Tillamook Hsadligrn, August 20, 1912- r, fancy John Leland Jíendergoq fïon, lA good display OF XuwX^ïrt ____ j, the art ’ÏT of cooking, floral features of the display HOME PRODUCTS. the was certainly highly commendable. OKEGON STATE FAIR, Sept. 2 to 7, 1912 The cheese that made . « 1 ne cneeee iu«. ...- — Tillamook ---------- 1 Fairview and Nenalem famoU8 wa, what first met the eye First to have Exhibts of as one entered the hall. This dis­ play w’as from the Mohler factory, ROOMS 215-216, TILLAMOOK BLOCK, i Garden Truck Grown which, of course, met with admir- by School Children. 1 ation. Butter also played a part TILLAMOOK, OREGON. in the display, which had been 70 lbs. FROM ONE POTATO. 'placed in a glass case containing I ' ice. This firm is doing a general land business. Nehalem Had Splendid Dis-1 The center of «>* hall The senior member came to Oregon 42 years ago. . j - up with fancy work, and there was play of Dahlias and Fancy a‘larife disM,lay of most beautiful He is a Lawyer, Surveyor and Abstracter. Work and Other Products. ]ace8 antl fancy needle work. This The Junior member, Sidney E. Henderson, is was greatly admired by the ladies, Although the display at Fairview ‘ and it showed that the ladies ot a graduate of Oregon University, and is a Civil on Friday was a good beginning Nehalem are capable of producing Engineer and Surveyor. fcr a starter, it was hardly aa at­ as artistic and beautiful things to (Fair Ground^ tractive as that at Nehalem, yet it adorn the home as anywhere in; The Company makes a specialty of the follow­ had its special features, one of the world. It was certainly a roost; ing branches of the Land Business : which was the hospitality in invit­ beautiful collection, and highly, ing the visitors to a splendid lunch commented upon, Law—Abstracts—Surveying and Engineering The and the literary program which j The -. exhibits of fruits and vegta- —Real Estate—Fire Insurance—Farm Loans— vli.vo L«..i ' bles were on the right of the liall. followed with speeches from our < Conveyancing. Where Fairview These were nicely arranged and leading citizens. \. . beat Nehalem was in the amount. were shown to their best advant- They offer for sale the following choice pro- . ' ‘ ' »ire. of potatoes raised from one potato. age The display of potatoes were |>erty in Tillamook City and Country. Charlie Cater, who is a cripple, [ good. They were clean looking and SUNSET Price«. * i had the appearance of being fully j raised 70 pounds of potatoes from OGOINkSHASTA 1— 35H acre«. All in cultivation. 0V, miles S.E. of Tilla-. ROUTES It was the early Ore-j matured. One cabbage, weighing1 one potato, mook................................ .... gon kind, one being given to each 36 pounds, was the largest. All 2— 100 acres The Castle Rock Ranch 3,14 miles S. EC. of llebo ................. ...................... . ........................... ............. 7,000 pupil. Hie potato had 13 eyes and 1 vegtables and fruits had a healthy; 3— -80 acres. Raw land. 30 acres rich bottom. miles cutting it into 13 pieces, he sowed 1 looking appearance and for a be­ S. E. of city....................................................................................... 4,30) it with the above result. When dug ginning, was a good display. 4— House and lot on main county road. North of city On the other side of the hall was i the potatoes were not ripe and with limits. Only........................ ...................................................... 400 Makes Special 5— Two lotsand cottage. 2nd Ave. E........................................... 1,525 ! the exception of some large ones the culinary department, including' 0 One Lot S.E. of Catholic Church. Sightly......................... 300 cakes, jellies, bread, etc., and close they had not fully obtained their Low Round-Trip 700 7— Two Lota. One corner. S.E. of Catholic Church. Sightly. 1 growth. Leona Rupp was the to this was a large salmon swing-1 8— Two Lota. S. E. of Catholic Church. Sightly.................... eoo I next highest, getting 45 pounds ing in the air as if ready to bit at a I 9— One corner Lot. One Block S. W. High School. 750 hool. Cheap. Fares. 10— 1 Lot at Mohler............................................................................... 150 I from one potato. There was a good troll. 11— Part of Marolf Estate, 385i acres, per acre, $200............. Quite a number of curios were on ; i variety of other vegtablee, includ 12— Sightly improved ranch at Netarts Bay ............................ 10,000 t fng alfalfa, on display at Fairview, exhibition, which included a screan 13— Fine Timber claim. 