT, the Scriptural prophecy, but which had become the symbols of peace neverthe­ less. hung upon the wall of a great ArroMNBY-AT-LAW. American historian whose father was the son of the American commander Tillamook C' mereiai Bnildiug and whose wife was the granddaugb ter of the -British captain. It was to these weapons that Thack­ T illamook O kkgon eray referred in the very first para­ graph of bls novel "The Virginians.” which reads thus; bought here snd thus insure per­ R. T. B0ALS, M.D., "On the library wall of one of the manent satisfaction and freedom most famous writers of America there hang two crossed swords, which his from the many repair bills that PHYSICIAN & SURGEON relatives wore in the great War of In­ always follow the use of poor or dependence. The one sword was gal­ tillamook unseasoned lumber. Better try lantly drawn In the service of the king, and'the other was the weapon of ■ our ¡umber and ba done with It Tillamook Block. the brave and honored republican sol­ than to buy poorer and then ba dier. The possessor of the harmless trophy has earned for himself a name continually paying for repairs. alike honored in his ancestors’ country The best ia always the cheapest. and his own. where genius such as his s M. KER RON, has alwnya a iieaceful welcome." William Hickllng Prescott, author of PHYSICIAN & SURGEON “The Conquest of Mexico." "Ferdinand and Isabella." and other fascinating CRUEL PUNISHMENTS. Tillamook Block, histories, the grandson In his paternal line of Colonel William Prescott, who The Uss cf Torture In Legal Prooaesao Tillamook, In Former Timos. Oregon. held the bill against the British grena­ The constitution of the United States diers and gave the world the first taste of the valor of the Continentals and and the constitutions of the various whose wife was the granddaughter of states tn prohibiting cruel and unusual C. HAWK, Captain John Llnzee of the royal navy, punishments were not fighting an ab­ who commanded the sloop of war Fal­ surdity. The use of torture In legal con during the battle, was the writer processea waa not, when these Instru­ ments were framed, so remote aa It Is to whom Thackeray referred PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, The only son of Colonel Prescott of now. When Sir Thomas Dole came as high Bunker Hill, named for bls father, was A mericas F twmt F louri .’. g M hl » born thirteen years before the battle marshal to Virginia be crushed a cob - BAY CITY, OREGON. was fought In Charlestown. This son splracy by killing the ringleaders by ’ ack was educated at Harvard, graduating torture. One had a bodkin thrust with the class of 1783. Admitted to the through his tongue and was chained to Others were bar in 1787. be became eminent In his a tree until he died, LOAF R. BEALS, broken on the wheel, It is quaintly profession sud accumulated a fortune. 'VTHORITIES concede that ths F ishbr His wife was Catherine Green Hick- stated that Sir Thomas was "a man of F louxing M ills C ompany lias the most per­ ling. tlje daughter of a Boston mer­ good conscience and knowledge In di­ REAL ESTATE, fectly constructed, best arranged and modern chant who was afterward consul In the vinity." Dole’s date was 1811. equipped plant ever built in this country. It employs The next notable instance of the use F inancial A gent , Azores. The future historian was their only the most experienced millers and uses «elected of torture was In 1082, in the Salem aon. Eastern Hard Wheat and choice Western Soft Wheat 1 in producing Captain John Llnzee on that April witchcraft excitement, when Giles Tillamook, Oregon. day in 1775 was charged with tbs duty Cory was pressed to death—the "|>elue FISHER’S BLEND FLOUR of cannonading the rebels and cover­ dure et forte," the most horrible of Naturally, it costs more to turn out this new, high grade blend than ing the passage of the British soldiers. deaths. I it does to make simpler and less carefully bandied flours. Hence, Executions were In public through­ its price peT sack is slightly more. Inasmuch as it is net flour The British ships of war were moored H. GOYNE, but toaves of bread that we eat, and as F isher ' s B lend makes at various points in front of the out the east until comparatively recent more leave«, in proportion to its cost, than does any other a times. When Quelch. the pirate, and flour, housewives and others uetag h have the aatisfactkm Charlestown peninsula. six others were hanged In Boston, Bew­ of knowing that they are really yetring more and better Three years nfter the battle, on Aug. A ttornky - at -L aw values for their money. F isher ’ s B lend costs more 18. 