Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 05, 1912, Image 2

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    Tillamook M«adlignt,
■ ■"./
Advert lana Batea.
First Insertion, per line
4iach subsequent insertion, line
Business and professional card*.
e 1 month
1 r<’
Homestead Notices...................
limber Claims
................. 10 00
{¿ooals per line each insertion
Display advertisement, an inch,
1 month
All Resolutions of Condolence and
Lodge Notices, 5c. per line.
Cards of Thanks, Sc. per line.
Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen,
etc. miaimun rate, 25c. not exceed
ing five lines.
. ».
- -
ranks of ths administration's (Taft's)
detractors I believe Colonel R<x»ae
velt went to Africa as a refutation
of the pre-election assertion that he
would continue to be president and
he will endeavor to carry out that
policy when he return*
I believe
he is tieart and soul with Mr 1 aft,
tiecaase he has been there and
know* the inside history of the situ­
Alio he believes in the
sincerity -, ability and honesty of
Mr Taft.
So Dr. Coe believed in the
sincerity, ability and honesty
of President Taft, but as soon
as Roosevelt shied his hat into
the political ring, why, the doc­
tor turned the political somer­
~7 rates OF MH*Oll’TTOX
sault trick with remarkable
One year......... .. ................................ 1.6o agility.
Six months.................................
Three msnths ................................... ' fit!
» ...
a .I ■ 1
Entered as second class mail mat
ter July, 1*88, at the poet office at
Tillamook, Ore., tinder the act of
March 3. 1879
------------------- , ■ ,w. --------------------------
jjbe---------- S*MW’
Editorial Snap Shots.
Senator XV. E. Borah, of
Idaho, was one of those who
fought hard for Roosevelt in
the national convention, but as
he did not success, he would
not "bolt" the Republican
Although a personal
friend of the ex-president, he
sees no reason for forming a
new party, believing that the
Republican party is progressive,
a« the history of the party plain­
ly proves. Read what Senator
Borah. says about the B”ll
Moose party and the political
"The Chinese were more
to be d«*sir«Hl a» workmen if
not a« citizen», than the coarse
crew'that came crowding in
The progressive
party offers
every year at Eastern ports." me nothing new.- I fought for -the
Prof. Woodrow Wilson, demo­ eighi-hour law, direct election of
senator* and the children’» bureau
cratic nominee for president.
Attorney Henderson mir»
that he is going to give tin* Re­
publican and Democratic par
ties the devil.
Th«* offwr is
thankfully declined, Bro. Hen­
derson, for the reason that Ilia
Satanic Majesty Is in pretty
good company while in the
Bull Moose band wagon.
The Bull Moos« speaker ill
this siity Ififet week told one of
dttr citizen« that the object of
in the Senate, and we Progressive
Republicans put it through.
seems to me that on those three
iinportnnt plank* the Progressive
party 1* putting forth something
rather blinding to the public. They
are already law*.
The Progressive party leaders 1
talk about eliminating bosses. That
can’t be done as long as the pre­ 1
sent system remains.
The Pro­ .
gressive party will have just as 1
many bosses as any other party.
Direct election make* it harder for [
the bosses, but it doesn't correct
the evil.
rect information, he will tie
greatly disappointed, for al-
ready some fourteen rooming
, which
— were
— referred to
in the report as houses of
questionable repute, have prov­
en to be the contrary, the own­
ers publishing the names of
all those who have apartments
in them. There are a great
many persons who are ready to
criticise public officials and the
newspapers on account of im­
moral condition«, but when it
comes to taking an active part
in obtaining the evidence which
will stand in a court of law,
they sink into insignificance.
For instance, the chairman of
the Vice Commission, Rev.
H. R. Talbot, says:
"While there is in our report
sufficient data to satisfy any rea­
sonable man of the existence of
conditions as we have reported
them, a great amount of it is of
such nature that it will not hold in
court as full cause for indictment,
and prosecution. Therefore, even
if the members of the Commission
are summoned to testify before the
grand jury, I very much doubt if
testimony will prove of
practical legal value. .....