100 acres in 3 3 of 10 W................... 2, eoo 14— The Ida M. Lilly Cottage and two lots ................................ i,soo and aa the ladies of Nehalem were made of shells and a piece of Ne-' j highly commended for their fancy halem bees wax which had just' And other properties. Some good trades. work and floral display, the ladies been dug upon the beach weigh­ of Fairview are likewise to be com­ ing 40pounds with '•67” deeply cut' This firm has taken over the Abstract Books mended for their hospitality in on the side, the figures being 10 i of the Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. and good serving a bountiful lunch, which inches in length. will and will continue to serve the public. That which attracted most atten­ was served in capital style. Those who grew and displayed tion was the beautiful display of • I vegetables were : At,ENTS FOR NORTHERN EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY dahlias. The stage of the hall was ! OF LONDON. Hazel Apsley,—Apron, potatoes, used for the floral exhibit, and it cucumbers. presented a gay appearance with a Leona Rupp,—Potatoes. splendid variety of these flowers. Florence Donaldson,—Pumpkin, Mrs. Fred Zaddach had the largest cucumber, potatoes, carrot, beet. display and the largest number of, Cyrus Norton, —Potatoes Charlie Cater,—Potatoes. varieties of the most choice kinds. | Ethyln Anderson,—Cake. To give some idea of the number Livestock, agricultu­ Emerald Tilden,—Radish. of dahlias she had on display, she ' I.yle Tilden,—Rootabega. ral, horticultural poul­ Henry Donaldson, — Pumpkin, had 200 varieties and numbers of i try and extile exhibits. squash, potatoes, cucumber, carrot, each of these varieties made up her 1 cauliflower, rootabega.com, onions, pretty display, Special exhibit school Mrs. Zaddach peas. I children. $28,000 in grouped her flowers in bunches Floyd Booth,—Sunflower. Mildred Johnson,—Cake, jelly. and blending the different colors, I purses for big race I.loyd Anderson,—Potatoes. placed each bunch in a jar. Mrs. I events. Big special Orleta Johnson,—Cake. B. A. Todd had the next largest I Arthur Bester,—Potatoes. features daily. and prettiest display of dahlias, Leland Bester —Cucumber. Ethlyn Crawford,—2 doilies, 3 having over 50 varieties in her col­ cushions, bureau scarf. lection. Instead of grouping her Tickets on Sale August Willfred Woodward, — Potatoes, display, Mrs. Todd selected long cabbage. 29th to September 7th, necked bottles and arranged them ( Willie Lucas,—Squash. inc, with Final Return in rows, each row being raised Limit September 11th. Those who obtained prizes were : several inches. One cactus dah-• Henry Donaldson, 1st prize on pumpkin i carrot, corn, rutabega, and 2nd prize lia was placed in each bottle, and For further information re­ | on onions. with the different colors artistically lative to fares, train schedules, I Ethlyn Crawford, 1st prize on fancy- arranged, her display presented a 1 work. etc., call on nearest Southern flue appearance. Mesdames Zad- 1 ; Charlie Cater, second prize on potatoes Pacific Agent ! Florence Donaldson, 1st on beets. 2nd dach and Todd have gone to a great deal of trouble and expense in ob ­ on pumpkins, cucumbers and carrots. JOHN M. SCOTT, It coiti you the lime as any other good whiskey. Mildred Johnson, 1st on cake and jelly. taining the choicest and latest var- 1 General Passenger Ethlyn Anderson, 2nd on cake. W. J Van Sohuyver Co., Portland, Or Arthur Bester, 1st on potatoes, and 2nd ieties of dahlies. Their display at I Agent, Portland, Ore. Nehalem on Saturday could not be ' on corn. excelled anywhere, and these lad- i Leland Bester, 1st on cucumber. Floyd Booth, 1st on sunflower. ies are deserving of a great deal of | Hazel Apsley, 1st on cucumber pickles commendation for the floral dis-1 •nd on apron. play which greatly added to the' Lyle Tilden, 2nd on rutabega. Notice. Emerald Tilden, 1st on radish. beauty of the exhibition. Willfred Woodward, 1st on cabbage. In the culinary department, , NoTica is H ereby G iven ,—To Thompson, ih. 00^ W' After the lunch the time was taken bought here and thus insure per­ up with the literary program and years old, received a prize for : Oregon, did on the 20th day of manent satisfaction and freedom speeches. This also proved inter making a cake. | August, 1912, duly adopt Ordinance from the many repair bills that No. Jesting, and was as follows: ““ 248, providing for a continua The committee of management tion of ___________ Sixth Street, _ _____ in Tillamook Song—“Hoe Out Your Row,” Five included F. A. Rowe, always follow the use of poor or , Mrs. Fred Childten. ■---- City. Oregon, — from ....... the West »» coi Tine ime o" uf unseasoned