1778, the Falcon was sunk off ail wrote in bls diary. "When the scaf­ as flour, but it gives more, both in auali’y fold was let to sink there was such a and quantity c; loaves, and is ♦he’-Vore Office : Opposite Court House I Newport. R. I., to prevent Its capture screech actual’y tre»*e e**onra«_al to bap the women that my wife I by the French fleet under Admiral beard it. of sitting and use than are the in our entry next to cheaper br»nd*. I D'Estalng. T illamook , O rkgon . Ore Price at All Dealer! I This Captain Llnzee's daughter. Han- the orchard." though the gallows was mile away and the wind unfavor­ I nah Llnzee. became the wife of one a able. I of the leading merchants of Boston. The use of torture to wring the truth I Thomas C. Amory, and It was the witnesses Is said to have been J-y. P. J. SHARP, I daughter of Thomas and Hannsb from as legal I d Austria iu»tM I Amory. Susan Amory. whom William recognized well within th« last century. I H. Prescott married. Thus the two RESIDENT DENTIST, I swords came Into the possession of one Needless Use of Opiate«. It Is perhaps a conservative estimate Office across the street froir the I family. The historian had a degree of pride that only 10 per cent of the entire drug Court House. I in bis ancestry snd liked to discourse consumption In this country Is applied I upon occasion about these swords In to the purpose of blunting incnrabls Dr. Wise’s office. I this respect he resembled Sir Waller pain. Thus 90 per cent of the opiates I Scott The weapons used to hsng over used are. strictly speaking, unaeces I the recess of the great window in his nary. In the Innumerable caaaa that I library used commonly as s reception have come under my observe Uno 7b per BA RUHET, I . Tbc Fashionable Tailor I room, where they were the more con- rent of the habitual users became oeck I eptcuous bfs'Stise of the thousands of without reasonable excuse. Beglnatng I books, the busts and the pictures by with small occasional dooes, they real Oauing, Pressing and Repai. I which they were surrounded It was Ized within a few weeks that they bad I from the room of the scholar that the«» lost self control and could not discon­ ing a Specialty. I ancestral memorials were removed to tinue the use of the drug.—Chart«« B. I the quarters of the historical society Town« In Century. Sfare in Heins Photographic I That happened In this wise: Upon the death of the historian It Tw» En,ugh Fee Her. Gallery. I waa found that the thirteenth Item In He was a small boy with a dart. ea­ I bls will read thus: "The sword of ger face, and ha was waiting at the end I am a power for great good if you do not abuse my uae. I Colonel William Prescott. worn by of the line of eight or ten persona for In cases of need—I do my work well. I him Io the battle of Bunker Hill, I a chance to make hie wants known to J. CLAUSSEN, I give tn the Massachusetts Historical the librarian. When his turn came ba I am a builder up of health and strength—in the hocpital LAWYER, I society aa a curiosity suitable to be Inquired briefly. “Hava you got Twen­ or in the home. I preserved among tbeir collections, and ty Thousand Lags Under the MeaF ” Çrutdchrr Jlbuohci. the sword which belonged to my F or the invalid or the convalescent—for the tired or over­ "No.” responded the librarian a Mie I wife's grandfather. Captain Llnzee of snappishly, for she was tired. Tto worked I offer a great help. the British royal navy, who command- thankfal to say I've only got tw«. and «13 Tillamook Block, led one of the enemy's ships during the they’re not under tba sear— New Tert A little of me goes a long way. same battle. I give to my wife." O k koon Prese T illamoo « I have been among you for three generations. When William H Gardiner on April 114. I8M». »ent a letter tn Robert C. All Ms Was Fit Pae. Winthrop, president of the Historical A tramp was passing a marten I m known as Cyme Noble throughout the world. REEDY, D.V.M., E. society, formally conveying the Infor and. seeing the man at the matton that the swords were to be ssked In a joking way, “Da come the property of the Institution rags snd bons»?" VETERINARY I he said as to the Llnzee sword. “Mrs "You're guessed it first Preacntt snd the other helra of Cap I chap." answered tba man. (Both Phone«). tain Lfntee unite tn reqneatlDg me to the scalea -fxtndon Talagn THE UNIVERSITY o? OREGON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL. Oregon, present at tba earns time tn tbeir be Tillamook ««eeprion of eoetof postage on papers and coat of half the sword of lhetr aocaator also Down the Rhine. VNIVFtaftT?* CITIZENS OF OREGON, forty that the two. enriched by all the mem "Ixwk at ibis beautlflnl ca t*<-t*d COURSES by MAIL. Ability to profit bv th» ronr*»e se- orles which now belong to them, may "Don't bother me. How can I r*<|9'rament for ann,wm»nt in the Correspondence da ' T. L Parka. Murrayville. Cia , «till bang together on its walla” »he rnldetswA If yon keep Ecr.rn«Ii— ’¿*9rtes ana offered in the department of Botany, Dobatinr. I Route 1. ia in hi« 73rd vear, and The letter road, a rover was re­ me to look at rocks and Electricity, Engliab Literature. Engltoh Compo- , waa recently cured of a bad kidney Phvsio. Drsw.ng, Phystea" Fkhteation. Washington Harald. and bladder trouble. He «ays him­ moved from a packet 00 tba officer» JSociology and Surveying. Write to the self ‘1 hare suffered with my table snd there were the swords His Anxiety. kidnaya My beck ached end I was emased preanmaMf aa the» bad been an «overt with bladder irregular <>n tbe llbrarv wait and as they are Mb»-Ton must a** papa r3'2?*tln re-1-ienca at the Uniitersity prepare for the Fra ttiee 1 can truthfully eay, one 50c, tnday^Boatoa Herald «or mariTeg» But don’t be J®?rnaH8"». Law Medteinr, and Teething Fa bottle of Fetey Kidoey Pille cured streit th» <>-ome II»— Whet f*to aei °^bc CuHa/? ..r*rt' • AiWr**» Rtorstar for cetetogiaee me entirely’’ They costsis no lou« aiaait is tbe income. Basa* Eton Edueart«. 