"Had it been our understanding
when we were appointed that the
object of the commissions’ work
was to be that of a prosecuting
instead of an investigating body, I
doubt if any member would have
been w illing to serve. Our report
was prepared and submitted rather
as something to arouse the public
mind to the conditions and direct
public opinion to seek for some
solution of the problem, than to
furnish evidence on which to base
a campaign of criminal prosecu­
Ex-President Roosevelt and
his followers have been de
because he "squealed” about
the Standard Oil Company con-
velt's campaign. It is only a
few months since that Roose­
velt endeavored to obtain the
assistance of Pen rose, but fail­
ing to do so, he turned on an­
other of his best friends and is
denouncing him. Penrose may
be a political boss for all we
know, but Roosevelt is in the
same class. The Philadelphia
Public Ledger throws some
light on this matter which
makes interesting reading:
September 5, 1B12
persons who have lately come
into the lime light, Mr. Brown
is one of those who is stirring
up class strife, and makes the
assertion that the two old par­
ties are boss-ridden, when in
fact, it is an established fact
amongst well informed persons
that both of the old parties are
more independent of the politi­
cal bosses today than they have
been for many years. 1 hanks
to President Taft who has done
more to thwart the unlawful,
unscrupulous trust inonoplies
and their political bosses than
any previous president, for it
was under ex-President Roose­
velt’s administration when so
many unlawful trust companies
came into existence. We will
not elongate on this further,
but will quote an editorial from
the Oregonian on this point:
"B oss -R idden , P rivilege -C on ­
trolled .”
Roosevelt charge that both Re­
publican and Democratic parties are
boss-ridden and privilege-controll­
ed is directly contrary to the facts.
Is La Follette or Borah or Cummins
or Hadley boss-ridden or privilege
controlled? Their whole
record proves the contrary They
have fought the bosses and privi­
lege consistently and persistently
are fighting still within the Repub­
can party. They are winning every
battle in which they engage. Nor is
the Colonel’s indictment true of the
Democratic party, as was proved
by the action of the Baltimore con
vention in denouncing the bosses
among its own delegates and
nominating the man the bosses
most fear. Wilson’s record proves
that if elected President he would
treat other bosses as he treated
Smith of New Jersey. We all know
what he did to Smith
The most stunning blow ever dealt
at the bosses and special privilege
was the passage of the Panama
Canal law by the joint action of both
parties in Congress. It has removed
the strangle-hold of the railroads
on water transporation and has
committedtheNation to a new ship­
ping policy directly opposite to
privilege breeding
policy which Roosevelt formerly
advocated. That law isa convincing
demonstration that the control of the
bosses and of the privileged cor­
porations is already destroyed with­
out the aid of Roosevelt, but with
the aid of men whom, when i in
office he persistently fought. The
Progressive movement
his help,
through the work of the men
who are
now the controlling
element in the Republican party
and those who have opposed it are
one by one, slinking into retirement
as docs Senator Perkins. The battle
was already won and the enemy'B
hosts were already put to rout when
Roosevelt rushed onto the field,
shouting “Follow me,” and merely
led the pursuit.
The contest between the Repub­
lican and Democratic parties is
being fought out on clearly-defined
differences of principle, and which­
ever party wins will govern the
country in accordance with its de­
clared policy, free from the dictation
of bosses or eleventh hour converts
to the cause of progress
Governor West, with auto­
cratic authority, undertook to •
[remove District Attorney Cam
a wide-awake Tillatnooker that eroni, of Multnomah County,
the Republican and Democratic last week, and only a short
parties could kill off a few poli­ time since Mayor Rushlight
tical bosses, but if the Bui! and Chief of Police Slover at­
Moose party killed off their po­ tempted to bribe the district at­
litical boss they would be op torney's deputy and ruin the
reputation of a promising young
against it.
attorney. Put together, these
two startling events are not
"It was learned yesterday that
A movement is on foot to r»*.- approved by the people, but it Cnl. Roosevelt sought the active aid
call Governor West, principally shows a bad state of affairs in of Senator Penrose in the campaign
on account of his saving the Portland.