lumber. Better try Zaddach, Mrs. E. K. Scovell and , s*cond Avenue East to the East end , Recitation—“A Boy to His Teacher.” ¡of said Sixth Street as it is now es ­ Arthur Bester. Mrs. B. A. Todd. our lumber and be done with it tablished in Central Addition to Recitation— “Kitty Knew.” Mildred The Nehalem band, which was Tillamook City, and the said Com than to buy poorer and then ba Johnson. augmented by six pieces from the JJlon Council did on said August Song—“Hark the Song,” Quartette. continually paying for repairs. Speaking. ... Mr. Botts. Tillamook band, gave open air appoint George W. Kiger, The beet ia always tha cheapest. .1. ileichior and T. H. Goyne, three Song—“The Falcon.” Mr. and Mrs. J. concerts during the day, i “nd to disinterested freeholders of Tilla- Norton. Recitation—“Maud Muller," Hazel make the affair as pleusent as pos- amook City, to view such proposed Apsley. sible. a number of races took place street and — *— — make an assessment of Recitation -“Sid's Crops, ” Miss Myr- in the afternoon. the damages and ¡benefits on ac­ tie Mills. count of the laying out of the street Altogether the affair was a - great mentioned in said Ordinance and Song—"Love’s Old Sweet Song.” Five success. I I Children. Childr It is predicted that next did appoint Thursday, the 26th dav Demix-ratsboast in August. In No­ I < Speaking. .. .n be >- on __ a . large of September, 1912, at the hour of 8 - - . Supt. Buel year the lair will ’ “ T Song—“Larboard Watch,“ Mr. Norton scale with a larger display of dah­ o clock p.m., at the Council Room, vember the shutter, go up at 8 p ni. and Mr. Mills. lias, tor it seems that Nehalem is in the Commercial Club Rooms, in Between Taft, Roo.evelt and tl e Follow the arrows to Drew Addi­ Recitation "They Went Fishing.” geiug to take a lead in raising and Tillamook Block. Tillamook City Lyle Tilden. devil, Col. Watterson intimate, Oregon, as the time and place for ( Recitation—"Goin' a Courtin’,” Hazel displaying these gay looking flow- said viewers to meet. that he will try and get uloug with tion from the Poatoftlce. | Ten Dollars down and ten dol­ Apsley. F urthir N otified ers, which do so well in Tillamook I*UY«°K. Wilson. lars a month will secure you a Speaking, . . Mr. A. G. Beals County owing to climate condi­ I that the boundaries and terminus A herculean job : Probing the choice lot in Drew Addition, Follow Song -“America," All. . of the proposed street, being a con­ tions. tinuation of said Sixth street are grading operations of Tamil uuy, the Arrows, from the Postoftice | I he display at Fairview was more Notwithstanding that the editor de8.v:nb«d •• follows -------------------------- Beginning the leadtutf Democratic urgumta- Drew Addition lota on easy pay- strictly in compliance with the idea made every < effort to obtain ____ the “1 I? ?oVth!“8,, corner of Block 1 tiun in the U ni ted State*. ■tents. of those who started the movement entries and the names of those LHarteI ? Addition to Tillamook anM uciuji m me proceeding, President Taft's Drew Addition hue city water. to encourage school children to who received premiums, the reason ------- of Second line Aveuue East, against Hie fluita have been too Drew Addition will be just one grow vegetables, for it was confined that they are not published in this 1 ninK ,hence West 300 feet" to f the vigorous topless« the colonel or bi. > block off the street pavement. . to them, whereas Nehalem branched issue is that Mr. F. A. Rowe prom. e * T„ ock * 1 1 Ul orom- l ! . * 8O, ‘} ? ,h ,h :V; .8.t i^ corn r O, of * »?' Block of £en' Cen- ’ ...... .... . . A. Rowe prom- • fa ..... ------- uen- chief financial man.war. Nr. Per Secure a lot in Drew Ad lition on ou* ,n other home products and ■ shed to send them to us. but over- OrJu-An dlt'°n tO Tillamook City, looked this and earned the copy feet to the North^s ’ t ’ cornei^f ’ Bloc^ kina. the easy payment plan now offered ,nu‘’feet features of the exhibition. unel'a idea that be can nettle any- I in Drew Addition Now before it is ant ......... EaS/ 1 1,ne Ot Second Avenue No doubt that Fairview will add al»»» od r""n,nff thrn,e North thing with one whack of the big too late. Rollie W. Watson. Agt. along the West line of Second a floral display next year, for there J. S. LAMAR, DRUGGIST, •tick. I Avenue East 00 feet to the place oi are many pretty flowers raised in DESERVES PRAISE. beginning; the Eastern terminus There ia no longer any reason that vicinity. why the Populists should maintain J. S. Lamar, diuggist. deserves t sL?id*tT’ *’ ,hc West ,,ne “< A delegation from the Tillamook second Avenue East, and the a national organisation All of tha The ”Pro