7^ rngiaeerfftt. tbe College of Liberal Arte, the tysbd forming drug«. For sale al r-iueatfot,. Commerce, Medicine, and Mucic. jtortF«. Letner'a !*"• Ktor». Residents. DATES OF SALE. , C Build your house from lumber . Lumber Company Costs more - FISHER’S BLEND, Manufactured by the FISHER FLOURING MILLS CO-, SEATTLE, U.S.A. W. J. Van Schuyver Co.. Portland, Or. J SMOKE FOR A LIVING. Frsnch Tobacco Tosterà and Their Po- culgK Lina of Work. In the French ministry of finance there is a class of officials whose ue- ttvlty is little kuown to tbe outer world. These men are the official to­ bacco teeters, and they pass Judgment oa every kiud of tobacco manufactured la France. They consist of a chairman and live assistants, and from morning to even­ ing they have nothing to do but smoke cigars, cigarettes and pities, in order to arrive at au estimate of the differ­ ent ktuds of tobacco submitted to them. It ia not only the products of home industry that come before them for Judgment. but the cigars and cigarettes that are sold lu France have also to make their appeal to the decision of tbeir palate, and the pleasautest part of the day's work comes when It falls to tbeir lot to test the high price Ha vena cigars sold by the state. The officials who undertake this dlf •cult nnd responsible duty are ex In spectors of tobacco manufactories who have passed a certalu numtier of yean» In the state's service and have given proof of their capability for this pecnl lar kind of work. Their by no means light duty consists In smoking from • In the morning to 5 tn the evening, and very often It Is by no means the best kinds of tobacco with which they have to deal. The Injurious intliience of this tobacco debauch, which pro duces great dryness of the mouth and throat and might easily lead to nlco tine poisoning, they endeavor to com but by drinking grent quantities of black coffee, which acts as an antidote to the effects of the nicotine lmbllied And It is only black coffee that ren ders It possible for them to distinguish between and estimate the value of the various kinds of strong tobacco The danger run by these valiant offi clals can best tie gauged by remember Ing the highly poisonous character of nicotine ns brought out especially by the experience of a Croatian In the Crimean war. who. on finding a snake In a wall, knocked the bowl off his chi­ bouk and plnngeil the end Into Its mouth, with the result tiiat It fell dead at his feet ns stiff ns a piece of iron.— Hamburger Nnchrlchten. Everything Out. A “cub" reporter was sent out by hia city editor to cover a Are In the Back Bay district Before he could reach the house the Are had been ex­ tinguished and the tire department gone. Nothing daunted, the reporter rang the Dell of the house and soon was confronted by a servant girl. "I wish to see Mr. Robinson," said the reporter, politely tipping Ills bat ‘‘He's out,” tersely answered the serv­ ant “Is hie wife nt home?" asked the re­ porter. “No; she's out too." “Well," came back the reporter. "I understand you have had a tire here.” “Oh. that’s out. too." and the reporter went sadly away as the door slummed tai bls face.—Boston Traveler. A Suggestion. The retailer stopped one of hie old- eat customers on tbe street. “I want to apeak to you.” he tiegan. “Go ahead, anil see If I care." “You’ve got to care. This bill of yours has beeu running a long tlrua Bow." “Poor thing! How can you lie so cruel as to let It run a long time?*' “Well, what are you going to do with It?" “I'm going to make you a auggeo- tton. If that bill has licen running for as long aa you any It has give it a raat. Let it stand for a month or two.” —Cleveland Plain Dealer. A Wideawak, Prisoner. “The jury has unanlmoandv found you guilty, prisoner at the bur." snld the judge dryly, “but for some reason unknown to me they bars recommend nd you to the mercy of the court In view of your crime you must be bang­ ed. but in view of thnt recommends- tlon to mercy you may choose the method of hanging.’* “All rlgllt, you’re honor,” replied the prisoner “If that's the case I gne«s I’ll be banged In effigy.’’—Harper’« Allayed Hie Fever. OM Bachelor—Whatctier looking so Mae about, old man7 De Chapple— It«« aon enough. I«a»t night I drnmst Rally told Doc De Rocks that I «»» oaaaiimed with love for bls da ns h er and the old chump preecrllird ipil'Hiie tor a fever and said he'd send the hill later. - Boston Record. Fills the Bill. “A sentence with the word el paaore.'' the teacher demanded hihi h Stanly hoy put up bls hand “If yon fellows don't quit your gi. I Til exposure." he quoted gra ently from the noted return......tui«-. bed beard. —New York Times. The Paet's Reoet. Wnitam Watson Hays of the poet, sits above tbs clang and duet of light IndJeats that be take« to raaf when tila wife begins her bouse« leaning.—Cleveland Plain Curiesity, Where ne'ceity ends curiosity be n. and no s.«>n«r are we supplied * everything the nature can de­ ad than we alt down to contrive ar- I appetites.—Johnson. man who toils for a principle en- himself by the act.—Theodore