Whether Cameron for the Republican presidential
nomination long before the lines in
necks of a number of cold has or, has not done his duty, the
Republican primary contest had
blooded murderers, and unlaw­ the methods the Governor and become clearly drawn.
fully «butting in to remove Dis­ the Mayor pursued should be Penrose, after careful consideration
trict Attorney Cameron, We condemned, as they are, by of the proposition and after having
his political friends in !
are not in sympathy with the those who believe in a "square consulted
this state and nt Washington as to
reeall law and hope it will not deal." Judge McGinn has de­ the advisability of aligning himself
be inv<\ked against the gover cided that the governor violat­ with Roosevelt in the presidential
nor,- for other recalls will fol ed the law in removing the contest, refused to throw his influ­
l«iwin rapid succession on the district attorney in the manner ence to the colonel, so the story
goes. The result of this decision
flimsiest pretext or for political he did. and as the executive was that Roosevelt then formed an
appears, to be such a sticker on alliance with ex-Senator William
the enforcement of law, here is Flinn, of Pittsburg, and E. A. Van
One heais a great deal these another instance where he present leaders of the Roosevelt ;
days what political bosses think violated it. It is certainly a m««vement in this state, joining, Dedicated to “Ola" Fuller
of otie another Wh.-it concerns disgraceful state of affairs when with them in a fight to eliminate , for a Post Prandial Enter­
the common people- present the governor, the mayor of Port Senator Penrose as a potent politi-,
and future prosperity is not land, the Chief of Police, and cal factor in Pennsylvania politics. I
Col. Roosevelt not only importuned 1
touched upon by the new the district attorney's and slier Senator Penrose very early in the A bane a vust good farmer for
more than saxteeu yare.
party's lx>«ses nr the demo­ iff's offices are at logger heads campaign, in fact, beforeit was cer-1
cratic spellbinders.
Isn't it and the governor making a tain that President Taft wculd seek A raise wheat and corn, and fat
some hogs and steer,
a renomination on the Republican '
well to 1st well enough alone monkey show of himself.
ticket, but Roosevelt waited upon A watch that farmer business close,
and not be fooled by the politi­
for where da money gits,
Penrose two weeks for his answer.
aye find it koming kwickest
cal agitators ? At no time in
will have Ilia As the contest had not taken And when
you bane pulling titts,
the history of Tillamook have builds full th«* next tew mouths definite shape and the leaders did
fella who* baneraising grain
the dairymen in this county and tboae who Late joined the not have a definite plan of action Dam and
hauling dam to town.
Republican pre­
’•ceil more prosperous t Im n Mull Moose party will find regarding
sidential nomination, Senator Pen­ Hay got no money in the pocket,
hay been broke the whole yare
th«*v ar« today.
themselves up ugiiitist some rose agreed to take up the propo­
sition with the leading figures in the
ugly disclosures, for it is be­ Republican party in this state and Dam fella whot ban fattening stock,
The Bull Mouser» call the coming more convincing every with the national leaders at Wash
bane rich and den ban poore,
sunp shot nmn a "standpatter." I day that the big interests mid ington. At the end of two weeks, Some time he make a plenty money,
sometime he Iosin more
\\ e lune iw> objection to that in {trust monopolies of the country following numerous conferences
dam falla wid dat brindle cow
the lenM, but ws. would object have been and are still giving here and in Washington, Senator Bur ha
got a bulla ting you bet
Penrose was convinced that it was
to be called a ‘¿bolter..” This is Roosevelt financial aid. From inadvisable
lose him whole yare’s if
to aid Col. Roosevelt in
the atfitirilc we took, mid wo Washington the news reports hia effort to be nominated as the
ground dry or get too wet.
Republican presidential candidate, Nen hail ban striking down da
think it i* perfectly consistent : say:
crop, an yust ban raisin' fits.
ami so he informed the colonel.
f lining taken i»urt in n Repub-
It is rumored that one of the Smarting under this rebuke of hia At night ha call dem prindles iu
I kuii primary, we decided to more sriisstioiuil »negations to be candidacy
and yust ban "pullin titts"
by Penrose, Col. Roose­
--w-........ velt turned to the enemies of the Hay got dam separator what make
siyiport the nstiouHl, state and made before the i in ____
a lot of cream.
county tickets from top to hot John D.
senior senator for support and
Archlmld and Senator almost immediately allied himself Ha got da money coming in y uet
tom And if the Democrats win Penrose visited Roosevelt
in the with the Flinn Van Valkenburg
like a pleasant dream.
at the < liming election it will lie White Hou»«* n short time before combination Both ex-Senator Finn Hay got da money in da bank, hay
the "boitera,
a money in him mitts'
and Van Valkenburg are implacable
Taft was held and .there discussed political foes of Penrose, and they Hay bane
no Rockafellow. hay
patters," who will defeat the with
Roosevelt a plan under which were zealous to seize u|x>n this op- ,
yust band "pullin titts."
Republican party.
lull would tie dropped by Roosevelt
Bv a narrow vote of three the
special election on Sstunlsi re
suited in ths Port of Bm City
beinfc able to take in part of the
tetrihoi which was in the Port
of Tillsniook
No doubt a suit
wjlldn* file«! against the Port of
Ba» City, for Attorney Dum-
w*ai has already rendered an
opttiioN that the Port of Buy
Cin- is not g legal corporation.
AthkiJhis is fought out in th«*
it is to l*e ho|w*d that all
fbrtfemS within the water shed
of Tillamook hay will see the
wisdom of getting together and
forming an* port.
Dr Cor. who is at the head
of the Bull Moose party in Ore­
gon,-like so many other« who
have turned Hteir backs on the
Republican party and are now
endeavoring to destroy it. said
in the spring of
th» latter anuoum lug himself for a
third term.
Roosevelt the story ran. talked
over the plan fol dropping Taft and
listened to nil bis then friends--
Rogers, Arcbbold and Penrose-
told him. but finally decided to
•tick to Taft for the time being.
Senator Penrose it is stated, is
prepared to give a full account of
all tbst Roosevelt said at that time.
Senator I*i Follette will assemble
• II the evidence tending to show
that the interest* back of Roosevelt
are the big trusts ,of this countrv*
tieaded by Perkin« and that they
• pent million* <>( dollar* in the un­
successful effort* Io make him th*
nominee of the Republican party.
It w** stated to day that Senator I a
Follette will have charge of the
assembling of all the evidence con
csrurn; the Roosevelt expenditure*
in the teisut primary campaign.
We hnve never had much
faith in spasmodic reform move­
ments, and with the .exception
of creating a little commotion
for the time being, they do no
good whatever.
From the
if Governor
' M hen i nions! Roosevelt returns look of things,
(from Africa, there will bs many West is relying o* the re port of
disappointed |>rraoas among ths
u for cor-
IMirtiinitv to cause trouble for Pen-
r«>se Subsequently, Senator Pen '
rose, who, as chairman of the Fin­
ance Committee, had been the
president's closest adviser, became
the leader of the fight to obtain the
Republican presidential nomination
This great institution opens its
for Mr. Taft. The bitterness of doors
fo- the fall semester on Sep
Col. Roosevelt towartl Senator Pen- f tember 26th.
Courses of instruc­
rose since the early stages of the tion
include : General Agriculture,
campaign for the Republican no*ni Agronomy,
Animal Husbandry,
nation is cited as proof of the fact Dairy Husbandry,
that Roosevelt had been disap- Botany and Plant Pathology, Poul­
pointe«l in his efforts to gain the try
Husbandry. Horticulture, En­
support of the Pennsylvania senior I tomology, Veterinary Science. Civil
senator in hia fight for the Re. Engineering. Electrical Engineer­
dhMican nomination for the pre- ing. Mechanical Engineering. Mi­
ning Engineering. Highway Éngi
neering, Domestic Science. Ikimes
tic Art. Commen e, Forestry Phar­
Some lew perrons listened to macy, Zoology, Chimietry. Physics,
the speeches of thfi Hon G. A. Mathematies. English Language
Literature, Public Speaking,
Brown, chairman of the State and
Motlern Languages, History, Art,
organization of the new partv, An h.tecrire. Industrial Pedagogy.
which simply amounted to this I hiaical Education. Military Science
Praising ex-President Roose and Tactics, and Muli:.
velt, denouncing the Republi­ Catalogue and illustrated litera­
ture mailed free on application. Ad­
can and Democratic parties and dress
Registrar. Oregon Agricul­
making false insinuations about tural« ollege. Corvallis. Oregon.
School Year Opens Sept loth
President Taft, who is rvspon
Oregon Agricultural
isblc for the unprecedented
You can get the genuine Eastern
four years of prosperity the
country has ever enjoyed. Like com feed meats at the Tillamook
Fred Company General Supply
a great many more political Store.
7 I
Land for Sale.
2UU acres of fine unimproved land
for sale, about nine miles from
Tillamook City, about 30 acres
could be put in cultivation with
small expense. Plenty of water,
vine maple, alder and crab apple.
Electrical aurvey through the place.
—J. S. Stephens, Room No. Iff, Com­
mercial Building.
Also House to Rent and Furniture
for Sale.
_______ _____
N otice
H ereby G iv „ ,
all whom it may concern • Th
Common Council of Tiiiain(X*
Oregon, did on the 20thi LltJ
Auiriu* 1912, duly adontOwt- J
No. 248. providing for *
tion of Sixth Street
t T**
City, Oregon, from the We*i u*
Second Avenue East to th» i? “ne
of said Sixth Street as it iA“’’
tablished in Central Addiiu,’*
Tillamook City, and the Sai^,1“
Notice of the Appointment ot Ad mon Council di<l on sai«t i °®
20th, 1912, appoint Georg»
M. Melchior and T. H.<,oyne
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—T o disinterested freeholders of Til"
all whom it may concern that the amook City, to view Blleh
County Court of the State of Oregon, street and make an ussesZ»!/*1
for the County of Tillamook, bus the damages and benefits or°’ °*
a «»pointed the undersigned adminis count of the laying out «>f the
trator of the estate of SAMUEL mentioned in- said Ordinance ¿2
PERREN, deceased. All persons did appoint Thursday. the2K»h s
having ciaims against said estate of September, 1912, at the hTu,^
are' hereby required to present the o clock p.m., at the Council RoZ.’
same, together with the proper in the Commercial Club Room» i
vouchers, to the undersigned, at Tillamook Block, Tillamook C,i?
the office of E. J. Claussen, Tilla­ Oregon, as the time and ,lla„ £
mook Block, Tillamook, Oregon, said viewers to meet.
within six months from the date of . You A re F urther Norm»»
that the boundaries and termi“’
this notice
August 15th, 1912.
of the proposed street, being
A lfred P erren ,
tinuation of said Sixth street
Administrator of the estate of ' described as follows: BeginD1.‘‘
Samuel Perren,deceased.
at the southeast corner of Bio«-» i
of Harter’s Addition to TillaS
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale Under City, and being in the West 1™
of Second Avenue East, and ru7
ninp« thence West 300 feet to th«
N otice is H ereby G iven , That southeast corn er of Block 1 of
by virtue of an execution issued out tral Addition to Tillamook Cit-
of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon;running thence
Oregon, for the county of Multno­ feet to the Northeastcorner ot B. «
mah, dated the 4th day of June, 2 of Central Addition to Tillamook
1912. upon a judgment recovered City; running thence East 300
by Thomas Boggess,
plantiff, to the West line of Se«*ond Avene,
against O. C. Edwards, defendant, East and running thence Xork
in the Justice’s Court of the Port­ along the West line of Secotj
land .District, in said county and Avenue East 60 feet to the place ■<
state, for the sum of Thirty and no beginning; the Eastern terminu
*| l(J0 Dollars, with Interest thereon of said street is the West line of
at the rate of 6 per cent per annum Second Avenue Easf, and tl»
from th* 6th day of April, 1912, and Western terminus of said Street a
Sixth Street,
the further sum of Four and 95 | 100 the EaBt end of
Dollars costs and disbursements, in Tillamook City, Oregon, a
which judgment was enrolled and the same is now established
docketed in the Clerk’s office of lying between Blocks 1 and 2 of Ces
said Circuit Court on the 1st day of tral Addition to Tillamook City, and
June, 1912, I have levied upon that the property proposed to be ap.
such purpose »
certain real property owned by said propriated for
defendant, O. C. Edwards, situated described as a strip of land 522
in Tillamook County, Oregon, des­ feet in width off the entire south
side of the said described street,
cribed as follows, to wit:
The W Jk of Sw
Se >4 of Sw Vi, belonging to Ida Martiny, and i
and the Sw V4 of Se Vi of section 34, strip 7.68 feet in width off th*entire
in Township 4 S of Range 10 west North side of said tract formerly
of Willamette Meridan, and, on the belonging to J. R. Harter, and not
7th day of September, 1912, at 10 included in the platted lot* of Hit.
o’clock a.m. of said day, at the ter’a Addition to Tillamook City.
And all persons claiming dama.
front door of the county courthouse
in Tillamook
Tillamook ges by reason of the appropriation
County, Oregon, I will sell at of the said property for sai«i street
iiublic auction to the highest bidder, are hereby specially notified to file
or cash in hand, the above des­ their claim for such damages with
cribed real property, to satisfy the the undersigned, City Recorder oi
said judgment and costs and dis­ Tillamook City, Oregon, before the
bursements, and the costs and ex­ time appointed for th«* meeting of
eaid viewers as above set out
penses of said writ.
Done by the order of the Common
Dated this August 8th, 1912.
Council of Tillamook City, Oregon
H. C renshaw ,
Dated this August 20th. 1912.
Sheriff of Tillamook County, Ore.
T B. H andley ,
City Recorder of Tillamook City,
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office,
Portland, Oregon,
August 12th, 1912.
of Blaine, Oregon, Conteatee ;
You are hereby notified that Jacob
A. Amacher, who gives 611 Third
St., Portland, Oregon, as his post­
office address, did on July 22, 1912,
file in this office his duly corrobo­
rated application to contest and
secure the cancellation of your
Homestead, Entry No. 03309, Serial
No. 03309, made December 13, 1911,
for E W c*f Nw i und Lots 1 and 2,
Section 30, 't ownship 3 South, Range
7 West, Willamette Meridian, and
as grounds for his contest he
alleges that said Harris Samuel
Lemmon has never established resi­
dence on saiiFlcnd, has never culti­
vated any part of the same nor
made any improvements thereon,
has never lived on said land, but
has wholly abandoned the same for
more than six months immediately
preceding the commencement of
this contest.
You are, therefore, further noti­
fied that the said allegations will
betaken by this office as having
been confessed by you, and your
said entry will be canceled there­
under without your further right to
be heard therein, either before this
office or on appeal, if you fail to
file in this office within twenty days
after the fourth publication of this
notice, as she—'n below, your an­
swer, under oath, specifically meet­
ing and responding to these allega
tiona of contest, or if you fail with­
in that time to file in this office due
proof that you have served a copy
ot your answer on the said con­
testant either in person or by regis­
tered mail
If this service is
made by the delivery of a copy of
your answer to the contestant in
person, proof of such service must
be either the said contestant’s
written acknowledgment of his re­
ceipt of the copy, showing the date
of its receipt, or the affidavit of the
person by whom the delivery was
made stating when rmd where the
copy was delivered ; if made by
registered mail, proof of such ser­
vice muat consist of the affidavit of
the person by whom the copy was
waa mailed stating when and the
post office to which it was mailed,
and this affidavit must be accom­
panied by the postmaster's receipt
for the letter
5 ou should state in your answer
the name of the post office to which
you desire future uotices to be sent
to you.
IL F. H igby , Register.
Date of first publication August
15th, 1912 ; date of second publica­
tion August fend. 1912; date of
third publication August29th. 1912;
date of fdurth publication Septem­
ber 5, 191Z
Byes Tested And Glasses Fitted
I am a member of the Optical
Association of America and hold
State License. AU work correctly
attended to and guaranteed.
Reasonable for
Cisse Work. Can furnish Refer­
ences to your satisfaction.
awhile —
, Now
. for
Jewelry Store. Addison H. Hanis.
Optician and Jeweler.
family re­
w cipes The for valued
cough and cold
cure, liniments, tonics and
other remedies have as
careful attention here as
the most intricate prescrip­
Our fresh, high grade
drugs will help to make
these remedies more effec­
tive than ever.
Right prices are also
!«**** a * •
Reliable Druggist
with the'problem of buying Hart«*'
you will find it distinctly adra’U
geoua to come and do your s*1*’
Ing here
You will get the
qualities, the most thorough
conscientious workmanship and-**
charged the most reasonable pn*«
We can supply single or dou-
Sets or any single article that J54
may be in need of.
W.A, Williams & Co
Veit Door to Tillamook Const» ®*’1
Ail Grocers Sell
Tillamook •
Baker’s Bread
for 6 LOAVES
FOR a Quarter